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Spirit Or Demon Driving Me Crazy Literally


I've always heard other people's experiences, and as a teenager I used to want to be a medium badly. I'm 25 years old with a fianceè and our 3 year old daughter. We recently moved to Minnesota where we are living in an apartment complex. Over the last few months I have been noticing weird things, and feelings that have now gotten out of control.

My bedroom has a walk-in closet that I can't bear to be in no matter what time of day it is. I sleep on the side of the bed closest to the closet, and I'm too embarrassed to ask my fiancee to switch sides on account of the malicious entity that stares me down within the depths of my closet. Just a few nights ago, the closet door was left open and as I slept, I became accutely aware that whatever was in there was watching me and terror flooded every cell in my body. I closed my eyes and I felt like it was moving right to the edge of the bed, in my face. I thought "just roll over". I couldn't. I was so scared I couldn't move. I kept pleading with myself mentally to roll over and finally after several minutes I managed to turn away from the closet.

I was putting my daughter to bed one night and she told me about the man in her room that doesn't talk. Now I'm scared for my daughter! Its moving out of the closet now. I see dark shadows moving out of the corner of my eye, whispering, and today I was in my room and saw an impression on the bed and it was creaking like someone was on it. My friend came over and told me that it was attached to some old trunks of my fiancee's. I don't know much about this because I've never had it personally happen to me. I plan on doing a cleansing ritual. I no longer feel out of control or crazy like I had been. I just want to reclaim my space and protect my daughter. Thanks for reading my story!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fraidykat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-01-04)
citty: Although I completely understand that you're trying to help, not everyone on this site believes the same way you do. So, I suggest you read and follow the "Comments Guidelines" by clicking the link at the bottom of the page, and this in particular:
"This site offers discussions on the topic of ghost experiences, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or preaching, unless the author of a story specifically asks to receive feedback from that religious perspective. This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind so we can actually learn more about the paranormal, with the same empirical mind set that made science so successful in other fields. Religions have a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of personal spirituality, but they can also limit our knowledge of the world with old superstitions and unproven dogmas. It's fine to share what your religion has to offer as a possible explanation, but everyone has their own, they certainly don't come here to be converted, so please, don't push it on others as irrefutable fact."
citty (1 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-04)

I fully agree with Luke 1019. I just want to add one more piece of advice: remove ALL occult items in your home first or the demons won't leave (ghosts are always demons). Do some research about it, watch videos of ex Satanist Steve Jackson about occult symbols and items. And then ask a reborn Christian to cast out demons. I'm not quite sure if non-believers or Christians-in-name-only can do this. And of course you should accept JESUS CHRIST as your Lord and Savior and follow Him.

God bless
Luke1019 (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-28)
My Wife and I are deliverance ministers. What you are experiencing is a demon.Don't be afraid and don't worry, in the name of Jesus Christ You and your daughter can be completely delivered.
.First I advise you to put your faith in Jesus as your Saviour, then your sins will be forgiven and you will enter into a personal relationship with God our Father.
Jesus delegates his Authority to anyone who has believed in his atoning sacrifice for us on the Cross and his bodily resurrection. In Luke 10:19 Jesus gives us His authority to deal with demons. They know this and have to go when we command them to leave in Jesus name.
It is important to remember that without repenting of our sins and receiving forgiveness through the Blood of Jesus, there can be no deliverance. Without his prescence in us by His Holy spirit, we are under satan's power, whether we are aware of it or not.
It is easy to receive salvation, God loves You and doesn't make it hard to receive his loving forgiveness. Jesus paid for it for us. Just pray to the Lord asking him to forgive your all yours sins, turning away from all you know to be wrong in your life, thanking Jesus for being crucified for you and ask Him to fill You with His Holy Spirit (ie his prescence). Then follow him, remember He loves you more than you can possibly imagine. I did this fifteen years ago, it totally and wonderfully changed my life.I'm not talking about a religion, but a real relationship with God.
Find a good Bible believing Church who have experienced deliverance ministers, they will help you and disciple you.
My wife and help people like yourself all the time and we see many people come to Faith and get set free.
Please don't do any cleansing ceremonies these will just bring more demons,... Demons are attached to people and not places.

There are two very goods book entitled "They Shall expel demons" and "Blessing or Curse you can choose" by Derek Prince. These were very helpful for my Wife and I,some time ago when we needed deliverance.
ladymoondust (2 stories) (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-03)
Just to say don't be to fast to judge as to why she has not responded yet she may be busy with other things in her life too or is doing other things to solve her "problem" or maybe she feels embarised by the responses she got so she decided not to persue this matter here anymore it makes sense to me... Then again a lot of strange things makes sens to me...

I'm just saying... πŸ˜‰
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-02)
The many questions that I had were already written down and now waiting for the answers. I was actually ready this story over the weekend and returned to it today and was surprised to that there was no response back from the author. I figured someone who asked for help for themselves and their child would respond back to the questions pretty quick.
darkfantum (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-02)
that is understandable that you are scared for yourself and your daughter I get scared of things at night and I don't like being left alone to much

Yours truly darkfantum
luvparanormal (12 stories) (268 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-01)
Thanks for sharing. I have a few questions for you:
When did the first incident occur? Was it as soon as you moved in or a few weeks, or months after the fact? Now as far as the "trunks" your fiancee has, are they old trunks? What makes you friend think that they would have any relation to what's happening if any? And last how did your daughter tell you that she was seeing a man in her room? Did she describe him to you? Where does he see him exactly? Have you mentioned something to your fiancee in front of her that maybe she is now saying that she sees someone?

jesuis88 (1 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-01)
Thank you for sharing. Very intriguing story although I must admit I am starting to agree with BadJuuJuu after re-reading the story.

Nothing particularly flags your story as fiction, I think it's just the lack of details. Also, what really should be expanded upon is simply thrown into a sentence-paragraph salad mess, such as your daughter's experience and your friend's.

And why did you just not get up and close the closet door? Have you asked the landlord and neighbors about the apartment's history? Please follow up as I am interested to hear.

PS. I think opened closet doors are naturally creepy, along with cemeteries at night and frogs.
PandaBear (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-01)
wow I think your really brave! I 2 see stuff like you but not exactly the same. I would see shadows and hear knocking on doors at night and also feel like I'm being watched but I recently discovered that my great grandparents on my dads side had died in the house I'm living in now so maybe its them:) if anyone else thinks so to please post a message or am I just gone crazy! I kind of think thier watching over me even though I wasn't born when they died! Their doing no harm so I 'll leave them to it:) But they do scare me sometimes though: (xxx Again your brave and I admire you for trying to protect your daughter your husband and yourself:) good for you! ❀ πŸ˜† 😁 Are you still living in the house now or have you moved out? Xxxx love PandaBear!
PandaBear (guest)
13 years ago (2011-08-01)
wow I think your really brave! I 2 see stuff like you but not exactly the same. I would see shadows and hear knocking on doors at night and also feel like I'm being watched but I recently discovered that my great grandparents on my dads side had died in the house I'm living in now so maybe its them:) if anyone else thinks so to please post a message or am I just gone crazy! I kind of think thier watching over me even though I wasn't born when they died! Their doing no harm so I 'll leave them to it:) But they do scare me sometimes though: (xxx Again your brave and I admire you for trying to protect your daughter your husband and yourself:) good for you! ❀ πŸ˜† 😁
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-31)
Well done for reclaiming your living space. Many people do not do that. I'm curious to know why you haven't replied to any of the comments on this story? At least to put people's minds at ease about this story being true or not. BadJuuJuu, really? Open doors are creepy, well, they aren't to me! I always have to sleep with the door open a smidgen (so that the light can come in). Just teasing by the way.
Love & Light, Rachel ❀
briar24 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-31)
What do you mean it's attached too the trunk. Where did you get the trunks. Where are the trunks? What are the trunks history? And could you be more specific about the boy who doesn't talk in your daughters room. Just explain the story with all details so I understand it better, if you think the spirits or ghosts are evil intentities then try using a sage for your daughters sake. That clears all bad energy and stuff. And by the way howv did your friend know it was attached too the trunk. Did it talk too her, did it say anything else too her? I sorta agree with BadJuuJuu on this one no offense. It would be nice too see more detail. πŸ˜•
briar24 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-31)
What do you mean it's attached too the trunk. Where did you get the trunks. Where are the trunks? What are the trunks history? And could you be more specific about the boy who doesn't talk in your daughters room. Just explain the story with all details so I understand it better, if you think the spirits or ghosts are evil intentities then try using a sage for your daughters sake. That clears all bad energy and stuff. And by the way how did your friend know it was attached too the trunk. Did it talk too her, did it say anything else too her? I sorta agree with BadJuuJuu on this one no offense. It would be nice too see more detail. πŸ˜•
robertar (223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-30)
I would like to know more, not to vet the story teller, but or the sake of the child. It sad to hear accounts where parents ignore children's complaints, tell them their dreaming or elswhise dismiss the reports. I'm glad this person seems to be taking it seriously enough to ask. I remember one account of a mother who was advised to encourage the activity and the childrens 'gifts' to see spirits until they began attacking the children.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-07-30)
Something about this story just doesn't seem altogether true. But, maybe I'm being overly cynical. More details could dispel the cynicism.
When you feel watched from the closet, is the door open or shut? Open doors tend to be creepy anyway, so if it's open, be sure to shut it before turning off the lights. At least once by your account the door has been left open.
Your friend says it's attached to the trunks. Where are the trunks? Stored in the closet, or somewhere else in the apartment? You don't know much about this as it's never personally happened to you? I was under the impression it was you experiencing the watched feelings, the shadows, the whispering. Could you clarify what you mean by the activity has not personally happened to you?
If your friend is sensitive, has she sensed more than just the trunk entity, or has she picked up on other things? He she given any opinion as to the character of what's in your apartment, good, bad, neutral?
You give very little information on your daughter's experience, could you explain that more? This man in her room who doesn't talk, is he there every night? During the day also? What does he look like? What kind of clothing does he wear? Young? Old? Tall? Short? What does he do in her room? Stand still? Move around?
Although there is a lot in your account I don't buy, it's the glossing over your daughter's experience that casts the whole thing in doubt for me. I've been on this site a little while, and every parent that comes on here saying their child has had an experience tries their best to give details of that experience. We occasionally have to ask a few questions, but you are the only parent I've seen to talk about a child's experience and give no details whatsoever. Answers to the questions asked might change my mind on this, and I love being proven wrong when I call a story fake. Please prove me wrong.

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