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The Knocking Ghost Got In And My Sister Is Being Attacked!


If you read my last story you'll know the ghost knocks and comes up to the door but had not gotten in. This is a couple of messages from my little sister (we'll call her C) who lives there with her husband (T) and their son (we moved to Colorado last week)

C: Things are happening and I'm terrified sister...

C: What happened was T and I are about to go to bed, we were watching George Lopez and then I feel something taking over my body and my eyes are rolling into my head. T kept asking if I was okay saying "Babe? Babe are you okay baby?" And I'm trying to tell him to pray... Pray Pray and then I felt whatever Leave. T just stared at me terrified and asked if I was ok. I tried to play it off because he's having a hard time right now and I said yeah. T said I was twitching really bad and trying to say something and I was breathing heavy. So I told him I was trying to say pray. He got freaked out so he prayed. A few minutes later the same thing happened I'm watching George Lopez and I feel the same thing taking over and I'm trying to kick and talk but this time I'm not able to talk and T "woke me up" this time he told me I was kicking my legs really bad and grunting. So I haven't even tried to sleep and I've been in the livingroom because I don't want to be in my room...

C:Mom told me to call grandma and Mom is going to smudge the house when she gets here.

C:It's weird because I don't know if I fell asleep and was just having a serious nightmare or if it actually happened...

C:Grandma said I have a senadrea... I don't know how to spell it and it's so bad on the spelling that I can't even google it!

C:Grandma said it won't ever go away now that I have it but I can stop it from hurting me. She said she felt it as soon as I called... It is something that will induce realistic dreams that I can't wake up from and it triggers my worst fears and feeds off of my fear and mainly stress... Makes sense since we have been super stressed out. To be honest since y'all have left T and I have got into serious arguments almost everyday.

C:Grandma said that it can put me into a dream that is so realistic I won't even be able to tell I'm dreaming, and that it is going to try and get into my mind but I can't let it. It'll do this when I'm at my weakest, and now seems like that time because I'm sad y'all left... I'm dealing with so much change and all the negativity from me and T fighting isn't Helping.

Me: The shaking isn't a seizure. She's had them before and would know if she had another one. I did send her rooks cleansing and shielding method. She hasn't done it yet as all of this happened last night (10/06). She's trying to find a name to this thing so she can properly defend herself against it. If anyone knows the proper spelling to Sendrea or of a spirit or demon that fits this description it well help!

Please please please anything helps!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Caylo28, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Caylo28 (3 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-19)
She is Apache and Navajo. When I was a kid she lived on a Ute reservation so it could be any of those 😕
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-19)
You mention your Grandmother grew up on a reservation. It's a long shot, but if you can tell us which tribe, we might be able to track down the spirit's name.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-19)
Greetings, Caylo & Cateesha.

I'm trying to understand T's actions & ideation in this scenario.

T did not want a cleansing because a) he does not believe in ghosts, spirits, etc., and b) he believes that performing a cleansing will attract the attention of the ghosts in which he does not believe. When told by Cateesha that she was trying to get him to pray, he "got freaked out so he prayed." T has heard voices in the house, but C can't "get him to seek professional help" because --and I'm guessing here-- he doesn't believe in psychiatry either?

Prayer is a supernatural phenomenon. Believing that there is a God, that there are many Gods, or that there is a non-specific intelligent abstraction that will hear the prayer --and will react in a beneficent manner-- is a belief in supernatural activity.
--God/Gods: supernatural by definition
--Prayer: talking to God/Gods and presuming that the message is clearly understood

Has T remained opposed to a cleansing or a blessing? If he's hearing voices that are originating inside your home when no one else is present, either he is suffering a mental breakdown of some kind, or there is something paranormal occurring.

I'm concerned that T is acting tough because he wants to be in control of the situation, while being the exact opposite of helpful. I do not wish to be over-critical of a man I have never met, but has he considered the effect that the disagreements/arguments are having on his son? Being stubborn about not getting the help that his family clearly needs is counter-productive, as it will undermine trust in all of the relationships in that home. That's not just stubborn, that's a tragedy worthy of Sophocles.

I do hope that your mother's participating in the cleansing of the house brought some invigorating determination into this situation.

czamantha (3 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-18)
roylynx...Hi...sorry, I guess I did the wrong move. I was just trying to help figure out the word mentioned in the post since the OP asked for help on this one as well... Not my intention to scare or make them feel less safer because of this information. My apologies to all...
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-08-18)
czamantha, hmm... Your comment has interested me.

Pisadeira is folklore in my knowledge. The story is basically to scare children, telling them certain things they should not do before sleeping. Yes, part of Brazil has different stories... But I am telling you almost every family with little children will have different stories.

In another point of view of your comment in my understanding, you might be explaining that "fear" could do lots of harm. Sure, it makes a person unstable, and from that it sometime will affect our body physically, very true. To help the OP you could have said things like don't fear the entity and things like that.

This sort of encounters needs evidence like the history of the place, background of the person, reason and some possibilities, etc. Well, I do not have to say all these as you can read on people here is already asking the OP sorts of questions needed. Lets wait for the answer.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-18)
Pisadeira sounds like 'old hag syndrome' or Sleep Paralysis.

One is where you are pinned by the 'spirit/entity' that appears as an old hag and the other is a physical condition that your body may experiences if you wake up suddenly and the 'chemical' that keeps you from moving in your sleep has not worn off... When this happens dreams often 'overlap' and we continue to see the images from them as 'spirits/entities' around us in the real world.


czamantha (3 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-18)
Hi...I couldn't take my attention off this one word in this post and tried to search. The closest word I've come up to with "Senadrea/Sendrea" is the word "Pisadeira"...
Though upon reading and re-reading the post again, it was not mentioned what C is seeing or if she was actually seeing something when it happened... It was also not mentioned if before going to bed, she just had her dinner or had eaten a big meal since Pisadeira has something to do with sleeping with a full stomach.

It might not be the right one but I just wanted to share anyway... It will be a long post but please bare with me as it explains almost everything about Pisadeira...

In certain parts of Brazil they have their own explanation... And this one is said to be capable of killing you.

Pisadeira is typically described as a very thin, bony woman, with short legs and messy, long hair. She has a large, hooked and pointed nose and wide, red eyes. Her fingers are long and thin and end in long yellow nails or claws. Her teeth are sharp and the inside of her mouth is coloured green.

She will enter the room of the victim, climb on the bed and then sit on top of the victims chest. She will then either press down or stomp on the chest and stomach of the chosen, causing slow suffocation as breathing is interrupted. Pisadeira could just throttle the victim with her powerful grip but she does in fact want to wake you...

When you awaken you are paralysed with fear and unable to move. You (and only you) can see and hear what is going on but you are helpless to do anything. You can mentally call your limbs to move, for your mouth to cry out, but your physical body will not obey. Your rising fear only serves to make Pisadeira stronger.

One of two things will happen next: either the horribly slow torture will continue until you breathe your last... Another victim of an unsolved death... Or Pisadeira will leave you, soon your body will reawaken and you will only have a vague memory of what took place.

If you survive you might feel lucky but unfortunately luck is not really on your side; Pisadeira will be back in the future and will be able to terrify you even more, making for a better 'meal'.

Sorry for the long post.:)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-17)
First Question: Any Idea how this 'spirit' got into your sisters house?

Second Question concerns a comment you said your Grandmother made...

"C:Grandma said it won't ever go away now that I have it but I can stop it from hurting me. She said she felt it as soon as I called..."

IF... (big IF)...this is a (the) spirit from next door why will it 'never go away'? One household has kicked it out what's so different about your sisters?

I also agree 110% with the medical check up just to be on the safe side... Especially sense you stated...

"The shaking isn't a seizure. She's had them before and would know if she had another one."

That is a dangerous way of thinking...seizures/fits/strokes...can 'manifest' in many different ways and just because someone has experienced one does NOT mean they will recognize another one should it happen again... Just my opinion, but seeing a Doc could not hurt.


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-16)
Cateesha - I was intending to reply to Caylo as well but now that we have contact with you personally, I think it's better that I simply suggest this to you. I know I should have done so in my previous comment.

You don't have to carry out any cleansing rituals or blessings in your home on your own. Should you prefer to contact a priest (whichever denomination you prefer) or a psychic/medium (check those out first for authenticity) you won't be alone.

Now that your husband has admitted that he is hearing voices, perhaps the two of you can agree to try Rookdygin's cleansing ritual. As long as you believe in what you are doing, I don't believe there is anything to be afraid of.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-16)
Cateesha - Welcome to YGS.

Firstly, I'm very happy to hear that you made an appointment with your doctor.

I understand that some of the comments might be hugely confusing to you. I know that I am responsible for some of the confusion because of comments I made and the responses thereto. I apologise to you and Caylo for that. The point being made was that every person has the right to his/her belief systems.

Try to move on from those comments and concentrate on whatever pertains to your particular experiences.

I look forward to receiving a response from you, whenever you feel comfortable to share.

Regards, Melda
Cateesha (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
Thank you sis for posting this... I am honestly scared to do anything. I got off the phone with my dr today and I have an appointment tomorrow to see her. There are so many comments I don't even know where to start to be honest.
Caylo28 (3 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
I just got of the phone with C and think I've successfully talked her into creating a profile on this site so she can answer question more accurately than I. Its just a matter of her actually getting on the site to do it. She's afraid to talk about it because she said she feels like she's going crazy. Her husband said he's been hearing voices. She's trying to get him to seek professional help but he is as stubborn if not more than an ass. She said she is going to go to the Dr about the "seizures". C said these fits are different from the ones she used to have because she is fully alert and aware of everything as they are occurring and when she used to have seizures she was only aware when started to happen but would blackout right after they started. She's also afraid to try any cleansing or blessings because she feels that by fully acknowledging it will feed into it and that she feels she isn't as experienced in this field to try on her own
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
I have to say, I am in agreement with the others here who have recommended seeing a doctor. This situation sounds medical to me - seizures or even small strokes. Since your mom seems to have the smudging well in hand, might as well cover all your bases. And, since stress and negativity will exacerbate problems both physical/emotional and paranormal, some time should perhaps be invested in strengthening your sister's marriage- couple's therapy or something along those lines.

I also completely agree with Melda regarding the proselytizing. I think the big difference is the lack of respect for the efficacy of other religions. Other commenters tend to suggest the OP handle the situation through their own belief system - hence the cleansing method most commonly recommended is religion-neutral.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
Caylo28, your sister sounds like she is experiencing seizures again. It doesn't matter that she hasn't had one in years and is not on meds anymore. They can start up again due to many triggers, including stress, hormones, etc. They can also bring about feelings of dread, deja vu, sorrow, etc.

She should first focus on making sure she is healthy by talking to a Dr. Her life and health is most important. Ignoring this possibility could just be denial which could lead to unnecessary unhappiness.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
Caylo: I'm not a moderator and it is not my intention to be critical of your writing style but, personally, I think it would be a good idea if you could take some time adding as much information as possible to your stories before submitting them.

It is hard to follow what is going on when you provide new important details in every comment instead of mention them from the beginning... I don't know if you realize how confusing this can be, not to mention misguiding, since it makes it look like you are improvising information according to the questions asked by the readers.😡

Why didn't you mention the cousin playing with the OB before? If the entity moved out of the neighbor's place to your sister's, how can you and/or your grandma explain the attacks to your sister if, according to the first part of your story:

"NL lady tells me she knows and that things have been going on in her house such as doors opening and closing when she's the only one home, noises, negativity that affects everyone in the home ect."

So far the only thing in common seems to be the negativity between your sister and her husband.
Do you know how long ago did the cousin drop the egg in the neighbors house? Did the activity began immediately after that incident? Were any of the neighbors having "...realistic dreams that I can't wake up from and it triggers my worst fears and feeds off of my fear and mainly stress..."😱

Do you mean the 'negativity' wasn't just following the cousin but was attached/inside her? Did she ever mention what came through the OB and/or any other of the people taking part of the session was affected too? How long did the activity last for from the moment the negativity escaped from the egg (hatched?) to the day they got rid of it?

I hope you are able to answer my questions.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
Caylo, thanks for clearing that up for me.😊 I thought it was a typo.
Caylo28 (3 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
Valkricry I realized after I submitted the story but I thought maybe I had put the right date but I did in fact mean 08/06
Caylo28 (3 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-15)
Lady-glow the neighbors only have an idea on where the spirit came from. According to the neighbor her cousin had been playing with the Ouija board with some people. It didn't go very well and the cousin got scared, broke the circle and left before goodbye could be said. The cousin started having "strange things" happening even as she was traveling to TN to visit our neighbor. She took an egg uncooked and in the shell and was rubbing it on herself (this is supposed to pull any negative energy and pull it into the egg. Then you dispose if the egg outside of the home and off the property) She
Accidentally dropped the egg in the kitchen. Therefore releasing whatever into the home.
Caylo28 (3 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Melda my sister hasn't been on anti-seizure med in years since she hasn't had any her doctor took her off of them. My Grandma lives in Denver but my mom assisted with the smudging. I'm going to ask my mom tomorrow if my sister even mentioned rooks method because my mom would do it regardless of how my brother in law feels.
Caylo28 (3 stories) (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Lady-glow my grandma did not know the correct spelling either. My grandmother grew up on a reservation and is well versed in spirits and lore. After the smudging C hasn't been physically attacked but there is still activity in the home.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Forgive me, but I just realized your story was received on 2017-08-11, but within it you state: "She hasn't done it yet as all of this happened last night (10/06)." Unless I've missed something, we're in August the 8th month, with 10 being October. Just a bit confused on that. When did this happen again?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
WOW, a down vote on a positive comment to the OP? I should have stayed off of this site today 😆

Sorry Anno, I reckon it must have come from you because I didn't say anything inappropriate to the OP. That will "learn" me to stop doling out unwanted advice and sympathy to people who don't want it.

By the way, Anno_Domini, you didn't get any down votes from me 😊

Nevertheless, I'm working on assumptions. No hard feelings.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Anno_Domini - I have no double standards and I don't believe you have either.

Quite honestly I personally don't mind what you want to post. The difference is I don't state with absolute authority that the Christian religion is the only route to follow. Don't tell me that you don't do that because we both know you do.

I felt bad for you about all the negative votes you were getting but okay, not another word from me on that subject.

Perhaps read the guidelines sometime.

Regards, Melda
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Melda, with respect, you are being overly sensitive to what I post. I make it clear that that is my opinion, just as you regularly advocate cleansings, I am not asking anyone to convert. Why is it you can offer your advice and I can't? Is it because yours is better? It sure smacks of double standards -- others are free to do what you are asking me not to do.

Rookdygin... Thank you for the respect & up vote. I, as with everyone else, have only good intentions to try and offer some help or a solution.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Caylo28: According to your previous story, the neighbors were able to get rid of whatever it was in their house and now this entity is at your sister's house. Wouldn't it make sense to ask the neighbors what they did? I'm sure they will understand and wouldn't judge her.

...and the neighbors, too, would be able to tell the entity's name and nature.😏

If, like it's been assumed by the previous posters, you are talking about Santeria, I'm afraid your grandma got the wrong concept, since no religion would attack anyone!😁
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Well, since looking it up by spelling produced no results when others tried it, I took a different approach and tried looking through lists of demons for phonemes that approach this pronunciation.

I got nothing.

In addition to the advice already offered, I can only offer this, and it is based on my personal experience from what seemed like an attempt at possession: visualize Christ's cross as vividly as you can, focus on it.

Please note: while I am Christian, I understand there are folks who are not. I can only give advice on my experience.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Rook - For the first time, ever, I am going to disagree with you. Being the respected member that you are (including my huge respect for you) I don't care how many downers I get on this.

Firstly, let me make it very clear that I did not give Anno_Domini a down-vote on his comment.

The impression that I get is that when he quotes scripture and verse it is not only an opinion intended for the OP but, taking a number of Anno_Domini's responses in the past into account, in general, it impacts on all readers as a message that what he is trying to get across is THIS IS HOW IT IS. I can add more to that subject but will refrain from doing so as I don't want to make too big an issue of it and it won't help the OP in any way.

I am a believer in ego. Ego is not always arrogance. "I" is very important in every person's life and we all have the right to live according to our belief system. If you don't believe in your own ideals you might as well not exist.

Anno is entitled to an opinion, as are the rest of us, but the purpose of this site is not to guide souls to our preferred destiny. Having said that, I too am Christian.

I was compelled to reply to your comment Rook, although it may not be well received.

Regards, Melda
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
First to Anno_Domini,

I have actually given you an up vote for your comment here. It reads as if this is YOUR OPINION and not preachy at all... The Biblical quote is a wee bit over the top, it however supports your point of view.

So please keep letting your comments and opinions be known, just ensure it's understood they are your opinions and not 'everyone's Gospel Truth'.

In this case Santeria IS Animalistic... However at it's CORE it is a religion practiced originally in Cuba in which Yoruba deities are identified with Roman Catholic saints.

For the O/P:

As far as this goes...

"If anyone knows the proper spelling to Sendrea or of a spirit or demon that fits this description it well help!"

I second lady-glow, double check the spell with Grandmom... Ask her what she means... Even if I play with the spelling (changing the S to a C) I am not having any luck finding information on something with a 'sound alike/spelled like' word.

Please keep us posted.


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Caylo28 - Apologies for the typo regarding your name in my previous post!

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
Anno_Domini - Despite all the requests you have had from a number of members you still persist with trying to convert people to Christianity, like some of the Christian sects that go from door to door with their pamphlets and almost push their way into your home in an attempt to convert you.

You actually admitted in a comment on a submission a short while ago (I don't remember the title) that you realise that you get down-voted because of your continuous harping on Christianity.

You also often give some good advice and I know that your replies to posters come from the heart.

I know I'm not a mod and you can ignore what I've said completely but I have to say this to you because I cringe inwardly every time I see all those negative points that your religious comments attract.

I say this to you with the best of intentions and the greatest respect.

Regards, Melda

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