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Two Bright Motionless Lights Scared Little Me At Night


I notice that some people are able to find others with experiences similar to their own. I am hoping I can have the same fortune. I was around five years old when I my experience happened. At that time my parents had me use a crib long enough to fit a five year old (hard times). The railings were still intact and I would have my mom drape the railing on my left because I always thought there were gremlins (from the movie "Gremlins") waiting to scare me. The railing on my right was next to a wall with the window right beside my crib/bed.

I remember that night I woke and I peeped over the left railing (always checking for gremlins or chucky dolls) and I saw two extremely bright white lights. However they did not bother my eyes and did not light the room up. If you can imagine two bright golf balls floating a meter or so apart each with very long rays emanating from them in a cross like manner than you can see what I saw. The rays they had came out straight up and down and left and right from their golf ball like centres and I remember they felt like the rays were infinite with no end, weird I know. I remember moving my head around to see if they were caused by light coming in from somewhere but they stayed completely still. At that point I completely freaked out and started yelling for my mom and woke my older brother up who slept in the same room in a proper bed.

My mom came in and I couldn't explain what scared me being a little boy ruined by tears. My mom put me in my brother's bed to sleep with him. Another strange thing is that when I closed my eyes to sleep that same night it felt like one of those lights was in my head. I could see it with eyes closed and it felt like it was taking up space in my head, once again weird I know. I have seen some strange things through out my life but not so much after I turned 20. My grandma and little niece however do have that ability to see things from the mysterious realm that creep the living life out of people.

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LuckySOB (1 stories) (5 posts)
3 years ago (2022-02-07)
TWEED it's so good to see you on here!I've been absent from the site for several years. I was Curly_1Lack but I forgot that user name so now I'm LuckySOB. Looking forward to your great stories and valuable input!
Metzalnawa (1 stories) (7 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-18)
Hello Tweed

I read your story a while back and again just now. Still gives me the heebee geebees because interestingly enough I still get scared in the dark easily! The idea that perhaps something tried communicating something to me and being called by my fears is very intriguing. Perhaps a message got lost in the panic little me felt haha. I am glad to have seen these things because in my mind there is a chance that they were proof of the beyond.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-17)
Hi Metzalnawa,

Thanks for sharing, I'm very interested in the manner of light these golf ball things emitted as I saw a figure glowing dimly once. I wrote about it here:

I don't wish to blow my own trumpet linking like that, but you seemed curious in similar experiences. Can't say mine was that similar to yours but the style of light might be. I didn't experience a feeling of it being inside my thought space afterwards, except for naturally thinking it over of course. The infinity feeling you described is so curious. I can't relate to that with the figure I saw. But for you this feeling has profoundly stuck in your memory. Perhaps it's the hippy in me but it sounds like whatever those balls of light were they conveyed a strong universal message. I wonder if your concern over Chucky and Gremlins somehow drew them to you, the light balls I mean, not Chucky and pals.

I know it was terrifying at the time but I hope you're now glad you had this odd experience.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-28)

I'm not sure the New York Times would acknowledge Yoda however yes, on the microscopic level of our reality, they can't find a spec of matter. It's why CERN built that 27klm Hadron Collider smashing atoms looking for what they called the ''God Particle''.

The list of credentials with a scientific background supporting Robert Lanza's view ''we construct reality with in our minds'' is very long... Dating back to Neil Bhor and the Copenhagen interpretation of 1929 from memory.

Lady Glow... The facts are out there for those interested in uncovering the truth please do your own research and let me know your take on it?... Look up the double slit experiment and have a look at the facts around intangible particles and their ability to communicate beyond the speed of light... It will blow your mind, once you grasp their implications.

O>P Sorry for hijacking your wall, my apology. Anyone wishing to discuss or debate the topic can jump onto one of my stories, I'm only too pleased to go further in depth with further questions if any. Our universe is not what it seems, in layman's terms Albert Einstein called it spooky action at a distance, he also said: ''anyone who studies the law of the universe understands their is a spiritual element built with in it''. Atlas the thousands of accounts posted on YGS.

Regards Daz
Metzalnawa (1 stories) (7 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-28)
Jabond99 you are right, She eclipses anything I've experienced but I hope she may shed some light on the mystery.
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)

In one of the comments below, you say that you have not told your story to your grandmother. I will second the suggestion that you do so. Further, I would suggest that if you haven't done so, let her open up to you on all the things she may have experienced. Seems you may have access to someone that may be able to explain many things. Do so now, one never knows how long a treasure like her will remain with you.

James Bond
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)
"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." -Yoda.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-27)

Robert Lanza was called by the New York times as one of the three most important scientist alive today in the link I posted prior listen very closely after the three minute mark,

''everything we see and experience right now, your body the walls, the ceilings of this room are an active process occurring in your mind, everything you think is out there is a construct happening with in your mind there is no out there'' (: Robert Lanza
Metzalnawa (1 stories) (7 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
[at] lady-glow I have never told my Grandma, but perhaps I should. I never thought of it since I love to hear what she has seen and I always remain a listener only. I don't know what was up with those lights but they were overwhelming. When I remember those lights/rays I still feel that horrifying sense of never ending. I know I use a negative terms to explain how those things made and do make me feel but that's simply how it is.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)

Huh...? Are you trying to say that, what I perceive (in my mind) as a beautiful white rose could be, in reality, a couple of crows feasting on the carcass of an unfortunate road kill or some other thing?

"there is actually no material world out there and what I am saying here is not theory, it is actually scientific fact." Could you quote some references backing up this statement?

Metzalnawa - that was a weird thing to witness. Have you discussed this experience with your grandmother?

As a side note, I'm not sure if auras have the ability of detaching of their person/animal/plant/object or if they are always surrounding a given mass. Regardless, your description of the rays is almost magical.

Thanks for sharing.
Metzalnawa (1 stories) (7 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
[at] lealeigh It very well might have been the impression that seeing those things that made me see one again as I was falling asleep. And at that time I for sure didn't have sleep paralysis. Although I did go through a point during my mid twenties that I experienced sleep paralysis heavily.
Metzalnawa (1 stories) (7 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
[at] aussiedaz I never thought that maybe somehow it was a brief moment in which I could see aura type lights coming from people. Maybe I was granted for a moment the ability to see some family members aura's. Interesting idea
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
Ours eyes are only lens that filter photon light from the wave energy field we refer to as the universe. Everything we see actually plays out inside the wall of our brains, pretty hard to get your head around there is actually no material world out there and what I am saying here is not theory, it is actually scientific fact... The fact of the matter is there is no matter, let's keep that in mind as we try to understand your account.

So you were able to see these balls of lights with your eyes shut might suggest they are beings of light filtering directly from the 4th dimension via some external being? Or perhaps you were able to sustain the image for a length of extended time that created the illusion of what you were seeing at the given time?... However then again, once many years ago, whilst sleeping on the lounge room floor of a friends place with my eyes shut I was able to see the aura of his wife moving around me cleaning up as I laid there wondering in amazement of what to heck I was seeing,

Not sure if there is a paranormal terminology for what we perhaps both experienced anyway thank you for sharing it.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-26)
Hello Metzalnawa and welcome to YGS,

When I was a little kid, I was also afraid of Gremlins. My cousin is four days younger than me so my mother and my aunt took turns babysitting us together. He loved that movie but those things scared the heck out of me. He also had a Chucky doll but I was only scared of Gremlins. I literally couldn't tolerate the sight of them.

I don't know what it was that you saw beside your bed; your description of the eyes makes me think of the way that we see the light of very bright stars or planets at night. You didn't describe having sleep paralysis so I won't suggest that the eyes were part of an unusually vivid dream.

I believe that whatever was in your room first was scared off by your screaming. I think seeing them made such an impression upon you that, when you were drifting back to sleep, they were the first thing in your mind.

I wake up several times a night and, when I am drifting back to sleep, my first dream has a lot to do with whatever is in my head while I am falling back asleep. I think that you were worried about seeing the eyes again and they reappeared in your dream.

Your mind is a very fertile place for vivid dreams when you go BACK to sleep. People are most troubled by things when their world is in darkness and everything is easier to consider by the light of day.

I hope that this is helpful in some way.

- Maria

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