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Hide And Seek Gone Bad


It all started one night when my friend and I went to meet up with two other friends. Once we were all together, we decided to play "hide and seek" around the entire town in our two separate cars. My friend and I were in her car, and the other two were in their car. After a while of playing the game, the others decided to hide in a driveway belonging to an abandoned house on property that used to be a mental hospital many years ago. My friend and I couldn't find their car for probably twenty minutes and finally, we asked where they were.

The others started flashing their headlights at us so we could see them. Then it was our turn to hide, so naturally, we started driving back into town. As soon as our car turned off of the property, the radio (that was off) had turned on. I turned it back off. Again, it turned on and I turned it off again. When I turned the radio off again, her headlights turned off completely. We pulled over into the nearest store, and I called the others to come back. A moment later, the other car passed in front of us in order to pull into the parking lot and just like they did to us to get our attention before, our car started flashing its lights on and off by itself. My friend and I got really scared, got in the other car and told them what happened. They didn't believe us and wanted to go back to that spot. We didn't really want to, but we did. As soon as we pulled into the exact spot they were hiding before, their car completely shut off and we couldn't get it started for almost ten minutes. When they got it started again, we went back to our car and drove home with the brake lights on.

The next night, the people in the other car wanted to go back, and for some reason we did. Nothing happened in the beginning for the most part, but we had remembered one of them talking the night before about a separate part of the mental hospital across the street that you couldn't see from the road, so naturally everyone wanted to go. I was the most excited. I was fascinated by hauntings and whatnot. We pull in to see this gigantic, boarded up building and I definitely did not feel like we should have been there.

Automatically, one of my friends got out of the car and tried to get into the building. He said that before he even put his hand on the doorknob, he heard someone knocking on the other side. We didn't really believe him, but at the same time my phone rang and I saw it was my father. I went to answer it, but as soon as I picked up I heard the connection cut out but it said he was still on the phone, so of course I said "hello?" over and over. After about 45 seconds, it hung up on its own (and I did have full service), so I called him back, even though it took a few tries to actually get through.

My dad picked up, "Hello?" as if he was confused why I was calling. So naturally I was like, "Hey, what's up?" and my dad goes, "Umm, nothing what do you want?". Then I was confused so I was like, "Nothing, you called?". Then my dad got quiet. He said "Didn't I just have a conversation with you?" I think I almost fainted. I told him no and that I couldn't hear anything and he told me the whole conversation that went on between the two of us apparently, saying how he wanted me home because it was going to start snowing and I was just like okay I love you bye.

I went home directly after that, absolutely terrified, with the friend I was driving with the night before. We went to take my dog out before we tried to sleep. He was usually super calm and ALWAYS slept in his cage at night. When we were outside he started running around CRAZY, and repeatedly ran at me full speed and whacked me with his face. My friend and I finally layed down (with the lights on) and he sat outside my door scratching at it until 10 in the morning.

After all this, I became beyond depressed. I hardly talked to anyone, and I withdrew from school that semester because I couldn't focus on anything. Everywhere I went, I was seeing spirits but I knew that they were good, which I found strange. I have seen spirits before this whole experience, but not this frequently (minimum twice a day). None of my other friends had experienced the depression or spirits so I knew all of this was only directed at me. I also had this really strong urge to go back to that place, but my friend wouldn't let me and I could only get in there with a truck. The depression and spirits lasted for probably four months.

The last time I ever saw anything, I was sitting in the parking lot at my firehouse at night with the friend I was with that night and another friend that knew about the experience. During a conversation, I looked up at the doors which were glass and saw the only black figure I have ever seen staring directly at me. It resembled a strong man, no features and it had super long arms that ended in claws instead of hands. I couldn't read its story like I can with all of the spirits I see.

Also, when I see spirits, they have a tint of color and glow a little, and this one did not. I froze and told my friend we had to leave right now. I knew it was evil and I knew it only wanted my attention. I haven't seen anything since that night.

This has been bothering me for a long time, because I want to know exactly what was going on and why it only bothered me. If anyone could help, it would be appreciated. Thanks

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jacklynnve, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

bizzjoe (1 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-03)
i liked this story... But I didn't get the thing about the dog... What was going on with the dog?
Frederick (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-06)
Really creepy. I've goosebumps all over me and it's like 2AM in the morning. The witching hour!
Aviman (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-17)
Good story I wonder if that was demon that you saw. I will pray that you will be able to understand what happened to you
Jacklynnve (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)
Darkness- Haha, thanks. I'm glad I only saw it once also lolol. Thanks for your good wishes.

Whitewolf- That is great advice, thanks. I most definitely need to try the meditation and whatnot, I'm sure it would be a great help.

Rook- I have been reading a lot of stories and the comments on them and was truely hoping you would comment on this so I could hear your thoughts. It was at the same time that I saw the dark entity that my depression was lifted and I do totally see your point. I have been trying for so long to figure out what happened and your point makes the most sense to me and I am actually very happy with it. Thanks soso much 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-16)

Welcome to YGS... I do not think this was a 'spirit attachment' but more of an 'emotional attachment'. You stated that at one time you saw 1-2 spirits a day (before this experience) and that after stopping at this location you became 'depressed' and saw many more spirits than before... Hospitals of this nature have many memories/energies that surround them... Many of them are from periods in peoples lives that were 'not so good' for them... What I'm trying to say is there seems to be a lot of negative energy attached to Mental Hospitals and somehow a bit of this energy attached itself to you... Allowing you to see 'across the veil' more 'clearly'and causeing your depression.

When you saw this dark figure... Was at the same time that the 'depression' lifted and you stopped seeing spirits? If it was then the figure that you saw may have been a manifestation of that energy and you saw it as it 'detached' itself from you.

Just my 2 cents... Thanks for sharing this experience with us...

As far as your Fathers conversation with 'you' about the snow... Perhaps a spirit interfered with that call and spoke to your Father...I'm les sure about that particular point. 😲


WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Your an Empath I know this by fact that you feel spirits emotions the depression that you were feeling was a patient from the mental hospital it must have entered your car and followed you home when you go to a mental hospital the spirits tend to follow you because they have to relive their past and love to make the living feel miserable. I am an Empath and feel exactly what you feel when it comes to spirits the dark ones give off a feeling of dread and despair I can also feel the people's emotions I have had to deal with this all my life and the only thing that helps is meditation and walking around a park
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Jacklynnve: Thank you for your quick reply, yes very strange indeed the phone conversation, I honestly have no idea as to why a whole conversation was had with your father, that is out there!

The dark entity, the description you have given does sound like a darker negative spirit of some sort, I have heard of many other experiences people have had that have given the exact same description. It no doubt could sense that you were able to perceive it, to be honest I'm surprised that you only witnessed once, I am very glad to hear this. I hope things stay in the light and positive for you. 😊

Thank you.

Jacklynnve (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Darkness- Yes, I have considered it to have a scientific explanation, no worries, I don't find it offensive at all. I don't think the phone part was though because I didn't speak to my father and he told me an entire conversation word for word, but who knows. I was seeing the spirits before this whole incident, but like I said, not as frequently. I think it could be a very strong possibility I was seeing them more because of the depression. I also think they were trying to help me because of how sad I was because they were all good and for the most part comforting. I'm more concerned with the dark entity at the end of my post, I don't know why I am so obsessed with finding out its significance and what it wanted. Thanks for the post 😊
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Jacklynnve: Firstly welcome to the site, to be honest the first part of your story regarding the car and cell phone shenanigans, could easily be played off with a scientific explanation. I am not saying it is exactly that, but it is wise to debunk things scientifically before jumping to the paranormal.

Your other experiences do seem to show you are sensitive/ even maybe psychic to a degree. Do you think it was because of your depression you were witnessing these spirits so frequently? I have a feeling it may be the case. Look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for sharing.

Jacklynnve (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Lynrinth- Thanks for the comment, I have always had more "intuition" than anyone I know so that's really interesting to here.

Granny- haha no problem I read it over and was like oh man I need to clear that up right now haha.

Dragonstorm- I haven't seen any spirits since that last one in the story. I used to see them ALL the time, so it's kind of strange without them lol.

Javelina- that's super interesting, I never thought about my psyche needing time to heal. Good point, thanks!

510mot- it is very interesting, but one of the scariest things when it happens lol I think I could have dropped dead right there haha.

Bluerose- thanks for the support 😊 everything is good now, though like I said earlier, I do kind of miss having spirits around haha I never thought I would say that lol.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
When you consider that ghosts/spirits are believed to be detectable with an electromagnetic feild tester, and thus thought to exist in such a state, it is only natural to think they could and do manipulate electrical devices such as phones, lights, cameras, computers, etc... I'm waiting for the day they just come on through and talk dirctly to us about it.
But you would think that would have happened already. Of course, I'm thinking on a large scale, not just one on one.

Jav 😊
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
I feel sorry for what you are going through. What I can only say is take care of yourself, start praying to God when you feel/sense/see those spirits, and every night before going to bed. Just see what happens. I am sure God will help you.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
I love stories with phantom phone shenanigans in them.We,the living, have an on going love affair with technology and so too it seems for the non-living.There must be some aspects of electronic that easily avails itself to the paranormal. I wonder if there are any ongoing scientific research/investigations as to just how this could be possible? We may be on the cusp of better understanding.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Welcome to ygs!
I agree with lynrinth in this case. It does seem like something may have attached itself to you for a time. Whatever it was that you saw at the firehouse must have scared it off. Not seeing spirits for a while after having an attached spirit hang onto you for that length of time, may just be part of a natural provess that your psyche has to have to heal. Who really knows? But thank you for sharing, I enjoyed reading about your experience and hope to hear more.

Jav 😊
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
Wow that does sound a bit weird, and maybe because you are sensitive to this stuff is why it lingered as lynrinth has said before. Do you ever sense anything anymore ever?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
Jacklynnve: Thank you for clearig that up so quickly... When I edited your story, I wasn't sure so I left it LOL 😆...They're called "parking lights" BTW...

I must say, I've never heard of playing hide and seek in cars... I can't say for sure if any of this is paranormal or not, but the cell phone conversation was indeed freaky!

Thank you for posting!
lynrinth (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
The reason for the depression, and all that jazz, that affected you for four months is 'cause you are pyschic. Since you can see and sense spirits, makes you more susceptible than most. The reason it linger on for four months is maybe because you were still feeling the effects of the house, besides seeing spirits, but it eventually left, and you returned to for you, normal. Why it stayed that long, who knows? But now you're fine. This is just my opinion. It could be something entirely.
Jacklynnve (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
*Not brake lights, I meant the ones that stay on even when the headlights are off. Sorry for the mistake.

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