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Updates And Theories On The Stalker


I have written three experiences on this site about "The Stalker Clad in Black". I do not know how many people are familiar with it and I believe not that many, so I will post links to them here:




About two years ago when I was 17 years old, I was having a surge in sleep paralysis and dreams concerning a 19th century-looking man. These dreams started when I lived in New Jersey and peaked when I moved to Florida. Suddenly, the dreams and sleep paralysis just stopped and I no longer hear a chain jingling. Around that time, I had a lot of anxiety and felt mentally weak. I still get some anxiety here and there, but I am much more mentally stronger than I was. I was in a bad relationship and am now in a good one. My past stressors have been replaced with school and job hunting. I am in a much better position and am closer to my own independence, which I am sure has been a major boost in my mental clarity and perspective.

While the dreams have ended, certain phenomena have remained. I sometimes feel gentle pressure on my face or on random body parts like my thighs, hands, back, or shoulder and hear whispering voices in my house. In the past, I assumed this must be an entity touching me, but I do not know if I believe this to be the case anymore. I am older and more skeptical now. The gentle pressure I feel on my skin is probably not ghostly in origin and I believe there is a "natural" reason for this, but I have not found any explanations for it online and am wondering if anyone on here suspects what it could be. I assume it would be a form of paresthesia, but I do not know if gentle pressure falls under this category. I do not have an explanation for the whispers I get in my apartment, but I think it might just be my ears receiving pressure and sounds that my brain then interprets as words (kind of like the audible version of pareidolia if this is a thing? Yanny or Laurel?).

When I first posted my experiences, some users (I do not remember which ones) pointed in the direction of tulpas or pent-up teen energy expressing itself. I personally theorize that much of the sleep paralysis and dreams were natural and ordinary and the phenomena and stress I dealt with when awake was fodder for my imagination to run rampant.

The only experiences I believe to be true were my shadow men experiences and that of the burnt apparition I saw one night. I also believe my mother seeing my doppelganger. Now that I am a bit older, I feel embarrassed for posting my experiences regarding the stalker because I feel like members on here might have been rolling their eyes and thinking "this child is a mess of psychosis and wet dreams!". Maybe it was an entity, but I highly doubt it. Personally, I am less open about much paranormal phenomena and ignore anything that happens now whereas a younger me was a bit more receptive. I want to be left alone from whatever lies across the veil, if it is real. I am just glad the dreams are over (now that I am writing about it and alerting my brain, watch the dreams come back at full speed lol).

Thanks for reading everyone.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DirtCreature, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-30)
Hey guys 😊,
I'm in school training to be a CNA so I won't be very active for a little while. 👻 lol I haven't disappeared.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-07)
[at] Val, lol! That's awesome. I guess there is a silver lining to Halloween.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-10-07)
But DC - it's the time of year I get to invite you all to come play at my haunted site! 😉
There's several haunted adventures you can take part in;
Trespauze Manor - over 20 rooms with hidden treats and scares
Loss Mine - explore an abandoned mine in utter darkness, but beware of Jenny Loss and the crawlers.
The Witch's Kitchen - can you collect all the ingredients before the witch turns you into a frog?
And even more!
Come on over and get your spook on!
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-06)
No Halloween, stay away. We don't need you! I am not ready to face the surge of crap stories from middle school kids. 😭 😨🤢
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-27)
Thank you, Jubeele.

I always fail with keeping journals. I get super into them in the beginning before falling off the wagon. 😟
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-26)
Hi DC, I think BPG, Val, Dee and Tweed have all provided you with really great insights.

I've recently started a dream journal and though I haven't always written them down (where did the pen go?), I find myself remembering more details now when I wake up. It's as if my mind is being trained to retain the memory, like a muscle being exercised.

I've enjoyed your accounts and many thanks for sharing them with us on YGS. All the best and good wishes to you. 😁
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Haha, Babygoatpuller! Thank you, it means a lot to me. YGS is a community I'm glad I joined. The people here are extremely supportive.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)

Oddly, this gave a "proud mama" moment and I wanted to jump up and down with joy and pride. I was thinking, "Our young'n is growing up!"

You've developed maturity and common sense and I know it's not through any actions on my part, but the YGS community as a whole.

Val, Dee and Tweed have given some excellent insight and advice. The only thing I can think to add is that at your young age, you're still growing and your body is still going through physical changes which could account for some of the odd physical "twinges, tweaks and weirdness" your feeling.

But to me, it's the emotional and mental growing that should be celebrated. The stability you're bringing into your life seems to be creating a more positive outlook and you're no longer looking at everything with shades on. Brushing some of these things off is doing wonders for you and it shows in your writing.

Learn to appreciate the "twinges, tweaks and weirdness" now because when you get older, they'll all come back. And not because you're "still growing"! 😜

Thank you for sharing DC. So proud of you! 😊
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Hi Dee 😊,
Thank you for your feedback and I agree. One could experience any conditions and still catch mysterious entities roaming the house and breaking dishes. If there a spirit about, perhaps ignoring it has made it understand I want to be left alone considering the dreams stopped. If something ever happens that my boyfriend and I see at the same time, I would highly doubt we were both hallucinating lol.

Hey Tweed 😁,
I have a hard time deciding what I think about an experience if it is something so subtle. From the beginning, I was convinced if I had seen an entity standing somewhere. I have set the bar so high now that if an entity doesn't do a little sing and dance for me in a clear phantom form, I just ignore everything. I am not sure what an entity touching me would actually feel like. Because what I have felt sounds like tactile hallucination so I am not sure I could imagine that sensation.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Hey DirtCreature,

Wow some top notch input in here, nice ones Val and Dee!

About the touches, I pretty much ignore any odd 'touch' sensation I feel, as it's mostly muscle related in my opinion. When it happens I mimic the touch and the sensation I produce is nearly always different, the feel of fabric for example. So that's proof enough for me that it's physical and not paranormal.
With that said, my guardian and I have a code, for lack of a better term, whereby he touches my shoulder for about 3-5 seconds. It means 'something is up', or something is dealt with. These touches feel the same as if I'd done it myself. It's not very often, maybe four times a year.

So maybe if you feel a touch, mimic it yourself, and it feels the same, you may have a ghost about. If it feels different, it's probably nerve or muscle.

Another touch I believe was paranormal was when I was about sixteen/seventeen. I felt what was like a finger run up my thigh while I was watching TV. I jumped, it was very spooky. I've always thought that was something not so nice. But for every other touch sensation, I blame nerves and/or muscle weirdness.

I think the teen years have a lot to answer for with both natural and paranormal weirdness. It's very hard to tell stuff apart when you're in the midst of it.

The whispering is something I'm not familiar with, don't know what to suggest for that lol. But Val and Dee seem to have covered everything. 😊
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Hi there DC,

(Val, awesome information on audio pareidolia!)

I came across this phenomenon years ago while researching (this sounds crazy) 'voices heard when an oscillating or box fan is on. I knew there wasn't a ghostie using the fan to communicate, but was curious on why my brain interpreted voices from the sound of a fan. After reading about audio pareidolia, it made sense. This might be what you're experiencing too.

With that said, I sometimes hear quiet conversations, voices and music that aren't attributed to audio pareidolia. How do I know? It's sort of difficult to explain, but it definitely sounds different and sometimes gives me that electric 'someone is here' feeling.

Another example of knowing it's not pareidolia is my significant other. He has confirmed what I've heard a handful of times and has heard the voices/conversations without my presence (we aren't able to make out what is said though). There are also times he hears nothing when I definitely hear a symphony. 😜

It's just my opinion, but I believe you can experience audio pareidolia and pick up on... Invisible parties? I know you said you don't want to be bothered by the shadow figures, spirits, etc, but you may just be sensitive (aka made that way) to that sort of energy. I don't think there's an 'off switch'. Maybe a different approach is needed, one that includes acceptance and educating yourself on understanding and dealing with this ability/sensitivity in general. Hey, you never know, it might work. 😉

Thanks for sharing, it's good to see you pop in.
❤ Dee
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Thank you so much, Val. You're a very thorough person; I love that.

This helped a lot. I have plenty of empty notebooks lying around that I never use lol.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Probably nothing to be over concerned with then. But if it increases...
I can't speak for everyone on that, DC, however usually those who are sensitive to spirits usually have more than one 'symptom' for lack of a better term when they are experiencing an encounter vs a product of a diagnosed problem.
In a case like yours, I'd think keeping a journal would help. You could see if a pattern emerges. Does it only happen when your upset or stressed? Only during a full moon or when it rains? Always at a particular time, like when half asleep or half awake? Only in a particular local? Or only when you've participated in a particular activity? (Not sure what with your face... Maybe facial exercises? Or using a particular moisturiser/toner, toothpaste? Possibly a bit of an allergic reaction.) What do you feel when it happens? Comfort/fear? Annoyance?
It really can be an exercise in deduction. Unless your experience can be verified by others, I don't think there is really a 100% fool proof way to differentiate. Unless, it goes beyond your typical diagnosed condition's reactions. (Gads that reads SO bloody awkward.)
If you're trying to determine whether your 'toucher' is spirit or nerve generated, you could try talking to it. Establish a code - like a pat on the left for yes, on the right for no. Be really, really polite in the asking. If it does as asked, you've not only established possible spirit, but an intelligent one at that. Keep questions to yes or no answers. Remember to thank them for talking to you and to let them know you are ending the conversation. Otherwise you're just being rude.
But most important of all, trust your gut. I hope that was somewhat helpful.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
I don't hear any voices telling me to do anything especially nothing harmful. Much of it sounds like inaudible whispers or just random phrases. I started doubting it being ghostly in nature as it does not just happen when I'm at home. The sensations happen randomly. I am sure it is nothing to be afraid of even if it is a condition that can be diagnosed.

I think they are phantom touches. I mostly feel the touches as if someone is petting, pressing, and stroking my cheeks.

If a person has a diagnosis, how does one tell the difference between their condition and an actual encounter?
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Dc - I'd think the clinic could be of some help. Worse case scenario they say they can't.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Another thought crossed my mind about the touches, DC. I do extremely physical, stressful work. So, as you can imagine, quite often I'm one large knot (with attitude at times!) by the time I go to bed.
Now, one night as I lay crying from the utter physical and emotional pain I was feeling, it began feeling as if I was beginning to get a massage. It started at the base of my neck (where that knot between the scapulas is) and slowly worked it's way over the worse parts of my body.
I use a form of isometrics while at work to prevent muscle cramping, and this is with the large muscles, but I began wondering if perhaps subconsciously I was doing the same thing for myself, which translated to my poor brain as getting a massage. Several weeks ago, I did it on purpose, so I think I'm right. Perhaps your phantom touches are related?
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Thank you, Val. No worries, I'm not frightened. You guys are very helpful. This is a supportive community. I currently do not have insurance due to my financial situation and living in Florida. I'm assuming I could go to a clinic and inquire about this.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
Yes, there is such a thing as audio pareidolia. Audio pareidolia is hearing words/music that are not actually in the sounds you are hearing. It's also called "Rorschach Audio". This can occur by misinterpreting words that are being said, or by hearing words in random noise. In audio pareidolia, your brain searches for a recognized pattern, finds the closest match, and then processes the incoming sensory information to enhance the apparent match. It's usually nothing to worry about. Unless it's voices telling you to harm yourself or others. Then you may have a problem.

The feeling of being touched by something not there, is called a tactile hallucination. "Sometimes, tactile hallucinations are transient and might occur before waking or falling asleep. A person might feel that someone or something has touched them or has exerted pressure on their bodies. Alternately, the sensation of falling and hitting the ground may be tactile, and it really can feel as though a physical experience occurred."

Again and of itself probably nothing to worry about. However, if this is a current condition, a good checkup by your doctor could be in order. I KNOW you know this, DC, but as a matter of form tell him that you sometimes feel and hear this stuff. It could be an early warning signs of a nerve disorder. I'm no MD, and not trying to scare you, but to ignore these symptoms might not be too smart, and only a doctor could rule out any physical reason.

In my own personal opinion? Stress certainly can set you up for all kinds of false info.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-08-19)
I would like to also ask if anyone has feedback on the voices because my theory was the past stressors I had created an environment for my mind to think I was hearing things. I'm sure there are other conditons beyond schizophrenia and psychosis that can deliver auditory hallucinations?

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