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Demonic? Principalities? And A Lost Cc


Sorry for the long absence. Life has been hectic but I took a moment to share something that happened this last Friday - the 13th of July.

If you've followed my comments and stories, you know I have a rather Pain in the Asterisks entity bugging me. Picked him up at a hotel - yes distinctly male - a hunter in Camo if you can believe it. I've even seen him a couple times. I genuinely believe he is the one disappearing my small kitchen gadgets, shoes and bric a brac. He also has a nasty habit of clomping around in his hunting boots in the wee hours of the morning.

I've tried smudging, cleansing, prayers, salt, black and red salt, and many other rituals. Nothing phases this man-critter. On to this particular event.

Something I need to make clear. I do not carry a purse when going out on a job. I tuck my wallet and phone into a designated pocket on my tool kit.

I had a rather long drive - 5 hours one way, and 5 back - so I went and filled up my smurf and hit the road. I distinctly remember giving my (very pretty white and silver sparkly) CC to the full service attendant. He gave it back, I tucked it into it's specific pocket and set my wallet back inside the car while I chatted with the attendant. I go to this gas station regularly and always have the same attendant - 2 years plus. We're friends of a sort.

Anyway, about an hour out I have an overwhelming craving for some European lemon shortbread. The ONLY store with what I was craving for hundreds of miles is coming up in about 5 miles. Of course I decide to stop. I go in, get what I want, and go to pay, only to find my white sparkly CC is missing. It makes me blink a bit, but I pull out my black sparkly CC and pay for my cookies and drinks. I go back to my car and search ALL OVER. Then I turn out my wallet, every single pocket and flap. Nothing. I call the gas station, worried it fell out or maybe the attendant didn't give it back.

They know who I am - pays to be regular in a small town. They look at the video, the video clearly shows me giving the card, and getting it back. Then she says "your wallet is black right? With a silver design? You put it in a pocket inside the wallet, on the silver design side."

Which is exactly correct. That is what I remembered, and moreover, it is exactly where the CC goes. I have my wallet laid out precisely, each card in it's place. Oh boy, now I sound OCD. It's just easier to keep track if everything has a place.

The absolute frustration is distracting. I know where I put it, I even have a video record of it. Where the hell is it? I tear the car apart again, then my wallet again. After over an hour and a half of looking, I call and have the card cancelled. I continued on my way to my job stewing and fretting with every mile.

Twice during the drive, out of the corner of my eye, I see the shadow of a man in a hat seated in the passenger seat, and I swear I hear boots clomping in my car. I basically ignored it and drove on.

I got home after midnight, and my husband waited up for me. He tore through my wallet, just as I had. The next morning he went out to the car to check. NADA. ZIP. ZERO.

I have to get some stuff for Sunday dinner (I make homemade Sunday Dinner for my MIL at the nursing home) and run to the store. I open my wallet to pay, and my pretty white sparkly CC is laying on top of my ID, just under the flap.

First thought was hubby found it - I called him and asked where he found it. He staunchly denied it. Says he would have shredded it because I'd already cancelled it. Which is true, he would have, after showing it to me.

After the conversation with my hubby, I said - out loud in my car. "You've gone too far. Y'know my rules, you can hang out as long as you don't inconvenience your hostess - ya just pushed my line. I will get rid of you, I won't have something that is being deliberately malicious messin' with my job or finances."

I swear, I heard a snort, like 'good luck.'

Here is the odd part my friends. My brother, who almost never calls, who is very much into something he called 'Principalities', called me perhaps ten minutes later. He said that he got a message to call me, and he asked if anything odd had happened. I told him about the CC issue and some of the other things. He is very worried, he said he'd been lead to calling me, and now he knows why. He says the man-critter is a demonic presence, and was very likely behind not only the small things, but the car accident I had a few weeks ago that totaled my car. He asked if I'd had any unusual, strange, distinctly out of character thoughts. The answer to that is yes. I had a thought so horrible the other day it physically made me ill.

He gave me specific instructions, which I am not sure I can fulfill, because it is not my faith. He also said to get in touch with someone in my area - another who is into 'Principalities.' While he was talking to me, telling me what to do, I began to have a horrible crushing pressure in my chest. I could not breathe properly and I wanted to vomit. I had to disconnect the call. I thought I was having a heart attack and needed to call 911. As soon as the call ended the symptoms ended.

I have not called the person recommended so because, tbh, I don't have a clue what these 'Principalities' people are, and even more honest, I am terrified that this thing might actually have the ability to end me. I thought I was dying in that car.

Does anyone have any input? I could use the help. Maybe an explanation about Principalities? And what the heck was happening with my chest? I've had a very thorough physical since then and my doctor says I am fine, no sign of issues.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MaggieMay_Not, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

tace (37 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-27)
I have just read through all the comments and I am happy to hear you are feeling better Maggie. I believe we do live in a time of struggle between good and bad. I do believe we must have hope! We must look for good in this beautiful world we live in. Hang tough Maggie! 😉
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-23)
Dear Maggie,

I just got here and even though I do not comment on every experience that is shared in YGS, mostly because our regulars pretty much say it all ❤, I am still around...

Once again, you have already been given great advice but I can't just stand by... I am sooo happy to know that things have been improving and I know if you keep having faith in those who can help you it'll be okay, and you'll get through it all!

Please keep strong! And keep us posted...

May all the good that there is, be with you. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-23)

I'm glad your situation is improving. You mentioned that the gentleman who came to help you explained how the 'war' is spreading because of the hate, greed and deceit in the world... While I'm not ignorant of these issues, it sounds like a "glass half empty' viewpoint. It's important to see the good too. The love and goodness that outshine the darkness, closed minds opening, respect for each other and our planet and a belief in a higher power, regardless of what you call it/him/her/them...

I can sympathize with you on feeling soul weary. I think there are some individuals who unknowingly take on the pain of those around them. It's important to focus on the love surrounding us too, that way we spread it around and it magnifies. ❤

Sorry to babble on, but I felt the need to get that out. I hope things continue to improve for you and you get the relief you need. 😊

Darcy ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
Just a thought here- humans have a tendency to stop doing things that cause them pain. I wonder if that's what the chest pain was really all about. An attempt at controlling you through pain.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
Maggie, glad to hear things are improving. The midwest is a big place, and I once lived in Ohio which is but a tiny part of the midwest. The initials don't call anyone to mind, but its okay. LTN seems wise enough.

There are other things that made me think. Your uncle as you say wasn't the most pleasant of people, and this attachment took the appearance of your uncle, and filled you with foul thoughts. It would be interesting to know if your uncle was always as you remember.

Then there is also your husband's behavior. Probably nothing; experiences like this disrupt life and that makes anyone cranky. Or, the thing could be trying to get to you by way of your husband. If possible, you and your husband should do the things together, I think.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
LuciaJacinta - It could be something drawn to my family - maybe it is what corrupted my uncle. As one of his victims and a blood tie it makes sense it would try to make me it's victim too, but I really don't know.

As for my guide - Yes, I think those traits are the mark of someone in his line of service. He's fantastic, really, and smart in ways I can't even comprehend. He has helped me and I will always be grateful. Unfortunately he won't even let me back him cookies as a thank you.

Thank you for your kind insight.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
valkricry - Thank you. I have completed the ritual now for 5 days in a row, morning and night. At first the chest pain was dull, echoing, but very uncomfortable at the same time. Now at day five, although I have an awareness of it lingering, it is lighter, much lighter, and the chest pain is almost gone. According to my guide, I am to perform the ritual night and morning for a year. That seems excessive to me, but I will do it because straight up I never want to feel like that again, and I never, ever, want to experience the brain flashes I had again. I honestly think those were worse than the chest pain.

Thank you again.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
Jitow - Thank you for taking the time to explain all of that. It is very similar (a few differences but not many) to what my brother and his comrade-in-arms told me.

I KNOW that there is a God, and I know he reaches out to all his children. I do not believe that he has reached out only once. I believe all of the Great Religions throughout history stem from his guidance. Judaism, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Christianity, Muslim, and a few others, are attempts by God to guide his children at specific points in history. I respect them all equally and I do not place one above the other.

My brother is Christian, but old school Christian. Very hardline with sin and retribution. He says I don't realize it, but I am a Christian, I follow the teachings of Christ by loving and accepting everyone equally.

Little more to it than that - But he says I live as a Christian should and I respect and recognize Christ. So I am Christian. I don't argue but I don't think we quite understand each other. *shrugs Oh well. I love him and I am most grateful to him and his comrades.

Thank you again for explaining and for your kindness.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
RCRuskin - Not the first time we've had intersections I believe? It should relieve you to a bit to hear that most of the chest pain is gone and although I am tired, I am sleeping well (too well) I also haven't had any more horror flashes from my own mind. Also, and this is really an aside, I hadn't paid attention, but my hubby was really cranky towards me, and as I've continued to shore up my soul and push out against what was pushing in, he seems to be in much better spirits. About my guide - his initials are LTN. He lives in the midwest. He as actually contacted me each day to say a prayer and supply me with a few things to help. I can get them myself, however I get the feeling he is keeping a very close eye on me.

I don't quite know what I did to deserve his care, but I am very grateful for it.

MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
Melda - sorry for the cold chills, and thank you for the positive energy. I am in sore need of it. I am happy to say that the pain in my chest is diminished, but now I am weary, just physically spent. Since before my teens I've usually only slept 4 - 5 hours a night. It's just how I'm wired. In the last 2 days I've slept probably 18 hours. I just had a physical so my body is okay - I suspect this is a mental and spiritual weariness.

Thank you again.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-22)
[at] Valcricry & [at] jitow, while it may be within the posting guidelines, a big wall of text is a bit hard to read.

Helps to break it down into paragraphs, such as what I just did by hitting enter twice between these sentences.

Just my two cents. And let's get back to the ghost stories. 😁
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-21)
I'm sorry you are struggling with this force of darkness. I'm concerned for you and your battle with whatever this is. I too had to go to battle with a very strong negative entity. I battled it for a long time.

Just stay strong until your battle is over. You can do it. Good always wins.

My thoughts are though that this thing didn't come from the hotel but rather a family line thing that's followed for some time. Could be associated with your MIL or someone else in the family. The Uncle? What do you think? Am I totally off base?

The man who came to help also sounds like someone who came to help me when I was struggling. I think it's the personality you described. You have to be like that to fight this. Quiet, calm and detached but a fire within your soul. What you think?

Arm yourself and beat this thing.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-07-21)
I just want to give you my two cents. You only had the ceremony or 'ritual' performed 2 days ago, as I am writing this, and they can take time to be fully effective sometimes. Do not let your guard down, and I do not think calling that man that came would be remiss if you feel the need for, well, back up is the term that comes to mind. Let him know you feel it's still there. Do not be surprised if he calls you first, or makes a return trip. Do NOT be afraid to ask him to repeat the ceremony.
Stay strong and keep us posted.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-07-21)
Fear not, for your comment is within the comments guidelines. How so, when it is obviously steeped in your religious believes? "This site offers discussions on the topic of ghost experiences, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or preaching, unless the author of a story specifically asks to receive feedback from that religious perspective." That and you did stress that it's your belief. 😊
I'd encourage everyone to read the Comments Guidelines. You can find a link to them at the bottom of every page.
Jitow (362 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-20)
Forgive me if this has been cleared up already and please don't jump me for explaining this from a Christian view point because I don't think there is any other way to explain it. I have never heard of a group of people called Principalities, however I feel sure this "Principalities" is taken from the New Testament in the Bible, specifically Ephesians 6:12 which reads, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places". Basically stating that we are in a spiritual battle between good and evil, our enemy is not other people, so principalities include fallen angels and demonic entities fighting for evil against God in the spiritual world which is organized much like an army or a government with different levels of power and control. From a Christian view, Satan was one of God's leading Arch Angels. He was prideful and wanted to be like God and he and his angels exercised their God given free will to reject God and they waged war on God and His Angels in Heaven and were quickly defeated and cast down to earth from Heaven. This battle waged on until Jesus was sacrificed for all people so they can go to Heaven and when God raised Him from the grave he brought with Him the keys of death, hell and the grave so that all who believe that Jesus was God's Son and that He died for a once and for all sacrifice for everyone's sin and all one needs to do is believe this and that God raised Him from the dead and that he will return for all believers soon, you will spend eternity in Heaven with God. At that point God raised Jesus from the dead and He ascended to Heaven, God won the entire war against evil already and the battle now between good and evil is for the souls of those alive right now. God wants everyone to accept Jesus as their Savior before they die and no longer have a chance to make a decision to follow Jesus. All the devil and his powers and principalities, fallen angels and demons are doing now is a last ditch effort to deceive, confuse and confound unbelievers in order to keep them from discovering that God loves them more than anything, so much that He sent His Son Jesus to suffer and die for all of our sins. If evil can deceive and keep unbelievers on other tracks, does not matter what track it is, as long as it is not discovering God's love for us demonstrated through the sacrifice of His only Son and going to Heaven, satan is doing all he can to keep as many unbelievers from turning to God, before it is too late and they die and belong to satan. Evil knows that God has already conquered them forever, but they can still hurt God by deceiving unbelievers, still alive now, in not believing in Him or in Jesus. That is all the battle is about from the time Jesus rose again until He returns again. Satan is trying to cause as many people as he can, not to seek a relationship with God through Jesus Christ so that they are denied spending eternal life with God in Heaven so that once they die they will spend eternity with satan in the other place. My advice to the OP is this, please forget the word "ritual". For the most part, rituals are used to contact or conjure evil spirits. I noticed the list of rituals that you said that you tried included prayers and smudging and other rituals and none worked. From my experience, this indicates that you are using processes from the good side and the not so good side which is never going to work. They essentially cancel each other out. I would say seek God in Jesus name in your own words and prayers, not something written by someone else. Ask God to rebuke this thing in Jesus name and cast it out forever. Again, this is my belief, not Because your brother mentioned this to you and you asked for help understanding, I felt compelled to help you with what "principalities" are and what their functions are in the spiritual world and why maybe what you have done did not work and what I know will work for anyone. It is my advice and it is your choice to use it. I am not degrading any other religions, just sharing information with you that is directly connected to the subject of your post. Try my advice and let us know what happens.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-20)
Hi again, Maggie:)

The coincidence, or correspondence?, between my dream and your actual experience is what scared me. Synchronicity? I think that is the right word.

And in your response to CuriousDee: About the man who came to help me. He is one of the most terrifyingly kind, humble, and DETACHED human I've ever met. He knew I wasn't Christian, no problem for him, he said that there was only one God and as long as I clung to him then I would be protected. He did not judge, he is extremely humble, and at the same time, fierce and strong. He is also... I can't explain it... Quiet? Retiring? You could stand next to him and not really know he's there, at least until needed, then it's like a fire rages inside him. Humble, yes and very devoted to serving and protecting people. Nothing else I can tell you about him. Well knowledgeable. Smart too.

This sounds like my spiritual father, a person I have attached myself to that I might properly grow in faith and in Truth. We live in very different states, though, so probably not the same person.

My prayers are with you. Be well.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-20)
Maggie - Your reply to Dee sent cold shivers up and down my spine and that's not because it's winter in South Africa 😨

I don't think specific religious beliefs make much difference when it comes to fighting an evil force, as long as our own particular belief system is good and strong.

Having said that, I have my own prayers which I say, based on my own personal beliefs. I'll add you to my little list, not because I'm so spiritually strong but because I believe that all positive thoughts that we put out there do make a difference when added to the whole positive vibe bundle.

Regards, Melda
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-20)
CuriousDee - you live up to your name - thank goodness. You make me think. About my uncle's face. I can't explain it but I knew it wasn't him, but the choice of the face? It probably came from me, I have very, very, negative feelings and thoughts about my uncle and even though I work hard on forgiving him, it is a lifelong struggle. The face of my uncle, in addition to 2 episodes of similar thought (that makes me physically ill - related to things my uncle did to me) makes me think this critter has hooks deep in my mind and knows my scars in relation to my uncle. I genuinely believe that, because there is NO WAY in the Creator's sunlight I would EVER have thoughts like those. They are literally the opposite of the light that is my soul - to put it delicately as possible - the thoughts - mental images were of the death/torture of small children. TWO mental images, lasting no more than a split second, invaded my mind in a cloud of darkness and I almost lost my sanity. It wasn't just the images though, there was a dark, echoing satisfaction that accompanied these mental flashes. It was like I was looking at an instant of freeze frame in my mind. I was physically ill - heaving and shuddering from those images. I didn't feel I was being compelled to act out like that, it was more like I was being tortured or being deliberately frightened.
About the man who came to help me. He is one of the most terrifyingly kind, humble, and DETACHED human I've ever met. He knew I wasn't Christian, no problem for him, he said that there was only one God and as long as I clung to him then I would be protected. He did not judge, he is extremely humble, and at the same time, fierce and strong. He is also... I can't explain it... Quiet? Retiring? You could stand next to him and not really know he's there, at least until needed, then it's like a fire rages inside him. Humble, yes and very devoted to serving and protecting people. Nothing else I can tell you about him. Well knowledgeable. Smart too.
About the war. It may be the good/evil thing, but I was told flat out that it is accelerating, and spreading. That's why there is so much hate waking in the world, the resurgence of racism, greed, and deceit that is openly revered in this society. Those things are a direct result of the war they are fighting. That really is all I can say.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-20)
Cups - Oddly enough, my brother's friend recommended against going back there. He said that if it is an origin point, that it would actually strengthen the entity - home court advantage? That was the analogy he used.

Thank you for the kind interest. Ugh, yeah I am still trying to work my way through the curio thing.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-20)
RCRuskin - I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It just seems an odd coincidence.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-19)

Jeez, this dude has to go! He is more than a pain in the rear. If he is a regular spirit/ghost, then he must have been a very nasty, negative man. You mentioned seeing the face of your uncle... Do you think it is your uncle? How would the man know the reaction this would cause or to 'use' his face? Know what I mean? I'm just wondering if it's a possibility.

I understand you can't go into details on the 'war' your brother spoke of, but I'm wondering if he basically meant a good vs evil war? That was what came to mind after reading your comment on a war and being a potential hostage.

What was your impression of the man who came to help you? I know you experienced relief, but I'm hoping he has the best intentions and isn't trying to scare you needlessly.

I know you mentioned trying cleansings... Have you tried Rook's? I don't know if Rook will see your story, but perhaps he can help you. I know he's helped others in similar situations, so hopefully he sees this.

Sending you light and positive energy ❤

Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-19)
Maggie, I did indeed read your Thieving Critters story... Is it possible to go back to the same hotel & "return" the dude? Maybe do a cleanse of the room while you're there? I feel like going back to the origin of the problem may help.

That is interesting you say that you were prevented from seeing your mother-in-law perhaps FOR her protection. Ugh! I just don't know what else to tell you.

The curio connection... 😨
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-19)
Maggie, you just scared me worse than my dream last night. 😲
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-19)
RCRuskin - I am hesitant to write this, even though I am having a quiet freak out right now. I don't want you to think I am grabbing at straws or looking for connections where none exist, but I really want to tell you about this. Oh well, if you think I'm a nutball I'll just say thanks and move on. You mentioned a curio cabinet with a ceramic figurine. The oddest thing happened yesterday and I feel I must share. First, I am not a curio type person. I call that kind of stuff 'dust catchers' and I don't like to dust. Yesterday I stopped for a restaurant/giftshop/ice cream parlour in Douglas Wy. - actually I logged back into this site while still at the restaurant - While I waited for my 4-cheese grilled cheese sandwich and potato wedges I wandered around the gift shop. Just to the left of the ice cream counter there was a half circle, wall mounted, curio cabinet, with mirrors on the flat, back, wall side. It was completely empty, but for some reason I was drawn to it, I kept looking at it, staring down onto the shelves as if something would magically appear. It took the arrival of my food to break my fascination with the curio cabinet. I was uncomfortable with my strange interest and was glad that I'd gotten everything to go. After I left, I didn't think about the cabinet until you mentioned it just now. Odd, just odd. I apologize if I seem to be reaching, but I find it interesting that you mentioned a curio, and yesterday I had a weird attraction to one - something I don't recall ever having before.

Thanks again,
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-19)
Cups - Thank you and you are welcome. I truly can't think of anything or anyone - This all started back in March - if you read Thieving Critters you know exactly when. Since then several things have gone missing - mine primarily. My MIL had a severe stroke and almost died, although come to think of it, I was physically prevented from going to visit her when she was at her most vulnerable. I wonder if that was part of it, maybe a protection FOR her? I don't know. That is an interesting correlation I need to work on. My MIL had a huge prayer circle and chain supporting her in her most dark times. I wonder... If I had a bad mojo being around me, if it got kicked back by that energy, and I had the issue I had because of it as a blowback from it being attached to me. I will have to think about it.

Thank you again,
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-19)
Good morning, Maggie.

Based on your updates, and a snippet of a dream I had last night involving a demonic figurine (yes, a ceramic figurine of a demon in a curio cabinet), I get the feeling you are in for a long, and unpleasant time.

But you are at least on the right track. Do not stop fighting against it, as you correctly discern it is still there. It will take a while, but it can be beaten off.

And even after it is, do not let down your vigil against it.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-18)
Thanks for the updates, Maggie - sorry to hear it's not a happier uodate. I was wondering... Is there anything else going on in your life that may be attracting that energy? A friend, acquantaince, neighbor, even an object picked up from an estate sale, that may have something "icky" attached to it? 🤔
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-18)
Brysys - Thank you so much. Believe it or not, I have a strong faith in a creator, but not so much in any man-made religion. I know exactly what you mean. If you read my earlier response you will find out how this is all working out. I love the rosaries tidbit. I hadn't thought of that, but my daughter left a ton of Bahai jewelry and books around, books that were blessed. I think I'll unbox that stuff and try scattering it around. It can't hurt.

Thank you again.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-18)
Melda - Thank you so much. If you read my earlier responses, you know I am working on it. This definitely isn't the normal shade/curious critter/repeater/playful entity. I really want this thing gone. It is NOT a good thing at all.

Again thank you for your comments and kindness.

MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-18)
CuriousDee - Its good to hear from you again. Demonic... Actually I think it is, and I think it wants influence over me. Although I don't know if Demonic is the word I'd use. Maybe Harmful or Dark? I recognized the face it wore the last time I saw it - last saturday night. The night after the CC incident. It was my Uncle's face. If you recall, my uncle was a bad person. I don't believe for a moment it was truly my uncle, but by using that visage, it conjured up all kinds of soul weakening emotions and my mind almost went immediately to the kind of evil thoughts I would never entertain in a billion years. I called my brother and spoke to him at length. He mentioned a war going on around us, and explained that I had become a casualty and potential hostage to that war. Much of what he said he asked me to keep confidential. I can't share it, but It all sounded so strange and hokey, but while we spoke, I again had that horrifying chest pain. Instead of letting me hang up, my brother conferenced me in to his local friend. Had me describe what was going on, and the guy was at my door in less than an hour. The entire time I was on the phone with both of them they did a litany of prayer and commands that I could barely understand. As soon as his comrade in arms arrived the pain slid away - and I mean that literally, I could feel it sliding out of my chest. He gave me a copy of the ritual and sat with me for hours, helping me. I still do not believe in that faith, but there is no denying the effect it had on my pain and what is happening. I feel like I am in a holding pattern, waiting for more to drop, and there is a persistent ache in my chest... A dim echo of the other pain. I continue to say the prayers as well as burn candles and smudge.


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