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Concerning Hallucinations And Otherwordly Matters


As a skeptical agnostic, I often question my experiences or outright dismiss them assuming I am overreacting to stimuli. However, some minor experiences and memories have led me to some questions concerning some feedback by the YGS community. After my last dismissal of strange events, some members noted that I should compare stimulus and decide if it's meaningless or not, such as comparing a shoulder squeeze to a muscle twitch.

I have had bouts of auditory hallucinations throughout my life that I actually forgot about until I had one upon falling asleep from physical exhaustion. It triggered memories of ones I've had in the past. Every auditory hallucination I have ever heard has sounded like an actual person inside my head or if you were to turn up the volume on the TV and trap that noise and play it in your head. So I know what it sounds like when you hear something like that. About a couple of weeks ago, I felt a presence behind me in the bathroom but I ignored it and just assumed it to be my imagination. But then I heard an extremely faint voice say something indiscernible near me. Of course this is not the first time I've heard them.

I do not know if there are types of auditory hallucinations that can sound like actual people speaking next to you, but it seems to me that when generally described, you hear it in your head. These whispers and voices that I've heard sound nothing like the stress-induced auditory hallucinations I've had upon falling asleep. I still do not know what to make of my generally mundane experiences, but this has piqued my interest that I'm not so mad or that my body is completely screwy. I have also noticed whenever I heard something talking it doesn't sound like a person. It always sounds disembodied, fluid, and whispery. Or it sounds like it's wrapped in static or electricity. I don't know what to make of these experiences.

In my last submission, I thought some of the sounds and touches I've been feeling were easily explained away. I still think that is the explanation for some of those. And up until now I was completely convinced the staticy voices are just my imagination. But now I'm not so sure. So I wanted to know what the YGS community had to say about this. Am I reading into this? Can auditory hallucinations present in various ways? Because if so, I stand by my original conclusion like a stubborn mule. 🤔

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DirtCreature, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2019-03-08)
Hmmm...so probably not a case of 'screwy ears'.😊
For ANYONE reading this: I want to stress this, paranormal or NOT, if any 'voice' starts being negative, encouraging you to harm yourself or others, get some professional help. Whether they believe it to be ghostly or that you're crazy, doesn't matter, they will teach you tools to use that are beneficial in either case. This thread is not dealing with those types of voices, but rather why some hear them and some don't.
There is a theory, that I heard many years ago that suggested that words once spoken were recorded by atmospheric particles forever, but mostly remained inaudible to the human ear. I suppose, this might explain residual voices of spirits (there is no scientific reasoning that I know of to back this up, but just for the sake of argument, let's say it's so), but why does it usually sound all warped or staticy? More importantly, what about that voice that sounds right there WITH you?
Atmospheric audio recordings wouldn't explain that, yet many times someone will describe it in the same way; staticy or very faint but definitely heard with the ears and NOT in the head. Of course, hearing voices without ready explanation, could be a sign of a medical or psychological malady, or even simple audio pareidolia. Frankly, hearing voices in general, is not viewed as 'normal'. However, we're dealing with the paranormal, which seems to be anything but normal.
Personally, those I have heard are usually external. Sometimes even full sentences. I'm not always alone when it happens, and often it is crystal clear, but sometimes, it sounds like a radio slightly off station, or a TV with the volume low in another room. I hear it, or the bulk at least, yet no one said it. Sometimes the information received has been very useful, needed in the 'now', so not residual.
In theory, if we accept that spirits reside on another plane as energy, then it would be a given that they vibrate at a different speed then the living. To make this easier to follow, I want you to think of the planes as thin membranes, each vibrating with it's own speed, that sometimes intersect each other, which creates yet another unique vibration.
Now, let's look at how we hear. Sound waves are first collected in the outer visible portion of the ear, these sound waves then are funneled down through the ear canal to the eardrum. As the eardrum vibrates back and forth in time with the waves coming down the ear canal, it creates tiny corresponding motions that move along the three small bones of the middle ear. Its movements cause corresponding wave-like motions inside the cochlea's fluid filled chambers. Each corresponding wave movement of the fluid causes tiny hair-like nerve cells to bend, sending electrical impulses along the auditory nerve to the communication centers of the brain. It's actually your brain that 'hears' translating all these vibrations into recognizable sounds or words.
So, you have a spirit, with its own signature vibration, coming through, possibly multiple planes, each with its own unique vibration being layered upon each other to create yet another vibration, traveling through yet another vibration we call air. Follow so far?
When this cornucopia of vibrations collects within the ear, our brain begins to disassemble all those layers back into their own unique vibrations, and reassemble them into sounds that make some recognizable pattern. However through all the matrixing of the different layers to reach our ears, some become unrecognizable, resulting in 'static'.
Well, it's a theory at any rate...
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2019-03-08)
I got a general checkup and she looked into my ears and said everything was fine. I have gotten a hearing test in the past that ended with the doctor stating I have exceptional hearing.

But yeah my primary didn't see anything like wax buildup or sign of infection. Unless I need a more thorough checkup 🤔
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2019-03-08)
Welcome back! You have been missed.
First off, you aren't alone when it feels as though this may be the only 'safe' place to discuss the paranormal for you, and being 'stuck' around others who just don't get it. There are a good many members who feel the same way; that no one they know in the 'real' world would understand, or be able to help. I guess the worst part of it is the feeling that you wouldn't be believed anyway, or that they'd think there's something wrong with you. Add social anxiety and...yeah, I understand where you're coming from.
Feel that? You have just received an enormous mental hug from me.
By the way, what did the doctor say about your ears?
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2019-03-07)
I am sorry about that and do not mean to send mixed messages. I have really bad social anxiety even online and get impulsive about running away. I'll just leave this account be for when I need to pop back in.

Thank you all.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-07)
DC! You're back!
I was saddened when your status went to "guest" for a while there!
I know that individual YGSers have a range of approaches and experiences, that's part of what makes me feel welcome in this community, too. My statements, feelings, observations, and guesses may not be correct all the time, but I've felt comfortable when being corrected. Sincere contributors with good intentions form a valuable support network for those of us with awareness or perceptions that are mischaracterized, even demonized, by people who lack a frame of reference to understand our situations.
You don't have to be on YGS every day to benefit from stopping by; however, I'd encourage you not to keep "disappearing" completely and then restarting your account. It sends confusing/conflicting messages to those of us who are keen to help, to chat, or to suggest ideas for you to consider...
Glad you're back,
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2019-03-07)
I just wanted to say that this is the only place I can feel comfortable. In the "real" world I feel like I have to hide myself and my paranormal interests. I feel stuck between atheists and religious people. Neither who understand my experiences or questions. Thanks ygs for being a little safe haven.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-12-26)
I for one would be interested in what the doctor has to say. Just promise me one thing, even if you DO rule out that you've had any personal experience with the paranormal, you'll keep that lovely open mind of yours.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-26)
Yes, thank you for the feedback. That is exactly what I was looking for. I think I have just hallucinated all my life. I've lost all leftover remnants of belief. I am going to schedule an ear appointment and try to get this resolved. Thank you everyone and Val.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-12-26)
Hi DC, I've been mulling over your question. 'Staticy' voices can have several causes, it's under the classification of pseudo-auditory hallucinations. The big difference between auditory hallucinations and pseudo-auditory hallucinations is that pseudo-auditory hallucinations are always vague - not clear and understandable. Pseudo-auditory hallucinations can definitely be hypnagogic hallucinations. The best way I can describe it is the audio part of your dream is still playing as you wake up too fast.
Some folks hear voices when totally awake that are thought to be connected to hearing loss or even loose/ built up ear wax. So, yes you may be victim of 'screwy ears'. Only way to be sure is to get your ears checked.
The effect can also be triggered by stress/worry, or a side effect of some medications.
I hope that is close to what you were seeking?
Berggraf38 (3 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-26)
Hi DirtCreature,

I used to have similar experiences, but they were kind of intentional and systematically directed, since they seemed to be a side effect of years of traditional Tibetan meditation practice. I never became an expert, but got skilled enough that I was able to take part in/communicate with what I believe were thought waves from other people/beings (living or dead, who knows?).
I hope my story may shed some light.
The first I remember happened when I was a beginner, 18 or 19 years old. I would sometimes hear an old, demented sounding woman's pained and possibly reproachful screams. I still to this day try to reason out what that was about (maybe my deceased grandmother with whom I had a pained relationship and who died in her 50s).
After a while it came to where I would encounter other consciousnesses that would interact with me, sometimes starting as "auditory hallucinations" and as I got more skilled I could tell pretty quickly if they were aware of me or not, had good or bad intent, if they were more or less advanced than me, male or female, etc. Eventually, I was able to "travel around" in whatever realm this was happening in and initiate contact too.
Later, when I was transitioning back to "normal" mundane individual life and was not practicing meditation anymore, I would often hear voices of people in my mind while I was laying in bed trying to sleep. They were just everyday thoughts of people in their own minds thinking about what they needed to do the next day, random mundane stuff, etc. I was mostly irritated by this residual "power" because I always had a feeling that these things should be "deep and meaningful".
Anyway, I learned during my time of study from those much more advanced that the universe is generally a safe and very amazing place and that the key is sincerity in finding your true self, having empathy for all other beings and always putting their needs before yours and not having fear of ghosts or death because they are misperceptions of infinite conscious experience.
I'd recommend a systematic study of an established spiritual meditation tradition. Mishra's Fundamentals of Yoga is a great intro. As is Wentz's Tibetan Yoga.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-25)
Thank you, everyone for taking the time to comment. I hope that with my comments, I have been able to better explain my position and experiences. It is times like this an actual talk would help me articulate my thoughts better. I sometimes feel limited by text.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-24)
There's been a misunderstanding in what I wrote. I am not muttering in my sleep and hearing my own voice. The voices I described were hypnagogic hallucinations and they are all male or deep voices, so it is not mine. I am hearing them IN my head sometimes because I am coming out of sleep. I was using the dreams as an example of what auditory hallucinations sound like. The static, whispering voices are only heard when I am completely awake. One instance as a child, I had an auditory hallucination when wide awake and it sounded just like the hypnagogic voices I have on occasion. Then it suddenly stopped. I was just wondering if hallucinations when awake can sound like whispering static.

I have been afraid and had that overwhelming feeling. A gut instinct is simply fear. So, I have had that feeling but I disregard it because I find it silly to make a decision based on that. I have walked into a room and felt nervous for no reason but I still walk into the room because it's meaningless. I never bothered to learn what a gut reaction was when I wrote my comment and from other people's definition, I was under the impression it meant intuitive psychic ability, that it was a way of saying "I just know it". Under that definition, I have never had a gut reaction and don't necessarily believe in it.

When researching it from a scientific point of view, a gut reaction is just stimulus of the vagus nerve and old primal fear to keep us safe. But it is not a fail safe, anymore than following the group or eating those berries and not the other ones. It is 50/50. I have felt afraid before for no good reason but discount the feeling because it is better to take the situation into account instead of just relying on a feeling.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-24)
Dirt Crature,

The line can be so fine between an experience completely generated by our minds and actually Paranormal inputs (I'll use that to keep it simple).

Jubeele had a wonderful suggestion, a Journal, the more details it contains about 'odd experiences' you have the better. Another thing you can try is running a digital recorder while you sleep. Start it when you lay down and review it when you can. If you 'heard' something you have a chance to truly listen and see if it was 'in your head' or truly generated 'outside' your body and if it was generated 'outside' your body... Is it your voice captured... Were you 'muttering' as you dozed off? If you can not decipher if it is your own voice you may try video instead... You can then check to see if your lips/mouth was moving at the time of the 'event' (as long as you are facing the camera that is).

You stated..."I grew up judging things based off the evidence or experience not what I just think." This is a great place to start trying to figure out just what caused any experience you have had, but I will hazard that before that logical part of you 'kicked in' there was a moment where you thought 'What the...!' That is the 'gut feeling' that split second of 'being startled', 'complete bafflement', or even 'was that so and so?' Then you began looking for/at any evidence and making judgments based of what you 'found'.

Thank you for sharing and please ask any question you may have, either here, where many individuals with countless years of experience between them can offer their opinions or e-mail me at the address in my profile.

DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-24)
Thank you for your comment Jubeele.

Gut instinct is human fear that stimulates the vagus nerve, producing that gut wrenching reaction we get. It is just being afraid and picking up on things that are generally based on human biases, old primal fears, culture/tradition, past experience, and ignorance (like turning around in the dark even though you're safe).

Human beings still have our primal urges but I don't necessarily trust them and prefer to depend on more solid information to judging a person's character like being a dangerous criminal or aggressive, rather than getting a "feeling". It seems to be a 50/50 percent chance that it would be right in any circumstance. Human beings are by nature discriminatory for our own survival even if it means decimating the tribe next door because we thought they poisoned us.

I am not afraid of it. I just want to know if I am reading into what these voices are. I want to know if auditory hallucinations sound like whispery static. I hear these broken whispers when the tv and dishwasher are running and also when the house is dead silent. And it tends to happen at random, there's not set times during the day. I can't really think of what mental conditions I could have that would cause this. And I am a pretty healthy person. Unless, having screwy ears (and not a screwy brain) can cause these static, whispering, disembodied voices?
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-24)
Hi DC, you can try keeping a journal to record, analyse, catalogue and perhaps describe all the different sensations and auditory stimuli you've been getting. Include details like day, time, description of what happened, how you felt about it. Note down any questions you have at the time, or anything else that you feel is relevant. Leave a space for any comments like a possible explanation or a correlating fact in connection to it.

If you can identify a pattern or specific times when more of these things seem to be happening, maybe you can try recording them and then playing them back. Not sure if you might get anything from this. Only a suggestion. But it could be an interesting experiment though. 🤔

Another thing about "gut instinct"- how do you feel about it? Frightened or startled? Curious or annoyed? Do you feel there's any ill intent or is it just something trying to get your attention? Our survival instincts can still work to cue us on things around us. Ever get the feeling that you're being watched? Or decide you didn't like the look of a place before you even step inside? Or suddenly change your mind about the familiar shortcut going home? Our instinctive senses can pick up subtle nuances and factors that our conscious brains are often too distracted to notice at the time.

Hope all goes well for you. Enjoy the season and best wishes to you and your loved ones. 😊
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-23)
Happy holidays to both of you too.

Thank you for the feedback.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-22)
Hello Again DirtCreature,

Try not to worry about it too much. Until you know for sure what your dealing with, there's nothing you can do.

When you have the 'evidence' you need, then YGS members will be able to come to your rescue with ways to get rid of whatever it is that's haunting you.

😘 ❤ 😘
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-22)
I grew up judging things based off the evidence or experience not what I just think. So I don't know what it is to have a gut feeling about something. I don't have any gut feelings about the incidences. I just can't shake them because I have no evidence to the contrary.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-22)
Hello Dirt Creature,

I'm a believer of the otherside and after listening, weighing up the odds, and using logic to work out what I've seen or heard, I will support entities being around.

I have awoken on a couple of occasions talking in a harsh deep voice that scared me. I have no idea what was going on.

Thats why I think anything is possible. If you have heard and felt things, the chances are, YOU HAVE.😱

I enjoyed reading your post. I hope you don't hold back and share more with us.

PS: Merry Christmas.🎅

Best wishes,
😘 ❤
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-22)
I suppose I tend to rely more on gut feelings than anything else - its a tendency that derives from my background, I learned early not to put as much faith in what a person says as how they say it and how their behavior makes you feel - that wee primal voice inside niggling away at your buried and forgotten instincts. (Sorry for the massively run-on sentence!)

Thereby my usual recommendation for contributors to examine how their experience really made them feel - what did their gut instinct tell them about the event. Then compare that to all other possible alternative explanations.

So...did the experience tweak your gut instincts at all?

Happy Holidays! ❤
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-21)
Thank you, Cuddlebear. Happy holidays to you, as well 😊.

I totally agree. I go back and forth between denying everything and being on the fence. I spend too much of my free time imagining what other explanations exist for these strange events. The universe is such a vast and strange place, I can barely wrap my head around human existence in general.

When you're an extremely doubtful person, even full blown things are hard for you to believe. I have seen a blacker-than-black entity with people legs, a head, and arms walking towards me when I was young. And I'm still all 🤔 😕.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-21)
DirtCreature ~

First let me say I hope you and your family are well this Holiday Season and we (my family) wish you (and all YGS members) the best in the coming new year.

I totally sympathize. I have a real issue getting my head around the concept of existence without physicality. I have seen things that I can't explain - but I don't assume that means they are "supernatural" or "paranormal" they just may be events I can't explain. On the other hand I can't easily discount certain experiences of family member and friends.

I suppose that for me it will require a spectacular event.

That said I try to keep an open mind. For the most part I believe the stories I read here, but I'm fairly certain that full blown investigations aren't really happening. Again things can happen that I can't explain.

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