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Clunker And Scrambled Hours


Last year I became a godmother, or faerie godmother, as is my self-appointed title. Last month I was babysitting the godson, or 'the Child' as we like to say in an ominous tone. 'Oh it's the Child, bring me the child' and so on. We also call him 'Boyo' 'cause it's funny. He's a placid baby, no lengthy screaming carry on thank goodness.

We don't have any children by choice and I think some of these odd occurrences have something to do with my godson being present at the time.

This happened on a Saturday night about two months ago. My man had gone out with the Child's parents for the evening leaving me holding the baby. Not really so, I've been little Miss Antisocial lately working on music, it's the only way to get it done.

The Child's parents have got him into a bit of a sleeping routine, and we're under strict instruction to keep it that way. The kid comes with equipment, among which is a Peppa Pig DVD. As a faerie godmother, and rational human being, I find Peppa Pig 'sucking' in nature, so, while here, the Child watches The Mighty Boosh. Get some surrealism into you, boy. Start 'em young. For Americans it's not children's programming but a bit like Sesame Street (on acid). The Child has just started crawling short distances and bloody hell does this complicate things. Boosh is a good distraction for staying out of mischief.

At about seven o'clock I put Boosh on and went outside for a cigarette. I know, role model of the year. Anyway, from the front I can watch him through the front window and, unless he's capable of teleporting, he didn't leave the blanket/rug play mat (?) on the floor. After around two minutes I heard a 'clunk clunk' which sounded like a mug being placed on the coffee table. The only object which I can imagine making that noise would've been an ashtray in the center of the coffee table. Far out of reach from mischievous hands. He hadn't moved around much, only to change direction towards a foam worm thing on the rug. I'm sure it wasn't the DVD because it was louder than the TV volume. Boyo was more concerned about the worm and didn't react to the sound as far as I could tell.

As a stand alone this isn't exactly submit worthy, and could've been anything mundane too. But it's probably worth a mention because of what happened later.

Later on, at about half nine, in preparation for his parents' return, I put the bottle in a bottle warmer. I don't know what these are called, it plugs in, it heats the formula. While that was on the go I took my mobile phone into the bathroom to switch it on and check for messages. Boyo was taking a nap and the phone makes a bunch of noise when it's switched on. So I take it into the bathroom, close the door, turn it on, put it on the sink and walk out, closing the door behind me. As I walked back to the kitchen I heard the phone go ping to indicate there were messages. At about the same time as I heard that I felt movement of air behind and the sound of the floor moving, as if someone had just rushed past behind me and gone into the bathroom. Then another 'clunk' in the bathroom. A different kind of 'clunk' to the one earlier. Things go bump at ours a lot, but usually checking the source of a sound gives no answers. I ignored these things for the moment.

A few minutes later I went back into the bathroom. First thing I noticed was the soap dispenser had moved from the back of the basin/bench to the middle, on the edge of the basin. Pretty sure I didn't bump it there when I put the phone in front of it. Position wise it doesn't make sense that I'd bump the soap dispenser while putting it where I did. Then the absence of messages on the phone confused me, there were none. Even though I'm certain I heard it go ping indicating there were. I guess what I heard could've been a distant car horn. But the whooshing past me, the clunk, and then the moved soap dispenser I can't explain.

The Child's parents were to return after ten, which they did. None of their gathering that night had messaged me. So that rules any of them out, and no one has since mentioned me ignoring their message. So I guess it was something else I heard.

The child wasn't present for this next bit of bizarreness. My husband reckons this might be connected to my hearing the phone ping weeks earlier. He surmises there's been a displaced time sequence. He watches Dr Who, I do not. The editing is atrocious, big turn off. But I agree with the displaced time thing for this next bit of weird.

The 28th of March, started out pretty normal. The only abnormal thing about it was that this day's schedule usually happens on a Thursday, whereas this time it was Tuesday. I usually have a free day on Thursdays and spend them working away on music. So this week that happened Tuesday instead.

I got up at five to midday, not that unusual but a bit later than I would've liked. Twenty minutes later I was in the studio, home studio, working away. A couple minutes after I started I heard some footsteps outside the door. (I was the only one in the house) This room's door was open a bit and the footsteps seemed to stop at the door. This is a regular occurrence at our place. Our rule is if it's just the floor alone it could be the house settling. But if we hear a step or the carpet scuffing, it's probably a ghostie. This was one of those, scuffing on the hall runner, meaning carpet, we don't have a ghost that runs down the hall! Since this kind of thing is pretty common it's likely it had nothing to do with what happened next. However, it's possible it does because the way the footsteps stopped at the door suggested the attention was on me this time. Usually footsteps are heard doing something unrelated to whatever is happening. Whatever it was, I wasn't bothered.

After a while I took a break, went into the kitchen. The kitchen clock said 1:20.

Back to the grind after around 20 mins, so 1:40. Had another break at 3:10-ish. Looked at the kitchen clock, clock said 2:00. Now, I'd just read the same clock a few minutes ago and swear it had said 3:10 there abouts. So I go check the clock in the lounge, it also says 2:00. I figured I mustn't be paying attention and that was that.

Back to it, at apparently just after 2:00, according to clock in studio. Another break at 4:30. As I wait for the kettle to boil I look at the kitchen clock, it says 3:05. Go check lounge, studio and, this time, the bedroom too, all clocks say the same, 3:05.

Back to business at about 3:25. At this point I'm thinking 'right, I won't question this cause I'm getting lots done.' Take another break at 4:40, according to studio clock. Kitchen clock says 4:40 too. As I'm returning to studio I check kitchen clock again and it says 4:00. So I go check the lounge and studio clocks which say the same. Apart from the clock oddness the mood in the house felt very normal.

I decide to do a bit more until (apparently) 4:40 abouts. At 4:40-ish I go back into the kitchen and this time switch the radio on, it's in the kitchen, and wait for a time update. The radio guy says something or rather was coming up after the five o'clock update. So I sit through the traffic reports and what have you and at five o'clock, according to our house clocks, the hourly news update comes on and the news reader confirms it was indeed five o'clock.

I go have a shower at 5pm, shut up I'm an artist. All time seemed to return to coherent normalcy after 5 o'clock. At about 5:20 I made notes of all the time weirdness.

Again at about 3:30am I made more notes on everything I had done during the day. It's normal for me to slog it out for over 12 hours, I'm used to it. I made notes on all I'd done for the purpose of piecing together the changing clocks. I wouldn't normally take notes like this. Taking into account the time it took to do everything I got a crap load more done than I usually would earlier that day in a five hour (midday to 5 o'clock) session.

But the question remains: What the heck? Did it happen in the surrounding area? Or was it confined to here? So many questions and so few answers. Feel free to give your opinions and suggestions or moan about my disdain for Dr Who's crappy editing.

Either way, thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

KatelynC (12 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-24)
good job, and thank you for sharing tweed
It takes people a lot of guts to share something personal (Dont know I don't know this is or not) but still ty for sharing

valkricry (49 stories) (3271 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-06-02)
Excuse me, Tweed...
You may be wondering where your 6 comments all saying the exact same thing have gone. I have deleted them. This site is not your advertising space. Please, do NOT repeat this offense.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-26)

Please keep us posted... Either by updates here or via a NEW EXPERIENCE SUBMISSION. 😲


Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-26)
Rook, I think you might be spot on. The 'hello' was clearer/louder than the rest of it and felt 'real world' by comparison, as did the man in the doorway. I was aware in a sense the war montage was part was some kind of 'dream' or 'lucid dream' and there was a fleeting moment when I questioned why the heck I was getting war stuff. But 'hello' and doorway man was more like being woken up. It really shocked me, and I pulled back, trying to get out of it. Then I was in our dark bedroom. I don't normally get scared by these things but the moment I was 'back' in our bedroom I was pretty afraid of whatever happened.

This is the third time this month this has happened. I didn't think the first two were connected but now that I think of it the room looked very similar. No war stuff, I was staring into some two toned wood details of a ye olde bureau. Time before that I was standing at our front door and heard, I think, the same man say 'hello?' from outside the door. I pulled back from that too.

Huh I think I might know who this guy is connected to. Might be an old relative of a friend. He's been doing it tough lately, I'll give him a call.

Funnily enough I'm just about to submit an experience about something odd that happened the other day (about a different ghost altogether). But it lieu of all this projecting activity it puts a different spin on what I was just about to submit.
Ghosts be complex! 😲
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-26)

To me it sounds as if YOU may have done the 'dropping in'...

The fact that you heard a man ask 'Hello?'

And the way you describe this...

"I then saw, presumably the same man back lit in a doorway, looking at me. Except it wasn't our bedroom doorway, another location. A dark room, too dark for detail, the room outside had a light on."

Makes me think you 'projected' to someone... Perhaps even a 'some when'...all the 'news flashes and 'war' scenes before hearing the voice... Given that information and the fact that you admit you were 'drifting' off to sleep makes me wonder...

Just my two cents...


Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-26)
Goatpuller yep a drop in seems very feasible. Could be something to do with someone in our area. Might drop some subtle hints to the neighbours, gauge any reactions. πŸ˜†
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-26)

I think "random" is the key word here. Sounds like a "drop in" to me but could be leading up to something since it seemed to give you so much info before the "hello".

Other than that, I got nothing but as I know you will, stay alert and let us know if something happens.
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-26)
I had a 'random' vision last night. If this resonates with anyone here please let me know.

Happened as I was drifting off to sleep. Images of old war scenes, battles, framed army/soldier medals, documents, men wearing Nazi uniforms, old victory/march music, black and white footage of Hitler.
Then a man's voice interrupted everything saying 'hello?' in a questioning tone. I then saw, presumably the same man back lit in a doorway, looking at me. Except it wasn't our bedroom doorway, another location. A dark room, too dark for detail, the room outside had a light on. The back lit man looked about 5'5, average build, darkish muted shirt (green I think), short dark hair which looked like it would be curly if it were longer. Couldn't get more detail than that. He might have been wearing a vest over the shirt.
The 'hello' and switch from war theme was so sudden it gave me a fright. But the two felt very connected.

I have zero interest in war documentaries, nor have I had any conversations or thoughts around the subject of Nazis. I have the impression this is to do with someone who has a keen interest in world war II and/or a connection to someone who was directly impacted by it.

If this resonates with anyone, let me know. If not, well no harm done, I'm a crazy loon. πŸ˜†
DanielaBrazil (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-19)
Funny and fun story! Just loved it! 😁 Except the ghost part, it was fun, but not funny LOL, I live for this stories, thank God for this page! ❀
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
Hi Kikigirl

Sorry, but what exactly is your point that you are trying to make here? πŸ˜•


KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
Hi Tweed, thanks for your account!
I wanted to say a few things at first like, "oh, could the lighting in the studio be a bit different to other lighting within the house and outside and then adding a number of additional possibilities (ie. Being tired, sore eyes, concentrating for long periods or time, being distracted, stress etc) for maybe a quick glance at the clock not being right but then, I had the weirdest thought and I "KNEW" exactly what I wanted to write:

Strangely enough, I've been watching "The Magicians" season 1, at the moment. And at this one point, this group of magicians manage to turn back time by fifteen minutes. He explains to two of the girl characters (call them actress A and actress B) that they've been working on manipulating time, as for each one of the people in their group, it holds a special desire ie. One lady has cancer, one man lost his child and so on.

Dialogue (to the effect of):

Actress A: "Time manipulation!? But, there is no... No way!"
Actress B: "Yeah! That's... Not even possible, is it?!"
Man doing explaining: Nods
Man doing explaining: "Well, that's what we've managed to do!"
Man doing explaining: Laughs
Actress A & B: Squealing
Man doing explaining: "Actually, we're trying to make contact with something or some one..."
Actress A: "But! To be able to do that!"
Actress B: "To be able to f$## with time!?"
Actress B: "You'd have to be -"
ALL &Pause
Man doing explaining: Nods
Man doing explaining: "A natural, born time witch..."
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-03)
Augusta, that's super intriguing, everyone that's brought up their own odd time moments has brought up driving to or from somewhere. Maybe there's something in that, maybe not. But it's interesting! I'm glad you've had something odd like this too.

Morning people, pffft. πŸ˜‰
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
I like the notion that Argette brought up about creativity and sensitivity - though, Tweed, your objections are valid... But I still think the idea may hold some water even though there are certainly exceptions to the rule. In my mind I link creativity with open mindedness... After all, if one did not possess an open mind how would they see anything else in a blank canvas (for example) but nothingness? I would think that such openness and creativity would make the mind pliant enough to believe in the less probable areas of existence... Lend the ability to possibly see a bit beyond the veil. Granted, a good dose of creativity can also lead one to see what isn't there. I don't know - it's just a really interesting thing to consider... Sorry to go off on a tangent... I just really liked the idea:)

I love the way you relate a story, Tweed - seems like we would make good neighbors lol I don't have kids either but I am the 'Magic Auntie' to my twin nieces;) I am the only one that teaches them about ghosties, legends, fairies, elementals, elves and so on ❀

I can't say much about your time slip but it has happened to me as well though to a lesser extent. It happened while I was driving a with a fellow I was at the time dating up to Richmond. I wasn't thrilled to be on the road since we were headed to his brother's to watch a football game (I prefer Dr Who to football and I really don't like Dr Who lol) AND there was a hurricane blowing in! The drive was supposed to take 45 to 55 minute but somehow, we were standing on his brother's doorstep in 15 min... I was speeding... But there's no way I could have gone THAT quickly!
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-01)
Nocturnl people...

I love it, I sleep during the day and at night nope I may beable to get 2 hours in. When I really try or I meditate for a good 15 minutes I'm at my best during the hours of 11-6 pm, after that eeh lol. The day can literally go by while I sleep, I work at night as well. Its something about complete quiet, no others energy swirling about, etc etc. All is still except for me. Love it!

Sorry I know this has really nothing to do with this post but was so excited to read I'm not the only one!

MaybeADreamer (4 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-29)
Another cool story, thanks.

And there's nothing wrong with being nocturnal, I just don't understand how morning people do it,
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-28)
BGP haha sorry you didn't get much done that day! But I'm glad you've had it happen too! It's so weird so many people have experienced this sort of thing. I hope it one day happens to Prof Brian Cox because he keeps saying 'time cannot move backwards', umm yeah, maybe he's right. But it's like Dude, this crap really happens! πŸ˜†

Lol glad you enjoyed my godson. I embraced my inner villain a long time ago, probably why 'the Child' sounds very me. I think you're right about one of the ghosts being confused, that kind of phantom bustling about just doesn't happen at ours otherwise. 😊
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-28)
Love "the child" reference. For some reason, it sounds like you. Lol. Maybe boyo was confusing your ghosts. As in, "what is that thing doing here?".

I had a "time slip" happen to me a few months back. I had an appt. With the dog groomer for my Rosie at 10:30. I was up at 8:30, did a few chores and sat here reading on YGS until about 10:20. I looked at 3 different clocks as I was heading out and all of them said 10:20 give or take a minute or so, including my computer clock.

I cranked up the radio in the car and the guy says it's 10:23. When I got to the groomer's, Janine looks at me and says, "Oh, you're early". I asked her what time it was and she says it's 9:30! I told her "no way!". She showed me her phone clock, the clock in the back room and said, "way".

I get in my car and the clock says 9:30. I get home and all the clocks are at around 9:40. I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out if I lost or gained an hour and unlike you, did not get a lot done. πŸ˜†

Thanks for the laughs Tweed!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-27)

(Sorry it's off-topic: "Midnight" & "Beast Below" were 6 &7, but I limited it to 5!)

Ear-fatigue makes a lot of sense; we get a similar phenomenon grading essays. Eventually, it ALL looks like gibberish if we don't stop for a while.

Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-27)
Ohooohhh LadyCastlemain, we're in Watford! 😲 Do you mean they returned to Hertford? That's one mother of a coincidence, when did this happen to them?
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-27)
Biblio, I've never seen anyone so excited about 'war' before. πŸ˜•

1 Eighth
2 Fourth
3 Fifth
4 Third
5 Tenth

1 The Beast Below
2 The Empty Child
3 Blink
4 Girl in the Fireplace
5 Midnight

(I hope this made sense to you!) He says 'Yes, no but war has to be in there somewhere.' He also said Matt Smith is his least favourite Doctor.

Ya'll are nerds. 😜
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-27)
Very strange indeed... Thanks for sharing.

I am not sure but it seems like just a random spirit.

Children, especially babies sometimes bring along with them a spirit which might relate to their before life.

Some religion believes in a cycle being like birth, death, re-birth, in those religion our body dies but not our spirits, we borrow a body in order to live a new life, sometime bounds between the before life of a new born is so strong that the pair will not separate... Em... For example. Before re-birth the person lived with a very good friend or like husbands and wives, they love each other very much until death. The spirit of the husband has re-birth into another person's child the wife's spirit follows the child for a while... You know that sort of thing.

Oh,oh, yes, I meant it might have been a spirit brought by the child, for him it might just be a random spirit but the spirits might mean no harm. πŸ˜‰

Dr. Who? Who? 😜
I am not familiar with Dr. Who, but I can tell you how bad Mighty Morphine Power Rangers used to be during the early 90's... Lol πŸ˜†

Blessing from SΓ£o Paulo
ladycastlemaine (8 stories) (14 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-27)
That is creepy, I have no answers or ideas. A similar thing happened to my cousin though - he and his mother had driven to Worcester from Hertford (takes 2.5 hours from his home), and he arrived for 10am. They went for a tour around his uni, then to some talks etc, which took until 1pm, then they left. They got home, taking the 2.5 hrs... And all the clocks in their house said 1:30. Impossible, and it freaked them out.
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-27)
BeautInside, it really was a normal day aside from noticing the time changing. There was nothing to freak out about. Glad you enjoyed this. Haha Bringeth the Child!

Argette, if you think wearing PJ's with messy hair, slouching over equipment for days on end is interesting, then I lead a fascinating life! Lol.
People have been linking sensitivity to creativity for yonks. Personally I think it's a bit of a cop out. There are plenty of creative people who aren't sensitive and vice versa. I don't really know of a definitive link. Perhaps it's a matter of you get out what you put in, like with everything else.

Mack, come now, you've had breakfast at noon. Timing is everything, you should know, you're a drummer! 😜

Spiritwaiting, everyone I've told this about has a similar conundrum. I guess one explanation is similar looking numbers on digital style or similar positioned hands for analogue clocks being momentarily mistaken. But ruling all that out, it's just completely strange!

Biblio, ha! I always knew nocturnals are underrated, it's great to know there's official study behind it! 😁
The disciplined breaks are a matter of need due to a phenomenon known as 'ear fatigue'. I'm in the 'mixing' process at the moment which involves the laborious task of listening to things over and over again, adjusting levels within the mix and the overall frequencies therein. This is done at a comfortable listening volume, not quiet, but not too loud either. 'Ear fatigue' is a perception issue, whereby if you listen long enough you 'believe' it sounds great, when it actual fact the levels are completely unbalanced. Taking regular breaks during the mix ensures you're hearing with fresh perspective. It also saves a lot of time in the long run. (see lessons learned the hard way)
When I'm writing or rehearsing, on the other hand, I need to force myself to take breaks. The hyper focus cycle you brought up is easy to get caught up in.
I'm unsure who the clunker was/is. But I'm betting whoever walked up to the door before the clock weirdness was my guardian. The footsteps had his 'ways' about them. If he had something to do with this he deserves a medal. I need to have a word with him, you're right.
I'll refer my bloke to your lists. He'll no doubt have an opinion.πŸ˜‰
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-27)

"Morning People" tend to presume that Nocturnals are in some way lazy; they don't factor in all of their own breaks, mid-afternoon energy slumps, and their own exhaustion after a relatively short day. Several psychological studies over the last few years indicate that Nocturnals take time to get started, but once we've begun, we tend to go full-tilt for 12-to-14 hours, producing better work in greater quantities than Morning People. However, when we do hit our stride, we tend to focus intently on the task and tell ourselves we'll have a snack "in 10 minutes" for 3 hours before getting light-headed enough to break our concentration.

You seem to have developed the discipline to overcome the hyper-focus (congrats on that, b.t.w.) and you work in structured time blocks. I cannot believe that several time-dilation effects, including multiple clocks with consistent retroactive timekeeping issues are attributable to creative focus, especially when you identify specific times to start and to stop each task. Have you asked your guardian if he has noticed anything amiss in this regard? I know they can have some difficulty with the constraints of linear time, but if someone/something was interfering with it either to your benefit or to your detriment, he would notice.


P.S.: Please show your husband these "Top 5" lists, and ask him where he disagrees; I'm always curious...
1. Tenth 2. War 3. Eleventh 4. Fifth 5. Fourth.
1. 'Blink.' 2 & 3. 'The Silence in the Library' & 'The Forest of the Dead.' 4.'The Doctor's Wife.' 5.'The Girl in the Fireplace.'
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-26)

Interesting you should post something about weird time lapses.

Just within the last two weeks, I to have been dealing with odd clocks etc.

I had looked at my phone one day, it said 11:30 am, I put it down. Look up and my fav soap show had just started (it starts at 11 am exactly every day).

I didn't think much of it, maybe I was just seeing things.
This sort of thing has happened to me quite a few time over the last couple weeks weird but nothing compared to yours!

One time at 3:30 when it was only 2:30,another time at 11:30 when it was only 10:30 pm. Lol I thought maybe I was going a bit crazy.

Im glad to knownits not just me going through this.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-26)
Hmmm, I wouldn't be concerned about anything here Tweed. Clearly you emerging from bed at 11:55 AM has completely thrown, not only your own body clock into disarray but somehow it's also confused all the clocks in your house. None of you have any idea what the time is or should be, as you eat your breakfast at lunch time πŸ˜†
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-04-26)
Ooh, that is so weird. Tweed, you clearly lead an interesting life.

Is there a connection between receptiveness to paranormal events and creativity?
One would think so.

Sounds like you've been floating and and out of a time warp, or a time slip...
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-26)
Hi Tweed (here I am again) 😊

Honestly it seems to me your husband watches Dr. Who for a reason... Lol

Waw, I mean you reacted to this situation so naturally if it was me I'd freak out!
I've read somewhere about time lapses (I think this is how it's called), I think you experienced something of that nature.

By the way, loved the way you narrated the experiences. That was so natural, and the way you refer to your grandson as The Child... That is really something 😁


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