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I Think My Place Was Haunted


Few years ago I used to live in a lovely lakeside apartment in Ontario. The place was new. Since I moved in with my 2 kids, I never had any problems. Until one day I decided to buy a Ouija board.

I tried several times to use it but it never worked. So I decided to keep it in the closet. I also used to read about paranormal stories every night before bed time.

I always keep my balcony door open. Moreover, I used to stay in the bath for a long time. I really don't know which of these activities dragged some demons to my place. Anyway I started hearing someone calling my name. Not only me, even my son use to hear his name and it's neither any of us calling.

Every night at 12 am I hear something falling from the kitchen table to the ground. Every day for weeks. One time I was asleep I opened my eyes and I saw the ceiling so close to my face as if I was floating in the air then I closed my eyes, immediately frightened, then I woke up every thing was normal.

One night I was asleep and I woke up in the middle of the night I saw a black scary dog laying on top of me. I was freaked out and it disappeared afterwards. The second day I decided to get rid of that Ouija board.

At that time I used to have nightmares every night. And one day I was having dinner with my kids while watching the TV for a second. I turned my head and I saw a little ugly boy about the age of my kids eating with us and he disappeared. He wasn't human, he looked like a dead boy. I don't believe in souls being trapped but I believe that demons exist.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nusa33, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
lady-glow, Miracles, & Red:

I had a quick look at the other website, which has a banner containing a random photograph of Regent Street [it looks like the photo was taken from the awkward corner with Glasshouse Street], and I found their "Our vision" statement. Yes, that's a direct quote with improper capitalization. Just as announcers on commercials state, 'but wait... There's more!"

Their vision is to be different: "Unlike any other social platform, we aren't just here to entertain, we intend to add value to your life, make it more meaningful and fun.
We believe that since life doesn't stop teaching, so we should never stop learning.
We promise that with Firstpinch you will make perusla a habit you will want to stick with."

Or, perhaps they intended to state, "Unlike any other social platform, we aren't just here to entertain (;) we intend to add value to your life, [to] make it more meaningful and [more] fun.
We [believe] that [delete "since"] life doesn't stop teaching, so we should never stop learning.
We promise that with Firstpinch you will make perusla [I suspect "perusal"] a habit you will want to stick with." ["with which you will want to stick" avoids the dangling preposition, but I have the horrible feeling that anyone associated with this site is revoltingly sticky.]

I think that any persons involved in ("responsible for" just sounds too mature for the subject matter) assembling that site should be forced to re-type the entire damn thing in correctly-spelled sentences.

-Curmudgeonly grousing (as usual), Biblio.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
Reading your story and the story outside this site, it could be what some people will consider as a "Cerberus". No, not a three headed monster dog that the Greeks and Romans believed in. It is somewhat like a plague carrying spirit that very few investigators have records on, they are mostly what people "shape shifters", so they came in many monstrous forms that you can think of. Well, if this story is original it will even be better, true or not I will let others judge.

Love from São Paulo

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)

I demon or ghost is not bound by our 3d laws of physics that we have to live with while on this earth. It doesn't need a physical door open or someone taking a long bath to enter a place.
A human spirit needs only to remember a place from their own life to be there.
For what its worth, true demon/human interaction is extremely rare.
I mention this to you because so many people hear a "bump in the night" and assume "demon.
As for floating while in bed and seeing the scary black dog, I would caution about anything you see while sleeping. Dreams can seem extremely real at the time and you can convince yourself your awake when in fact your still dreaming.
There is a condition called "false awakenings" when people actually believe they have got out of bed and started their day only to wake up a short time later.

If you are "into the paranormal" as it seems by using a OB and reading paranormal that's fine. But if it truly scares you then I would advise that it may not be the best hobby. It is very very real and can have very real consequences.

Best to you
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
RedWolf - there may not be an ownership clause on the other site 😕
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
The picture of the o/p on the link provided by lady-glow shows a teeenaged boy. I realize this doesn't mean the picture is definitely of the o/p, but after viewing most of the info provided by Aryman, it appears to be age appropriate. Also add to that "pinched a post", I'm inclined to believe Aryman did "pinch" this story. If not from our site and our o/p, then from another.
Nusa33 (1 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
I'm using my mobile to answer you guys and I checked the other website some one did copy paste my story from this website
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)

You are spot on. This story was written word for word down to the last letter.

Nussa: Plagarism is a serious offence and frowned upon by this site. Even IF you are the original author you can't just use it without permission from the owner of the other site.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)
Nusa33: may I ask what's your faith? I'm not familiar with the idea of demons liking "path rooms" (bathrooms?) and would like to know the reasons your religion offers to sustain this belief.

Also, if your house, obviously, wasn't an unoccupied place, -why would it attract a demon to move into it? 😕

I find it hard to say this but the grammar in your comments is ways too different to the grammar in your story, to the point that it makes me think they were written by two different people; and the fact that your story is shared in "Firstpinch True Stories & Sightings" by a person that goes under the username of Aryaman, well, doesn't exactly help to change my opinion...sorry!


I want to think that your last two comments were submitted from a mobile device with, not always helpful, auto-correct, otherwise I cannot help but wonder if you just shared some one else's story in this site.

I would appreciate your input.
Nusa33 (1 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)
This expermment lasted for more than days it took weeks. After getting rid of the o.b my sleeping patterns got better nightmares where reduced I started reading versus of my holy book this got a lot better
Nusa33 (1 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)
Hello sorry for the delayed. Yes it's part of faith that demons like graveyards and path rooms dirty and Un occupied places
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-19)

"I don't believe in souls being trapped but I believe demons exist" was your last comment in your story. I don't understand this statement. Have you seen a Demon but not a ghost?

I grew up in a haunted house with a spirit that didn't like me in the basement. He wasn't a Demon but at times it could be malevolent at times. I also believe in duality, you can't have good without bad on the other side.

As far as the O.B. Goes you can't "play" with an O.B. By yourself. You will just be pushing the planchette to answers you want.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-14)
Sorry to come back with yet another question on this one, but it's been bugging me.

"I always keep my balcony door open. Moreover, I used to stay in the bath for a long time. I really don't know which of these activities dragged some demons to my place."

How does the bath relate to letting things in?😕 Is this part of a faith or something?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-14)
"...I turned my head and I saw a little ugly boy about the age of my kids eating with us and he disappeared. He wasn't human, he looked like a dead boy..."
...huh?... Aren't boys, even dead ones, humans? 😕

What do you mean by: "The second day I decided to get rid of that Ouija board."
It seems to me that your experiences lasted for many more than only two days between the day you bought the board and the day you got rid of it.

What happened after you got rid of the Ouija board? Did your nightmares persist? Were you still reading paranormal stories at night time?
Personally I wouldn't discard the possibility of those stories having an influence on your dreams, nothing paranormal about it.

What makes you think that you summoned some "demons" even after several unsuccessful attempts at using the board?

Could you please provide more information about what happened after getting rid of the board?
skylark574 (2 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
Quija boards have appealed my curosity a lot of times. But, I have never given in.
I would also like to know why you tried one, when you didn't believe in the existence of trapped souls. 😕
I think it's good yout rid from it, though.
Reney175 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-09)
My sister used that board before with some friends of hers... Stay away from that thing. I heard it will bring bad experiences. I have never use that board and I have had many experiences that are very hard to logically explain. Most of my experiences are of things falling but I have experienced lights going off by itself, I have seen what I believe to be a spirit in a misty form. I was reading while laying down on my side, with my back towards my bedroom door. I turned around to look at my doorway and in the hallway... I saw a misty figure come up the steps turn and go towards my daughter's room. My oldest daughter was around ten, my youngest was around two. They were playing in the room they shared... With a neighborhood friend that day. My oldest daughter and her friend went downstairs to get something to drink from the kitchen. We they returned upstairs... I heard my oldest daughter yell for me. She was saying mom come here! I got up and went in the room... My youngest daughter was on the dresser just sitting there kicking her legs and looking around. My oldest daughter said before they went downstairs... My youngest daughter was on the floor. No drawer was opened, no stool or anything around that dresser. I tried to figure out how she got there but then I remembered that misty figure. Maybe that's how.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-09)
Nusa, just 'cause I'm curious. If you're wary of demons why is a Ouija board an appealing idea?
Sanchez_92 (7 stories) (52 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-08)

This just frighten me. I could actually imagine and play the scenery of the ugly boy having dinner with your family.
From the reading I did in your story, I think the Ouija board did work and since you tried it more than once you allowed a bad spirit every time. I'm pretty sure since in your mind you saw nothing happen with the board you also did not say good bye when closing it up like you are supposed too. At first I would of thought since you enjoy ghost stuff you might of been imagining things but when you mentioned your son also experienced it. That closed it up with the Ouija board actually working and opening doors to unwanted spirits.

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