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Real Ghost Stories

Thieving Critters


Today is 3/30/2018. On 3/29/2018 I was spending the night at a hotel about 4 hours drive from my home. I'd driven out six hours, replaced 3 motherboards and 2 LCD's and driven back towards home about 2 hours when I found myself fighting the urge to close my eyes - while driving at 80 MPH that is not good. I stopped at my favorite hotel, the one I'd stayed at that Monday. I stayed in room 106 - first floor facing the front, so I could keep an eye on my parts-laden vehicle.

I stay out of town a few times a week, I have my laptop and a go-bag with everything I need. Check in is a routine. I bring in my bag and my laptop, pull out my jammies and put them in the bathroom, then get out the clothes I will wear the next day. I roll my clothes, so I simply unroll them and hang them up in the closet. Then I setup my 'office', order dinner in, and complete my paperwork while I wait for dinner. Something I don't do is watch TV. I don't even touch the remote. It is exactly where it was when I leave as when I arrived.

My laptop is stored in a thick, durable Otterbox for Laptop. Attached to the handle is 2 small nylon bags. One stores my AC Adapter and power essentials and the other my mouse and mouse dongle. In with my AC Adapter is a dark blue lighting cable and a bright pink 10 hour secondary battery for my e-devices.

When setting up my office, I plug in my laptop, open it up, and while it is booting, I plug my secondary battery into the charging port on my laptop (using the pink cord), then plug my phone (using the blue cord) into the charging port on the secondary battery. They are all daisy chained together in a nice pink and blue display across the desk. As much as I'd like to say the colors are because they are pretty, it's not the reason why. The different colors make the cords easy to see from across the room and I can know at a glance if everything is plugged in like it should be - AND because they are pretty.

After a quick trip to the bathroom and making sure my room was dead bolt locked with the bar slide secure, I settled down to get stuff done so I could get some sleep. 14 hour work days are a pain, especially when they start at 5AM.

My routine went like clockwork. I setup my workstation, IPhone charging away, secondary battery maintaining it's charge. My paperwork went well, closed and updated in normal time. Dinner was... Well YUMMY - I had a delicious meal of chicken and pineapple fried rice, sizzling beef, and crab Rangoon - I even got a free order of eggrolls. I was overfed, logy, and not inclined to do more than breathe.

As I was beyond beat I decided to forego the jacuzzi tub that was letting out it's siren's call of hot bubbling nirvana and went with a quick steamy shower. I crawled into bed with my jammies clinging to my still damp skin and with a quick glance at the daisy chain of pink and blue, because y'know, it sucks if your phone dies and you miss your morning appointment because you oversleep because the alarm didn't go off on your dead phone... Fell into a heavy sleep.

Four hours later I woke up with a start, certain I'd heard a couple men talking. Almost immediately I wrote it off as someone in the hall or outside the hotel talking. I was thirsty and had to use the bathroom again so I got up and automatically checked my electronics with a lighting fast, not expecting anything wrong, checking out of habit glance. I was taken aback to see that my blue cable was missing. I don't mean unplugged, fallen or anything like that, I mean GONE.

It made me pause, but I had to pee, so it had to wait. The bathroom gave me serious OMG and WTH?

I try to be a very considerate guest. I use only the towels I need and I put them in a pile in the corner of the bathroom when I'm done. I even throw away the soap so it does not slime the shower/tub enclosure. I am also female and have no need to lift the seat of the commode. I flipped on the light to the bathroom and took a couple steps back. ALL of the towels were strewn around the room. The trash can was knocked over, the soap I'd used earlier was laying in amid the towels instead of in the trash, and the seat to the toilet was up.

My first thought was OMG they gave someone else a key to my room and I slept right through someone coming in and taking a shower. But I mentally rejected the thought even as it bloomed because I remembered using the sliding lock bar and deadbolt. No way someone got in through that without me hearing them. I relieved my urgently shrieking bladder, then just to be doubly sure, checked the door. Still in the locked state I'd left it. That's when I realized that my visitor likely didn't need a key. I got a bit exasperated and snapped to the room at large, "Really? You gotta be a dick? I ain't your Mama." And I set about tidying up.

When I finished in the bathroom I came back out and saw that yes, indeed the cable was gone. I have the distinct memory of it being there, I recall checking how much battery I had left, I recall the chime it gave when I plugged it in, and I remember checking the lightening symbol. When I plugged it in, before dinner arrived, it was at 62%. After dinner it was up to 87%. The battery was drained down to 66% when I checked it again. It had been off the charger a while. "Dayum, I need that cord. Give it back."

Of course no cord appeared and I spent over half an hour searching every inch of that room. No good. So I called down to the desk and asked if they had one I could borrow. They ran a standard white lightening cable right down to me, I plugged it in and was very firm when I addressed the room. "Mess with it this time and I break out the sage and salt." Wasn't kidding either. I carry both in my car. Never know when you are going to run into something that needs it's butt smudged.

My cable never made a reappearance, and I never heard the the men talking again either. Asked the clerk at checkout about the guys in the room next to me. She said the rooms on either side of me were empty. Which is actually one of my stated preferences, so it wasn't really a surprise. On my preference card it reads, First floor, no neighbors if possible. Not because I am unfriendly, but because sometimes I am up as early as 3AM to get on the road, and no matter how quiet I try to be, I know I can disturb people's rest.

The cable did not show up in my car or in my luggage or laptop case. I'm afraid it's crossed the ether. Ah well, I picked up a blue and silver one to replace it. I think I'll request that room on my preferences from now on. I'm going to work on getting my cable back. Bratty thieving critters. Just to be safe, I think I'll be bringing the sage, salt and candles in with me.

Anyone have any other suggestions or theories?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MaggieMay_Not, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
I totally know what you mean by the darker side of things and I completely agree, that's where real fear resides! Its funny when I *think* of experiencing the paranormal I always think I would be frightened but I really haven't been afraid on the few occasions when I have actually experienced something. Granted, other than my grandparents when I was very young and one possible orb sighting on film, I've never really seen anything (only been touched on the face and heard things) - I am fairly certain that a full (or even partial) bodied apparition would scare the living daylights out of me! But I suppose I'll not know until it happens!

I am curious to know whether the EMF alterations have an effect!
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-13)
AugustaM - Thank you so much. Do you feel my dumbfounded, gobsmacked gaze on the screen? I hadn't considered the EMF stuff. Of course now I am fighting giggles at the idea of a critter sniffling and sneezing behind me while I am tippy-tapping away oblivious. That actually makes perfect sense. I'll offer to minimize my EMF footprint and apologize when next in that room, see if I can get my cable back.
Thank you for the recommendation for the 'Dead Eye' book. I admit, I am a bit cavalier about ghosties - people, Dead or Alive, don't scare me because they are PEOPLE, you know? It's the paranormal creatures that were NEVER PEOPLE that scare me straight down to my bones. You know the ones I mean? The ones that are so dark and alien that they can barely be comprehended when standing right in front of you. I never want to encounter one of those again.

Ah well, thank you again!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-12)
Going out on a limb here but maybe someone with more expertise can comment. But, as I understand it, cell phones emit fairly significant electro magnetic fields - to the extent that they can have physical effects (I've read studies where the growing cycle of plants has been disrupted and some that posit negative effects on sleep cycles etc). Its also suggested that spirits have an effect on electro magnetic fields possibly even generating their own. I wonder if the EMFs generated by your electronic array might be ruffling the feathers of the hotel's paranormal residents. Maybe it messes with their radar so to speak - sort of like what pollen does to a very live human's system. Perhaps that's at caused his temper tantrum in the bathroom and why he stole your charger cable - in hopes of making it stop.

Maybe next time, talk to him soon as you check in and put a circle of salt around your electronics. Perhaps save the sage until *after* you get your cable back 😊

P.S. If you haven't read it already, given your writing style and the no-nonsense way you handle interactions with ghosties, you might like "Dead Eye" by Jim Bernheimer. Its a little hoaky but doesn't take itself too seriously and I found it darn good fun to read! 😆
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-11)
LuciaJacinta - It is odd that they seem to gravitate towards certain objects, but you know, I wonder if it isn't a 'memory' of tales from before their change of state? Or maybe they are small and require little energy. And maybe they are easily explained, I mean if cars, buildings, roadways etc suddenly went missing it would be hard to conceal.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-11)
CuriousDee - I will update as appropriate, however I don't know when that will be. Until then, I will share more memories as the nudge hits me.
Glad you enjoy them.

MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-11)
Valkricry - Thank you for the information. Yes I had noticed that some were written in chapter format - I avoid them. I will keep your guidance in mind.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-10)
Very strange. I think sometimes the item is there but there is a veil per se in front so we can't see. But sometimes they just take the items. Reading all these stories... The ghosties always mess with the same stuff. Toilets! Computer stuff! And like someone mentioned in the comments, rings. Now, doesn't it make you wonder why these recurring items? I bet there is a list of things we could think of they routinely mess with and I'd just like to know, why?
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-09)
I just wanted to chime in with the suggestion of "More Thieving Critters". However, I'm sure it depends on whether you are adding additional information to this story or if you had another similar experience in a different hotel?

Didn't mean to intrude, your comments caught my attention. Thanks Val for the 'continuing a story' information. Definitely makes sense to me.

Looking forward to more stories Maggie ❤

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-04-09)
Maggie, adding to this account is easy, just be sure you title it
"Thieving Critters 2".
I'm secretly (well not so much now lol) glad you asked that, because it gives me a chance to address something that has been bothering me. There seems to be a trend (mostly the younger set) that somehow got the idea of submitting their stories in parts (like chapters in a book) is a cool thing to do. I doubt they realize when they do that, those of us who have been around get triggered into wondering if they're making the story up. I mean, incidents have a beginning, middle, and end, there is no maximum length cut off, no reason to break it into parts. Add to that not all the parts may be accepted for publication. There is NO guarantee it will be, even if we publish part 1.
UPDATING an incident is totally different, and can be done one of 2 ways. The first, I already mentioned, make another submission using the same title with 2 (or number needed) after it. However, if you go back and nothing happens but you want to let us know, you could just put it under comments on this thread. Just depends on how much you want to say.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-08)

Finding that bible is a perfect example of what I was babbling about. I haven't found anything that exciting. It sounds as if the family was very happy to have it returned. I can never bring myself to throw out the odds and ends I've found; you never know if an unidentifiable remote control could be used or needed someday. 😉

I did get some rest, thank you. ❤

MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-08)
valkricry - Thank you, I was aiming for humor. After my initial freak out, I really was annoyed and amused. These critters/ghosts were like children, or husbands, so not worth getting more than mildly annoyed with. I will only carry my tools in, not use them until I know for sure what's going on. Could really be like my hubby, wanting attention and a scolding, just to feel like their worth notice. I'm happy to oblige. Pin their ears back good and make them happy. *chuckles.
I know exactly what you - and your friend- means by haunted hotels. I have worked in 3 and I gotta say, two of them were very VERY blatantly haunted. One was more subtle, but a definite vibe.

Thank you for the kind remarks. I do have a question - If I want to add to this, and I think that I will have to - how do I do that? In the title just mark as Thieving Critters Continued or what?

MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-08)
CuriousDee - I have found items like that, just random, that I know I never owned and do not belong in my house. One such thing was a family bible, with hand written notes, names, underlined passages, and the like. I actually researched and found the family (who had left the area years before), contacted them and they drove seventy miles to retrieve it. It had been missing since the family had a fire in the 80s. It was presumed lost in the fire. They moved away after losing their home. They now have the bible and I truly don't know how it came to be in my house, because their home was about two miles away, and the site has since been built over. My hubby said it was probably in one of the boxes of books I bought at an auction. The reason I doubt that is because I bought boxes of paperbacks, cataloged them before donating them to the local library. I would have noticed a hand tooled, leather bound bible, I know I would. But I roll with that because it makes my hubby happier. Running on empty? LOL more like opening spaces for brilliant thoughts to alight. I hope you got some rest.

MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-08)
Jubeele - Thanks for commenting. Yes very annoying. I generally don't leave things behind simply because of my very regimented routine. I honestly can't think of anything besides this cord I've lost/left. I will carry the smudging tools inside, but I won't use them without provocation because I want my cable back, but I'll take yours if they are feeling generous. XD

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-04-08)
Maggie, I loved the way you wrote this, it gave me a proper chuckle.
It would be interesting if before saging, etc., you could see if anything repeats itself, like the voices, or the bathroom mess. Then you'd know if it was a one off thing, or if there is someone otherly there. Since it is a hotel, could be a couple of ghosties just passing through.
I had a friend who worked in housekeeping at a very well known hotel (not saying which, privacy y'know) and she'd tell me some stories 😲 Apparently a couple of rooms and an elevator are very haunted. The reason, I'm mentioning this on your thread, is high on her list was missing items from bolted rooms, and messes that clients denied making. Sound familiar?
There was one case though, I found really interesting; a man woke to find a ring sitting in plain site on the sink. Being a honest fellow he turned it into the office, thinking housekeeping or a previous roomer had left it behind, and being so exhausted when he checked in night before, he just didn't notice. It seems, that a woman had reported a ring missing (same description) 3 weeks prior. The housekeeper assigned to that room remembered, because she had been questioned about it when it vanished, and had seriously searched for it. So, your cord may turn up yet.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-08)

Definitely fascinating and makes me wonder where all these 'missing' items end up? I have a strange theory, maybe someone else can contribute to it: I'm pretty sure most households have a junk drawer or place that holds miscellaneous items. Have you ever found something and have no idea where it came from? I've found random parts, shoelaces, manuals to things I don't own, cables among them, that do not belong to anything or anyone. I am the type of person to ask family members if they left an item by mistake, only to not find the owner. Same goes with asking the kids and my boyfriend if it belongs to something in the house.

It makes me wonder after hearing and reading accounts like yours. Maybe some missing items just 'turn up' randomly in a strangers house or other inconspicuous locations. What better place than the junk drawer right? Most of us wouldn't question it and in the drawer it goes.

Or it's late and my brain is running on empty. Just a thought. 😆

Thanks for sharing!
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-04-07)
Maggie, how perplexing. And sooo aggravating! We once had a mobile phone charger go missing from the hotel room overnight. The safety chain was still latched at the door... 🤔

Sounds like your bratty intruder was a messy grub as well as a thieving so-and-so. I wonder if you had some form of inter-dimensional shift. For a few moments, your room moved to another point in time? The men were either using the bathroom in the past or future. They saw your blue cable and thought it a bonus find. Shades of "Twilight Zone", tee-dee-tee-dee...👽

Might be a good idea in the future to sage and salt the room first before you unpack anything. Just to be on the safe side. Hope your next trip goes better for you. You might just find the phone charger that we lost! 😁

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