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I Am Thirsty


Last year in the summertime is when this unexplained event happened. It was holy week that time, year 2018. I and my closest friend decided to go in Baguio City, Philippines instead on going to the beach. We had this long VL (Vacation Leave), Chong and Go (not their real names) would like to go in Puerto Galera but since it's really hot that time, we've decided to go to the chill part. Well, just to give you a bit background of ours as where we working and how old are we, Chong (34), Go (31) and me (just turned 30). We worked in the same company as a phone banker somewhere in McKinley, Taguig.

So, everything was planned, all our stuffs were ready, we also drink a couple beers before going to sleep as we are all excited and can't sleep. I can remember I was half asleep that time, in my dream, I saw an old woman but I can't see her face, there was something heavy with that dream something that I know to myself that there is 'something' with that old women. We woke up around 4 in the morning, and left Manila at 5. I was not that energetic which I am always that morning, Go noticed it. He even asked, 'Bro, balita diyan? Tahimik mo eh' (Bro, what's up? You're so quiet) Oh by the way, it's Go's place we're we staying. I said 'I'm alright bruh. I was just sleepy' I don't want to tell him the truth because I might end up being laughed out. Chong, was our driver that time, he even made fun of me already being quiet.

We arrived in Baguio around 12 in the afternoon, we were in Bokawkan. At last, the breeze is just touching my skin. I almost forgot what I have just dreamt of. It was a busy day; sightseeing, tryin out local foods and check out some awesome tradition of local peeps like hanging out with Go's family. During the evening, we were hanging out with Go's brothers and their friends, it was an awesome night, it was our first night and we decided to wrap it up. We finished drinking around 2 in the morning. I felt like we were just drinking water, it was really cold and the beer we were drinking was also cold (it was like heaven for me being there). We were planning to get a hot strawberry taho in the morning and some dried fish with red egg for our breakfast.

So, like what I am saying, it was really cold and almost forgot what I have dreamt of, I felt that I need to go to the john and when I get off my bed, open the room and before going to the restroom, I will have to pass by the living room and the dining room. It was really cold that time around 4am. And I can't tell that there was something, but I felt heavy with no sudden reason, not because I am drunk, it gives me goosebumps with no reason.

I am done with the peeing and decided to get a glass of water. I saw an old lady washing dishes in the dining room and she asked 'iho, paki suyo ng ang 1 basong tubig, nauuhaw ako' (son, could you give me a glass of water? I'm thirsty). So, I got her a glass of water, and she was not moving from where she's at. I got too suspicious because she was looking at me like she's about to eat me, though she thanked me after getting the glass of water. I noticed that she was like an inch taller than me, when I checked the ground as where she was standing looking for some 'tungkod' (cane) perhaps she was standing on it, to my surprise she was floating at least an inch in the air. I was frozen, didn't even know what to do literally. I looked at her and she's still looking at me with pale skin color, also looking like she's going to eat my internal body parts. She was in front me for about 5 minutes but when I get to see her floating it was just seconds and she vanished into thin air.

I was almost running back to my room and tell everybody in the house what just happened but too scared to wake them up so I decided to just let it go and go back to sleep. I just shrugged it off. It was still dark day and the only light I have was my phone and the light from the moon. I was definitely terrified. I tell Chong and Go about what just happened and they decided to go home perhaps the entity might come with us in Manila.

So, what is that? What is the intention?

Thanks YGS!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Eerie69, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Eerie69 (5 stories) (19 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-12)
Hello AugustaM!

When you say hukloban, you're right. It's kind of look like a witch. Or some say 'BRUHA'.

Believe me, it's different. She looks like a local type of woman but sinister If I may add 🤔

Until this day, it still gives me a goosebumps whenever I go to the kitchen alone at night. Still wondering what is that for.

But I actually asked Go about it and even tried ask permission if we could make contact with the entity. Still in progress. I'll let you know on this site once I got the vlog about it.

Thank you for reading my story though ❤
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-07)
I tried looking for a creature out of local lore that would fit the description of a sinister looking thirsty old woman with blood lust in her eyes and didn't find much (perhaps someone with a better handle on local traditions would have better luck). This is the best I could find:

HUKLOBAN - (Tagalog) A witch who could kill anyone simply by pointing a finger at him and without using any potion. It could destroy a house by merely saying so. The Hukloban appear as a very old, crooked woman.

Eerie69 (5 stories) (19 posts)
6 years ago (2019-06-03)
Hello majarlika012!

Thank you for reading my story. I can't remember it really. On the actual, it was surreal. It happened so fast but I have a feeling that's her.

PS: they're lime my brothers so it's fine to set a joke like to them 😆 😆
majarlika012 (12 stories) (122 posts)
6 years ago (2019-06-02)
It's funny calling your friends Chong and Go (when put together it's meaning becomes tagalog word for monkey) for those who can't get the joke there hahaha.

Anyways, is the old woman in your dreams the same as the old woman asking for a glass of water?

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