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Sleep Paralysis... Please Help


Alright so I have never posted anything like this so cut me some slack if this sounds really annoying.

I have had sleep paralysis and demonic dreams since the age of 11 and they seem to just get worse especially in the past two years since becoming sexually active. The paralysis is a regular occurrence and happens at least 3 times a week. I will usually wake up paralysed to a truly evil growl in my ear, something walking over my bed or in most cases an incubus spirit having its way. From reading the guidelines to publishing I will not cover the details of that topic.

My sleep paralysis has become so bad I sometimes fear for my life. In one occurrence I had woken up not being able to move or speak as usual but also feeling a large pressure on my chest which is apparently common for people who suffer sleep paralysis but the pressure would come and go, with that I felt energy from my body leaving every time the pressure would leave my chest as if whatever spirit or being was with me, was taking my life energy away from me. That's the only way I can really explain it. Whilst this was happening I was trying to wiggle my fingers and toes (a way I usually can get out of my paralysis state) and then suddenly I sat up.

Obviously being the scared 16 year old that I was, my first instinct was to run to my parents room. However as soon as I would open the door to my parents bedroom, I would be in my paralysed state again. This would repeat about 7 times, the pressure on my chest and energy leaving my body getting worse. Eventually I began to feel like someone had their hands around my neck, choking me. I could not breathe for what felt like a long time but really was not. I felt like my life force was leaving my body. Finally I pulled all my will together to sit up, being able to breathe at last I ran to my parents who did not believe a word I told them.

The second occurrence I am going to tell you all about is something that happened to me just this morning. I woke up at around 6 am and went about my morning (breakfast and checking messages). Two hours later, laying in my bed on my phone I suddenly had a strong need to sleep (which is a usual sign that I am going to have an attack from a spirit during sleep paralysis). Being the stupid girl I am, I fell back asleep only to wake up again paralysed laying on my back. This time feeling something walked on my bed stopping just before my right hip. Having the feeling something terrible was going to happen I closed my eyes, when I opened them a black figure was right there leaning over me. Giving me an overwhelming feeling of dread and fear. The threatening figure would disappear and reappear every time I would look at it.

I could hear voices of my Mother and brother in the house. I tried to scream for help but obviously nothing happened. The figure began to grow and then I felt energy push into my stomach which is really bizarre, as soon as that occurred the figure disappeared and instead I saw writing all over the walls of my room, letters and numbers but it was like something wasn't allowing me to read it. The writing was also disappearing and reappearing.

Trying to get up the exact same thing happened to me that occurred in the first story I told. I would put everything into getting out of my paralysed state, only this time when I was out, I would walk to a corner of my room and then be back into my paralysed body on my bed. This happened many times until eventually I could finally move. I walked out of my room to talk to Mum and found her in her bedroom. I asked if her and my brother were up and how long ago. She told me that her and my brother were up around an hour ago! That means I was possibly in that state for at least an hour.

I know to some of you may think this isn't that bad and there are people who go through worse which is very true. But I have never seen a black figure like the one I saw this morning. I have only felt the presence of spirits or heard them which does not bother me when it isn't too threatening. I am currently going through bad depression and anxiety which could possibly be caused my some sort of evil spirit as I have read from websites about this topic.

I am only 16 so please do not criticise me too much, I am only asking for advice on what to do. I apologise for any bad spelling, grammar or sentence structure in advance.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ell11901, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Ribs1993 (1 stories) (2 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-09)
Hey I also had the same experience. But after I woke up, the tingling or electric sensation lasted for 3 hours and my hair on the area where the spirit touched me and hug me stood out for hours too.
I got weird dreamt two weeks ago. I met two foggy entities approached me and touched me the way that entities or spirit touched me during sleep paralysis. I don't know how but I just knew that both of them are the ones who touched or hug me during sleep.
Even in my sleep and drean at the same time, I felt that my legs being lifted and being dragged away. Almost like someone or something want to pull me somewhere.

Can anyone give me information?
A0knight (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-14)
Im a bit late to the party but have shiat tons of experience with out of body and sleep paralisis.

1. Sleep on your sides, always, itll cut the occurrences down by 80/90%
2. If you are caught in paralisis, start by focusing on your toes, move them, and youll regain control.
3. Do not be afraid, the only power those things have is what you give them. Its gotten to the point where I consider them a nuisence more than anything. You can break free, its spiritually exhausting but you can.
If you do break out, you may do so out of your body as well. Do not fret, you will return to it, but take time to collect yourself, as I said, breaking submission is exhausting.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-29)
Elhub - there is nothing your profile to indicate any level of expertise in demonology. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that even an expert would dare be so certain with so little information. You are merely shooting into the wind and raising unnecessary alarm.
elhub (9 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-29)
I will be honest with you sleep paralysis is not hallucination or your mind playing tricks with you. This is an attack from satan and his agents. Satan hates us and wants nothing more too see us to fall away and doubt the love of Jesus Christ. His purpose is to torment us and deceive us. In John 10 vs 10 KJV " The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I [Jesus Christ] am come that they might have it more abundantly." Rebuke these evil entities in the name of Jesus Christ. Believe in Him and have faith that He will save you. Hebrews 11 vs 6 " But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." I love you Ell and so does Lord Jesus Christ. I am telling you the truth and may the truth set you free. John 8 vs 32. Turn to God Jehovah.

But rememeber this:
"When the unclean spirit (demon) is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out;and he is come, he findeth it empty, swept and garnished. Then he goeth, and taketh with himself seven other spirts more wicked than himself, and they eneter in and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first..." Matthew 12 vs 43-45. Devils will always come back to attack you but you need to resist them through Lord Jesus Christ.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-29)
I do hope the OP responds. I honestly think a lot of this is stemming from the depression/anxiety, judging from what I have personally dealt with. The symptoms described during the SP episodes are very similar to a panic attack.

I say cover all bases. Talk to your family about how you feel. See what a medical doctor has to say and follow their advice. Keep a journal as knowing what is going on is empowering. And, for the rest, look to your faith.

Hope all is well. We all look forward to hearing from you!
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-27)

Just an observation, so please don't take offense or put me in the physical or paranormal camp as you all have posted reasonable suggestions to help solve the OP's issues.

I note that as of today, it has been 4 days since RC posted the first comment and as yet, there has been no reply from Elf11901.

I know we are all concerned for Elf11901's well being but perhaps waiting for a reply from the OP may be preferable.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-27)
Anno, I did in fact read your statement. Let me quote the relevant part: "there is a demonic cause to your torment."

While you may not be discounting physical explanations, you are immediately going to demons in your statement.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-26)
Ell11901, I thought I would let you know that you are not alone in the type of phenomenon you are experiencing.

For about three or four years my wife experienced something very similar to you.

It was always most prevalent if she had slept at an irregular time, such as the afternoon.

She would sometimes have an incident of an "evil" looking figure on top of her with a guttural voice and also keeping her from breathing due to its weight on her chest. When she woke up from this fear she would come down stairs and see all of us (her family) in various places in the house and then promptly wake up in bed. She would also do this up to seven times, each time still waking up in bed. When she actually awoke we would usually be in the places and positions she saw us in in her out of body trips. Oddly sometimes this was not exactly true like the reality was slightly skewed.

While her methods to reduce this may not be possible for you, my wife took far fewer naps, and slept on her side instead of her back while napping.

After a few years she returned to sleeping on her back when napping and has had no recurrence of sleep paralysis.

I hope that these suggestions may give you some relief if you can use them.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-25)

As you can see we are a community of individuals who have different opinions on what may cause experiences like the ones you are having.

The BEST place to start is with the physical/mental side of things. Rule out the medical, the physical and what remains is the paranormal. Once at this stage, ONLY THEN, can it be broken down into 'type' of experience/entity ect...

In MY OPINION the best way to do this is by keeping a Journal. It can help you go back and de-bunk events or show possible paranormal patterns. From there it becomes possible to figure out the best way to approach what is happen and if desired, how to make it stop.

I hope you read this, provide a update and ask any questions you may have.


Jitow (362 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-25)
The OP asked for help and I felt it necessary to share what I know has ended SP and sexual attacks in every case that I am aware of and there are no consequences for calling on Jesus for help. If it works for the OP she will be spared all the speculation. This site has lots of examples of this stopping these types of issues and many times as a last resort, so why not give it a try first thing and help the OP now since they asked for help.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-25)
CuriousDee... I just realised that on the story "Spirit Drawn To Teenage Emotions" you were pretty quick to jump to the conclusion "It sounds like a mix of poltergeist activity (brought on by the emotional state of young people) and residual activity."

Wait... What? No scientific explanations? No overactive imaginations? Now this just smacks of double standards to me... Then again maybe it's my fault again.

Yes I agree with you that a 16-year old might be slightly alarmed with my suggestion, but that is only if they haven't read the rest of the forum yet... I'm pretty tame when it comes to some of the stories or comments on the rest of the forum.

It's my view that a forum like this would be a much nicer place if we could focus our comments on the OPs' stories, instead of critiquing the comments and opinions of other forumners. All of us come from different backgrounds and benefit from each others' different experiences, so we should spend more time hearing each other out and less time trolling. 😊
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
To my dear critics... "While there may be scientific explanations to your experiences, I do not want to discount the fact that there is a demonic cause to your torment. "

That is what I started with. I know that the rest of you have been advocating "scientific" explanations, and therefore I wanted to provide an alternative view to that. If you've read my first statement carefully, you will be able to discern that I am NOT starting off by assuming that this is the case as was alleged.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)

Oh my goodness... 😁 That was a hoot! Paranormal shows like that are out of control. You know the type where every little thump, tap and shadow must be a ghosty. Hahaha!
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
Dee, I think you did. Someone else, I think, jumped to conclusions. They may be correct, but shouldn't start there.

This series, for example has the kind of people I'm talking about
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)

I just hate the thought of a teenager/young person 'freaking out' at the mention of demon when so many of the occurrences can be easily explained by medical and scientific explanations.

I didn't mean to be harsh, just realistic. I hope that came across right. *sigh* I try. 😕
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
CuriousDee, I'm in agreement with you, and also with Anno Domini. Yes, demons exist, but many people too easily just ascribe what they don't know to demons or other, non-physical causes.

The physical world is described in the book of Genesis as 'good' and this innate goodness can be used to deal with spiritual needs. Washing with water, bread and wine, etc.

So it follows naturally that medication, being a physical thing, is also good. So it should be sought out, or at least consult with a physician, when appropriate. Which is pretty much all the time.

It just bugs me that people seem to jump to spiritual explanations too quickly! But I repeat myself. 😁
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)

In my opinion, we should look for medical causes and scientific explanations first. Your comment:

..."I do not want to discount the fact that there is a demonic cause to your torment."

You are stating that a demonic presence/cause is a 'fact' in the OP's account. I don't think telling the OP that it's a 'fact that a demonic cause' is the reason for her experiences is a good idea. This could cause unnecessary stress in an already stressful situation.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
Hi Ell11901,

Thanks for your story. While there may be scientific explanations to your experiences, I do not want to discount the fact that there is a demonic cause to your torment.

In my opinion, demons are real, and they do torment some of us. Science does those who are tormented a disservice, as, if it refuses to acknowledge demons, then demons don't exist.

I believe that demons who appear as incubi (they all have different roles) seek to become "familiars" which will hang around you 24/7 if you are accepting of their presence. Already it seems that it is seeking to establish dominance over you and your will. I would suggest that you approach your local church and seek help from a pastor / priest. Churches do not publicise this, but many acknowledge that demons do exist and do have ministries to deal with them.

In addition to this you can try to call upon Jesus Christ's name the next time you are tormented. The key point here is always rebuke and reject the demon, and in no way accept its presence. It may change tactics to make you feel feelings of love and warmth or cuddling in order to seduce you. Don't be fooled by all its false pretenses.

Will be keeping you in prayer.
Jitow (362 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-24)
The very next time you feel an attack coming on, yell as loud as you can in your mind, for it to leave in Jesus name. Then come back on here and tell us what happened. I hear that paralysis and feeling of a presence leave instantly and the same for the sexual attack as well. It is definitely worth a try and no negative side to it since Jesus told us to call out to Him whenever we need Him
johnfitzalanblackhurst (1 stories) (2 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
Hi there. I have had 'Old Hag Syndrome' and it is horrible. The whole thing feels so real I could swear someone is sitting on me or pushing down on me. I have developed ways to help. One that does seem to do the trick is to read Psalm 91. I am not going all religious here just saying what helped me.
I am 45 so pretty ancient really. I have bi polar disorder which I manage really well. You mentioned depression and anxiety. Personally as a father myself, I would urge you to speak to your family if you can about these matters and would suggest seeing your doctor. Nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. There are so many people who are there to help.
You aren't alone in these things remember. Hope all goes well.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)

Rook asked the same question I had; It sounds like you're describing an Out Of Body Experience or OBE. Something interesting that popped out to me while reading your account:

..."I saw writing all over the walls of my room, letters and numbers but it was like something wasn't allowing me to read it. The writing was also disappearing and reappearing."

I saw the same thing just prior to my first OBE. That and random images. This could explain some of what's going on. You can do research on OBE or Astral Projection easily.

There is also something called Hypnagogic Hallucinations that happens just prior to the onset of sleep or upon waking up that causes us to see hallucinations or dream figments that appear real. It can happen when you're stressed, anxious, fatigued, etc. I have dealt with that too. While the images or hallucinations appear scary, they are not real. You can also research this phenomena.

I agree with the others on seeking medical advice. Perhaps a sleep study? You are not alone or crazy. Definitely try to get enough sleep at night and limit any stress that you can.

Hopefully, the suggestions from everyone help ease your mind.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)

I agree with RC... Get the medical side checked out, physical/mental possibilities must be ruled out first.

I do have a question concerning the second part of your experience... You stated this:

"Trying to get up the exact same thing happened to me that occurred in the first story I told. I would put everything into getting out of my paralysed state, only this time when I was out, I would walk to a corner of my room and then be back into my paralysed body on my bed."

Are you trying to describe an 'out of body experience (OBE) " or did you physically move and then return to your bed?

Another question is this... Are you, or anyone else in your home, experiencing any other activity in your home?

Thanks for sharing.


RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2018-05-23)
*gets out a bolt of slack* How many yards do you want? 😁

OK. Getting serious now, and hope my joke did not offend you. How traditional is your family regarding sexuality? It's a personal question so you don't need to answer me in this discussion, but I'm wondering if anxiety or stress might be contributing to the problem you're experiencing.

Sleep paralysis is a frightening experience, and often comes with hallucinations when it has a medical cause. If you can, I suggest speaking with your health care provider or someone at school you feel safe confiding in.

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