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Train Horn From No Where


Another simple, yet strange story from these past months. I was taking Henrique to the vet to do his body check routine. I had to use public transportation since my car was also doing a "body check" (takes a few days since it is an old car).

We got off the taxi nearby where the animal hospital is, we walked a few minutes to the reception and waited. My sister was text messaging with her friend on her phone (Oh yes, this happened before the previous story if you are curious).

Let me just say, the train station was far away and there is no way that we will hear any train horn.

As we waited, we heard a very loud what sounded like a train horn.


We looked out, my sister got so scared that she had thrown her phone across the wall (that was the reason she got her new phone). Henrique too was surprised, he shook the basket and peeked his front paws out.

I thought it was someone's car or truck with crazy horns, I looked out and tried to spot who that was but there were no vehicles around.

Everyone at the reception too heard that loud honking, they were asking what that was and some even said that they thought it was some of those YouTube prankers, well I did a research on them... It seems that they have DIYed their car horn. Well, they could never come to Brazil since it is illegal to DIY horns or any vehicle parts unless they have special reasons...yes... It is illegal, right?

Anyhow, I was checking that if there were any uncommon railways around, of course there is none...

This seemed very odd and very uncomforting, we will never know when this loud horn will be heard again and we do not know what that was. Well, yes even if we are being pranked who in the world would cats and dogs?

I watched some of those clips on YouTube; it was just like one of those pranks, but strangely, none of us spotted crazy teenagers laughing and filming, hidden cameras maybe? What a waste! Perhaps, if any of you found a clip filmed in an animal hospital in Brazil, let me know? If you are thinking to subscribe one of those pranksters DON'T, time wasting and those pranks are bad! It is not funny, scary in another form.

Now serious question for all, do you think old rail roads and train could haunt? I have heard of old stories about haunted ships and boats, but never really saw one myself, yes, there are lots of stories on them but very little have investigators investing at all...

Love from São Paulo


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echosmithrocks (16 posts)
6 years ago (2019-06-07)
Hey roylynx... Yes. I had a guest at my home recently whose message tone was a coin dropping. It drove me crazy as I thought there were phantom coins! Some phones are louder than others so if the phone were near you you'd hear a loud one.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-19)
Echosmithrocks, Hmm... Interesting lol
But tell me more, is it possible?

echosmithrocks (16 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-19)
Hellow! I'm going to risk my theory here,, maybe it's someone's cellphone ringtone! 😁
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-12)
Future Mayor RCRuskin, Hahaha, same reason for me I always wished to be a president of the Dream World, no, not the famous "mouse" LOL

I will do a research on time slips, I keep forgetting where and who I share my stories. One story, I think I commented somewhere, is about me slipping back to a period of my childhood every decade, yes, it happened just recently on my 30th birthday too. I won't be surprised people would tell such stories.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (848 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-12)
[at] Roy, uh, thanks?

I've pondered going into politics, but the thought I'd have to at least pretend to get along with other people just puts me out. 😁

I find time slips fascinating, though. And though I've only read of seeing/experiencing the past, it seems unlikely to me that it would only go that one way.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-12)
RCRuskin, Hahaha, you should be our Mayor someday.
There are no other buildings around which make such a loud "honk", no factories, no stations of any kind, just some old big housings that richer people used to own.

Interesting theories you have about "time slips"... I am not sure if they would ever make any space for any railways breaking down some of those stupid houses... You know bribes...

RCRuskin (9 stories) (848 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-12)
Why around a vet? Because it's there. 😜

Train horns can carry a surprising distance, but not always in the desired direction. As a railroad enthusiast, I've done some research on train horns and rail crossings. And the cone of sound does not always reach drivers on the road. There is more than just acoustics of the train horn to this. (Translation: drivers should turn down the volume on their radios and get rid of the 1.21 Gigawatt subwoofer...

I understand from reading your story that the sound was quite loud, so evidently very close. Could be someone pranking and not admitting to it. Could be some other building nearby. Might even be a quarry if there's one in the area making such a sound to warn people.

But a thought on 'time slips': They may not always be glimpses into the past. Maybe in the future there will be a railroad through the area?
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-12)
RCRuskin, True, very true, and I agreed that there is chance that people is doing a prank or something but why around a vet at the middle of nowhere? Crazy Guys...

After this I too have found lots about haunted stations, railways, and even old trains in museums. I have found some history background of the area where the vet is AND guess what? It was part of the great jungle... So no railways at all...

RCRuskin (9 stories) (848 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-11)
Just want to poke in here with something that bothers me. Mom's guilty of this often. Just because something is illegal doesn't mean folks don't do it. Some folks just like to break the law, so periodically we have to stop thinking like ourselves if we want to understand events in the world.

I've heard and read many stories of haunted railroads.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-11)
Melda, Haha! My aunt-in-law was one of those people and had got a Persian Cat became "wild" lol

Yes, that is how my sister broke her "version 6" lol
I laughed that moment actually since I had not seen her react that way lol
Later my wallet went crying...

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-11)
Roylynx - Fortunately you had Henrique in a basket, otherwise he might have fled 😟 I live two houses up from a vet and over the years people have come looking for their run-away cats which they took to the vet in their cars, no cat carriers. (Silly but true.)

So this is how your sister damaged her cell phone? She must have got the shock of her life!

Val's comment is very logical and possible. Nevertheless, as always, I enjoyed reading your experience.

Regards, Melda
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-10)
Valkricry, You have instantly became my "torch in darkness"! The weather was dried and cool, and the nearest station was miles away, there are some industrial railways around but again those are miles away too. That "Honk" we heard seemed to be very abnormal for even the secretaries there whom I think have worked there through their live. I don't know, but after hearing your story, a light shone!

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-09-10)
Roy, it could have been an atmospheric anomaly. Sound can travel for miles, and sometimes when the weather is 'just right' sounds normally unheard can be heard. How far away is the nearest train? What was the weather like?
In a town north of me called Forest Park, in the Woodlawn cemetery is Showmen's Rest. Showmen's Rest is the site of a mass burial of clowns and other circus performers in Chicago after a train wreck killed 86 members of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus in 1918. This area is marked by 5 sculpted elephants, trunks lowered in a sign of mourning. I grew up hearing that on occasion you could hear the elephants trumpeting in sadness! The legend went, it was the ghosts of the animals killed in the wreck (none were, their train arrived safely in Hammond, Indiana). But that was the legend. I, myself heard that mournful trumpeting once or twice when in the area. However, it's actually the elephants at Brookfield Zoo about 4 miles away you hear, when the atmosphere is just right.
Your train horn might fall into this category.

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