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Continuing Strange Events


If you read my previous story, 'Thieving Critters' you will know that fairly recently, I had an issue with at least 1, probably 2, entities in a hotel. I am very much afraid that whatever that/they were they followed me home.

Y'all can probably guess I don't scare/spook or fuss easily about dead people visiting, but I do get annoyed. However, this has left behind 'annoyed' and gotten into something bordering scary.

To be clear, I am comfortable with salting, smudging, fuming, and working with candles for purification. I use those things as a last resort, because I believe in letting people be as long as they do not cause harm, distress, or anything else negative to their hostess. I have used them and they have failed in this instance. For me to reach the point of calling out to everyone here for help should tell you how unsettled this has me.

Not long, maybe 2 days after the incident at the hotel, I began to hear heavy, booted, crunching footsteps in the room above mine at night. They are not every night, but at every second or third day. With those sounds are men's voices; voices that are very similar to the voices from my hotel experience.

My dogs, a Basset and a Boxer, stare up at the ceiling and whimper, and do not move from my side. I go upstairs, and the noise continues until I get to just outside the room - then nothing.

My adult son, who sleeps up on that floor, has said he hasn't heard anything, but he did say he's started having nightmares almost every night. He doesn't remember what they are about, but he wakes terrified and can't get back to sleep. Understand, he does not believe in the paranormal, and he is very pragmatic. I can count the number of times he's talked about a nightmare on one hand in his entire life, and three times it's been this last week.

My husband has mentioned that his closet door keeps opening at night. Slamming open and staying open. It does wake me, and I run in to check on him. It is a sliding door and has never had an issue in the past. He has also had to look for his keys on several occasions, and found them in VERY unlikely places, like the ignition of a truck he hasn't driven in a week.

Several items are going missing around the house. On Sunday I purchased some rather expensive Chinese Sweet Tea leaves. Six ounces - cost $26.00. I distinctly and clearly recall putting them in my tea cabinet (I like tea so I devoted one of my cabinets to it) Sunday night. My son made some strawberry black, with the leaves, and remembers putting them back in the cabinet. Yesterday I went to get some and the leaves were gone, just... Gone.

The thing that aggravates me the most though, is my spice cabinet. I have a 'tool spice' cabinet and a 'cooking' spice cabinet. There is some cross over but I don't mix them. After I fumed, using an incense briquette, cinnamon sticks and cloves, I went to bed, rather exhausted. When I got up this morning all of my spices in my cooking cabinet were tossed around in their little cabinet like a cyclone tore through them. My cumin (hand toasted and ground) spilled all over the place.

I have reached my wits end with this. I am pleading with y'all. Does anyone know what else I can do? I've tried talking, smudging, prayer, candles, salting, and fuming. None has worked.

Okay, in the interest of complete disclosure, I had another thought. My MIL is having some very trying times with her health, and in fact may pass very soon. This is affecting my husband's emotional balance. How possible/likely is it, that with my husband's damaged brain, broken neural pathways, and other issues (crushing head injury 2009) that he could be 'poltergeisting' his stress and worries and they are causing this in the way some teens do? That would certainly explain why none of my tried and true methods are working.

Please, any advice or help, even if it seems outrageous, is welcome.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MaggieMay_Not, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-23)
Greetings everyone. I am sorry I fell off the face of the earth. I have been overwhelmed with the demands of family and work. I wanted to give ya'll an update. My MIL is in the nursing home, undergoing intensive therapy and they are looking at her 'maybe' going home to live with an assistant. Many of the issues that were going on have now stopped, although my small things continue to move with almost daily regularity. A shoe will go missing and I'll find it at the bottom of a closet I haven't opened in weeks, or a tool in my toolbox will suddenly appear in in the kitchen sink. My favorite is when one of my few knicknacks - a hand carved gold trimmed wooden bowl (part of a set of 6) with a provenance back to Japan, 1800's, disappeared from my bookshelf and appeared in the cupboard where I keep my wooden salad bowls. Understand, these are all distinctly MY things, and my husband and son wouldn't touch my bowls on pain of torture. I believe I brought something home with me, and it is a mischievous thing. Smudging and other rituals don't effect it. Not entirely sure what it is or why it's attached. It doesn't feel evil so much as mischievous. It definitely wants my attention. I can tell you, it isn't my top priority at the moment - Yesterday I was in a car accident - Me vs. Deer at 65mph. I'm FINE. In fact, something rather miraculous happened. I was black and blue and purple after the accident. My shoulder was so swollen and purple they thought I broke it. I didn't and even though there was no bone damage my skin from shoulder to mid thigh was a technicolor dream. I woke up about 4am, chilled to the bone, then suddenly sizzling hot, like fever hot. Went to sleep and woke up at 3pm - Not a single bruise or mark left on me. Don't know what caused the fever, but it fixed me. So mischievous visitor is NOT an issue at this time.
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-30)
That's AWESOME news, Maggie - about you and your MIL.

I'm so pleased to read you're both doing better, but more so that your MIL has done a complete 180.

Makes me wonder whether she misinterpresed Fern's initial 'visit'.

LOL [at] GODSmacked. An excellent metaphor for your experience.

Thanks so much for sharing and have kept you and your family in my prayers.

God Bless
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-30)

Wow! That is incredible! I'm so glad you're feeling better and your MIL is on the mend. I never underestimate the power of prayer and positive energy 😊 Thank you for sharing the great news! ❤ ❤

- Dee
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-30)
EVERYONE PLEASE READ THIS! Serious Love INSIDE! Even if you didn't read the stories or anything else, PLEASE READ THIS.

Update on this - First - Thank you everyone! You have really helped me with all this.
A small update on me, and it is small because believe me, after you read my next update you will understand why my status is distinctly anticlimactic. I'm good. I'm home now, breathing very well, no more cold or pain in my chest. I feel almost normal. A little more tired than usual but otherwise normal. I can visit the ICU but I'll still wear a mask and gloves as a precaution.

OKAY - the HUUUUGE update. Last Wednesday my MIL had a large ischemic stroke that encompassed the left hemisphere of her brain. She was non-responsive, paralyzed, her right side swollen and showing zero neuro response, skin mottled with poor circulatory response. Last Friday the swelling in her brain increased to push the left side over into the right side, effectively pinching the half of her brain still functioning properly. We were told at the time that she would die.
I was sick, my hubby was alone with the kids, and his mother was dying. Gods what a nightmare. I posted here to update the story because I was going bonkers and needed a distraction.
Jerry took a few days, and then called me and we talked. It was one of the hardest talks we had ever had. We decided that there would be no machines, no surgeries, no care except palliative, keep her comfortable and let her know we love her. Her oxygen was on 8, and we would not allow it to go higher, past Cannula level. Those were the orders we put in place last evening.

Last night she woke up - completely woke up. She is talking, walking, acting like she is visiting friends. They have her on a pureed diet because she has a bit of trouble swallowing. Her oxygen is down to 4 and will likely continue to go down. The woman the doctors said was basically a vegetable waiting to die, is fully functional.

Yes, I am gobsmacked - Or is that GODSmacked? Thank you all, I firmly believe the healing energy sent from everyone did this.

So Thank you all. Your are fantastic.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-29)
Here is my theory... Sometimes familial spirits get passed down the family line. Spirits know about the time a family member is to pass on. So, they latch on to another family member, sometimes the oldest son etc, to stay within the family line. Being that MIL was in her situation, that spirit was looking to accompany you and your family.

It is very intriguing though. I can't honestly say it's origin, but that was my theory. I find it very very interesting about your infection.

We have experienced similar situations in our family. Before the passing of a family member, paranormal events began to happen to us and ironically come to think of it, we have had a transfer of a serious infection as well right around the time of passing.

Maggie your stories have all fascinated me.
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-29)
Maggie, do hope you're doing much better.

I agree with Dee; you were not supposed to be at the hospital. Perhaps your positive energy was seen as something your MIL would hold onto when the time came for her to cross over.

But your health being affected as it has is a rather an extreme price to pay. It brings to mind the saying "No good deed goes unpunished."

Sending warm, healing thoughts your way.

All the best
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-29)
Your theory is a compelling one and I think you may be onto something. It certainly does explain why regular wards aren't working. Maybe try easing your husband's mind. Are there any long term acquaintances that could come by and talk with him now and then? Any religious affiliations? Perhaps a grief councillor (some churches provide this for no cost)?
Soothing music in his room? Something comforting on the tele? Some find certain scents to be very calming from lavender to the smell of their favorite food cooking. Audio books are great for distraction (and you can often download them for free through your local library). Granted, I am unfamiliar with his condition so I don't know what would be best. Maybe speak with his doctors about a short term anti-anxiety therapy?

Just in case it isn't him, might as well keep your bases covered. Perhaps a quick simplified daily smudge or incense burning. A paranormal investigation team might not be a. Bad idea either - unless you happen to have a psychic buddy - just someone who may be able to key into this entity (s) and find out what's what.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-29)
Maggie you poor thing! That's crazy how fast it came on! Try to focus on healing and feeling better. Maybe you aren't supposed to be at the hospital with your MIL? Not for negative reasons, but who knows what. It sounds like you're going through the wringer right now. I'm sending healing energy your way. ❤ ❤

Please keep us updated and get well very soon!

- Dee
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-28)
Sorry I had to break it into two parts. I do not feel sick, except my breathing, which is a major pain in the neck, I am actually FURIOUS, but I know very well that only saps my strength and draws negativity to me so I've tried a bit of meditation. I don't know if it is a coincidence, karma, or something else entirely, but I do know that since I've been gone, my MIL's O2 has had to be doubled and she has gone completely unresponsive. I don't know if this is about her, or about me, or just me being crazy. I am not allowed to see her - I am contagious and not allowed out of my area. Glad they let me keep my computer or I'd go freaking nuts.
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-28)
Miracles, sushantkar,Jubeele, CuriousDee, serenflipppity, SITREP HERE And I think it just got a lot worse - First, thank you all very much for your responses. I am sorry for just getting back to you. You will find out why I was out of touch for a bit. I have an update for this story that I will post here. MY MIL had a very dangerous surgery to prevent a stroke. We thought she came through great, she was home doing well. The activity here with my husband's closet and keys DID decrease. However more things went missing. Specifically my egg slicer and my strawberry corer. They are very seldom used and kept in a specific drawer just beneath my tea cabinet. The footsteps continued as well. My son did not mention any nightmares. The surgery went well and she came home after 3 days in hospital. I actually worried that was too soon because she was not eating or drinking or... Waste management like she should. I ignored that because hey, I'm not a doctor. Wednesday this week my husband called me home from over 300 miles away. The massive stroke the surgery was to avoid happened anyway. She is currently in ICU and is not expected to live. So why am I here writing this instead of there? Oh now that is MORE strange stuff. I was sitting with her yesterday, talking to her and getting a few semi-intelligible answers. She opened her eyes and took my hand - with the hand that is paralyzed, and said "Mom's coming to take me to heaven tomorrow Maggie." When I blinked at her stupidly she repeated it, then went to her semi-conscious state. Guys, I'd 'felt' fern there all day. A few times I thought I saw her in the window, and wrote it off to leaves or shadows. A few minutes later I felt coldness shove against my hand, pushing me away from Mary. "What? You want me to leave." Another cold shove, but this time it passed into my chest. I did NOT feel this was Fern by the way. It felt entirely different. I did the smart thing - I thought - and got our of there - no way did I want an unknown entity around my Dying MIL. I first went out to my car for a few hours and tried to warm up. I was cold from the lungs out. At that time I developed a tickle in my throat. When I went to go back inside, another sharp stab of cold, followed by a deep hacking cough. I started bringing up deep amber muckus. I could feel it in my lungs and I couldn't breathe. I changed direction and went to the ER. They got me in right away - being blue does that. The doctor there had them give me a breathing treatment and oxygen. My friends, I have an acute rapid onset bacterial bronchitis, with infiltrates into my lungs. It happened in less than 2 hours. I am on 2 antibiotics, breathing treatments every 4 hours, steroids, and a whole mess of stuff I can't pronounce much less spell. The doctor was as shocked as I was because he'd seen me when I went out to my car - I was FINE. The strangest part of it was the xray - the infection was exactly where I felt the cold thrust of a shove to leave my MIL's room.
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-28)

I don't know about death causing such disturbances. There are certain religions where visiting the dying/attending a funeral is said to be highly beneficial on a spiritual level as that person is closest to God (whatever or whomever you perceive him/her to be) and you in turn are blessed for spending time with that person.

I remember your story about the hotel. A pretty cord disappeared. Perhaps return to the hotel room and perform the 'rituals' there to either chain them there or banish them.

That they chose to attach themselves to you speaks volumes. I am thinking there is something you can help them with - only you. The only person who's sensed them.

The hullabaloo could be a way to remind you they're there and won't be leaving until...

Perhaps when the time is right, you will know exactly what to do

All the best
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-28)

I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can feel your anxiety just by reading this. I have to agree with Miracles that it does sound like your husband may be unconsciously causing some of the activity. However, your sons nightmares and the footsteps make me hesitant. What does your intuition tell you? You seem to be pretty in touch with yourself and spirit. Have you tried meditating and asking for the answer? Have you ever had something follow you home?

I feel like you know the answer as to what this is (I don't know why). I would listen to your intuition or gut feeling on this. Also, perhaps consider doing Rook's cleansing? Please keep us updated. My thoughts are with you ❤

- Dee
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-28)
Hi Maggie, in order to overcome negative energies, you may need spiritual cleansing tailored to suit both you and your husband's emotional needs. It could take the form of spending time with a church or religious leader or a counsellor. Or spending quality healing time in affirmation and building up your strength together. I've found that with many couples, the bond is such that whatever affects one, will affect the other. So whatever you decide, you may need to do it together.

Some years ago, I was recommended this book: "Facing Death & Finding Hope" by Christine Longaker. The author is experienced in hospice work and she provides insight to emotional and spiritual care of the dying. Perhaps you may find some guidance within its pages. Or perhaps reading from the Bible if that is what will help.

I don't know for certain what is the best way for you. But the Spirit will guide you onto the path that you need. Your strength and faith will sustain you through this time. I'm sending my well-wishes for yourself and your husband. Be Safe and Well. ❤
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-27)
High-level brain activity, where high level of brain impulses causing visible effect in the surrounding environment causing objects to move would be quite scary.
However, if this is happening due to brain stimulation, then I think your precautions against things followed to your home won't work.

Many times, it has been seen that there is considerable negativity in the environment in the house where there is a possibility of near death. I can say from my own experience that such negativity bring many things with them that lives on fear, despair and frustration.

In such a depressed and gloomy environment, it would be good to call or having such individuals who bring positive and righteous thinking with them. This would help countering and minimising negative energies.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-04-27)
MaggieMay_Not - I'm going to go with your last thought. I've read other stories on here where emotion, regardless of age, can cause poltergeist activity.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to help you, or what advice to give, other than finding a way to calm your husband. Hopefully some of our other members will have advice that will help you ❤

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