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The Ghostly A$$ Kicker Again?


I was walking from the old studio to the mall nearby my old home. I took my Cajón along since I had to maintain it. It was late evening around 8ish. The wind was cool and the street was quiet, I had to walk home since the place where I am now is no longer close by the "free" car park (I think it was a free space but everyone just want to part their car there).

I sat on my Cajón and waited for the late bus at the bus station nearby the mall with fountain. No kids were around (no one was bullied, no one was hurt), not even small kids holding their mother's hands. I felt a warm wind (?) and felt as if someone was behind me, so I turned around. No one was there.

I heard strings inside my Cajón rattle a bit. I thought I saw a shadow, I kind of felt that the "boy" was around and so I asked, "Você está interessado no meu Cajón?" (Are you interested on my Cajón?). A strong wind blew at the same time the bus arrived. I rode on and kind of felt that the boy had smiled at me even if I don't see anyone physically.

Yes, I have thought to myself that I could be imagining things since it was a quiet night. The rattling could be explained as the contraction of the wood or something infect I was sitting on it so... Yes, not really ghostly after all. But all I want to ask here is that could a spirit communicate with us through our mind?

I mean, I know that they are "physically not there", but could they appear in our mind? Like a dream but not through our sleep. I know this "Ghostly A$$ Kicker" stories may sound off, and it may not be "him" this time but if "he" really is there could he have that much power? I have heard that spirits will become powerless through time, but what if some can gain power somehow?

Sorry for writing such a "no fun" story. I don't know if this is even an encounter but I hope to discuss such things through the comments if this story would suit this site.

Love from São Paulo


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-04)
BeagleMom, You are always welcome! With it you can party anywhere lol
My friend has a hand-made cigar-box ukulele very melodic too!

BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-04)
Jubeele and E Lynx,

Thanks for the link Jubeele and Thanks to E Lynx for the clarification. How could I have existed nearly 70 years without knowledge of this interesting instrument?
Thanks Again!

Mother of Beagles
roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-03)
Jubeele & BeagleMom, "Kah Hon" it's a wooden box percussion instrument, some says it's a "wooden drum", mm... I think it is used in flamenco as well... Well, Jubeele have the link from Dr Wiki. Is this the first time I explain something other than Spirits and Hauntings? LOL

Thanks for asking anyway!

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-03)
BeagleMom, I had to do a quick search on Uncle Google at the time, but here's what I found:
"A cajón (Spanish: [kaˈxon]; "box", "crate" or "drawer") is a box-shaped percussion instrument originally from Peru, played by slapping the front or rear faces (generally thin plywood) with the hands, fingers, or sometimes various implements such as brushes, mallets, or sticks."

I hope that's right, Roy? 😜
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-03)
Am I the only one who doesn't know what a Cajon is?

Mother of Beagles
roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-02)
Really new thing to learn every time I read the comments...

XXBourbonXx, Well you have been tricked by the April Fools Ghost here re-read the comments and perhaps you will understand.

Valkricry, Its normal now, thanks

Spiritwaiting, Hey! Has it been awhile since I see your comments?
Great to hear that at least a few people had the similar experience! Some spirits indeed can manipulate animals too, yes, I have a few reports on insects and bugs appearing from nowhere stuff like that (scratchy...) Birds, perhaps the first time! Let me read the story...

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)

I also strongly believe spirits can communicate through our thoughts, dreams and many other ways.

Like my many experiences I've posted here my late Grandpa communicates through the single cardinal bird, and through dreams.

Thanks for sharing
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Ah...April 1st, the annual day when the ghosts of YGS enjoy pranking us with clowns, red noses, and purple pants. Things will return to normal soon.
xXBourbonXx (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Hi guys! I am a huge fan of ygs tho recently, I didn't have any time reading on this website and I am wondering what the term "clowns" means. I see it on most of your comments here. Thanks in advance for the answer. 😊
roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Rex-T, Haha! Good one! I hope people would not be confused on their comments after all these

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Hey Roy, it's over when it's over, like the coach turning back into a pumpkin after midnight. May as well have a bit of fun on the way.

Besides, you can't get rid of clowns by trying to wear them out. 😁

roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Oh, right... April Fools Everyone! It's over right? Not yet?

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Hey Roy, it's all clowns, purple pants and stories changing at the moment. But only for certain words. Rex-T and I figured out which ones.

We were reminded by lady-glow earlier it would happen. It's so silly, but funny! 🤣🤣🤣
roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-04-01)
Hey, is it a Aprile Fool trick or what?
Why do I see clowns everywhere!? 😕
Some is even from myself, I did not comment those!? 🙄
roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-03-29)
Hi, Rex-T and Jubeele!
Thanks for your comments! Your theories are really interesting!

Jubeele, Yes, I have read the story. Did I comment that my grandfather have experience the same thing during the World War? I think I did... Sorry it was too long ago lol
I am looking forward to read that story from you.
About the name of the "boy", I actually do not know if that boy even was real. Yes, surely some people around had talked about him, but it is not like an urban legend that people would talk about, so to be honest I could tell that no one really knows the truth, "boy in blue shirt" was what the security guards of the mall had noted of, I am not sure if they know his name too.

Rex-T, I have heard of the Barong Dance of Indonesia, indeed the traditional ones are very spiritual. I have heard that the Gamelan orchestras are very powerful in a spiritual way. Someday I may want to travel to Indonesia to experience all that.

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-29)
Hi Roy,

Don't worry, your experience is thought provoking, so keep them coming.

I have heard/read a theory many times that we 'real world' people can create spirits through belief. The more people that believe, the stronger their belief, the more power that the spirit has.

In my younger days I was a skeptic and would laugh this concept off as shear fancy but, while touring the highlands of Bali, my brother and me accidentally witnessed the Barong dance at an old monastery. I won't go into details here but there must have been over a hundred Balinese participating in the dance and the feeling of being surrounded by good and evil spirits was palpable.

After this experience I started to question my skepticism.

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-29)
Hi Roy - how are things with you? Your accounts are not "no fun". I always enjoy hearing from you. 😊

From my (limited) experience, spirits can communicate with us through our mind. I once had a voice clearly tell me to "move" in my mind and it saved me from being kicked by a horse. My younger sister had a shadow man "talk" directly in her thoughts. More like a feeling though. She thought back at it and it seemed to understand her too (I'll write about her experience one of these days).

There's also the power of belief. If there was anything there, your own belief may be giving the energy for this spirit to manifest or call it to you.

But a warm breeze on a cool evening is a little odd. Still, it would be good if you could actually find out the name of this boy. If people talk about him, surely someone would know him? 🤔

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