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Real Ghost Stories

The Man In The Bird Hide


Near where I live, there is an abandoned bird hide. I first noticed it on my way home and by the third time I really wanted to explore it. I wondered why it was put there, like what animals I might see.

There are no houses around it, it's just a hide on the side of a small road. I parked my car next to it, so it was off the road and wandered up to it. It had two storeys to it and a bolt across the door.

I slid the bolt across and stepped in. It smelled rotten and musty, which was only to be expected since it had been abandoned. I searched both levels to see if anyone was there, which they weren't because it had a bolt. I don't know, maybe I thought a badger might've made it's home in it.

I went downstairs to look out of the windows. I wanted to see what animals there may have been. The windows were dirty and the grass had grown tall. There was nothing to see.

I went to go because there was nothing to see, when I heard this talking from above. As if someone was muttering to themselves.

The door was still shut, and I had slid the bolt across from the inside. Plus if someone was up there, I would've heard them because of the wooden stairs.

So I went upstairs, to see if it was someone, or some sort of animal. I climbed the steps enough to see the upstairs and there was a man sat on the bench, looking out of the window with his binoculars. I got pretty scared, because there was no way for him to have gotten in. The door was locked, and I had searched it before.

I waited, see if he disappeared or something, be he just sat and muttered. Until he got out of his seat and exclaimed, "A Hawfinch."

That shout made me jump and I went back down the stairs, undid the bolt, then made sure to bolt it again. Then I ran to my car. I sat there for 10 minutes, my thoughts were if he was real, he would come bashing on the door to be let out, and if he wasn't he would just vanish.

I got out, a bit shakily and headed for the hide. I undid the bolt again and entered. The hide was silent. I went upstairs to see if he was there. He wasn't. I searched the hide up and down and I was the only one there. I ran out again and drove off.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Oceana, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

TravisCannabis (74 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-17)
Man your lucky that the ghost was there to watch a birdie and not to show his birdie. 😁
That sounds like a perfect place for a junkie house, wonder why it's empty. 🤔 😜
boo_boo_whoo (15 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-16)
Oh your so brave going back inside after seen that man! Your lucky he wasn't a flasher. 😉
Lorenzo (3 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-08)
Maybe someone else with more knowledge will comment. I haven't a clue really.
Lorenzo (3 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-07)
I think it Must've been a ghost.
I wonder how he died. Maybe he was happy about finding a hawfinch.

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