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Voice On A Toy Phone


This happened when I was about five or six years old. My sister and I were in our bedroom one night, and I was playing with a toy phone. Just a little plastic thing. Might have even been my baby brother's. I said hello into the receiver and clearly heard a man's voice say hello back to me, right into my ear. The voice wasn't creepy or ghostly; it sounded like the normal friendly way an adult would say hello to a little kid. But I was still terrified, of course, and ran to tell my parents. I even asked my dad if he'd just said, 'Hello,' but he hadn't. Honestly can't remember what they said after that, but probably something reassuring.

As I got older, I kept trying to tell myself that it was just the normal active imagination of a kindergartner. Even though my imagination had always been just about 'playing pretend,' with dolls or toys or friends or whatever, but fully aware I was just playing, as opposed to seeing or hearing things that weren't there. But I can still hear that voice in my mind. (Fifty-five years later!) It didn't sound like anyone I knew, and I never heard a voice on that telephone again. Come to think of it, I was so spooked that night, that I probably never played with that phone again! But for some reason I've always wanted to know if anyone else had ever had that same experience, toy phone and all, or something very similar. Since unexplained things like that have been pretty rare in my life, when they *have* happened, I guess they tend to stick with me. Half of me tries to find a logical explanation, and the other half is just weirded out for a very long time.:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, VeronicaMarie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Katie212 (guest)
4 years ago (2020-04-15)
Veronica all I can say is Wow. It's an incredible feeling when something unexplainable happens and you feel like you are alone and nobody believes you. I believe you.

Your event triggered a memory of an experience I had back in 2016. I was an Armed Security Officer at a historical haunted hotel in Myrtle Beach, SC, and my husband and I rotated shifts. I'll write about that event, but I wanted to say the telephone in a closed-down tiki bar hut kept calling the front desk who in return radioed me to check it out. I was night duty nobody was in there but the phone kept calling out to the front desk at the hotel. She said someone was talking to her but it was distorted.

I'll say your event had me frightened. I really am glad for this website allows everyone to speak about things that have happened to them, even as a child, when most adults ignore our words and we are forced to deal with it alone. Thank you for sharing this.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-27)
Bettina Marie, so sorry my response to you is two years old, but it had been a while since I was here, and just saw your message. I heard the voice directly in the ear that I was holding the phone to.

MrsRamsay, Oh my goodness, that 'CVS phone call' on your birthday gave me chills. The good kind of chills. So intriguing that the call came from the town where your parents would likely be relaxed and happy. It really does sound as if your mom was letting you know she's peaceful and happy. I love that story. Thanks so much for sharing it.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-22)

Huh...I'm afraid you got it wrong.

The O.P. Never said that she was "5 or 6 in 2017"; the 2017 means that she submitted her experience on that date/year.

I know, you are a newbie and it takes time to get used to the YGS jargon.

Welcome to YGS.
i-have-a-crush-on-firestar (1 stories) (24 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-22)
if you're over 55 year's old, you can't of been 5 or 6 in 2017, or you would still be an child, hope that didn't sound harsh, I was not trying to be rude. Maybe it was an dead loved-one, he was probably very friendly. That is very sweet for this ghost to play with you
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-02-21)
Hi VM,
I came to this story after reading your kind message to me about my mom's message in the calendar. I loved this story, and can believe you still remember this event, as I'm about your same age and remember all the events in my young years that were strange, even for a kid. They somehow stand out. Sometimes you forget them, and then something jogs your memory and the specific event comes flooding back. Not to sound like a "new age" person (and not that there's anything wrong with a "new age" person) but I am VERY much a normal mom in a normal suburban world (history teacher/Marine Corps wife/Girl Scout leader world). Strange things regarding toys have happened to me too. After first husband died, the toy firetruck in my daughter's closet regularly sounded off in the middle of the night. I chalked it up to being tossed into the closet on a pile of stuff that maybe shifted, but those buttons were harder to push when you wanted to make that thing go off. Now, after almost 30 years, I realize that it was probably the most convenient way for a spirit to be noticed, if it was hanging around in my beautiful 2-year-old's room in the middle of the night. Keeping watch. Once I got a call from my mom, I'm certain, on my birthday. It was either my first or second birthday after she died, and a bright and cheerful 7pm, post dinner call. Kids and husband were outside playing and I jumped up to answer the phone when the "CVS Pharmacy" and phone number ID popped up in the corner of my TV. I couldn't hear at first, but in my mind it had to be one of my kids who'd just gotten their own places after college. Perhaps they were at the pharmacy and their ATM card didn't work or something. So I said, "Who IS this?" and kept hearing "MOM, Mom!" I could not tell which kid it was and then stopped in my tracks. It sounded like MY mom! Then the line went dead. I called the number that had popped up on the TV and was still in my phone's "last call" queu, and it was the number for a CVS pharmacy in a small town where my parents used to have a lake house. NO ONE we know would've been calling from there, though I've found myself wondering if they're both at the lake house in some other dimension, living their post-lives and perhaps somehow mom managed to remember to call me on my birthday? It's crazy I realize. But how do we know how it works? I think anything is possible!
BettinaMarie (14 stories) (80 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Veronica-no wonder that stayed in your memory. I realize that you were small when it happened (and posted this a while back) but I have a question. It may seem odd, but did you "hear" the voice with your ear from the phone, or "hear" the voice inside your head? I am so curious how these experiences work. Manafon always has such helpful info, and I like that theory of someone not wanting to scare you by "talking" again.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-22)
Echosmithrocks, you and me both. 😊

I think it stayed in my memory for so long partly because I'm not generally prone to unexplained experiences, and partly because the voice was so clear in my ear. It's weird though, because I have no memory of how I felt the next day, or if I told my friends about it or anything.
echosmithrocks (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-19)
Hello! Wow you must have great memory! I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday! 😁
Whodat (42 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-15)
WOW! That would be so weird if that had been the case! If I had only heard the voice once, I would have deemed it my imagination, but when I heard it the second time, I knew I really heard it.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-15)
Whodat, my mom told me years ago that one night when she was a child and her father was away traveling on business, that she sat up in the middle of the night and said, 'Yes, Daddy?' When her dad returned home, he told her that he had sat up in the middle of the night (while he was away) and called out her name.

I wonder if something similar happened with you and your dad?
Whodat (42 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-14)
I've never heard a voice come from an object like that, but I was awakened not once but twice within a few minutes by a voice calling my name (one time apiece). I recognized the voice as my own father's voice. Thing is, he is still alive and lives a long way from me. I know it wasn't God calling me because the voice only called twice and not three times like in the book of 1 Samuel. I don't know whose voice it was but I remember feeling annoyed because I was trying to sleep.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-14)
Thank you so much, Manafort1. That makes a lot of sense. Gives me an odd sort of comfort... Or closure, I guess.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-13)
VeronicaMarie--Really enjoyed reading your account of a man's voice answering your "hello". I understand why this event has stayed with you for fifty five years.

Voices, such as the one you heard, are one of the most commonly reported type of paranornal occurances, not that that means a damn thing to a five year old! Whether five or nintey five, hearing a disembodied voice is always a bit of a shocker.

It seems that in your case, an entity was possibly observing you and, caught up in your childhood exuberance, thought he would join in. Maybe for a moment he wasn't considering his non-corporeal state and thought he would join in your fun. The fact that you never heard him again might suggest he figured out that keeping his voice to himself around a young child was probably the best choice.

As he sounded friendly, it seems likely that's exactly what he was. Thanks for sharing your fantastic encounter.

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