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Mr. Stalker And I


Mr. Stalker from previous stories has been poking his head into my business lately. However, I've decided to coexist.

Earlier in the month, this particular thing happened in the evening. I was in the kitchen cooking and turned to the kitchen sink to wash some utensils. I sometimes sense a presence in the kitchen but they seem to come and go as they please. I was completely alone when I heard a soft male voice tell me in my ear to "watch it." I turned around to see who was there and saw no one and turned back and it said, "just helping." The entity didn't need to worry as I never burn food but it was a nice gesture. A tad frightening for a moment but still nice.

Just after this, I was at the dining room table by myself on my laptop and heard someone breathing and make a grunting noise. I don't remember if I was watching anything particular that made it grunt or if it was clearing its ghost throat? I really have no idea.

A few days after this (Nov 5) I was going to bed and laid there comfortably starting to drift and I heard a male again saying something close to my ear. I snapped out of my drifting and was about to put it off to half-dream delusions but I continued to hear someone talking but not directly to me. It went on for about a minute and then stopped. I wonder if it was trying to talk to me like wake me, talk to other ghosts, or to itself? I just went back to sleep and didn't feel like confronting anything.

On November 11, (yep I've started keeping dates of my experiences as many people on here have recommended journals:) ) there was more attention grabbing. I was in the living room late at night not ready to go to bed. I had music lightly playing in the background and I was reading. Now I was sitting on the sofa turned to the side, not back to the back of the couch. I knew he was behind me because I could hear him talking again but I ignored it rather sticking to my reading. I suppose he got a little annoyed as I felt him blow into my ear really hard and it startled me. I started laughing because that's never happened to me before.

I wonder sometimes where spirits/entities go during the day whether attachments or just existing on the property they reside. Do they walk around, talk to other entities, go to another dimension? This stuff is peculiar to me but also fascinating. Wherever he goes, I definitely don't mind when he pops up every once in a while.

Thank you for reading.

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Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-28)

I replied the email states everything some stuff I won't talk about on this.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-28)
I sent you an email. I am glad everything is better on your end. So is mine.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-28)

I saw no issue with it haha. I did worry about you but had some personal issues to deal with before I started trying to help someone else.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-28)
I'll write your email:)

Yeah I changed my email because I wanted to change my address name to something that felt more mature than my middle name and some numbers. Thought the original one wasn't that great. Lol
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-28)

I can not seem to find your email address now so yeah mines is goggzy60 (at)
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-28)
Blackcat or Dirtcreature now haha

I think I still have your email address if you use the same now
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-28)
Hello Goggzy. Yes. Can you and I talk somewhere like skype?

Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-27)
Is the stalker still around. I have been away from this awhile due to a few personal issues but I hope you are doing OK.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-27)
This one is certainly not a family member. He latched on many years ago as far I can assume. I would like to believe an entity that has would not be a family member! 😆

Personally I see no reason to do a cleansing. He's never hurt me so I see no reason to shoo him away. I accept any experiences that come to me in my life when it comes to the supernatural. I suppose like some people on here I am used to it. Not that there aren't "negative entities" but I think most people's experiences are mundane and negative entities are probably more rare. All the possessions and blood on the wall seem to be more Hollywood than fact to me. Plus Monty is one step away from being banned if he hasn't been already. Dude is a crab apple, er no offense:/
mythem (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-27)
What a nice story! I always enjoy reading about "helper ghosts," as it seems so nice that they care enough to look out for you. Could this "Mr. Stalker" be a family member that has passed on? I think most of the helpful ones are. That might be worth looking into. If not, though, you might want to do a cleansing, as Monty suggested. Ghosts CAN turn aggressive, even the nice ones.

Best of luck,
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-01)
[at] Monty, I understand your point. Some spirit attachments (if not family) can become aggressive. I've read other experiences on here of people having ghost attachments that would be mean to the people around them. But generally I believe there would be warning signs. Having had this attachment in my life for a few years, I highly doubt anything bad will happen. If I started getting sick or having nightmares galore, then yes... But just a poke and a laugh? Hardly calls for an exorcism. Shielding and cleansing wouldn't hurt though I suppose.
Monty998 (1 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-01)
Redwolf, its ok if your father in law visits you every now and again. What I was referring to was a normal spirit hanging about messing with someone. You have no idea the things I have seen and done. I will be posting a story with photographic evidences soon. Just keep an eye out, you will love my experience and its unlike anything anyone on this site has ever seen or experienced. I can guarantee you on that.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-28)
Thank you Redwolf! I agree. Hollywood supernatural films have really made the spiritual out to look horrifying when generally most ghosts seem to go about their business. At most they may play little pranks or give you a nudge (exception to dark/negative entities).

I am glad the ghosties are able to enjoy themselves to some extent:) As long as the energy of my house is balanced and calm, I don't mind the extra company once in a while. Worse comes to worse, there are cleansings and shieldings.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
Monty where do you get your information? My father in-law visits quite often. I know he's around because he messes with my computer or tablets, plays a prank on someone, or sometimes I catch a quick glimpse of him. He would never wish anything bad on me or his son or grandchildren.

DirtCreature if they are a residual haunting they do the exact same thing, at the same time, every day month, or year. If it is an intelligent haunting with no attachments to anyone/thing s/he can go and do whatever they want. Hit a club in the astral plane? Sure why not. 😆

Paul1977 (13 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-27)
I wonder sometimes where spirits/entities go during the day whether attachments or just existing on the property they reside. Do they walk around, talk to other entities, go to another dimension?

That is a good question! What do they all do or where do they go?

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