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Deja Vu Driving


Not sure whether my experience is quite right for this site (no poetry intended) but in the strict sense of the word it was something other than normal that did not fit into my comfortable skeptic world.

I grew up next to Manly Beach in Sydney (Australia), so it was no surprise to my parents that surfing became my passion. In the surfing brotherhood our 'rite of passage' was the surfing safari road trip north, from Sydney to the Gold Coast. The 800km drive along the infamous Pacific Highway would be broken up into stages, to visit famous surf spots up the coast and (I suspect) to stay mentally fresh when negotiating notorious accident 'black spots' along the way. These 'black spots' are places where a high number of fatal car crashes have occurred.

My turn to drive on this highway came in the summer of 1983, when a friend's father donated his company's Ford Van for our northern surfing safari (I'll refer to my friend as Gidget). It was a cautious trip north, keeping an eye on some big trucks as they overtook us but the days passed without incident (apart from sun burn). Likewise, our stay at the Gold Coast was pleasant and relaxing but I soon realised that four days was not long enough to totally unwind.

I remember mentally planning out the return journey (where would we stop, how long would it take, etc.) and feeling a sense of unease, which I put down to realising the holiday was nearly over.

On the first night of our journey home I had a vivid dream of driving behind a huge dump truck and watching bits of rock fall out the back of the truck and bounce down the road towards our van. Everything seemed to slow down. I glanced left and right to see if we could dodge these rocks but to no avail - time and room to maneuver were not on my side. One of the rocks bounced high and seemed to get bigger and bigger. I cried out and woke up physically trembling.

In the cold light of day, I thought the dream was a little bit clichΓ© (time slowing down, not being able to move out of the way, etc.) and my skeptical nature started to take over. 'That's ok, you're not looking forward to going home' I told myself.

Two mornings later, we were approaching the town of Coffs Harbour (home of the big banana). We passed a highway construction zone and a huge dump truck pulled out in front of us. My danger meter went off the scale; I remembered the bouncing rock and promptly slowed down to get as much distance between us as possible. Of course nothing happened so I followed the truck at a safe distance and started to relax.

The road narrowed and went through a cutting (steep banks and deep drains on both sides) the truck went over a bump in the road causing a few rocks to tumble out of the back. The world seemed to slow down but I could still think clearly and act calmly. Everything fell into place, I told Gidget to drop her head and cover her face NOW, I would have to take the rock head on (moving the van left or right would end in disaster), I slowed down a little and took the rock right in the middle of the windscreen. The windscreen broke, showering us with glass but the rock went between us leaving me able to continue driving until we could find somewhere to pull over safely.

Ironically, we stopped in a truck rest area and a truckie wandered over with a dustpan and brush. 'Gidday - animal or rock?" he enquired, looking at what was left of the windscreen. 'A rock bounced off the back of a truck' I responded. He looked at me and smiled, stating 'You were lucky, if it had been a big roo (kangaroo), you'd both be dead. You can keep the dustpan and brush. See ya.' This was typical Aussie bush logic - expect the worst and anything less than that is a good thing.

While we were cleaning out the glass from the van, Gidget commented on how cool I had reacted in the moment. I shrugged as I didn't want to further spook her by admitting I had some paranormal help. Also I now had an image of 'cool' to uphold - after all this was my right of passage.

The 'cool' only lasted until I got home and told my mum what happened. 'It was probably your father looking out for you' she said sagely. I suddenly had a vision of dad looking down at me with a typical frown of his face growling 'Ya bloody idiot'. Dad fought on the Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea during World War 2. The only thing that he told me of this time was that you had to be tough to survive. Thus getting called an 'idiot' and getting a 'clip over the ear' was his way of showing affection to us boys.

I laughed and in a quiet moment I thanked dad.

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Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-04-26)
Rex - thank you for steering me this way, what an experience! I've had those dreams too; the ones you know mean something.

I've been keeping a Journal of all things paranormal or unexplainable that happen in our lives (2 kids, 1 grandson). Earlier in the comments someone, and I apologize for not remembering, mentioned not being able to prove the dream happened (paraphrasing). That is one of the reasons I keep my Journal. I know people can still say I didn't dream it before it happened; that I just added it to my Journal. But I know and that's what matters.

I am glad you gave that dream enough credit to have been able to avoid a horrific accident 😨 Sometimes I think, like others have mentioned, people don't pay enough attention to the forewarning that could have prevented a accident. And then there's the flip side: people who believe things happen the way they are meant to.

I've never met a surfer, but my impression of those I've watched or read about is surfers have the kind of...mmmm...soul maybe? That makes them receptive to things like this.

Sorry if this is a jumble of rambling. Trying to form coherent thoughts with a 4-yr old talking to me about My Little Pony isn't working out too well LOL
ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-24)
Merry Christmas to you and family.
Hope all is well. Sorry just been busy these days with the new job I joined. Have a lovely week.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
lady-glow, I tell people that I'm in shape - "round" is a shape too! 😁 Soda or tonic water with a twist of lime is refreshing for the Aussie Christmas summer.

I always wanted to experience a white Christmas. Maybe when Rex-T is well enough to travel overseas, we might be able to do the Rocky Mountaineer in Canada... 😘
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Rex-T & Jubeele - that's such a nice surprise! ❀
I'm sure your life is full of love, laughter and happy moments.

Cheers!... With soda water... My glow-in-the-dark bodysuit is getting too tight in the wrong places.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Dear Big Sister Melda, you've been such a good friend! Rex-T and I wish you're next door to us too. You'd love the Northern Beaches. Brainy Brian and I can swap recipes and take turns doing the cooking.

You can borrow Big T-Rex any time to keep the bad people in SA under control. For good measure, you can even send Big T over Fergie's way, and Meldel's as well. He needs the exercise to keep in shape. ❀ ❀ ❀
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Rex-T and Jubeele - Oh thank all that is holy that you have finally shared the secret. For months I have been terrified of accidentally letting the cat out of the bag 😁

To everybody out there who were not aware of the marriage of these two beautiful people, this was a match made in heaven. I have been communicating with them privately and believe me when I say I wish they were my next-door neighbours. These are two of the nicest people I have ever had the privilege of getting to know, albeit long distance.

Glasses raised to Rex-T and Jubeele. By the way Rex-T, mine doesn't contain soda water.

Lotsa love and happiness to you both ❀

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Thank you Fergie, for your kind words of encouragement.

Just 6 months ago, I thought I was 'older and wiser' but life does have a way of keeping me humble by having to reassess one's priorities.

Jubeele has 'Part 2 of Grandma's House' newly published and I might have another episode on the way.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Rex-T, this is my second attempt to type a message to you. My PC rebooted itself in the middle of my endeavor. Now that was mighty strange!

I was trying to tell you, I have read all of your interesting accounts. I seldom comment these days, unless I can assist the OP in any way, or have had a similar experience.

My reason for comment now is, to congratulate you on your new liver. May it give you countless years of life and joy. I also wanted to tell you how thrilled I am to know we have a husband and wife team on YGS. It is seldom we have family members, and a husband & wife team, I am sure, is exceptional.

I hope to see many more submissions from you both. Well done! ❀
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
❀ Always listen to your Grandma guys and you can't go wrong! ❀
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Roy my friend,

Very wise advice from your Grandmother.

A very good family friend told me much the same. He said do not try to be positive every day as you simply put too much pressure on yourself. Just remember the song 'Don't Worry Be Happy'.

How can I not be happy, with my wife looking after me, a life gift from a stranger and you guys and gals.

We'll have a toast (of soda water) for you over Christmas
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
Rex-T, Now, that's surprising.
You don't have to keep your relationship in secret AND we all wish you and Jubeele the best! "As long as you live your destiny will last, even after life your destiny will still continue, it is the path that you choose which really matters" That is what my grandmother use to tell me, that is as long as you choose to be happy of course you will be happy;-)

Be well my friend!

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-20)
My Dad taught me to treat ladies with respect and keep my mouth shut, or in other words to be discreet.

I've been married to Jubeele for 19 years now and the secret of our successful marriage is that I treat her with respect. Being a Dragon, she can also be very scary when she gets angry - just kidding, honey. Now with the gift of a new liver, I hope to make it to our 20th anniversary and many more.

I'm by nature a private person but as I now feel that many in the YGS community is like another family, I feel happy to share our "secret" with you all. πŸ˜‰

Have a peaceful, healthy and happy time over the festive season, no matter where you are or from or what religion you follow.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-23)
Rex-T - Most of us in SA actually like Aussies (except for the crazy sports fans). I'm not so sure about the rest of the world vs we Safricans - here we're talking a whole different set of circumstances, sporting clashes aside πŸ€”

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
AugustaM - that is so cool to hear from yet another poster that has experienced this phenomena. Emma's observation on the time elapsed rings true. I've heard people say that they don't dream but I wonder if it is more the case that they don't remember dreaming.

You showed a lot of courage jumping off the waterfall. With a few more years of wisdom, would you still jump?

As for me, I have a phobia of heights. While I have jumped off a cliff into deep water I needed a lot of 'psyching up' to get over the edge. It was exhilarating but I only did it once.

Your right, this cannot be coincidence, its just a matter of who was looking after you.

My writing style is who I am. Writing the truth is sometimes painful but a lot easier than fiction. It strikes me that you are a painter (in the literary sense). Reading your comment somehow painted the scene of the river, waterfall and pool. I could see it all. I expect that's a rare talent. I will also keep my eye out for any postings from AugustaM.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Don't worry Melda, your secret is safe with me. I think you have more to worry about with those SA Rugby fans (they're rabid).

I used to work with a Canadian expat. That theorized that the land made the people and this was why Canadians, South Africans, Californians and Texans were more likely to get on with Aussies. I couldn't figure out why the Californians but the rest made sense.

Anyway if anyone gives you a hard time tell them they will get a thump on their front door and be confronted by an angry T-rex.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Holy cow! I have had exactly this kind of dream! I was living in Quebec at the time - that evening I dreamed my family and I had gone to swim at the chilly glacial river where we often used to go. It was one of those typical mountain streams just deep enough to swim in places, shallow and rocky in others, swift moving and toe numbingly cold overall. In the dream, my family had drifted ahead of me down the river and I was trying to catch up - given the rockiness of the river and shallow patches, I was hurrying along with my hands out and down ahead of me in hopes of fending off any rocks before they made bruising impact with a shin or rib. Suddenly, something grabbed my hand and pulled me under. I woke up screaming and spluttering, red hand marks around my wrist. That morning, out of the blue, the suggestion was made to go to the river. The dream all but forgotten, I went along. Long story short, I jumped off a water fall quite near to where I was in the dream. I had never done it before and didn't know to expel the air from my nose as I sank - both my own momentum and the force of the falling water pushed me extremely far under... The rapid change in pressure forced the air in my nose and mouth out through my ears. My ear drums nearly ruptured, my equilibrium was shot, I couldn't tell which way was up and was nearly too disoriented and in too much pain to move or think. Fortunately the thought came to me to follow the bubbles. I bobbed to the top but still couldn't swim or cry out for help... I could barely keep my nose or mouth above the swirling water. I could see myself being swept towards the next rocky cataract and could do nothing to stop it. Fortunately, several big guys on the banks noticed something was wrong and pulled me out. Just like in the dream... I had nearly been drowned by the river. I lay there on the rocks spitting up water as the memory of the dream rushed back to me...

Crazy! Sometimes there really is something to dreams - I don't believe this type of dream to be coincidental at all. Glad you too made it out all right!

I love your writing style and can't wait to hear more from you.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Rex-T - Are you kidding? Do you want me to be drawn and quartered by the SA rugby and cricket fans (including my own family)?!

I will never admit to being an Aussie because my life depends on it 😁

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)

I remember the movie - Rex-T on steroids (oops - T-rex) and the Guardians of the Universe guy as the lead hunk (and I'm not talking about Groot - Vin Diesel).

As for Rex, you've got him. He pioneered 'catch and release' in Australia.

Yes, ignore Dr D K at your own peril. He/she will cause you pain in two places - in the mouth and in the wallet.

OK. Its beddy byes time - see you all tomorrow or today or somewhere in the wormhole.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Val, thank you for your thoughts

I must say that your mental image of the T-rex trying to post on a PC gave me a bit of a chuckle, although my head does slow me down when trying to put the words together.

Its good to know that others have similar beliefs about 'before and after event feelings'. I may be a skeptic but the proof is there.

Also really happy that you got a giggle out of Melda's joke.

Melda, are you sure you're not an Aussie? No true Aussie ever takes themselves seriously, so (I suspect) that having a joke made about you and then firing one back is all part of the ritual of being welcomed into the club - wise sister.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Haha - I was just thinking about T-Rex, oops, Rex-T when they showed "Jurassic World" movie on TV tonight. 🐲

I remember that fishing celebrity. He always said: "Thank yer M'ther for da rabbits" - whatever that meant.πŸ˜•

And thanks to Melda for reminding us of the toothbrush story. We must be ever-vigilant against the evil Dr D K!πŸ˜ƒ
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Rex-T - Thanks. I always hope that people get my sense of humour. Many people don't and I've stopped apologising for that. Well, sometimes I do still apologise and I do so to you now if you thought I was making fun of you in my last comment. You're free to take a dig at me any time you like - I take as much as I give and in the same spirit. (Nothing supernatural intended by that.)

The toothbrush I'm using at the moment is looking a bit sad. Reminder to add toothbrushes to the shopping list.

In fact, on a more serious note, I walk around my house every day and "talk to the air". Basically what I say is that anything that is good may stay as long as it's quiet and I won't tolerate anything evil. So far it's worked for me.

Okay that comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with your dream experience.

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Melda, I've heard that time is an endless loop so I'm happy to give you as much time as you need (I might even throw in a few medals).

The nick name (Rex-T) was given to me by my Testing Staff to reflect my love of fishing. Ironic that after the Smart Phone revolution I was called a dinosaur many times when I had a problem with an App.

Also, they say that the 'Early bird gets the worm', so you be careful in the garden and keep your toothbrush handy.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Well, now that I've stopped giggling over Melda accepting that you're not a dinosaur, perhaps I can comment. (Mental image of a T-rex attempting to use a key board with those stubby 3 clawed arms and not clobber the monitor with his gigantic head, struck me funny. But then it isn't even 6 AM and I've not had coffee yet.)
I too believe there are more folks that have this type of phenomena happen to them, then will admit it. For one thing, anyone can say 'Oh, hey I dreamed this,' after something has happened. Unless you wrote it down or told someone prior to it actually happening the level of doubting you is high. Another thing is, for some it doesn't happen the night before. Some dream of events anywhere from days to years prior, so they've filed it away under 'just a dream', and forgotten it. Hence, just the 'deja vu' feeling.
I do agree with the others, you were indeed very fortunate with this incidence.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Rex-T - Why would I not have made it? Remember you are nine hours ahead of us in Sydney. I commented at about 05:00, which would have been about 14:00 in your time zone (I think) same day.

America is behind us in time. Yippee! One small advantage that our small third world country has over the States, however inconsequential. Laugh your heads off at my silly joke, Americans. One of my sons lives in Canada and he is seven hours behind us.

So what I'm trying to say T-Rex - um Rex-T (I have come to accept that you are not a dinosaur) is that you have to give me TIME! I'm an early to sleep and early to rise person. Healthy, wealthy and wise have unfortunately escaped me, with emphasis on the last two.

The growling voice in your ear? Your dad raised you well - keep your secrets buried 😊

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-22)
Greetings Melda, so glad you made it. Like Emma & Jubeele, I always look forward to your insights as well.

You've described the 'after event' feeling perfectly. My friends would usually be talking and all of a sudden they would stop and stare blankly ahead. Then just as suddenly they'd say 'Wow, Deja Vu'. We'd ask them about the dream but invariably the answer would be 'I only know the feeling, not any dream'

Having passed relatives looking out for you is a comforting thought on many levels. Conversely, the other stories that I've read seem like a real tragedy.

Aha, leaving earlier or later? Melda, that's incredible intuition! In other accidents that I've had, I would torture myself with the 'What Ifs' (What if I'd left earlier', 'What if I had gone that way instead', etc) I've only just realized that I never did that in this instance.

The truckie just kept on going past the truck stop. I doubt that he would have had any vision of what was happening right behind him.

To have a stranger turn up with the dustpan and brush did make me wonder if somehow this was all arranged. Being a surf lifesaver, you learn to recognize that haunted look in people's eyes - their way of telling you that they've seen too much and they are going into shock. Anyway, as soon as I looked him in the eye, I knew that he had been 'around the block a few times', as you stated.

As for Gidget? There you go, I just had a voice growl in my ear 'treat ladies with respect and keep your mouth shut, son'.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-21)
Rex-T - I believe in the power of dreams. I've had too many "warnings" not to believe. The only problem with mine is that the events take place long after the dreams and I'm left with the useless knowledge that I had dreamed of this event a year or so before.

It's very possible that your dad is your guardian and does watch out for you. Now that thought gives me a good, warm feeling. I'd be very happy to have one of my close passed relatives as a guardian but I don't believe that that is the case.

Seeing that rock coming at you must have seemed to be happening in slow motion, all the while knowing that there was nothing you could do to avoid it. If you had departed on the journey home even ten minutes earlier or later, you would have avoided this unpleasant incident. How were you to have known that, unless you were told in the dream to leave at a specific time? Well, at the very least you were prepared for what inevitably had to happen.

Did the driver of the truck realise what had happened, or did he just merrily continue on his way? I don't know much about truck hauling but is it possible for events such as these to happen without the driver being aware?

Lucky you to have found a truckie with a brush and dustbin, smiling face and telling you how fortunate you were that it was only a rock and not a roo πŸ˜‰ One has to remember of course that he, without a doubt, encountered many unpleasant things on his journeys and had probably adopted the theory of "it could have been worse".

Gidget? Still pondering that one. From what I have just read up on Google, better that you don't comment. Let the rest of us wonder whether how entertaining this particular Gidget was. Jokes! I'm sure she was very sweet πŸ€”

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-21)
Ah, Emma & Jubeele, two out of my three favorite posters (I'm sure Melda's comments will be on the way soon). Thanks for reading my first 'what the...' experience.

Skeptic that I am, there comes a time when you cannot ignore your inner feelings. To last two days, I agree that it was powerful and I have never experienced that exact feeling again. However, I did find the courage to tell my surfing brothers what happened and their reaction was silence (not laughter). Eventually one of them admitted that he had the same feeling after escaping a near death experience in the surf. Then they all started chiming in with their own stories. Usually this feeling would come on them after the event.

I'm a firm believer that this phenomenon does happen to a lot of people but they'd rather laugh it off, than admit it.

When I get a feeling that tells me 'NO DON'T DO IT', I often wonder if it was Dad or survival instinct shouting in my ear. I really don't know the answer.

One thing I do know is that it takes a lot of courage to do your duty knowing that nobody will ever know what you did (Yeh, my Aunty got his war records and there were large parts blacked out).

As for Gidget, well, what do the politicians say? 'No comment'.

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-21)
Rex-T, Emma's beaten me to it. I had wanted to be the first to coment on your latest account!

So this happened 6BA (6 years Before Arthur - 'Ghost in the Wire'). I chuckled at the name you chose for your friend, 'Gidget'. Such a classic surfing series that was.

I try to find a logical answer for everything wherever possible. But sometimes, just sometimes, there's too much of a coincidence. I think your dream was a powerful premontion and I'm so glad you heeded it too. What an heroic save!

I believe that your father was indeed watching over you. Being an Aussie WWII veteran from the Kokoda trail, he also left you a great legacy of his service. ❀ πŸ˜†
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-21)
Rex-T - Wow, you were very lucky to have had a warning about the dump truck. Have you had any other times in your life where you've seen something happening ahead of time? In my family we call them 'what ifs'. Like 'what if a giant rock flew off a dump truck'. Generally between 20 minutes to 24 hours before it happens. Or has your Dad ever been a guardian angel to you again? My deepest respect for your Dad. He must have been a great one.

Thanks for your story,

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