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In My Daughter's Room At Night


I have written about my youngest daughter before. She is now four and is a pretty normal, healthy, happy child.

Two nights in a row she had gotten up and gone into her big sister's room some time in the night. This, in itself, is something that is not too strange or uncommon for a child to do in my opinion. I told her that she couldn't continue doing this and she is a big girl and needs to sleep all night in her room. I then read her 2 stories and said a prayer with her. Then I reminded her to stay in her room through the night. She got very serious with me and told me that she couldn't promise to do that. I asked her why. She then shifted her eyes to the corner of the room and whispered, "I can't say it right now." I asked her why again and she responded the same way. I asked her if she was afraid and she said, "Not now, but she will come later and that's when I go in sissy's room." I told her there was nothing to be afraid of and she was safe and snug in her room.

This morning she was once again in her sister's room. We went in her room to get dressed and I asked her why she didn't stay in her room. She looked into the same corner and said, "Because she is scary." I asked her who. She wouldn't answer.

I know that children say things and children leave their beds at night, but I also think we should listen to our children and believe what they tell us. The last time I wrote, nearly two years ago, she wouldn't stay in her room and referred to "a lady." After about a week or two she settled down and slept in her room with no issue until now. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated.

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nolasara (3 stories) (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-22)
babygoat -
I hadn't thought about telling her anything about me seeing a lady. That is a wonderful suggestion. Especially since in my case my sweet lady was taking care of me. I don't think whatever it is means harm. I can sense things and I think it could be a guardian for her and she is just too little to understand that. Can't help but notice that she talks about seeing things around life events or changes (a move, a birthday). Thank you. And thank you for referring to me as her rock, that's all I ever want to be for both of my girls.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-22)

I don't know how much you've talked to your daughter about all of this but maybe if you let her know that you've had similar experiences yourself when you were a child, it would go a long way in comforting her and getting her to open up more with you.

She won't feel so intimidated or alone in what's happening to her and see that you turned out to be a wonderful mommy and a stable grown-up. Once you get the initial conversation about her not being the only one, she may open up to you more and as she gets older and you learn more about protecting yourself, you'll be able to bring in the protection aspect of it and help to empower her.

You don't have to go into all the "gory" details about what happened with your ex- but just let her know that you've experienced some of the same or similar things that she has and help to make her more comfortable with what's going on.

Just let her know she's not alone and talk to her on a 4 year old level. Start out slow with something you both share and let her take it from there. She's at an age where curiosity is the rule of thumb and she should open up.

She seems to be just frightened that someone is there. Nothing malevolent has happened, so if you can find a way to help ease her fears, it'll go a long way towards her dealing better with what's going on.

Just let her know she's not alone and you will always be her "rock". ❤
nolasara (3 stories) (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-22)
I appreciate all the sound words of advice and will put them into action. I once read someone's suggestion to open the windows and light candles and just put a positive glow on the house. I did this (I live in the South, it's warm here) and I felt a lightening of the atmosphere. I will always listen to my children and take their fears seriously, because real or not, they are real to them.
Another side note, all of this happened right around her birthday. Could that have something to do with it? Just a random thought.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-22)
Nolasara, what a special daughter - and a special Mum too. It makes all the difference when our parents believe us and soothe our fears. Especially at such a tender age.

I'm glad you've found good advice and support from everyone. All the best to you and your family. 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-22)
Augusta - And so the troll worm slithers forth 😁

I hit the green arrow for you where I assume said troll worm down-voted you. Nothing objectionable about your advice at all. 😊 In fact you obviously put a lot of thought and effort into your comment.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-22)
nolasara - Please always listen to your daughter. She's too young to make up stories about seeing things which scare her.

I had a terrible time as a child because nobody in my family believed what I was telling them. I was raised in a large family, being the second youngest of six children. Nobody experienced what I did and if they did, they weren't admitting it, possibly because all my terrified screams were put down to nightmares. Take it from one who knows, even the most benign ghost/spirit will scare the living daylights out of a child.

Your daughter is fortunate to have you as a mother. I had a wonderful mother too but she didn't believe in ghosts!

Augusta has given you good advice. I don't know which religious beliefs you follow, if any, but it might be a good idea to have your house cleansed/blessed.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-21)
AugustaM - I fixed that and, yes, someone got happy down voting you, I voted you up on a comment in another story and it was gone this morning.

Nolasara, sorry for the interruption.
I hope things get better for your little one, it must be frustrating not being able to grab whoever is scaring your child by the arm and walk them out of the door.

Thanks for sharing.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-21)
Lol Melda, I think we have a roving troll - I just got dinged for no reason I can detect...

Hope things are going well with the OP!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-19)
Whatever you wind up choosing to do, the belief you and they put in it will give it the power you need- so pick what really resonates with you and the children. They are lucky to have a parent who takes their fears seriously - good on you! ❤
nolasara (3 stories) (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-19)
What wonderful suggestions! Thank you for your advice. My youngest has made comments about seeing men and women that I can't see since she could speak. I know that children can be very sensitive to the spirit world, especially very young children. She has slept in her room all night the last 2 nights. It comes and goes.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-19)
When it comes to my nieces seeing things in their room, I fall back on folk remedies I learned years back. They are generally very simple and easy for little ones to help with or even do themselves with your supervision to make them feel empowered in owning and protecting their space. I came across this page last week looking for something to share on another story that outlined at least some of the ideas I had come across in my bygone research and it does a decent job:
Things like going out into the yard and allowing them to pick the herbs etc themselves (juniper cedar and rosemary are typically fairly easy to find) or to the store help to get the child involved in the process. Those two herbs (and others, the page has a few additional recommendations) can be burned to cleanse a space. A shallow dish of vinegar can be placed in the corner where 'she' appears over night to help get rid of 'her' as it evaporates. Have a look through the list, there are plenty of options and let her help with whatever you choose whether along those lines or others of your choosing.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-02-18)
Hi Nolasara,

I also have a son who has seen plenty of strange things in his room. He's 13 now and it has gotten better. Has your daughter given you specifics (What the lady looks like... Has she said anything?...)? When my son was seeing things frequently, we discussed details and possible rational explanations (I DO believe he saw something). Afterwards, I taught him how to ask for help from his "spirit team" (angels, guides, protectors, etc) and he said that it worked. He also said he felt much better and safer. I also prayed for him. Just an idea. I know how disconcerting and scary this can be. Hopefully this will be nipped in the bud so to speak. Lots of luck and love to you and yours! ❤

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