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Whispers I Can't Explain


There may be a logical explanation for this... Like my laptop simply picking up on some other electronic device's frequency somewhere... But right now I am stumped.

Two nights ago I was on the laptop, wasting time watching a youtube video, and it ended, and I paused the screen so as to stop another one playing automatically, the way it does. And all of a sudden I heard whispering, that I assumed was coming out of my laptop. At first, I thought nothing of it, because I thought, 'Oh, maybe an ad or something is playing on another website that I didn't close.' But there was nothing playing. I closed all the computer windows, and the whispering (very soft woman's voice just whispering, too softly to make out specific words, but I got the impression it was in English, and I didn't detect any accent in particular. It continued for about a minute or two, I think, and turned into steady deep breathing as if they'd fallen asleep. It was so noticeable that I looked around to see if one of the cats was sleeping nearby (though that still wouldn't explain the whispering!) but they were off in the back bedroom, nowhere near. There is no working radio or TV in the garage where my laptop is, and no neighbors were playing a radio outside or anything like that. The whispering started up again maybe an hour later, and I tried to focus this time on where it was coming from. It seemed to be coming about eight inches to the left of the laptop, not out of the laptop itself after all, but from the desk itself, though it was still difficult to tell exactly. Happened one more time maybe a half hour later, and nothing since then. I think I wouldn't have been freaked out if it was obviously a radio program coming through, but one person continually whispering, and then seemingly sleeping, and then whispering again in the middle of the night got me a bit rattled.

Thanks for reading this, and I appreciate any possible insight anyone can give me, or maybe someone has had a similar experience.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, VeronicaMarie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-10)
Thank you so much, Tweed, for your insights which make sense to me. (Also, thank you for not thinking I've lost my mind. 😊)
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-10)
Veronica, I think this makes a lot of sense because praying the Rosary looks meditative, I've never done it, but imagine the similarities are there. People meditate to receive answers/insights as well as to relax, and people pray for the same reasons. So maybe you picked up on what was ahead, pre-prayer. Like a prayer in reverse, hmm that's got me stumped. Anyway the dates match up, at the time you experienced this the virus was out, but not all over the news/world. So a heads up premonition sounds like a fair assessment.

Plus, and this is just a personal thing, but when a thought nags away at you I believe there's always a justified reason for it.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-04-09)
A weird thought about this has been persisting for me lately. Just a little background so this will make some sense. I was raised Catholic, and as many Catholics here will know, in times of stress it's common to pray the Rosary.  So with all this virus stuff, and worries about my loved ones, for the past couple of weeks I've recently started praying the Rosary when I'm in bed at night. Whispering it audibly, which I don't normally do when praying. And frequently falling asleep in the middle of it, as the Rosary is quite a long repetitive prayer.

The weird thought that came to me was, 'Wait a sec... Was it *me* who I heard whispering and then sleeping that night?  Like some sort of foreshadowing of nights to come?' Because there's a certain agitation in my nighttime Rosary whispering, because I am anxiously praying for my loved ones to stay healthy. And some agitation was what I think I heard in the whispers in my story. I may have simply gone completely bonkers, because it's not like I recognized my own voice at the time, only that it was a woman, but this odd wondering is still going on. Partly because there was nobody whispering back to that woman's voice; it was just her.

Thanks for reading this, and for any insights you might have.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-09)
Junglecat, I'm not sure what was going on, and an electrician would probably be able to explain it.  So my laptop sits on the right hand side of a big wooden desk, and to the right of the desk was the washing machine.  I'd suspected a short (or something wrong) with the washer, because part of the 'on' button had broken off, and one time I got a mild electric shock when turning it on. Both the laptop and the washing machine were plugged into the same power strip. 

One day I was sitting at the laptop, and my boyfriend was in a chair next to me.  I reached out and touched his face, and one of my hands was resting on the mouse area of the laptop.  My boyfriend's face, arm, and neck felt as if there was a film on it.  The texture had changed.  I was puzzled, and asked him to touch my face.  He felt the same film on my skin, but only if I wasn't touching him, and only if he took his shoes off, and kept his feet flat on the ground, and if my knee was touching the side of the desk, with my  hand resting on the laptop.  (Very long sentence there, sorry!)   And if we kissed (under the same circumstances, hand on laptop, knee against desk, etc.), there would be that 'shock' sensation, like you get with static electricity sometimes.  If we tested using his laptop instead (plugged into the same power strip), nothing happened.  All of this stopped when I replaced the washing machine.  So... Not paranormal, but electrically weird. We're probably both lucky we didn't go up in a blaze of glory, given the weird wiring, or whatever it was. 
Junglecat (2 stories) (56 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-09)
Hi Veronica,

Could you elaborate on the desk conducting electricity? That is something. Wood does not conduct electricity.

I have also heard something similar in my own home except always with music in my case. I find it interesting that it is consistently indistinguishable and although the sound seems quite distant, if I should move foot or two, it would be gone until I shift back. I also never have it around in winter. It is just a warm season phenomenon here.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-08)
Hi, Tweed...

I don't recall hearing sounds like plastic bags rustling, but the way you described the sound of the whisper...close, yet far away... Is bang on. I got the desk in 2017 (have lived in this house since 2016), and set the laptop on it at that time.

RCRuskin, Lol at the Office Space stapler guy. There actually is another strange thing about this desk. Likely not paranormal, but it seemed to conduct electricity for a while. Maybe due to an electrical short, that I believe had something to do with my old washing machine, which was directly to the right of the desk. It always struck me as a bit weird, since the desk is made of wood. Maybe there is just some funky wiring somewhere. Or *my* wiring is funky. 😜

Thank you both so much for your insights and comments.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-08)
Wikipedia is my rabbit hole... I intended to give it up for Lent, but we're two weeks in or something, I think?:)

This desk seems to have an interesting history. We can probably rule out the contents of the drawer... Probably. I suppose a spirit could become attached to anything. (If that one character in Office Space died, would he haunt his stapler? Https://youtu.be/Q-uUdIRKfQY)

You said it came to you from a friend who communicated with spirits and also added a mirror. Now, I seem to recall something about using a mirror to communicate with spirits, trap spirits, or some combination thereof.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-08)
Hi Veronica,

Bit of an odd question but did you hear plastic bag sounds before the whispers? Over the years on YGS people have reported plastic sounds before a voice. Usually the voice sounds far away, yet close, not unlike a radio or television. I think YGS is to me like youtube is for you lol.
I know the desk is relatively new but is your laptop garage setup recent? If so the whispers could be the result of a confused spirit/s with a routine in your garage which you have disrupted. They'll have to get over that, sounds like they have anyway if they're falling asleep. That's another weird thing that gets reported on here, ghosts exhibiting the need or want to sleep. Maybe what you've heard was literal.
Or, if it is the desk communicating, you could look into the materials the desk is made from. Some cultures believe inanimate objects can come to life in their own way, not necessarily a bad way.
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-06)
Hi, RCRuskin, in the top drawer there are just ordinary things like pencil sharpeners, ear buds, stapler, tape dispenser. Pretty generic stuff, no personal mementos or anything like that.

Something I hadn't mentioned in my story was that there was a sense of tension or agitation in the whispering. But I couldn't make out a single word, so it probably sounded a bit weird to say I got the sense it was in English, but that was how it seemed to me. Really really wish I could have deciphered what was being whispered.

(And autoplay or not, youtube is my downfall. 😊)
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-06)
Good morning, Miss Veronica:)

I am very curious about that desk and want to go through the drawers. You said the whispers came from about 8 inches to the left, so what was in the top drawer on the left side of the desk? Of course, it might also be the desk itself?

Side note: In the upper right corner on YouTube there is an option to turn autoplay off. I have it turned off so I can, sort of, limit my time... Does not work well, though. 😁
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-05)
Lol Lealeigh, a welcome is always appreciated. 😊

The guy who gave me the desk said that he would hear them talking to him. He was a bit vague, and I didn't know him long enough to really get a sense if he was sincere or not. One time when I answered my door to him, he said he felt 'rushed by spirits,' which freaked me out a tad. And he went over to my family photos on the shelf, and did some sort of rubbing of them, like a protection or something. He said he hated having this ability, but again, I really don't know how much of it was genuine.

The sleep breathing that night got to me too. Because I thought that if it were some sort of normal frequency interference from a radio or something, that it would have to be the most boring radio show ever, and also, would have to come out of an electronic device instead of the desk itself.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-05)
Sorry, I have been acting like a dingbat all day...

I welcomed you but you have been here longer than me and have three stories.

Thursday is the new Monday! It has been a long day.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-05)
Hello VeronicaMarie and welcome to YGS!

I have to say that the sleeping sounds you heard were very strange, in my opinion. That's what tells me that it probably wasn't interference. I couldn't begin to make a suggestion as to what I think it was though.

The computer must be involved, I think. The guy who gave you the desk... Did he ever tell you what technique he used to communicate with spirits?

Very interesting!

- Maria
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-05)
Thank you, silverthane61. I haven't heard it since that night. While I originally thought it had to be coming out of my computer, when I'd heard it the second time that night and focused on where it was coming from, it seemed too far to the left of my desk to actually be connected to the computer. It was more pronounced away from the computer. But your comment made me think of something that hadn't occurred to me before. This desk was given to me by a guy I was briefly seeing, who swore he could communicate with spirits. He didn't make the whole desk, but added things to it...cabinets, a mirror (the sound seemed directly under the mirror), and things like that. And while I definitely believe that there are things beyond our understanding, I was always a bit skeptical about his claim. But maybe I shouldn't have been! Thanks so much for your thought-provoking comment.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-05)
I am assuming that you only heard the whispering when you were next to your computer and the computer was turned on. If you have not heard it anywhere else or in any other instance, then I would concentrate on why the voice is so localized to that one spot while your computer is turned on.

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