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Hide Wherever You Can


This is my second story on this website. This incident happened with one of my cousins, say "B" many years ago.

Her father had a transferable job and after shifting to our town, they were having to stay in the office quarters.

Adjoining the office quarters, there was an abandoned mansion. It belonged to a corrupted landlord who murdered his own daughter (illegitimate) and buried her corpse in his garden. Soon after, the landlord too died mysteriously and his family abandoned the mansion. After this, the locals began to call it haunted.

"B" and her family were well aware of the happenings but my uncle being a skeptic person chose to stay there.

One afternoon, both her parents moved out leaving her behind. The sun was about to set and "B" was sitting on the terrace waiting for her parents to return.Suddenly, she heard a sharp voice -

" Hey, want to play hide and seek? "

She looked back with a shock to find a small girl in red dress, standing in the garden of the abandoned mansion. Her presence made "B" uncomfortable. In a moment, the haunted history flashed across her memory and she rejected her offer at once. She turned back to enter her room. She felt a bit scared but didn't want to boost the fear by overthinking. Another voice came -

" Wait, I am coming ".It was her sixth sense that kept alarming about an upcoming storm. She was really terrified and locked herself in her room. She began to doubt her senses. Was she hallucinating? How on earth is it possible? May be it's an ordinary child seeking company! But what would a normal child be doing in an abandoned house after sunset, that too all alone? Her room was on the first floor and the main gate on the ground floor was locked from inside. Before she could think anything more, another voice cleared all her doubts - " Where are you? Are you up there? " No, it's real and the sound was coming from ground floor. How did she get in? She just felt that a grave danger was approaching that her room was not safe enough to protect her. It was so strange and she was panting heavily.

Without wasting a second more, she rushed towards the puja room (where devoted Hindus offer daily prayers). She could still hear heavy footsteps moving upstairs. After stumbling twice she finally entered the puja room, necessarily bolting the door behind her.

Soon, the evil started yelling at her - this time in a harsh tone " Hide wherever you can, I will drag you out and choke you to death ".By this, she had been as terrified as hell. The evil continuously tried to distract her and make her come out. She claimed to see shadows roaming outside the window. She had already made her mind to keep sitting inside and pray until it stopped. Suddenly she heared throbbing sounds at the locked door followed by a shower of plates, glasses and steel utensils. The hell continued for about half an hour and stopped by itself. Now she heared the door-bell ring. After a few minutes, another voice came up - " Ma'am please open the door ".It was the voice of their cook. As "B" was about to step out, she recalled a life saving fact.

Their cook was on vacation!

She restrained and the fuss restarted. The voice kept threatening-

"Come out coward, you are not supposed to be there. Join me ". "B" said that she had never been so much scared in her life. As the time passed, the evil seemed to grow more furious. It started moving all around the room throwing tantrums. The shadows were no more to be seen but still, she felt a satanic presence all around. Around 7 o'clock, she heared the door-bell ring again. This time it sounded like her parents. But still, she couldn't dare to check out. Her phone started ringing in the next room and within the next moment, she heared someone thrash it on the floor multiple times. She was so late in opening the door that the neighbors had started to crowd around the house suspecting a mishap. Their voices consoled "B" to some extent. Something needed to be done. She couldn't keep sitting there all day long. Amidst serious dilemma, she grabbed a small Shiva Lingam, opened the door with a bang and rushed downstairs. While climbing down, she felt prominent giggling sounds following her and saw a mirror shatter right before her eyes. The last thing she heard was - " You can't escape, I will come to play every night ".But without looking at anything else, she successfully reached her parents and fainted out. She was all sweaty and her face reddened up like anything."B" luckily survived the unexpected life threat.

Uncle and aunt were utterly confused on finding the whole house in a mess. On recovering from the trauma, she narrated everything and it literally shocked us all. She remained ill for a few days and was provided enough of medical and spiritual treatment. After a few days, they finally changed the house and started living without the devil bothering them ever again. After this " B " no more remained the same and became more sensitive to paranormal presence. Had she not taken shelter inside the puja room, the destiny could have been something horrible. It was perhaps a lifetime lesson for their family.

Jai Shri Ram

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DKMajumder, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

WontTellYouMyName (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-28) the risk of sounding rude, I'm not buying this. Sorry!
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-21)
Hi sds,
It's been a long time. Good to see you back on the block 😁 I've been absent also, if you remember me 😜

Dear rynne,
Thanks for visiting my profile ❤ I shall shortly update my profile; I apologise for inconvenience caused.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-21)
Hi everyone, I am from India. I have been in this site for quite a long time. For the past 4 years or so, I have not been able to contribute to this site. But that doesn't mean that the quality of the site has changed a bit. I think one of my write-ups to the site was rejected stating that it was hard to believe. Another time when I posted a narrative, when it was returned, I justified my write-up and it was accepted and published.

I don't think there is any discrimination on the grounds of our ethnicity. I have commented on many stories as not believable. Yesterday also, I did on one of the stories.

Rynne, thanks for the correct translation.

But, after reading this write-up, even I am on the fence. So as Ari said, let's go to the meadows beyond the fence.

Mods can delete my comment if it is not related to the write-up.

Regards and respects to every one.

rynne (69 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-14)
Thanks, Lealeigh, Sceptic-Ari.
(Hello Sceptic-Ari. Thought I'd explain my 'translation' skills 😊 your profile doesn't have contact information.)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-11)

Ha ha haaa... I almost spat out my milk after reading your comment!

Calzones es un euphemism that can be replaced by many much cruder words, including cojones. Though this term is used in Spain but it's not common in Mexico or, at least, it wasn't common when I was still living there.

Anyway, I hope Majumder doesn't mind this brief interruption.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-10)
Dear lady-glow,

Call me Ari for old times sake 😜
I was lurking in the shadows 😊

It's good to be back.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-10)
lady-glow - I spent a few moments in hysterics. Not your fault but mine. I confused calzones with cojones. The funny thing is that the latter fits your comment to a T! 😁

I just had to share that although I know that "rude" comments get deleted.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-10)

Long time no see you!

I wonder if the OP hasn't been honest with more than only his translation.

Oh, well... Getting down of the fence and going to the meadow sounds like a good plan.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-10)
DKM intentionally inserted words in English so it would throw off Google when we all tried to translate the comment from Hindi to English...

I'll remember this tactic for the rest of time.

Once again, thanks Rynne. Good job!
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Hi Guys,
DKM has not been honest with his translation, at all.
Congrats to rynne for the bang-on translation 😳 I'm quite pleasantly surprised 😆

Guys, let's go to the meadows beyond the fence, cuz the weather today is lovely 😁

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Thank you Rynne! That was extremely helpful.

Yes DKM, I am an American but I am not narrow minded. I am sorry if I hurt you by using the phrase "second hand". It was not meant to say that your cousin's story was not genuine.

What I meant to convey by using the phrase "second hand" is that she relayed this story to you and others upon exiting the building. She was the only person to be inside.

As far as it goes with the question that I asked you, I did not see anything wrong with asking you if anyone could verify that there was a body of a child buried there.

I have one last thing to say: the greatest handicap that people face, when they communicate on public forums, is that they cannot see or hear the people they communicate with. What reads like a criticism is often not meant to be anything but a simple question.

- Maria
rynne (69 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
DKM has not provided correct translation of his comment in Hindi, typed in English. It is not derogatory or rude, but does seem to be sensitively conscious of cultural/regional/geographical differences.

I am copy-pasting his comment first, followed by direct translation (as best or closest it can be).

DKM: "Hum apke sath pura sehmat hai. Is website par kai amrici log hai jo Asians or unki stories ko choti nazar se dekhte hai. Ye hamare acche comments ka v birodh karte hain. Mujhe ye boht bura laga.
Angrezi me likhta to fir jhagra laga dete!🤐🤐😂"

Translation: I completely agree with you. There are Americans (probably meaning Western regions?) on this website and have narrow minded attitude towards Asians (probably the East?) and their stories. They tend to object to positive comments. I was hurt by this (felt badly about this).
If I were to write (this) in English, (they'll engage in arguments or disagreements) 3 emojis"
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Oh good grief. I cannot believe I actually said that. My comment should have said "And for anyone else who may have taken talib's comment seriously...".
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Melda, no apologies necessary. Thank you 😊

DKM, I'm going to let this go. This time. I know what your comment meant, as apparently Melda did and I'm sure others who were curious what you were trying to hide.

As for talib's comment, unfortunately this isn't the first time we've seen this from talib and, unfortunately, I'm sure it's not the last.

And for anyone else who may have took talib's comment seriously, perhaps the reason lady-glow is on the fence is because sometimes the stories from India are hard to read and/or understand due to the language barrier. Lady-glow does not discriminate. She pretty much calls it like she sees it.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)

Thanks for the additional information though, to be honest, your answer wasn't enough to make me feel like I'm " through now."

I would like to know how long ago these events took place and how old you were at the time.

The reason I'm asking is because, in your own words you are:

"a passionate paranormal investigator and I have been taking part in traditional Indian Occult rituals for the last many years. I have even assisted in serious practices like home purification and exorcisms from the age of 7 yrs"

Refer to:

If so, how come you didn't do something or, at least, suggested to your family to perform some sort of protective ritual before moving into a house with such a history? Even if your uncle wasn't much of a believer, would he have opposed to give his family a sense of security?

I wouldn't expect a little kid to decide what to do in a case like this, but definitely would hope for an adult with your knowledge and experience to do something to prevent this kind of attack.

And if you did anything at all, it would have been great if you had included it in your original narrative. Though the comment section helps to clarify any doubts the readers may have, in my opinion, sometimes makes some people wonder if the OP is telling the truth or if they are trying to patch the holes in a questionable story... Like trying to make a Boston cream out of a doughnut.

Anyway, I guess my translator is broken too, so, in order to prevent further misunderstandings it would be a good idea to use only English to communicate our opinions or to risk looking like, as we say in Mexico, "como si nos faltaran calzones para hablar (literally translated "as if we lacked underwear to talk"), meaning that a person lacks valour to speak their mind or it's a chicken.

And we don't want that to happen, do we?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
DKMajumder - I don't think anybody cares whether Talib is offended or not. His comment was totally unacceptable.

I know your comment was not addressed to me but I am responding to you because I found the whole incident distasteful. I'm sure Miracles will reply to you if she considers it necessary.

Sorry Miracles, I'm not trying to play "mod" but this got my hackles up. End of subject as far as I am concerned. I think DKM realises his mistake.

Regards, Melda

This comment from DKMajumder is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
DKMajumder - Talib has no cause to dislike lady-glow simply because he disagrees with her comments. That is not what this site is about.

Racial discrimination shouldn't even be an issue! 😠 This is the first time that I've even heard of it being raised on YGS. Okay I've only been a member for three years but nevertheless.

You could just as easily have made the same comment in English right from the start. Perhaps better that we just leave it at that and try to communicate better in the future.

Regards, Melda
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
DKM, thank you for translating your original comment for us. I guess my Google Translate is broken because it translated something entirely different. 😐
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
I must say that this incident reads like a "made-for-tv" paranormal event. I do not have too much to add to whatever has already been given here, but I will say that I enjoyed reading the encounter!
DKMajumder (2 stories) (15 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Hello everyone,
So sorry to distress you. I didn't actually intend to offend the readers. The comment was in response to Talib who seems to dislike Lady-glow in his previous comment. It means-

I personally don't agree with you. This website is for paranormal discussion and not a ground for racial discrimination. If you like Asian stories more, that's great! But we should respect everyone's comment. Please quit posting such quarrelsome things.

Please don't take my comment in a wrong sense.😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Thank you, Melda.

DKM, we are an English speaking website, whether it is first, second or third language. Please translate your comment into English, as Melda has requested.

If you choose not to translate because you do not wish to make "a quarrel", your comment will be deleted. Since I am unable to read the language it is written it, I will have to assume it is something you don't wish us (Mods) to be able to read.
TheTantrik (10 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Great read! I once did ask my Guru why do people fall ill with fever right after they see or experience a Ghost... Because this is consistent with a lot of stories... His explanation was that these encounters freeze your etheric nerves (Nadi thandi pad jaati hai).

Other than that I'd say everyone should recite a stotra to protect themselves from crap like this... Can't call the spirit evil, mostly miserable.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
DKMajumder - Sal jy omgee om asseblief jou opmerking na Engels te vertaal? Ek glo al die lesers sal graag wil verstaan wat jy sê.

For the sake of politeness I'll share with you what I typed above in Afrikaans: Would you mind translating your comment into English? I believe all the readers would like to understand what you said.

Regards, Melda

This comment from DKMajumder is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

DKMajumder (2 stories) (15 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Dear Rajine,

I don't actually know if anyone had been killed in the building before they settled. But it is quite sure that previously some other people have also stayed in it and sensed its presence.
I support your views regarding a different demon in a girl's disguise.
But Indian demon culture reveals about such child ghost who act friendly at first and grow exceptionally dangerous when disrespected.
They are so sudden, unpredictable and can change the whole atmosphere within seconds. And that is what makes them so hard to defend and control.
DKMajumder (2 stories) (15 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)
Greetings lady-glow,melda-

First of all, my cousin was a mature teen (19) at that time and not a little baby who would yearn up stories.

It seemed strange to me too when the situations escalated so quickly from a warning to an attack. But it has been a common observation over many years that such child ghosts like to play and talk with people without doing much harm. What actually angers them is refusal to befriend them. And you know these little ghosts are really notorious.
Moreover,my cousin belonged to a bad combination of sun and moon sign that makes her more prone to sudden ghost attacks.

And lealeigh, it is not a second hand story. I myself had gone to visit her when she fell ill after the incident. I saw her being cured spiritually with my own eyes.
Secondly,the landlord was powerful and corrupt! He might have bribed the police to halt investigation. According to the neighbors, their quarter building was built right on the spot where she was buried to prevent further excavation activities.

I know the story is weird at a point but it is only due to the prevailing conditions that supported her sudden interaction with the evil.
I hope you are through now.

This comment from talib is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-09)

It's quite a creepy incident that had to happen to your cousin, what I'd like to know is if there were any other people who lived in that house after that girl was murdered and before your cousin, uncle and aunt could move in and if so, did they have any horrid experiences?

I also believe that if it was a evil entity it was definitely not the spirit of the girl, but rather another sort of evil that's portraying itself as this mentioned girl, trying to lure unsuspecting people perhaps?

And the power of God especially from the shivling did protect your cousin. She made a wise move to wait in the prayer room.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-08)
Hi DKMajumder,

I realize that this story comes second hand from your cousin and you are relating it in the way it was told to you. Were you ever to find out that the story of the murdered child was true? Were her remains found in the garden?

- Maria


Hello lady-glow and Melda! I will sit with you and admire the mansion.

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