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Mom... Please Let Me Go


This is not a personal experience but one I heard many times like a child, and still hear occasionally during family reunions, it happened to my maternal grandmother, Bueli, many years ago.

The proper time after getting married, my grandma gave birth to a little girl whom happened to be an only child for almost five years. Unfortunately she passed away after a short illness. Although both my grandparents grieved deeply the loss of their child, Bueli took it harder and would go daily to the cemetery and kneel by her daughter's grave crying and talking to her as if she were still alive.

She would ask if the little girl was cold or if she felt lonely, and would cry for several hours and go home just to come back the following day and do the same routine.

This was Grandma's life for several weeks until one day when she saw from the corner of her eye a little girl wearing a white dress, walking towards her direction. She didn't pay attention to the child thinking that she must had wandered away from a family visiting the cemetery, besides being so centered on her own grief.

But then the girl said something that made her turn her head only to see that she was nowhere to be seen.

The words she said were " Mama, no puedo irme mientras estes llorando... Por favor dejame ir" ("Mom, I won't be able to leave if you keep on crying... Please let me go").

After hearing these words and even though she didn't see the child's face, she came to the realization that the girl was her lost daughter telling her that her sorrow was holding her back and decided it was time to move on, she understood that even if the pain of losing her child would never stop, she couldn't spend the rest of her life at that cemetery. She walked away and would visit her daughter's grave only in special occasions.

Later in her life, my grandma gave birth to nine more children, out of them only five reached adulthood. I know Bueli grieved the loss of all her children during her life, but the words of the girl at the cemetery helped her to believe that death was not the end and gave her hope that they had gone to a better place.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lady-glow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 months ago (2024-04-21)

Hello. It is so nice to see you around!

I'm sorry for your loss. I know loosing a child, regardless of their age, is a very traumatic and painful experience.

I think our loved ones are always watching over us, though not always at our side.

Thanks for reading.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 months ago (2024-04-21)
Hi lady-glow, I can't imagine the pain your grandma would have gone through. But I can relate to how hard it would have been for her to let go. When Rex and I lost our baby, our world came crashing down. We grieved for a long time. I've wondered if the spirit of our baby stayed with us for a while.

I believe that when sorrow cuts too deep, it can tie the spirit of the departed to the earthly realm. It could why some remain, watching over loved ones until they are ready to let go, freeing the spirit to move on.

A friend, who's a medium, told me that not all spirits hang around the cemetery or gravesite, because it can be too depressing for them. But they would be there when loved ones go to visit them. I find it comforting to know that love endures, long after the body has been laid to rest.

Thanks for sharing her experience with us.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
8 months ago (2024-02-29)
Lovely Lady, You're grandmother being born in 1904, when times were so different and technology to help and save lives not available to all communities if available at all would have made things so difficult for the poor woman.
Does she come to you in dreams?
She'd be so proud of the strong, intuitive, intelligent, insightful, and lovely woman you have become.
I'm sending you positive energy.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 months ago (2024-02-27)

Thank you for your lovely comment. I can not imagine how terrible it must have been for my Grandma to lose half of her children very early in their lives. I hope they are sharing better times now that they are together in the afterlife.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
8 months ago (2024-02-25)
Lovely Lady, I have no idea how I missed this post of yours.
Oh my goodness. Your poor dear grandmother must have suffered so much pain. My heart goes out to her and to you for being strong enough to share what happened to your grandmother.
My sincere condolences go out to you and your family. Such a sad, sad, post. It's heart breaking to read.:- (
MsTea (2 stories) (11 posts)
8 months ago (2024-02-23)
Thanks for the warm welcome 😊... I hope they're good interesting.

...and, yes, that's the general belief. That they are resting in the spiritual realm and come awake for certain tasks they need to carry out or be carried out by their relatives.

Some spirits may linger a bit longer in our realm, after death, before going to rest.

So, just like we dream of our ancestors coming to us in dreams, they are probably dreaming of this physical realm and can see everything that is happening, therefore waking up to protect us or whatever the case may be, then going back to sleep.

Restless spirits are the ones that can't find rest and are what we call ghosts.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 months ago (2024-02-23)

Welcome to YGS.

I have read all your comments and find them very interesting. It's not the first time I have read about human grief holding back the spirit of a departed loved one.

As for the idea of spirits entering a "sleeping" state after passing away, how would one explain the well documented and numerous cases of visitations, warnings and encounters that many people have experienced with the 'dead' even years after their passing?
Would this mean that they 'awake' for a limited period of time?

Thanks for reading and commenting on my story.
MsTea (2 stories) (11 posts)
8 months ago (2024-02-22)
It's also believed in our culture that when you grieve too much, you prevent the spirit from Resting In Peace, because they're not really dead, only sleeping.

Hopefully she's sleeping in your grandma's arms now.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-26)
Lady Glow your poor grandmother. 😢
What a bitter sweet experience she had. It seems like she allowed it to help her with loss in the future. I'm so sorry she had to experience any of that at all.
blosomes (21 stories) (137 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-26)
😕 hmm...
I see a confused fool here... I don't even want to greet that fool with a name...
Lady Glow, you do not have to put any effort dealing with that. Believe in the Mods.
This story is well written and should be read by more people. There maybe negative comments but those are not worth taking care of, they just need some good research and a heart to respect others.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
9 months ago (2024-01-26)
talib - exactly which site rules do you believe this story to be breaking? And why do you believe so?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-26)

"instead of answering my doubts about your story you conveniently ignored them and criticized my (YOUR?!?!? Ha, ha, ha!) comments"

IF you want to be taken seriously, start by acting serious... You didn't just "used a part of comments of CantunSEEit74", you plagiarized the whole thing without making the proper changes, but as a token for the much you made me laugh with 'YOUR' comment I'm going to help you with the math, out of my 16 stories, 12 are my own experiences and 4 have happened to a close family member, as opposed to the poster you're talking about: 17 stories, 6 his and 11 from someone else.

"seems you got quiet flustered tasting your own medicine of nitpicking on stories from India."

Nah...if anything, I almost spat out my milk and took me a long time to control my laughter...thanks, you made my day!

And since you seem to be so interested on finding holes in my story, here are some facts about it's background.

My Grandmother was borne in 1904, I'm not sure of the exact date when she got married, but she was in her early 20's, then my little aunt was born some time before the "Cristero War" broke in 1926.


The family was living in Mexico City but, since it wasn't a safe place, my grandmother and the baby went to live to a small community in the Hidalgo state whilst my grandfather stayed behind due to his job.


The war lasted from 1926 to 1929, and some time after things were back, or close, to normal, my grandmother and her daughter went back to Mexico City to join my grandfather. The times were tough and the little girl got sick and passed away around 1930.

As you can see or, should I say, if you want to see, the time frame makes sense and explains why the girl was an only child for such 'a long time'.

If you have any more questions don't be shy and ask... I don't promise to answer right away because it's time for me to sleep and will be busy tomorrow.

This comment from talib is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
9 months ago (2024-01-26)
I deleted Talib's comment. Lady-glow, personally I don't find fault with either yours or Cant's comment, and am letting them stand. To quote from the Comments Guidelines, "... To keep a certain level of maturity and civility on this site, moderators may delete comments that are deemed too juvenile, inappropriate or troublesome, to their discretion." Neither of yours fall under any of those. Talib's comment on the other hand not only hit all three reasons but underscored them... To attempt to plagiarize another poster's comment to criticize a story - is beyond childish. To do so just to try and cause trouble is both inappropriate and troublesome. I'm so sorry you had to bear his idiotic attempt at maligning you, lady-glow.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-25)
It seems Talib was more interested in leaving a negative comment instead of reading and understanding the last paragraph of a well written story. Thanks for sharing Lady-glow. Dick move Talib.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-25)
Hi Talib.

Wow! Do you really need to plagiarize other poster's comments to criticise my story... You should have, at least, made an effort and fix the math.

"CantunSEEit74____+2___4 weeks ago

On the first page of this site, it states share your ghost story. YOUR GHOST STORY, YGS. YOUR! Not everyone else's stories. There are many Immediate family stories here that are shared but do you really feel anybody should have over 10 stories that they were not present at or did not witness themselves. That person should join this site and participate in the discussions and share their stories."

You are funny... In a not exactly fun way. LOL

Mods, please delete if inappropriate.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-25)
They are, Lady Glow. Beef stew is probably the best dish in history. My opinion anyway.

But this story is very touching.
blosomes (21 stories) (137 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-24)
I am glad I am reading this at my home alone... I can't stop crying... 😭
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-24)
Hi guys.

Thanks for reading my story and for commenting on it.

RCRuskin: once cooked, onions are yummy.

Spooderman: except for one, all of my grandmother's children are in heaven now. No pun intended.

Rajine: thanks for reading.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-23)
It's generally believed that when we lose a loved one, we mourn and we try to come to terms with it, and that living in sorrow and grief prevents the soul from moving on to where it needs to go, or in some instances, something else, malevolent, mimics or pretends to be the departed soul, preying on the grief of the ones who cannot let go.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-22)
I think I have cut up too many onions for the beef stew tonight.

Or maybe it is this story.
Spooderman (1 stories) (15 posts)
9 months ago (2024-01-22)
I know it's been a long time but I'm really sorry for your grandma's loss. I'm sure that all the children are in heaven now. So they truly are in a better place. ❤️

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