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The Unexplained Happening At A Palace Hotel


This happened when I was traveling for work to Hyderabad, India. I stayed in a very beautiful hotel, which used to be a palace before, with one of my other colleagues. We stayed in one of their Royal Suite (purely by luck).

The layout of the suite was, you enter in the living room and then a curtain separates the living area from the bedroom and the door to the washroom was on the opposite wall of the bedroom. The whole room was huge and beautiful with that old worldly charm.

It so happened that my colleague forgot to bring the list of the attendees in the room and she was busy with the setup of the event at the venue, she told me that she will just fetch the list and come back, I on the other hand was just talking to the admin of the company we were doing the event for so I told her that I will go back to the room and she can continue with the setup.

It was around 7:00 PM and the event was about to start so I hurried to the room to get the list. As soon as I entered the room I felt a little weird, not good or bad just weird, like someone was watching me or something. I started looking for the list but couldn't find it on the center table or the study table, I looked for it on the side tables and cupboard but it wasn't there either. I had to pee so I thought I will call up my colleague and ask her where she has kept it after using the washroom. But as soon as I came back from the washroom the list was lying there on the bed. It wasn't there before because the bed was neatly made and it was a A4 size sheet so I couldn't have missed it. I took the sheet, said thank you loudly and hurried out to the event venue.

After the event we came back to the room around 1:00 AM, I told her all about it and she chuckled saying the list was in her travelbag which was in the cupboard. So somebody took the pain of getting it out of the bag and placing it nicely on the bed.

For the whole time we stayed there, which was basically 4 days, we didn't feel threatened at all. But the same feeling of someone watching us was there all the time after that incident (it happened on our Day 02 of the stay). Maybe it was because we acknowledged the presence after that or because we were too tired on the first day of our stay to notice anything.

Since the property is very old and has seen its share of history, there is no denying the fact that it might have been a spirit of someone who used to stay there or was related to the property somehow. I would surely like to believe that it was the spirit of some handsome prince fishing for the attention of two ladies by helping them:)

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lookingforamiracle (3 stories) (16 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-27)
Hi Dee,

Many thanks for reading the experience and for the reply.

I had searched the room thoroughly and I don't think I could have missed an A4 size paper on a neatly made bed when I was already looking for that and walking all around it.

But I love the way members here don't jump to paranormal instantly and try to look at all the possible angles.

Nazz 😊
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)

The Adonis reference... 😁 Hahaha!

Need 50 characters... 😜
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
Hi there looking,

I really don't have anything to add that hasn't already been covered. I was also wondering if it was possible if housekeeping put the list on the bed, but you mentioned that you had searched thoroughly.

Thank you for sharing an interesting read 😊

lookingforamiracle (3 stories) (16 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
[at] Melda
Looking at it from a logical angle is always better than just leaning towards paranormal without any reasoning. I totally agree with your point so don't worry about me taking offence in that. 😊

And BeautInside, Melda and Lady Glow I would have definitely preferred someone like John Abraham 😉 but I don't mind a fellow female helping hand either.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
lookingforamiracle - one thing is for sure... Hrithik Roshan wasn't the one visiting your room that day. 😢
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
lookingforamiracle - It is very possible that this kind soul placed the list where you would find it. Many people have had this type of experience, please don't think that I'm debunking it in totality. It's always advisable to look for any possible loophole.

In that case, more than likely a pretty, or plain, hotel room cleaner of the feminine variety 😁 (Sorry Adonis 😭)

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)

I guess a helping hand is always welcome, either if it belongs to this world or not. 😁

I must agree with Melda when it comes to handsome princes... As I always say, true beauty lies inside. 😉

Take care. ❤
lookingforamiracle (3 stories) (16 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
Hi Melda,

Many thanks for the reply and trying to find a logical explanation.

I don't think the paper was already on the bed, because when I checked the bedside table, I had to cross the bed and go there and nothing was on the bed at that time, even when I went to the washroom after that there was nothing on the bed. Since I was looking for it, I was already looking around the room even while walking from one table to another. But as far as I remember, there was nothing on the bed before.

And while we were out at the venue, the housekeeping cleaned our room and arranged everything, I think if they had found something on the bed they would have placed it on the study table because that's where they had arranged our other papers and laptop.

BTW that's the thing about someone you cannot see, you can always imagine them to the best of your hopes. 😆

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-26)
lookingforamiracle - Unfortunately some handsome princes are just frogs at heart 😁

Do you think it's possible that your friend might have forgotten that she had put the list on the bed and you simply missed it when you returned to the room?

You were indeed fortunate if you had a good spirit around you while you were staying in the hotel. Most people wouldn't even realise that there was something "not of this world" in their bedroom, or they would simply write it off to imagination.

Regards, Melda

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