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Friends In Strange Places


I never believed in this paranormal hocus pocus nonsense, especially when my friend, Carmen, would tell me my gran had popped in to check up on me, so I'd better be good. I'd tell her to bugger off with her crappy jokes and she would shrug her shoulders and tell me she's just a messenger. I didn't want to believe. I didn't want people thinking I'm weird. Until that morning...

Carmen, crappy jokes friend, had been in an abusive relationship for several months and after some time, I'd eavesdropped on her talking to herself - well, not exactly to herself. It was as though she were talking to someone and said someone was answering her.

Sometimes she'd laugh as though she'd heard the funniest joke and other times she looked irritated. Perhaps there was someone else telling her to get out of the relationship. She didn't like me telling her she deserved better than what she was accepting. She'd stomp off and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about.

Does my grown friend have an imaginary pal? I wanted to ask her but how the heck do you ask an adult that question? And is one ever prepared for the answer?

We'd been friends for over ten years. I knew her as well as I knew myself until she got involved with Nick. I knew about her friend Justin who'd passed away because I was there through it all - the tears, the sorrow, the guilt and finally the acceptance. Justin had been a sweet soul and they'd been best friends - until he got lost amongst wrong friends and drugs.

Carmen and I were sitting in the living room, paging through some old photo albums when Nick walked in. She immediately tensed up and I secretly rubbed her back to help her relax, to let her know I had her back - Nick was one scary dude but if I had to, I'd pick up something heavy and clobber him over the head with it. I'd had enough of seeing my friend trying to hide her bruises, making excuses for Nick's behaviour and slowly withdraw from our circle of friends.

"I told you to get rid of that shiat".

I had no idea what he was referring to until he grabbed the album and flung it across the room.

"What's your problem, Nick. They're just old pictures," I'd said.

He told me to shut up or I'd end up just like Carmen and grabbed her up by the shoulder telling her he'd warned her.

I tried to step between them but he pushed me away so hard I went sprawling the length of the living room. I remember thinking, please help us. Someone please help us.

The next scene is like something from a movie. I'd gotten up to go back to help Carmen but she'd managed to free herself from Nick's grip.

Hey, but when I got closer I noticed Nick was somehow being blocked from reaching Carmen - by a man. A young man. Justin!?!?!? Nick was also clutching at his throat as though he were choking but nothing was touching him - not even Justin. Could he even? He didn't look like solid - more like, flip, I don't know how to explain it. He just wasn't like you and me - something you could touch and feel.

It's been a few weeks now and while Justin's appearance scared the black outta my skin pigmentation, I'm just glad to have my friend back.

I've had two other experiences since then - perhaps I'll share but it's taken a lot for me to share this one. So perhaps I will - just not soon.

Carmen is doing well with the help and support of family and friends and she's kind of chuffed to have someone to share ghost stories with. I've told her about this website - I hope she comes.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Serenflipppity, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-07)

I'm with you on that unmentionable word. I have wished an onslaught of the fleas of a thousand camels on his nether regions ^.^ but mom says one should be careful about what we 'wish' on others as it might boomerang.

Thank you for your kind words and guideline on the off-topic comments.

All the best, Maxine
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-04-07)
Kuddos to Carmen for finding the strength to leave that relationship. I wonder if without the help of Justin, if she'd ever have found it.
Personally, I believe that some ghosts (those who had been close to us in life) act as a type of sounding board in difficult times, telling us exactly what we need to hear, in the terms we need to hear it, to help foster our own inner strength. This appears to be the case with Justin. Thankfully, he was also able to physically intervene, when it was needed most.
I must have a bit of a mean steak - I hope Nick saw Justin and KNEW this was a 'vengeful' spirit where he's concerned. I hope it scared him way down deep to the point he can no longer be such a - there's not a nasty enough permissible word for it, to ANYONE, ever again.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-04-07)
Serenflippity and CuriousDee, you 2 are fine (comment wise). Sometimes comments do stray a bit from the story, but that's ok, especially when it involves the author 😉
RSAChick (115 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-07)
Thanks Maxine, good riddance to Nick!
And looking forward to more stories from you and Carmen.
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-07)

I'm looking forward to sitting down with Carmen. Perhaps with her permission I can share those with YGS - that's if I haven't yet convinced her to join this community of like-minded, kind-hearted people.

All the best, Maxine
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-07)
Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for reading and your comment. I just always thought Carmen was a bit strange - until that morning...^.^
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-07)

Glad I could help with the link. That's interesting about Carmen; it sounds like she has always been able to communicate with spirit. And lucky you; your Gran can get messages through to you easily. 😊

You hit the nail on the head; they must figure out and come to terms with why they have turned to drugs. I won't keep yammering on about this either, I also apologize to the mods and the YGS community for getting off topic.

Thanks for the clarification, great story. ❤
Elizabeth62 (14 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-07)
It is funny about your Gran. And I'm happy with you and your friend getting rid of Nick with the help of Jason. 😊 And that Jason is in a better place. ❤
Blessings Elizabeth.
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
Hi CuriousDee

Carmen is what we call 'Met die helm gebore' - born with the caul - the ability to, I suppose, interact with entities from the spirit world.

We haven't sat down and had a good chat about it yet but she'd always make random comments about gran checking up on me; Justin being in a better place (which I just assumed she meant away from this world - of drugs etc) but in hindsight, I think she means his soul space. I don't know what else to call it. I'll confirm with her once she's emotionally stronger - worked through some of the trauma of the relationship and the wounds it left.

Thank you for the link to the story! That's the one. I'd added a few members to my favourites (and read too many stories back-to-back) I just wasn't going to check through them all. I knew someone would point me in the right direction. Thanks again.

I can't wrap my head around the drug situation. Every other person in my immediate neighbourhood is using. My brother was an addict for many years, but he's been clean for several years. He had his relapses, but I do believe he's ok now. I say ok because I also believe he's dealt with the drugs (symptoms) but not the reasons why he turned to it (cause). He didn't seek any professional help, but went cold turkey on his own. Anyway, I'm way off topic now. Sorry mods!^.^
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
In regards to your comment about a story of thumping under the bed. Was this the story?

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
Serenflipppity, I was going to ask if your friend confirmed that she had been "speaking" to Justin before, but read your last comment. How long has she been speaking to Justin? Is he the first spirit she's been in contact with?

I believe we all have a sort of "spirit team" that has our back, looking out for us and helping with what they can. That's just my opinion though. 😊

Very sad about Justin. I didn't realize how bad the drug epidemic was until a family member passed away from an overdose. Since then, we've found out a few members of the family are in deep too. It's hell for the addicted, and the family and friends watching.

Hopefully, Nick stays far, far away. You're definitely not alone in being a previous nonbeliever. Many people have the same attitude until they have an undeniable, "in your face" experience.

Thanks for sharing. ❤
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
Hi Jubeele

Thanks for your concern and kind words and really happy that you too found the courage to step away from an abusive relationship.

Carmen is doing very well with the love and support of family and friends and a psychologist who's helping her deal with the emotional scars.

Justin was indeed the 'imaginary pal' she'd been talking to. I had to twist her arm (almost literally), really hard, to get her to confess that. I'd never 'seen' Justin (ghoustie Justin, that is) before this incident (twice since). Though, reading through so many YGS postings, I've come to realise that I've had inexplicable experiences before this and have since submitted another account - 'My Father's Healing Hand?'

I read another experience on YGS, but can't remember who the author is. It was something about thumping under the bed? It shook me to the core because I realised I'd been experiencing some sort of paranormal experiences since my crib days. Another submission? ^.^

I'll pass on your kind words to Carmen. It's a pity she's on a holiday in a zero signal area or I'd have sent her the link to this story.

Oh no! I really have to be a good girl now - now that I believe gran really checks up on me. ^.^
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
Oh, sorry, didn't answer part of your comment.

We didn't stay around to see what was happening. We scrambled out of the house and went straight to the police station. Carmen pops in at the police station regularly to check on the progress on the case, but Nick's vanished.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
Serenflippity, my heart goes out to your friend, Carmen. I know what being in an abusive relationship is like... The first step towards freedom is always the hardest. But well worth it.

I hope Carmen is safe now, well out of Nick's reach. Was this the only contact you had with Justin? Does Carmen see him too? Was he the "imaginary pal" she'd been talking to?

I had a chuckle at how Carmen said your gran was checking up on you. I look forward to welcoming her and her accounts on YGS too.

Thanks for sharing your experience - I really enjoyed it. 😊
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
Hi RSAChick,

Thank you for reading and commenting.

She did lay a charge but Nick's disappeared or his family is being elusive about his whereabouts. Like I said - I'm just very happy to have my friend back.

I've spoken to her about Justin and she's assured me she doesn't see much of him. She believes his presence was for the sole purpose of helping her out of the abusive relationship.

Thanks for your concern.
RSAChick (115 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-06)
Serenflipppity, I love the down-to-earth way you told your story.

Please tell us how you and Carmen got away from Nick and if you laid a charge against him at the police?

Great that her friend was there to protect her, but I'm not sure it's healthy to spend too much or any time with ghosts?

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