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Demonic? Principalities? And A Lost Cc - A Year Later


I know it's been a year and I vanished suddenly, but I have a very good reason. If you all remember I'd picked up/was under attack by, a very malevolent entity. My mentor, a man sent to me by my brother, instructed and assisted me to free myself. The rituals/prayers/cleansing were very intense, every night and every morning. They lasted just over a year. Another of his instructions was to avoid anything that might give the entity the ability to draw energy from me and the people around me. He asked what I might be doing to draw the being to me and feed it. This forum was one of the things I mentioned. He said to avoid it until such a time as the creature was completely gone, as remembering and putting things that put pain or fear into the forefront of my mind might embolden or strengthen it. That is why I vanished suddenly. I made other changes in my life, and cultivated a simpler, more organic lifestyle.

I am happy to say the entity is finally gone. I believe I am free of that entity and if something similar comes calling I know I have the strength to deal with it.

However, I am devastated by the final cost of my freedom. Everything has a price, that's what they say. But price rarely measure true cost.

About six weeks ago I could feel 'it' was almost gone. It was angry and desperate, and after several months of quiet, there was a waiting, gathering feeling of power, anger, rage around me. On that night, I was on my bed, reciting prayers and shivering because of the malevolence around me, when Leia, my 11 year old Basset Hound, leapt up on me and started growling and baring fangs at the air at the foot of my bed. Normally she whimpers and hides behind me when I have 'guests.'

Not this time. She stood covering my body, tail in my face Feet on my thighs, and she was in full 'I will eat you' mode. Her jowls were drawn up, her teeth bared, and her whole body was tight, as if ready to spring into attack. The only movement in her was the vibration of a growl that would terrify any right thinking creature.

I should mention that although 11 years old, the normal life expectancy of a Bassett, she was in great shape. She ran up and down stairs like a pup, she frolicked in the yard, chasing (and catching) birds, squirrels, and rabbits.

The feeling of 'it' exploded. I felt like the air had suddenly been sucked out of my lungs. Leia screamed and reared up, froze for a second, then dropped to me, screaming. If you've ever heard a Bassett scream, you know it is horrifying. If you haven't - pray you never do.

From that moment on, I could not feel 'it' any longer. It was gone... But Leia, my beautiful Leia... After hours and hours of screaming unabated... We brought her to the vet as soon as he opened. The vet said she had fluid in her heart and lungs and that she was painfully dying from it. He said there was nothing we could do, and she was going to die very soon. We made the hard choice to have her sedated until she passed.

We know this wasn't an existing condition. We'd brought her in for a dental cleaning and checkup less than two weeks prior. No I firmly believe she took the attack meant for me.

Since her passing I've looked for her, listened and felt for her. Not a hint. I hope that means she's at rest and out of pain. It feels done but the cost was very steep and I'll pay for a very long time.

I continue to listen for a snuffle-whine or maybe a far off bay as she chases bunnies somewhere beyond. My greatest fear is that she somehow traded herself for me and is now in pain being gripped by 'it.'

I ask the creator every day to look after all of my precious lost ones. I hope he's listening as hard as I listen for my dear ones.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MaggieMay_Not, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Teffy88 (10 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-26)
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I know this is an older post but if you happen to come back to read the comments I'd love to know if you've sensed her yet. I couldn't imagine losing one of my pups like that. 😥
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
So I just typed in, and Firefox autocompleted to this story. Thought I'd ask, Maggie, if you've had any signs of your puppy since you last commented?
mel8763 (1 stories) (19 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-03)
Maggie_may not, I don't believe your beloved beagle is in the hands of the entity. And your doggy gave up her life to protect you. She's in Heaven.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-09)
Awww, animals are family! 😢 I know you will see her again. Healing hugs sent your way. ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-04)
Hahahaha! OK. So maybe some animals can sin just like humans? Leia sure was sneaky anyway... 😁

I do stand by my previous statement about Leia getting her ears rubbed by an angel.

And, of course, it is also possible that Leia was not 'really' a dog. I can't put my finger on anything, but she does seem more like a guardian angel, if such a thing is possible. Where God wills, the natural order is overruled, so...
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-04)
Memories of Leia - thank you all for your kind remarks. I hope it's okay that I share a few memories of Leia, so that you can see why she was so much more than ever expected of a dog, and why I believe her sacrifice and protection of me was a conscious decision on her part.

We had just gotten Leia when my hubby had a catastrophic brain injury. She was just a puppy, and hadn't had the best life. She was a rescue who'd been found abandoned and wandering on a lonely dirt road miles from people. She had severe abdominal hernias that made walking very difficult. She had to have surgery, and needed a hysterectomy (not spayed) before we'd had her a week. That was a month before my hubby's accident. The doctors said he was going to die or be in a vegetative state. We brought Leia to the hospital with us, and after a few flinches from the strangeness, she crawled right up on top of Jerry and gave his face a puppy bath. It was the first thing he responded to, and after that she visited him every day, and every day he got better.

I have so many memories, but one stands out. Padmei and Leia were our pups and we gave things to them equally. If one got a bone the other did too. Of course We have a RC controlled doggie door. Well like anything the batteries died in it and we took a few days to change them. The dogs would go to the door and woof and we'd let them out. Padmei always followed Leia to the door, then dashed out ahead of her, like some great race. Well, I was used to getting up to open the door and one evening I gave the girls a large soup bone each. Leia devoured hers and kept picking at Padmei, trying to steal her bone. I scolded her to be nice then sat down to do some rather stodgy work on my computer. About an hour later, Leia stood at the door and barked to go out. I got up to let them out, idly picking up Leia's collar (with RC transmitter) up off the floor. I got to the door and reached out to open t, just as Padmei reached the door and the RC latch released, opening the doggie door. Padmei raced out as usual, without me opening the door. I looked at Leia, intending to put her collar back on, only to find her already on Padmei's bed, eating Padmei's bone. Leia not only manipulated me, an adult human too distracted to notice the batteries were changed, but she removed her collar so she wouldn't open the door, and she manipulated Padmei into leaving her bone open to pilfering. I'm sure I'm missing more about this, but... Yeah this really happened. Leia also responded to comments, hundreds if not a thousand words. Sometimes verbally, sometimes with actions. I could go into it more, but I'm not sure this is even allowed. Thank you for letting me share this with you.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-04)
SilverThane61- Thank you and I am sorry you were wounded by this. Leia was a very rare canine. I've had dogs all my life. Some were just dogs, learning maybe 80 words, of limited scope and childlike intelligence. Loving and cherished, gentle companions. Leia was different, VERY different. I will actually post a comment after this with a few examples of how Leia was not a normal puppy dog.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-04)
RSAChick - Hi, thanks for the kind response. This is an update to the original story. In that story the Cc is a Credit card. The beginning of my Hiatus is actually explained there.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-04)
Cherubim - Thank you for your kind words. I miss Leia every day. Sometimes I will walk through the door and call "Hey Leia Baby, let's go walkies" or "Treats in the kitchen for Leia baby." Sitting on the couch I'll look for her, reach out to pet her, just to realize she isn't there all over again.

Now I know she is gone, but it is such habit - 12 years. Last night I woke up and reached over the bed to pet her and let her know I was getting up for a drink, only to find the cold floor. She loved me, just as much as I loved her.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-04)
LuciaJacinta - And I remember you as well. You are always such a colorful light. My mentor has decamped and is now assisting another. He is fantastic and humble and just a great person. Having said that, I am not sure I'd ever invite him back for more than dinner and socialization. He makes me feel very selfish and inadequate, because I declined to help others deal with this kind of stuff. I just... If I am drawn to help I will, but I won't willingly seek out this kind of darkness. Being pulled to it yes, but actively hunting? No thanks. I have so much to catch up on! I will read through the stuff as soon as possible and look forward to reading your contributions.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-04)
RCRuskin - thank you. I think I will just let the winds guide me. Probably be a mix of both actually.:) If I am ever there, and let's face it I travel a LOT. I likely will pass through that area. Last year, between 4th of July and New Years I was home 22 days. So far since March I've been travelling about 80 days.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-03)
As an animal lover and dog owner, this was very hard for me to read. Leia must have loved you very much.
RSAChick (115 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-03)
I echo what the others have said. Such a high price to pay 😭 Sorry for your loss.

I have a question about your story title - what is the Lost Cc that you are referring to? Canine Companion is my best guess?
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-31)
I'm so sorry for the loss of your Leia. 😢 Yes, it was a terrible loss but I'm glad you were at least able to find help, many aren't as fortunate. I pray to all that's good in the universe that it never comes back. ❤
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-30)
Hi Maggie,

I remember your story. I think I saved it to my favorites. It's good to hear an update. Sometimes I think of these some of these stories and wonder how people are doing. So I'm glad you came back.

So sorry for the loss of Leia.

I would always keep your back up and watch out for these things are watching you for as long as they can to see if they can get back in your life again. Don't let your guard down.

As for the stories, write as they come to you. Write what you feel like sharing. It doesn't have to be in order.

I also have many experiences that led up to my big experiences... I haven't got there yet but I'm not ready to write about it all yet.

I also during the midst of all the attacks I was under was told to not to visit sites like this by mentors...but, in time, I disagreed because there is not only the spiritual side of this stuff but the psychological side. I need to get it out and need to think it all through. Knowing others went through similar experiences helped me move forward.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-29)
Speaking of animals' souls: I spoke with the deacon of my parish on this issue most recently. While animals do have some measure of intelligence, they tend to act more on instinct than the sense of right and wrong humans have, and which sometimes gets all messed up and out of whack. But enough about politicians. 😜

In summary: it really is not possible for an animal to sin the way people do.

As regards tea, a friend of mine and his husband recently started a tea shop of their own. (Wow. Interesting innuendo when I say it that way.) Western Dragon Teas in North Carolina. I love their teas.</plug>

Now for the important part:

You have me curious about your experiences. There may be something that happened when you were younger that allowed this malevolent entity to enter. I would encourage you to share them, but this place may not be the best place to do so. I encourage you to speak with your mentor about this, let him know everything. And if it seems best to you, follow his advice.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-29)
RCRuskin I am so glad to see you are still here. Actually I love tea and own a plethora of infusers and tea leaves as well as some bags. Heh I even own my own empty tea bags to stuff with my leaves - have you ever tried steeped Chinese blackberry leaves as a sweetener? Fantastic and no cal.

Thank you for your kind words about my precious Leia. I know she had a soul. That's why I worry now. She had saved me in the past from a physical attack from another dog. The dog got close enough to touch my face with it's teeth during the attack. Leia, 10 at the time, yanked that dog out of mid strike and brought it to the ground, holding it under massive her paws, teeth buried in it's neck. It was bleeding and crying in just a few seconds. The dog was a guest's ill-mannered creature, a large, a black lab-pitbull male. Very aggressive and food dominant. I was eating a sandwich at the table and turned to talk to my hubby, the dog lunged up into my face and Leia (sprawled across my feet) uncoiled like a spring and took it down. The other dog had to be put down after another unprovoked attack a few months later. My Leia got all the lovin's, treats, and carried the title as bada$$ to her grave. Speaking of that - She does have a grave. It is land that a farmer turned into a graveyard for beloved pets. I can visit her grave any time. I haven't yet because I have been too raw, but I will.

RC, I am still praying, but your image of ear rubbins from an angel gave me great comfort. Thank you so much.

I wonder if you can help me make a decision? I started posting stories in a memory/chronological sequence. They are memories from my younger years. I believe I'd gotten to about 12 years old before being nudged/shoved into other things. I have a mind to continue that, but another part of me wants to share the last year and the weird/scary/uplifting experiences I've had. Leia's story was the cost at the end of the journey... But I kind of feel I should described the journey. We have been synced before - what do you feel might be right. I am being tugged in both directions.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-28)
Hi, Maggie! Welcome back! Would you like some tea?

I do hope that thing is gone for good. Sometimes, they only seem to go away.

Animals do have souls, per the religion I practice and others besides. Not the same kind of souls as people, but they still have souls. And I do not think that God wants any of his creation to end up in endless torment. Animals included. So I believe, and this is just me, that Leia is right now getting a very nice ear rub from an angel.

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