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I'm Not Alone In My House


My Mother and I have just bought and moved into a new house but we don't feel like we are the only residents in the house. I've always been skeptical and dismissive of the paranormal and supernatural but since moving in my beliefs have been challenged and tested and now I'm convinced that my house is haunted.

The first night we were in the house my Mum had to go to work (She sometimes works nights.) The house is really old so all the creaking floorboards and strange noises didn't bother me and I put it all down to the age of the house. We didn't have WiFi set up yet or the TV so I had very little else to do but begin unpacking boxes. The living room has built in bookcases on one wall either side of the fireplace so I began placing the books on the shelves. I'd only put about four or five on the left shelf when I decided I wanted a drink so I went to the kitchen to get a cup of tea and when I came back to the living room the books were no longer on the left shelf but somehow they had gotten to the shelves on the right side of the fireplace. It confused me to say the least but I tried my best to put it out of my head.

Now that cup of tea I made. I left it on the floor in the corner of the room to cool and after a couple of minutes I went to drink it and half of it was gone. I went outside to put some rubbish in the bin and on my way back into the house I saw that the light in my bedroom was on. I went up to turn it off but when I got there the room was in darkness. I checked the house of intruders, locked the doors and windows and went to bed.

Usually my Mum comes to check if I'm awake when she gets home from work. I'd set up my TV and managed to find my DVD player so I was watching a movie. I heard my bedroom door open, I heard shuffling and then felt someone sit on the bed. I felt them wrap their arm around me and cuddle into me. Naturally I thought it was my Mum. I turned around to speak to her but I was the only one there and she hadn't come home yet.

Stranger and stranger things have been happening around the house. On a night we can hear the kettle boiling downstairs and when we go down in the morning there are tea cups in the sink which we hadn't used. The TV turns itself on and DVD's end up in the DVD player that we haven't watched. Yet still the thought of a ghost hadn't crossed my mind.

Last week I had been lounging in front of the TV for a while and eventually wanted snacks so I went to the kitchen. I got there and to my complete and utter surprise there was a young guy looking in the fridge. I asked him what the hell he thought he was doing in my house. He turned around apologized and ran outside. I ran out after him but couldn't see him anywhere in the street. Naturally we called the police and they came to take our statements and asked me to describe the man and asked if anything had been taken. Needing to get out of the house the next day my Mum and I went into the little village for a bite to eat. It's a small village so new faces stood out in the crowd and a old couple began talking to us.

We told them which house we had moved into but didn't tell them about the weird stuff or the guy in the kitchen. The couple had lived in the village their entire lives and were well into their 80's and began to give us a history of the house which the waitress confirmed. The man who originally owned the house apparently perished there in a fire. Several other people had died in the house including a woman who died during childbirth. When we got home the previous owner was waiting on our doorstep wanting to collect any mail that had been sent there for her. We invited her in and got to talking. She told us that when she lived there her son had committed suicide in the house and that is why she wanted to move.

This next part was what tipped me over the edge and has totally messed up my view of the world. She took out her phone and showed us a picture of her son. There wasn't just a resemblance, I never forget a face but her son, her dead son was the guy I'd seen in my kitchen. I honestly began searching for hidden cameras because I was convinced that my Mum had put me on some sort of hidden camera scare show. The Woman confessed that when she lived there strange things would happen all the time.

I know I sound unhinged but I've been asking around the village and have even asked town hall for documentation about the history of the house and there have been multiple deaths in the house and I believe that they have stuck around for some reason. Whoever or whatever is in the house hasn't tried to hurt either of us and we have somehow grown used to things moving around and strange sensations. Now when I'm alone in the house I feel safe knowing that at least on some level I'm not alone and I feel comforted by the hugging sensation when I'm trying to sleep.

I want to be able to communicate with the spirits in my house but I'm unsure how to go about doing that. Asking for a sign or anything like that seems cliche to me and I don't feel comfortable with spirit boards. We got a "medium" to come to the house but she didn't pick up on any death in the house and I'm not sure she would know a ghost if it came up and done the monster mash in front of her. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Brody, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Brody (1 stories) (2 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-27)
I decided against trying to make contact and we try to ignore the strange goings on the best we can but that doesn't mean they go away. Actually they seem to be getting more frequent and more obvious than before.

They no longer just move things when we are out the room. It seems they are getting braver or they simply don't care who sees them or not.

An Aunt of mine bought me a chess set which I set up in the living room but rarely play because my mother can't. One of the pawns moved by themselves the other day as I stood and watched. I checked the level of the table to see if it was on a slant and the pieces are pretty heavy to move by themselves.

My Mother's work friend had a flood at her house so she moved in with us for a couple of days. She came down and asked who my friend was who was in my room. I didn't have a friend over and the description she gave matched the guy who had killed himself there.

We hadn't told my Mum's friend about the ghosts but she picked up on it too. She heard people come in the room, heard people whispering in empty rooms and saw a couple of things move about by themselves.

The biggest and most affirming development happened just the other day which prompted my memory of having wrote this article in the first place.

The reason we moved was due to my father who was quite violent and a drunk. He came to the house professing that he had changed and what have you and we weren't having any of it and asked him to leave. The conversation soon turned into a huge argument and he refused to leave. That's when a saucepan launched itself from the stove and whacked him in the face.

I'm still apprehensive about contacting them but so far they have done nothing to hurt us, except for scaring the heck out of us a couple of times xD
Brody (1 stories) (2 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-27)
I know it has been a while since I wrote this and i'd like to thank you all for your comments.

My Mother works nights a lot so she is very stealthy coming in and out of the house as not to wake anyone. I heard the door opening and the footsteps and turned around instantly when I felt the hug and I spent the rest of the night at my Mother's work after calling for a taxi.

I left a lot of my reactions to things out to try and keep my story short but many times I've ran out the house or locked myself up in a room holding onto a bat.

I really doubt there is someone living in the house as we have checked and rechecked and set up cameras which caught nothing.

When it comes to the previous owner it turns out she only moved a couple of streets away. I've used the mail which comes to our house for her as an excuse to visit her and speak with her about her son. Turns out he killed himself in the bath some years ago due to the bullying he was receiving due to his sexuality.
RuthResearcher (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-18)
Hi Brody,

I'm researching stories for a podcast series and I'm very interested in yours! I've just read it and experienced genuine chills. I would like the chance to talk to you more if you're interested? I'm emailing from a podcast production company - please feel free to contact me directly ruth [at]

Many thanks

Amna2 (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-19)
Hi Brody.
If you have any problems with the house or the spirits really hurt you, I think you should call a priest to bless the house. I hope this works and I am really trying to help you.WELL,the story was great. I think the spirit even kissed you! Haaha 😆
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-19)
As usual, I am late with my remarks. I like to stretch out reading submitted ghost stories because they are like dessert! A treat to be savored!

Your tale is going to my Favorites! I found it well written and found myself standing there with you imagining what my own reactions would be if I were in your place.

I must say, I have lived in a haunted house, and never was I ever tempted to communicate with the spirit! Let sleeping dogs lie! We (hubby and I) were able to move out of our haunted property, but ended up living there a second time! Someone wanted us there, I always quip! If you are bound by circumstance to live there for the time being, I would hope you could lead as normal lives as you can. I am a born chicken, and I would never "stir things up", so to say. If you are the adventuresome type, please do a cleansing before attempting to start a conversation.

Wishing you the Best!

Mother of Beagles
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-18)
Might I suggest this BEFORE attempting any kind of communication efforts?

Rule out what may be natural noises from the home from any possible RESIDUAL 'ENERGIES' that may be simply 'replaying' old habits or 'strong emotional' moments that simply 'recorded' into/onto the environment. Once you have determined what actions seem to be from an intelligent your tea being sampled, being hugged in bed or even the books being moved (what were the titles, the spirit may have had the same books in their collection and simply placed them where they always kept them). Which brings me to RESEARCH before doing ANYTHING else start with research, you have a good start what with talking with the former owner and the resident 'old timers' (term of endearment).

Verify the tales through the Historical Society if you are able and check the Local Library for any historical news articles concerning your home or the Families that have owned the property.

Thanks for sharing and I must agree with the others who have stated on how remarkably calm you reacted when you saw NO ONE had actually entered your room and lay down next to you.


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-17)
Tweed - My Toby in fact did have an abscess on the left side of his mouth, which the vet had to cut and drain, plus he had to shave him from just above the tail to the middle of his back because he proved to be sensitive in that area as well. A slight puncture mark there but no abscess. He has difficulty eating so has to be given medication with a syringe. What a performance!

Brody - I too apologise for disrupting the thread but I have already given you my opinion 😊

Regards, Melda
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-17)
Melda, your cat might have an abscess, antibiotics will take care of that.

Sorry to the OP for derailing the thread, I'm animal lover. 😳

Actually, now that I'm here there is a such thing as people 'squatting' in occupied residences without anyone the wiser. There was recently a man who was discovered living in either the wall or ceiling of a family's home in Japan, I think. The man had been 'living' there for years. He was found out when one or more of the family came home early/unexpected and found a man eating in their kitchen. It was part of his daily routine. People who do this are obviously in a hard place but it's still weird, creepy stuff to imagine. Similar things like this get reported occasionally, I'd be prioritising ruling anything like that out.
I also didn't understand the lack of reaction to some of these events. 😕
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-17)
Contacting whatever it is in your house may be risky as others have said but I think if you do your research and keep yourself shielded it could also be very interesting. Sometimes discovery means taking risks and should we let our fears keep us from learning more about the paranormal? Never go into any situation blind - you should absolutely protect yourself and have as much information gathered as to what you are dealing with before you get started. I know you have already started the research process but don't quit - hit the local library, local history museums, and public records office to dig up what you can on the history of the house, it's residents AND the land it's built on. See who those folks were who died on the property. Also research methods commonly used for shielding oneself and communicating with spirits - there are dozens of different ways. Pick something that resonates with you. Believe in yourself, be careful and be cautious.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-17)
RandyM - Thanks, all done and dusted!

My poor old Toby (13 years) is not a happy cat 😢. He was badly bitten by another cat which had the audacity to trespass on his property. I don't think he realizes that he's too old for cat fights now 😊.

We had a lovely Easter Sunday lunch at my eldest son's home with all the other kids, grandchildren and so on. Happy Easter to you too!

Regards, Melda
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)

I know how it gets with sick furry family members. And it being Easter Sunday yep a lot to get going.

So no need for apologies 😊.We all like to give advice from our own perspectives and experiences.


I also agree with you. You give good advice with a good Caution sign. Its nice to have others who can give that amount of advice but also state there is a door you may just need to keep closed 😊

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)

I know. I didn't want you to think I took your comment the wrong way. I think the advice given by both you and Spiritwaiting is very good and that Brody should move slow and with caution with what ever he decides to do.

So sorry your kitty is not well. I know how it is as I would spend every waking moment with Mutt Thing if it made her feel any better.

Have a Happy Easter!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)
Spiritwaiting - I'm afraid I'm a bit "befuzzled" this morning. I in fact replied to your post earlier but must have hit edit and not publish.

Well seeing that I've been up all night with a sick cat, perhaps I can be forgiven! We had to take him to an emergency vet clinic at 12:00 midnight. A hard day lies ahead of me, spending Easter Sunday with children and grandchildren and me being half asleep 😊.

Thanks for your support. I just feel that the OP is far too eager to attempt to get in touch with the "other side". Who knows what's lurking around the corner?

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)
RandyM - It didn't even occur to me that you were suggesting that the OP should have a spirit party. 😆 - I even mentioned in my comment that you cautioned him. I do realize that you were not egging him on to go for it!

In fact I myself have a resident ghost that I have spoken to on a few occasions to bring him in line. I have only seen him twice. I talk, he doesn't reply but he listens to me.

The reason I would expect to be down voted? My advice to the OP seems to be in contrast to what other posters have suggested thus far. 😊. The fact of the matter is I genuinely feel that the OP might bite off more than he can chew 😨. I'm assuming Brody is a "he"?

Regards, Melda
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)

There should be no reason for anyone to down vote your comments.
They are sane and wise. We must always remember that one can't be certain of who they are communicating with.
Hopefully my comments to Brody are only suggested directions should he choose to proceed. Not as an endorsement to have a spirit party.
That's one reason I stress about calling ONLY a person by their first and last name. It can help to focus to a certain individual and no more than 1 person.
Anyway, great advice from you also.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)

I agree with you. Contacting and not knowing who or what really is there, is a risk in itself.

Cleansing and shielding I say is the best way to go. It helps in ways that I honestly can't explain. I always use Rooks method.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)

Thanks for sharing this with us.

I have a few questions to ask if you don't mind.

As far as these experiences go, were these your first paranormal experiences?

If not then I will say you handled all of it quite well. I understand trying to rule anything out. It happens to all of us.

When I have anything unusual happen around me, my home, my family I rule out everything and do try my darndest to investigate what it could be including trying to replicate sounds, movement of light just to name a few.

Now as far as the tea, ha I honestly don't know what I would have done, if a resident spirit were drinking a beloved beverage of mine. Imagine one drinking my coffee that would get old real fast!

When you were cuddled with, I also understand the comfort you can feel when you think its someone like your Mom. As i've written in some of my past experiences I get the light touch and playing of my hair. Still to this day it happens, but not as often. I also feel hugs from my grandfather when I talk out loud to him etc.
So the cuddling for you and I agree with MysteryResearch it could be a protective entity or just one that likes the human contact.

The movement of the books could just have been a spirit being not to happy with the placement of those books hehe.

Do you still live in this home?
If so have you had any other experiences?
And if so hope you share those with all of us as well.

And again thanks for sharing

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)
Brody - I'm sorry if I appear to be persistent but please be very careful about trying to contact these entities on your own. I sent you a post earlier and I have to stand by that.

In my humble opinion it would be far better to separate the good from the bad, which is why I suggested a blessing or cleansing of your home. Who knows what you might dredge up with your enthusiasm to contact whichever ghosts decide to have a chat?

I know this will probably invite down votes for me but so be it.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)
Brody - You have to decide which path to follow. RandyM has obviously given you very good advice if you persist with your wish in contacting these entities. He has also cautioned you.

All I can say to you is please do not dabble with the supernatural if you do not know what you are doing, it could have dire consequences.

Regards, Melda
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-16)

In looking back over my post I left out the obvious that may not be necessary for me to mention. I wrote the first response in consideration that you would rule out all logical explanations first that were mentioned by our other fine members.

Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-15)
Ooh, that's all very frightening! I can't add too much to the comments already made as most of them echo my own feelings.

It is entirely possible some of these occurrences are caused by living people, as Manafoni has suggested.

Thank you for sharing that account, Brody, and welcome!
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-15)
Hello Brody,

Welcome to YGS and thank you for sharing.

Please understand I'm in no way trying to say that things didn't happen just like you said. However there is something bothering me.
It may just be the way I read it so if you could elaborate maybe I could understand better.

I realize you said you are very skeptical but it seems that, with most people, if all of these things were happening that they would be beside themselves with nerves. Especially having someone come hug them in bed. Once they realized there was nobody there I think most people would be flying out the door. Maybe you did but I don't think you gave us your reaction to this event.

As for communication.
If that is something you are sure you want to do then here is how you should maybe go about it. You don't need a Ojui Board or anything special except maybe a good recorder. It doesn't even have to be digital as some people who work a lot with EVP say that the tape ones work better. I would get one that you can transfer the recordings to a PC. Then I would get an audio program for the PC such as Wavepad. Its cheap and will do more than what you want to do. You can clean up, remove hiss and distortion, speed up and slow down, add white or pink noise, etc. All of the tools needed to help you make your recordings easier to understand. There are other ones which you can Google but Wavepad is easy to use and they even offer a version for Iphone and Samsung.
Then I would sit quetly when you won't be disturbed and call out to the ones you know by name. It should be very easy to get the name of the boy and some others.
For example: "Hello, my name is Brody and I'm trying to speak to
Blank Blank. I come to you in total respect and only wish to talk to you if you would be so kind"
Try this several times. Be certain to include both your name and theirs. First and last names. Its important.
It is also VERY important that you make them understand you are NOT asking them to do any tricks like knocking on walls, moving items around, etc. They are humans, not circus performers doing tricks.
Let them know you are not a ghost hunter. They are humans and detest being "hunted". I can't express this enough
Respect, respect, respect. Did I mention RESPECT?

Start with that. It may take a long time. True paranormal investigations are long and about as interesting as watching paint dry. More often than not you will get nothing. The spirit world works under its time, not ours.

One last thing that is extremely important.
Before you start this should you so choose, please be certain it is something you want to do.
I would caution that once you open a door, even for light communication, you have to be prepared that it may not stop when you want it to. You are not the only one making decisions about when its time for a friendly chat. Not trying to scare you, just a word of caution.

Please let us know how this works out and/or any other activity.

Regards and good luck
MysteryResearch (23 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-15)
Hi Brody,

Thanks for your fascinating account. There seem to be several different things going on.

First, according to accounts you have heard, and documentation, several deaths have occurred in the house, and you suspect the house is haunted by multiple ghosts who have died there.

Second, a young man (recently?) took his life in the residence. You caught an intruder in your kitchen who resembles him. While this could have been paranormal, it may have been a living person with an uncanny resemblance, possibly even a relative. I would suggest changing the locks and getting a security camera for the kitchen, as was previously suggested. If it happens again, hopefully you will get it on tape.

Third, there has been more standard (for lack of a better word) haunting-type phenomena - a light switching on, books being moved, and tea disappearing. This seems to be related to something hugging you when you are alone. This does not appear to scare you, but to be protective, by my reading of your account.

The past owner showed up unannounced and told you things that (in my opinion) should have been divulged before the sale was finalized or not at all. This may be a misreading, but it seemed to me as though she was trying to unload her problems on your doorstep. I also wonder whether her grief or mental state might be relevant. I would maybe try to find out the circumstances surrounding her son's death, if you haven't already, and also whether there are any surviving brothers or cousins who resemble him in the area who might have broken in to the house.

I would also suggest keeping track of things that happen, to see whether any patterns emerge.

Good luck, and please post an update if anything else happens,
Mystery Research
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-15)
Hi Brody
Welcome to YGS and thanks for taking the time to share your experiences.
One aspect of your story didn't sit right with me; are you able to please clarify?
You wrote that after the light incident, you checked for intruders and then locked the doors and windows etc. I assume later that same night you were watching a DVD? Being in a new house with some pretty inexplicable events going on, I would have thought you would have been on edge and very aware of your new surroundings - so I would have thought you'd Mum coming home would have been a fairly noisy event? Keys, door opening, door closing, more keys, footsteps, bags and keys being dumped somewhere ect...
For your bedroom door to just suddenly open and some unidentified person to sit on your bed then embrace you without you being alarmed or first checking who that was just seems, well... Unlikely in my humble opinion.
You say you turned around to speak to her but you MUST have realised that wasn't your Mum straight away? We are so aware of our loved ones presence; their sound, their smell, their very essence.
If you are able to elaborate on that point it would be appreciated.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-15)
Hi Brody--A couple of things came to my mind while reading your account. The first, since you and your Mom have just moved into the house and it has had previous residents, is that you might want to change all the locks on the off chance that actual living people are coming into your house to scope out your refrigerator and to make tea.

The second thing, which could settle whether it's people or spirits, is to go out and buy a security camera and set it up in your kitchen. As the nocturnal tea maker has left teacups in your sink more than once, that would be a great place to set it up. You could then either see who your human intruders are or capture footage that would be very valuable from a psychical research standpoint.

Not to be an alarmist but there have been many cases of former (living) residents returning to their old digs to spend a little time. You really need to eliminate the possibility that a person or people aren't using your kitchen for a free late night tea and snack stop. Thanks for sharing your interesting account.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-15)
Brody - You may also like to also consider the fact that these could be lost souls who for whatever reason are unable to cross over to where they belong. Perhaps they would appreciate a little help in that direction?

I don't know your religious beliefs but you could have your house blessed or or do a cleansing ritual. Rookdygin, a very respected member of this site, has an excellent method which will only dispel malevolent entities, not the good ones.

Regards, Melda
Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-15)
Wow! Great story.
In my opinion, spirits like these aren't as complicated as you may think. After all, they are just humans that have left the physical world. You don't necessarily need to ask them to show you a sign, as they have done so plenty! And if it is as common as you say it is, I would simply wait until the next occurrence and use that as a way to acknowledge their presence. Simply say "Hey, I know that was you. I know you're here and I respect that you choose to be here, as do I."

As far as actual communication goes, even though it is obvious these spirits have developed a good level of manipulation, speaking can be a hard task, and even if it's not, it's hard for you to hear it. I would purchase some EVP recording devices and other things as such (if you really want to get into it), because that way you could ask questions and you never know what you might catch! These devices allow you to meet them on their level.

It is quite obvious that they WANT you to notice them, and they probably haven't been spoken to in who knows how long, so I imagine they have plenty to say! So your odds are fairly good. Good luck!

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