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Great-grandma Visiting Toddler At Night?


This isn't a very "exiting" story, but nonetheless has my wife and I a little freaked out at the moment, and I thought was worth sharing.

Back in April of this year (2019), my wife's grandmother passed away on our daughter's 2nd birthday. Our daughter had met her great-grandmother only a handful of times. My wife's grandma had been suffering from dementia since before the birth of our daughter. Our daughter shares the same middle name as her. I will refer to my daughter as "Maggie" for the purposes of this story.

Maggie just turned two and a half. Her speech and vocabulary has improved tremendously over the past month or so to where she is now able to tell us about things, such as what she did today with the babysitter, who she saw today, etc.

Last night, my wife was showing Maggie pictures on her phone. She came across a photo of her grandmother taken not too long before her death. Maggie says "Oh, there's Nanna!"... Ok, so my wife and her sisters called their grandma "Nanna" when they were little. Nobody has used that name for her for years. We never taught Maggie that name for her (we would simply say "great-grandma" when referring to her).

So here's what gets creepy. My wife asks our daughter "how do you know Nanna?" and Maggie makes a face and says "I'm scared." (I didn't even know she knew what "scared" means by the way)... My wife asks "why are you scared?" and Maggie says "Nanna's in my room". So we asked her several times to clarify where she sees Nanna, and she would either say "in my room" or point upstairs. Then she tells us "Nanna sings songs".

So we were all pretty freaked out. I'm not sure that a two and a half year old is developed enough where she can tell stories. We started showing her random pictures of other senior citizen women and she had no reaction to any of them; then we would slip in different pictures of my wife's grandma and Maggie would point and say "Nanna." I get that she's probably at a new stage in life where she is starting to get to be afraid of things, but... Still, super creepy.

If my wife's grandmother is truly visiting our daughter in her room, I hope she realizes that she is scaring her and will maybe tone it down some. My big concern is that it is someone else. We bought this home from an elderly couple who has both since passed. I'll keep an eye on things and hopefully this doesn't go anywhere further. Thanks for reading!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, NorthCoastie19, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

NorthCoastie19 (2 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-13)
Update: Again thank you all for your responses and stories of your own! My daughter is now 3 and really talking astronomically better than she was in October/November. She has stopped reporting of the visits, but I've asked her about "Nanna" and "Big Pop Pop" since. She says she remembers them visiting her in her room but doesn't see them anymore. She also somehow knows a lot about Big Pop Pop... For example my grandma and grandpa had a cabin and we have a picture of them at their camp on our wall. You can't tell it is a cabin from the picture - just looks like them on a porch of any normal house. Maggie pointed to the picture the other day and said "That's Big Pop Pop at camp, he loves his camp!"...
SDB1987 (2 stories) (11 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-30)
Hey! This is interesting:-) A friend of mine just told me this Friday, that her daughter (2 year old) is having hours long conversations when she should be sleeping. I heard it also when I was there. So I told her to set up a camera. This morning she sent me some of the videos. The moment there are malfunctions in the sound of the video, you can see like a small orb flying around. It doesn't look like dust or anything. But the girl isn't scared (yet?), so we hope it's one of her deceased relatives, if it indeed is a spirit. I want to find out more about this, and who it might be. But I don't want to scare the mommy or annoy the spirit. So I still have some searching to do:-)
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-03)

Your comment is very interesting to me. Do you think, in the future, you might be able write a story and submit it here with a view to sharing the pictures?

I am interested in photography in general but I think that many members of this site would be interested in seeing the pictures.

I also agree with you and with Silverthane on thinking that the situation here might sort itself out.

I always find both of you to be very thoughtful and optimistic in your commenting.

- Maria ❤
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-03)
Hi Northcoastie, what an interesting time you are having with your (sounds adorable) daughter. It's a great age. I have four kids, though I have zero expertise in the paranormal (other than having stories of my own, mostly of visiting relatives) I would respectfully disagree with a couple of the posters here but agree with Silverthane, that your situation will likely resolve itself. I wonder first if your daughter was telling you she HAD BEEN afraid... When she first saw her Nana. Remember, beginning speech doesn't differentiate too much on tenses, so she could've been trying to tell you (while pointing upstairs) that she WAS afraid, with the implication that she's not now afraid. Even little children know when something is sort of... Off (or maybe not like you or regular people). In my own family, we are older parents so all our grands have died. The first indication that someone might be "visiting" was when our son was barely over a year old and he talked about "Papa" when I was getting him up from a nap. Papa was my step father, who died when my son was five months old, and an artist. He might have only mentioned Papa twice at most, but I always found it interesting that he became a little artist, even winning awards at pre-school and kindergarten... And Papa was a retired business exec who got REALLY into painting in his retirement. I also have photos of my son batting (in his first little league game) with an unnatural streak of light (in a series of photos) and I recognize his other grandfather's face in the light. My daughter's wedding had two or three paranormal things happen -- a champagne glass fell over, then later flew across the room during makeup and her veil was literally lifted up and taken off her head just prior to her vows (and yes, I can see my mom's face in the veil and other faces in the air above in the series of professional wedding photos taken that day. Also the bells rang twice on the church next door, but I seem to be the only one who heard the bells ring!). His last ETaster, I had the entire family for brunch and in a group photo taken in our backyard, there's (another) streak of light with MY grandfather's face quite obvious and visible in the light. I believe loved ones do drop in on us. I don't always assume evil unless it's truly disturbing. One more thing: for a slew of reasons, our last daughter didn't get baptized until she was ten years old. In the week prior to her baptism, she had a coupld disturbing dreams. In one of them, which she related in vivid detail without me prompting her, she was being chased by a "bad man" on the street by our home. Long story short, before the man could get her, a "big pickup truck full of military guys came around the corner and they jumped out and fought the bad man. One of the guys looked just like..." my late husband, Scott (who was a Marine, obviously dying years before this daughter was born to me and my second husband). After the bad guy "went into the ground" the man told her, "You don't know me, but I know you and am watching out for you." Frankly, I was so shocked by that dream and believe every word of it, because I've often thought Scott was called by God at age 33 to be a warrior for him, and have had dreams where he says to me (after I ask where he's been), "I've been working up here." I know, it's a lot of weirdness, but has helped shape my (Christian) view of the spirit world. Oh, and at my daughter's baptism, she told me after that she saw my mom "above the minister's shoulder" while he was saying the sacrement. I was right behind her with my hand on her shoulder and didn't see anything, but I believe her.

I do try to leave it alone to happen naturally, never "call" anyone and pray regularly for God and Jesus to protect this home and family. But I would do that anyway. Now, if your daughter starts standing on the railing of her bed and balancing (like that video footage that appeared in that guy's baby monitor), I might move her into my own room! Many blessings to you and yours!
NorthCoastie19 (2 stories) (8 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-02)
So once again we ended up horribly freaked out the other day. I'm taking my daughter up to bed and she tells me "Oh good, I'll see the funny guy!"... I'm like "ok what funny guy?" She tells me "the funny guy in my room." I'm like "What funny guy?" She says "The REALLLLLL funny guy."... So we get to her room, she looks at absolutely nothing and says "There he is! Hi funny guy!"... I tell her there's nobody there, and she gets frustrated with me "... He's right there, see, hi funny guy!". I asked her if he looks funny or if he is funny and she says "he is funny." So "big pop pop" my grandpa was very funny when he was alive... He was a part time magician who would perform at childrens' birthday parties etc. I'm thinking it might be him. The next day I ask her if the funny guy was back and she said he was. I start showing her random photos of men, celebrities, the president, (found a photo of the former owner of the home), she says none of them are "the funny guy"... I show her a photo of "Big Pop Pop" and she says "there he is, the funny guy!"... So I have no idea... At this point I feel like she just might be playing with me, but again, she's 2 1/2 eyars old... We have heard her on the baby monitor talking to someone and laughing - nothing weird has shown up on the monitor. I'm hoping this is just a stage she's going through... As wonderful as it would be if the spirit of my grandpa is visiting her.
NorthCoastie19 (2 stories) (8 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-05)
Thanks again all... So we have amped up our prayer routines. It has been a few days since anything has happened. A few days ago she was looking out our back patio door and comes running over to me all excited yelling "Daddy, Daddy! Big Pop Pop is on the deck!"... I just don't know if maybe all the Halloween stuff has contributed to this - we don't watch any scary movies or anything here, the worst thing she watched with her was Garfield's Halloween Special and we had to turn it off because the Pirate ghosts were too scary for her. I'm torn between A. Actual Paranormal Happenings and B. A phase a 2 and a half year old is going through... But it just seems way too detailed for her age that she would be coming up with this stuff. Either way, I think it is still significant that she recognizes "Nanna" and "Big Pop Pop" from photos and came up with those names.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-05)
From experience, most really young children are very durable and will not often remember things like this after they grow older. However, I would still continue to keep an eye on her in case the visits become more confrontational. Most cases like this seem to reconcile themselves as soon as the child in question starts to grow older.
Demon-Slayer_ (3 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-04)
The Advice I'm Giving To You Now, Is To Visit A Powerful Man Of God, To rid That Spirit Off. Or Anytime That You And Your Family Are To Go To Bed, Before That, pray Enestly, Called unpon Jesus, If You're A Christian To Save You And Your Whole Family From This Evil Spirit. Most Especially Your Little Princess.
Invite Jesus In Your Life Now, Everything Will Be Over.
This Is A Serious Thing, I Personally I Hate The Feeling Of Watch Or Visted By Dead One...
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-03)
On another note, I don't believe that that's her grandma's spirit. I believe that entity is just mimicking her, and it'd be best to contact your local pastor or priest to rid your home of it. This is one way that "familiars" use to start their attachments.

Your girl's gut instinct (fear) should be the best indicator of its intentions.
Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-03)
Hi NorthCoastie19, welcome to YGS.

In-laws! Right?!

Regards, AD
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-01)
OK. This is just getting more interesting. Though your daughter did report this scared her, it does not seem to be the usual scary sort of haunting.

If events cause disruption, or you just want them to end, probably only need to tell your family guests they're 'overstaying' 😁 their welcome.

If they turn out not to be family members, I recommend you try Rook's cleansing/smudging ritual on his profile.
NorthCoastie19 (2 stories) (8 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-01)
Hi, thanks for reading and thanks for your responses! We do not have pictures of the woman who lived here before, nor did we meet her since she was too ill to attend the closing. We haven't heard of any more visits from "Nanna" although this got us curious, so we have shown her more pictures of deceased family members. For my grandpa on my dad's side, she sees a picture of him and says "Oh that's Big Pop Pop"... Which makes sense that she would call him that - she calls both of her grandpa's "Pop Pop" and being he's a great grandpa, "Big Pop Pop" would make sense, but she totally made that up herself... He didn't look like my dad... How would she know? Now what's weird is when we showed her his WWII army picture when he was like 35 and looked nothing like he did in his older pictures, she also recognized the photo of "Big Pop Pop"!
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-31)
Hi NorthCoastie19,

Wow! Your story strikes a particular chord with me. My Grandmother passed away three years ago. She had COPD and constantly recurring pneumonia. She also suffered from dementia in her final years.

She died here in Georgia but two of my sister's children (she has six kids) have reported seeing her and can recognize her in the few pictures that my sister has of her. My sister lives in Arizona. My Grandmother never met any of her great grandchildren in life.

If her visits are frightening your daughter, your wife may be able to go into your daughter's room and ask her to be less evident. I'm sure she doesn't mean to frighten your little girl.

Best Wishes, Maria ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-31)
Hi, NorthCoaster! Just a quick question for clarification: when you showed your daughter pictures of other older people, did you include any photos of the couple you bought the house from?

Thanks in advance.

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