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Body Vibrating Upon Waking During A Nightmare


A few months ago I had awoke from a nightmare and my body was vibrating as if I had a cell phone in my chest. I was about 4 months pregnant and can't quite recall what the dream was except that a ghost or a spirit was sticking its hand into my stomach to get my baby.

As I slowly woke, I had first thought my bed was shaking but then I realized it was me. This has never happened to me before. I even went to a cardiologist after this had happened only to be told my heart is fine. Also, later that night I ended up having another nightmare. I don't know why this happened and was wondering if anybody can give me some insight on this.

My mom tells me it's just a weird pregnancy dream but I don't think so. I have seen shadow people since I was fourteen and experienced weird phenomena over the years but never have experienced this before.

It scared me so much that I sleep with the lights on until my husband gets home from his nightshifts at work. I'm 31 years old and shouldn't be afraid of the dark but I am, sadly.

I did notice that some weird stuff had been going on in my house over a year span. Like one night my daughter had asked me a question and I didn't respond right away because I was applying lip balm and something whispered from the corner window. It was low and unintelligible. I looked at Maddy and said "Why did you answer your own question?" And she said "But I thought that was you whispering?" And we both knew that something was weird because the voice came from the the corner window behind the curtain. We were scared and grabbed each other. We live in the country and we are all by ourselves so I know that it wasn't anyone playing a prank.

Another time, a bowl with milk and cereal moved on its own across my kitchen table. A different night, my daughter came to me and told me a shadow person came from her closet and touched her while she was sleeping on her side, she was in sheer panic mode. And I believe her because I have seen them myself, even while awake and doing the dishes. I don't know what is going on? These things only happened every once in awhile, but are still scary nonetheless. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Justjess, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Aaru275 (4 stories) (55 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-07)
Thank you for sharing your story. I think you should call a priest if these things are very frequent. And about the dreams, I think during pregnancy women encounter weird nightmares. But I am not sure if that is the reason of your dreams. Good bless you and your family.
Myst (63 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-03)
Regarding your questions on lucid dreaming: yes, it can happen even if you know nothing about it. My first lucid dream happened at age 4. I was dreaming about a western town, complete with horses. I knew I was going to wake up, and wanted to bring a horse with me. I very tightly wrapped the reins around my hand, and was terribly disappointed to wake with my hand empty- but still in a fist. At age 4 I had never heard the term lucid dreaming. However, at the same time, it did not seem unusual to know I was going to wake up.
Justjess (2 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-03)
OCGirl, no my cell phone was plugged into the wall because I was sleeping. I do this every night as to charge it while I sleep and it is not near my bed. It was just weird because the body vibration had never happened before and then with the nightmare, it made it ominous and strange.
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
Almost every week there are new stories. Sometimes when they get backed logged, because it does happen, even story submissions will be suspended for a short time.

It's my understanding the mods do this for the love of the community. It's not a paid position, they have their own lives & take time out of that do review & publish

There are tons of stories for you to enjoy. You can even sort topics! Happy reading! 😁
OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
Wow! That must have been very off putting Justjess, especially when expecting. Like some of the other moms on this site, I think every pregnant women experiences something super odd. I remember having a dream where I woke up, opened my kitchen door & saw 2 white cats walking around in my garden. Their movement was very smooth almost unrealistic. I made a tray of cat food with some foil & placed it outside. When I woke up there was a empty foil tray, but I have never been sure if I was dreaming & this was some other makeshift dish as I've done before for strays, was I walking in my sleep, or did I do it & the details are just fuzzy? Pregnancy weirdness!

I have a thought on the vibration, many people who carry their cell phones & keep them on vibrate have reported occasionally feeling that same vibration buzz even when they don't have the phone on them. I don't know if that what occurred in your case, but just a thought.

Thanks for sharing
Paul1977 (13 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
Miracles! I have been a fan and daily user of this site for around 5 years. All I am saying is that new stories are not updated as often as they used to be. I don't know the reason behind it. I do not mean any offence. It's a great site with many amazing people that share amazing stories. Keep up the great work. Thanks...Paul
Paul1977 (13 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-02)
I understand that there are 16, 500 stories posted on here. It's a shame that no more have been posted in over a month. I am sure you understand that everyone who takes the time to sit down and share their experience will also be waiting for that to be published. Thanks...Paul
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-01)
Paul1977: There are currently 16, 457 published stories on this site. If I may be so bold as to direct your attention to the tab at the top of the page that says, "GHOST STORIES", I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time while we're busy living our lives.

Thank you for understanding! 😊
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-01)
Well, something tells me that I should not be commenting in this story anymore?
I have done a research about dreams and body vibrations, and found that it's not necessarily spiritual.

Here is why, we as a human tempt to have nightmares when our sleeping position is incorrect, that is like, not letting the body have a normal blood circulation. The vibration that you had felt might be some nerve reactions when your brain naturally feels that your position is incorrect and not natural. Hope that helped a little.

Love from São Paulo


PS I do apologize for some uncomfortable comments in your story; this community really tries to help people out from the maze of the "Paranormals". Please stay to learn more about it, I do recommend it.
Paul1977 (13 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-01)
Anymore stories will be appreciated. There are only so many times I can read the same stories within 1 month!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-08-26)
Okay, moderators are watching and it's time to return the comments to the story. Any additional comments not directed to the o/p or about the o/p's experience will be deleted. If you want to continue with this line of conversation, take it offsite.
Monty998 (1 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-26)
I ain't asking no one to Skype me no more. It's a thing of the past neither I am offering anything to anyone. But everytime I login to read a new story someone somewhere has patronized me. Speaking about there is no expert in supernatural, I agree to that. I want to be a part of this community which is why I came here and put whatever is true in my bio but it seems people here cannot comprehend how that can be true because it's either too good to be true or I am bluffing. So I had it edit it. I thought people who are pre exposed to this side of life will understand this. Guess not.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-26)

I wouldn't worry about that vibrating feeling in your chest unless it gets worse. Sometimes when I get waken up from a nap I feel like every molecule in my body has to rush back into place.
The dream was probably a pregnancy nightmare. Pregnant women get weird dreams just like weird cravings. I got some bad ones but they didn't worry me I had a sister and a sister in-law also pregnant when I was pregnant with my first and they said they had nightmares too.
Do Rooks cleansing/shielding method and that will rid your house of any malevolent spirits. You may need to do it more than once. The rest of them tell them that it is YOUR house now and you would like them to leave and find the light, OR as I would put it say you are not welcome here now get the heck out of your house. Pray to your deity and teach your daughter those prayers or do them with her.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-26)

I will say this as nice as possible. You simply have to stop telling people to Skype you it really is inappropriate. We have teenage girls on this site and it would be REALLY inappropriate for you to tell one of them to Skype you. You can tell them if they would like to e-mail you that is fine.
BUT as Rook said there are NO EXPERTS when it comes to the SUPERNATURAL... Just people looking for answers, now I'm going to add that WE as a COMMUNITY try to help people.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-26)
(Taking deep breath... Letting it out slowly)


It has more to do with the way you worded your comment to the OP. While individuals do come to YGS seeking answers to what they have experienced making a comment that sounds as if 'you' have the only solution and they need to contact you immediately is not a reply that is taken kindly... There are many different belief systems represnted by the members here and most of the time offers of aid or answers are given like...' In my opinion' or 'It's been my experience' Heck even a 'you may wish to try...' is taken better than a 'contact me now if you want help' statment.

I hope the OP returns and we, as a community, can offer advice and aid that works for them.

There are NO EXPERETS when it comes to the PARANORMAL... Just people looking for answers.


Monty998 (1 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-25)
It is not for you to tell people what to do and what not to. And you hope the moderators are watching? I really hope that the moderators are watching because despite me and rook are now ok few others seems to have a problem. Is this what you want a fight? Can we not get along?
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-25)
I noticed when I would become pregnant the 'weird' stuff would magnify. Don't know if it was from hormones or what, but it was frustrating.

I specifically remember with the 3rd (2nd baby) I had this horrible dream of this shadow thing with black stuff coming off it (think bad guy in a video game type) over my bed and trying to get at my stomach. That was the only time I screamed out loud and woke up waving my arms, and yep, terrified.

Didn't go back to sleep that night. Or that week actually. I had 'salted' the windows as my friend suggested (had shadow people myself) and that was the result. I vacuumed up the salt and the spooks seemed to go back to the far side of the room where they usually were.

I think if there are shadowy people to start with, adding poor sleep and pregnancy hormones may make things a bit more intense.

I'm sure you'll be right as rain - my second pregnancy ended at 8 weeks, I was constantly freezing cold (think sweats, blankets, and 80F and still shivering) and I had a very bad feeling about it. Dreams were always of blood, never shadows or anything like that. Probably TMI here, but I think you can rest easy on that front - the previous comments of curses, witchcraft, demons, all BS and very ignorant comments.

The 3rd, with the weird dream, perfectly fine, healthy and wonderful, so no worries there. Having a good meditate and imagine yourself and kids in bubbles of happy bright light, then expand that to your house and yard is good to do, pregnant or not. I finally got rid of the shadows, oddly enough, after cutting down the trees in the front yard. But before that, nightly meditation when everyone else was zonked out helped.

And as a side note, please DO NOT EVER add people you don't know on Skype, that is extremely dangerous! I'm having a real problem with that individual's comments, I wish the moderators would watch that specific poster a bit closer.

Good luck with your baby and many blessings!
Justjess (2 stories) (7 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-24)
Thanks for your comments everybody. I am not sure how to respond individually as I am writing this with my smartphone. Although I would like to if anyone can tell me how to do that.?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-24)
Hello Justjess, I welcome you to YGS and thanks for sharing your experience. I feel that the body was responding to your nightmare and that was the reason why you were feeling as if your body was vibrating. I don't think it has got anything to do with paranormal but just the response of the body, as Rook said, in burning up extra adrenalin. Secondly, many grownups are scared of darkness and I know a friend, who is about 50, he won't sleep alone and even if he does, it will be with full lights on.

Again as Rook advised, it is better to note down the things that are happening at the house, your experiences in the form of a journal and try to know about the history of the house. Please don't get scared and that is quite important. Trying out cleansing is an option.

Please do share with us the updates.

Regards and respects to you.

PriyankaMenon (2 stories) (41 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-24)
try rookdgin cleansing ritual it's very helpful and simple. It has helped some.
PriyankaMenon (2 stories) (41 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-24)
some people are sensitive to paranormal may be you and your daughter could be one of them. Do you see these shadows only in your home or you can see it everywhere? A curse on you I can't say. But try cleansing your house through religious ceremony. Try to find out the history of place, may be that could hold answers to your question.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-23)
Based on what you have shared I'd like to ask...

How old is your Daughter? (no need to answer if it makes you uncomfortable)

How far along are you in your pregnancy? (Congrats on that by the way 😁)

The 'vibration' you felt may have a SIMPLE non-paranormal explanation...Adrenalin...if you got scared, mad, 'worked up' in your dream then the 'vibration/shaking' may have been your bodies natural response to those things and the 'extra adrenalin' was simply burning off causing you to feel like that.

I am not saying I disbelieve you... Quite the opposite actually... I think a Journal would help you... As well as a cleansing/shielding ritual. I have one posted on my profile or they are pretty easy to research. As far as the Journal goes, it will help you keep details fresh and if you and your daughter both keep one you can look for commonalities and hopefully figure out what is being experienced in the home.

Thanks for sharing and please keep us updated.



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sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-23)
Hello Justjess,

Welcome to YGS and thanks for sharing your experience. I think you should look into the history of the house as well as that area as to know if there's any deaths there. Maybe some activity's going on there. I'm really scared about the nightmare of a spirit trying to get your get your baby. You should try cleansing and shielding your house using Rookdygin's (a respected poster here) method.

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,

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