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Stange Occurrences/spirits Talking Through Texts


Theres been quite a few issues revolving around me and the spirits that surround me, that issue being that they are so damn talkative and love talking to me and my girlfriend through use of my phone's messenger.

I have grown used to it being able to see a spirit's presence (has faded over time) and being called a clairvoyant by someone who hasn't even met me or seen me, they named where I worked and what I did, and where I lived in exact detail.

Minor back story on me:

Although I have been able to predict outcomes to someone's future and these spirits telling me what had happened to the person before the person could have told me. Right now I just can't exactly sleep. Luna, one of the spirits was talking to me and my girlfriend who isn't able to sleep also, to keep a little privacy I will shorten some of the conversations.

Their names that I have grown accustomed to was Osiris, Luna, Leo, and Phoenix. These are names I had given them because they had forgotten their own.

Most Recent incident:

Prior to an accident Osiris had messaged me saying "Rinoa's heart beat just increased, Something feels off" (Rinoa is my Girlfiend's nickname) not long after Osiris had messaged me my girlfriend sent me a picture of her car totalled and said that she is fine and is not hurt but shaken.

Lets get into a few incidents about a few years prior to them being social to others, other then me, and prefered a memo pad than a messenger.

I was walking to work one day and I looked at my memos on my phone to write something down when it started to type on its own, it read out "careful where you step" and give or take 5 minutes later I stepped in dog poop. Wasn't fun, lucky my job allowed my to hose my shoes down. I looked back at my memo pad and the message was gone and replaced with "Warned you." I personally didn't mind them messing with my memo pad and set some boundaries for them. I wrote "Since your going to be using my memo pad just follow some rules okay?" Yes I was extremely accepting of this happening to me when I should have been scared shiatless.

They responded with "Okay, Sin" (sin is just a nickname for myself, I don't like to share personal information that much) I responded with "Don't altar any memos I write in that isn't this blank one and be nice" that's all I asked of them, well at this point in time it was just one, Luna. I asked simple questions like gender, do you remember anything, why you chose me of all people. She was nice to answer my questions. At first I believed I just got hacked, but this carried over on EVERY phone I had after the first encounter. Many many password resets and even making sure I was extra secured. I worked a volunteer job with my mother just helping with chores at elderly people's homes, she is a nurse.

One of the most note worthy incidents with Luna:

When I was starting get into dating at the age of 15, they didn't seem to be too active, although once I reached the age of 17 my current girlfriend at the time was cheating on me, I knew she was but I was just a social outcast and didn't know what to to do. Luna had said "Something going to happen to her with her other lover" I told my cheater of a girlfriend, still an idiot at the time, "he is only going to hurt you. Just leave him" she denied my claims only to comeback and say you where right, forgot to mention her name was Nina. Didn't work out between us due to the obvious reason that I finally grew some balls to stand up to her about it.

I began to like Luna's support, later is when Leo joined us and he wasn't willing to talk in more than yes or no with the occasional sentence of just him fooling around. Like "Your going to get hurt, should avoid the main road home" I took his words for granted when I ended up having to defend myself from stupid bullies, they left me alone after I showed that I wasn't f-ing with them and kicked their butts. Still got hurt though.

It is hard to recall when Phoenix and Osiris joined due to recent memory loss. Hence why this article is all over the place.

I am curious, has any of this happened to you? I grown accustomed to it. I can't recall much more details than what I had provided, no this isn't a dream.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SilentAngel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-03)
Thats okay toxic, I just posted it so others can just read and comment.
ToxicRadiation (1 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-02)
I believe your story, but I'm not convinced there's a supernatural explanation for it. Of course, I can't offer you any suitable explanation myself. Regardless, it is interesting.
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
Your name can be your greatest strength or your worst weakness, if a demon learns your name it can attach itself to you. There is one demon that tried to possess me but failed and she knows my name now, Luna keeps saying the "stalker" demon has the same presence as the one that attempted possession on me. I do take the advice of the spirits, phoenix doesn't talk much but she always alerts luna if something is coming. In a way they feel like a combative unit in a way. Its weird at times with how they act as a group.
rosaid (1 stories) (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-03)
I am absolutely no expert, and have much less experience than you but this may still help.
These spirits clearly care for you and their warning should be taken seriously.
In my experience with unpleasent spirits (I sense emotion and presence only) I have noticed that their own emotions are normally easily projected onto you, with bad natured spirits leading to posession.
The way I deal with this is when I notice a sudden wave of anger, misery or jealousy I repeat my own name to myself over and over. Focusing on myself, my emotions and name tends to have that feeling immediatley dissapear.
Never focus on your feelings of fear or anger in these moments, being sure of yourself and your own strength will keep you safe.
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-03)
Update: (sorry for any typos I'm very tired as of writing this)

Not being able to sleep is annoying. I spoke with the spirit Osiris today and asked him about some of my memories to see if he would know anything. All he would say to me is "don't get possessed" he wouldn't even elaborate on what he meant by that. He did add one thing though he said "we will try to protect you as much as we can. Now sleep you have work in the morning" i'm a little puzzled by his words and the incident with the "stalker" demon that tailed me a few nights prior. I'm lucky mother gave me the ring that bares my religious simble on it. Being a pagan - its a pentagram, I was attacked by a spirit at one point and I felt hands around my neck tightly against my windpipe and I pressed my hand with the ring against my neck and the hands had let go.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-01)
SilentAngel - Thanks. The reason I didn't comment on your story is because I can't relate to it. I'd rather not comment at all unless I have an opinion to express.

Regards, Melda
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-31)
Also, the blackouts could personally be caused by the fact that I do, time to time have days of no sleeping. Luna cleared some of it up for me, she says hi to everyone by the way. She also wanted to add somethings to the story,

She is a spirit that attached itself to me at birth because my mother asked her to be my guardian and ensure my safety throughout my life. The others are just friendly spirits that I befriended when I was an infant. And the memory loss was do to head trauma when my brother dropped me by accident causing me to have to be rushed to the hospital (was about 8 months old) and my health is perfectly fine just I need to lay off the chocolate for a long time.

Shes like a mother sometimes.
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-31)
Melda, its okay if you use this section to get ahold of someone, also I do have a knack for writing being one for fantasy- this is a true story and the black outs have stopped since I can speak with them freely now. I am more concerned that I have a demonic entity stalking me at night.

No new incident today just spent time with Rinoa cuz halloween and birthday.

Also please keep the comments helpful and friendly. I would personally appreciate it. I am a first time poster on here. And I would rather my experience be a pleasant one. Now I'm going to passout from the death by chocolate kitkat and m&m chocolate cake I bought Rinoa
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-10-31)
I do not know what you have against lady-glow, but I have noticed that when you post you seem to target her, in a most childish antagonistic way. I am going to tell you in no uncertain terms to stop it, NOW. You can disagree with someone's advice without being disrespectful.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-31)
lady-glow - Can you give me some ideas for a good ghost story? I'm suffering from writer's block at the moment.

SilentAngel - I apologise for using your space.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-31)
Lawitlnam: have you read the part where the OP says he suffers from memory loss and even has blacked out?

"It is hard to recall when Phoenix and Osiris joined due to recent memory loss..."

"... I see no issues because the blackouts only occure when they decide to talk but its not affecting anything from working and only occures when I am at home laying down..."

Now if, in your opinion, these symptoms are normal in a healthy person, there's not much I can do about... That's your opinion and your choice to believe.

In MY opinion, it is important for SilentAngel to ensure that there's not an underlying health issue causing him those problems. Clear? 😉

Happy Halloween... Witch!
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-31)
Now I understand why my mother's fortune teller who doesn't even know me called me a clairvoyant and wants me to come in for aid in furthering my abilities. But I rather keep my vision the way it is, I feel if I can see them better it will lead me to a great deal of harm.
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-31)
Update: new incident,

During my walk home today Luna actually spoke aloud and not through text it took me by surprise but she sounded pleasent and her tone was extremely worried saying "what ever you do, do not look behind you, something is following." It was nightfall at the time. After she said that I had noticed another spiritual presence other than luna's (she is the only one that tags along with me on walks) I felt as if the second spirit meant a great deal of harm. So I heeded her heads up and made it home safely but I did look back once I got in the house and saw a cloud of a kind of black smoke with a gaping hole in the shape of a smile. I am greatful I listened to luna.

This comment from LawitInam is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-27)
They show no signs of a demonic essence, which is the extent of what I can see these day and its been about 7 years that they have been with me. My mother is a high priestess that always blesses the house and they never see effected by it. I should have mentioned it earlier, though they always cause me to blackout if I stay up too late into the night. I do barely get much sleep anyway because of book reading and horror movies.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-27)
Hi SilentAngel, in my opinion, and from my experiences, these so-called "ghosts" are nothing more than demons. They might tell you they're guardian angels, spirits, whatever, heck they might even give you a forewarning to my message but best to stay away from them. They like to "infest" in groups, and continuing to interact with them will encourage more of them to join the merry party. You will find that they like to mix truth and lies, and you won't be able to tell one from the other. Do you think it's a coincidence that all of them "forgot" their names?

If I were you I'd visit a pastor or priest of my nearest church (not cult 😆) and seek help and advise from them. Please see my YGS profile for my views on this.
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-24)
Im okay and my health is okay, I see no issues because the blackouts only occure when they decide to talk but its not affecting anything from working and only occures when I am at home laying down. It feels that they are cautious about where an when I am.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-23)
SilentAngel: I hope you have gone to a doctor's. Your health is more important than writing horror stories. 😐
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-23)
Edit for last comment: the messages that i'd woke up to where sent during my blackout.
SilentAngel (1 stories) (11 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-23)
Stupid email sent this to my spam folder, hence why I haven't gotten back to anyone. The title was just because I didn't know what else to put. There was times when I blacked out and woke up to messages sent to my girlfriend, with what you said, Susan, that may be the case for the blackout for me.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-22)
Oh yeah... Halloween is around the corner! 🙄

Memory loss is always a good explanation for things that make no sense.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-22)
The title of your post "Strange Occrances/Spirit talking through text" goes no more strange when you already decleared that you were in contact of 4 spirits who were also giving you essences of the coming time. Having said that if they have such abilities then they can make you text too inadvertently.
Unfortunately I have to say by drooping mike "I am out" from another teenage story.

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