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The Stones 2


I had a phone call from my cousin asking me to come around because something was freaking her out. At her house, something felt wrong. There was a heavy atmosphere and it just felt uncomfortable. We sat down on her sofa because she really needed to chat with me. She looked gaunt, like she hadn't slept.

She explained that she had been swimming. (My cousin is a keen swimmer and has a swim everyday in the river.) When she had looked down at the bottom, she'd seen these stones. So she had dived down to retrieve them, because she knew how much I liked stones. My heart plummeted. I knew she'd found the stones I had chucked.

She said that she took them back to her house in hope to give them to me at some point. Her house had started developing an atmosphere and there was knocking on walls. It was affecting her sleep, because she didn't want to go upstairs.

I explained to her my experience with the stones. She was really freaked and almost panicked. She jumped about 3 foot in the air at a knock on the front door. I told her to stay calm and I went to answer it. After opening the door, a man just pushed past me and went into the room. I was quick to follow.

He was asking Oceana for the stones, more of a demand than an ask.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Eddison, you?"

"Sophie, Oceana's cousin."

After introductions and finding out that he was Oceana's friend, we got into a discussion over the stones. He wanted them so he could protect Oceana and to destroy them for good. We decided to bury them at Eddison's because he had another house he could live at if anything bad happened because of the stones.

So now they are buried and Eddison's not going to dig them up and no one else will have to deal with the stones.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sophiethunder, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

4 years ago (2020-05-03)
Hello SophieThunder. I would like you to dig up those stones before mailing them to me, I'll pay you $20 to cover P&P; thank you.
4 years ago (2020-05-03)
Hello SophieThunder. I liked both parts 1 & 2 of your story regarding the stones you bought. However, as another commentator stated, I too find it hard to believe how Oceana was able to spot the stones on the river-bed, considering that river waters are always a filthy colour, besides it would have been next to impossible for Oceana to keep her eyes open when submerged.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-17)
I am assuming that the paranormal events experienced at your cousin's house stopped after the stones were taken off the premises?
sophiethunder (guest)
4 years ago (2020-04-04)
Sometimes I'm just not very good at explaining what happened. It makes sense to me, but obviously not to you. My retelling needs work.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-03)
Hello Sophiethunder,

Intriguing! I was just going through the first part of your story before submitting my analysis. However, the other posters have explained it better than I could. In this matter, I agree with MrsRamsay and Lady-glow the dots somehow are not connecting as to how the stones were so peculiarly visible to Oceana.

It is an odd habit she got of swimming in the river as the flow of the currents is not unidirectional neither is it uniform as well. It is hazardous as one has a greater danger of drowning, the choice of swimming in a small pond sounds a little safe than the former.

Nevertheless, I could say by digging these stones into a person's house seem to be a spot prone to their near discovery than throwing in the river. Maybe, they can be discovered during plantation, otherwise if Eddison has siblings they might as well dig the ground to hide something (I used to do it a lot as a kid). During heavy downpour, the water results in soil run off, unless you have digged it deeper there are chances for them to surface.

I do fear for the worst but am wishing your good- will.


+1 upvote for MrsRamsay and Lady-glow...
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-02)
I had a friend that bought some old toy at a flea market. It was a monkey that played the cymbals, I think it moved his head and eyeballs and it yelled like monkeys do (not sure what that's called). Anyway, she gave it to her 4 year old daughter who kept it in her room. My friend and her husband were woken in the middle of the night by this monkey going off. They walked into the daughter's bedroom, turned it off and went back to sleep. A few minutes later it happened again, they turned it off and went back to sleep. Then it happened again, only this time the little girl was cowering in her bed scared, she had been asleep the first two times. So, they take out the batteries and throw the damn monkey in a toy box and go back to sleep. The damn monkey started playing again, now they're freaked out. They grab the monkey and toss it out of the front door. The monkey was not there the next morning. A few days later, the family goes to have dinner at a friend's house and the first thing they notice... Yes you guessed it. The damn monkey is sitting on some kind of glass curio cabinet. The lady of the house had found it a day before but I swear to you I do not remember where. This happened many years ago. I do remember that it was in some random place close to her house. She thought it was antique or vintage and picked it up and put it on display in the cabinet. Of coarse my friend told them what happened to a toy they had that looked "exactly" like that one. The teenage daughter that lived in the house almost jumped out of her seat and told her mom "I told you!" Apparently, the monkey had kept her up most of the night. She was too tired to go turn it off. When she told her mom the next morning her mom didn't believe her because the monkey did not have any batteries.

So, I'm not really sure what the deal here was. Maybe it wasn't the same toy monkey. Maybe it was the same monkey and it was just a coincidence that someone picked it up from in front of my friend's house, drove with it across town and threw it out where the other lady found it. Or, there was something seriously wrong with the damn toy monkey.

I have another story very similar to this that happened to me with rosary beads. I will put that together and submit later.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-02)
This story still isn't adding up quite right to me - there just isn't enough to support some of the more fantastic claims. I am afraid I'll be joining the peanut gallery on the fence - hidey-ho there, folks!
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-01)
I wouldn't swim in any river this time of year, wetsuit or no.

As for the stones, I read the first part to this when it was posted and it makes zero sense. I'm not an expert on gemstones but I know a bit, and this is like so far out there I can't guess what belief system or even superstition it's based on.

I'm just going to type words cause it's totes April first and I'm curious what key words are programmed for the lols
Rook's cleansing method
Bell Witch
Ouija board
Grim reaper

Wow that's a lot
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-01)

The haunted stones are stunningly stoned!

I wonder if the rocks were holding hands and dancing in a haunted circle at the bottom of the river.

Spirits, ghosts and goblins... Take the coronavirus away.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-01)
😜 😊 🙄 April Fool's Day and the clowns will be running riot! Keep them rolling! Check your comment lady-glow.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-31)

There's a first part to this story in which the OP explains her initial experience with the stones, you can read it in the following link:



I have to agree with MrsRamsay, there are some holes in your narrative.

I'm curious to know why Oceana assumed that the stones were the ones causing the disturbances if, after all, her house seems to be a hub of paranormal activity.


Did you guys bury the stones in Eddison's house that is only steps away from Oceana's? If so, what made you think that it would be safe to keep them that close?

What river are you talking about?
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-03-31)
Hey there from ATL.
Where I come from, even if a river is just 4 feet deep (probably the minimum depth to swim) you can't pick out certain stones from a swimming position, there is just too much current and it's too muddy. I am concerned about Oceana swimming in a river, seems dangerous. But those must've been some bright and beautiful stones. So what did they look like?

What was your experience with the stones? I think you forgot to tell us.

I'm a teacher and if you were my student I would tell you that there are some big holes in your essay. Perhaps you were more focussed on the friend. Was he cute? Thanks for replying!
sophiethunder (guest)
4 years ago (2020-03-31)
Rivers do not freeze in my part of the country. Oceana swims in a wetsuit which keeps her warm-ish. The stones were scattered.It's pretty deep and doesn't have much of a current. The water is clear until you kick the sand from the bottom.
Anyway, the stones are safe in the ground and shouldn't hurt anyone anymore.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-31)
Melda - I'm seating on the fence on this one, though, for once, I would like to read Sophie's feedback before deciding what side to jump.

I have a hunch that I'm going to follow you...
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-31)
sophiethunder - Oh wow, what a coincidence! Everybody is welcome to bounce me off the ceiling and down vote me as much as they please. I'm not falling for this one.

Regards, Melda
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-30)
Ladyglow, the story about your friend's wedding band is making my heart thump. I can't even imagine how stunned she must have felt when she saw it there. That's the kind of story that really should have been printed in a newspaper or something, as an incredible human interest piece. I always try to look for the rational... Or even just incredible coincidence... Side first, but in this case, I can't make that fit. Something else must have been going on here. It's mind-blowing. Thanks so much for sharing that.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-30)

Yes, knowing the history of the stones is a must.

The inquisitive and skeptic part of me would like to know the name and location of the river in which these events took place. I don't know if rivers freeze during the winter in the UK, if not, I'm not sure if the water temperature would be warm enough for a person to swim without getting hypothermia.
Is this a river with strong currents? Is it deep? Are the waters clear or are they full of debris washed away from the melting snow? Did Oceana find all the stones together or were they spread over the bottom of the river?

But then, it comes to my mind what happened to some friends a few years ago.
They are a married couple living year round at a lake-shore complex with a private beach. "Y", the wife, lost her wedding band at the beach one day during the fall, they looked all over the place but couldn't find it.
The lake freezes during the winter, and the water rises with the spring; the beach is full of tourists in the summer with kids building sand castles and people doing all kind of water sports, and a cleaning crew raking the sand constantly.

Incredibly, Y found her wedding band one day the next Autumn, it was sticking out on the same sand that they had looked through the previous year and on one spot that would have be impossible to miss by any of the many people coming to the beach in the summer.

Was this pure coincidence or, somehow, the ring was meant to go back to its rightful owner?

About the stones, I wonder if they were stolen from someone/somewhere who held them dear and now they are just trying to get back to where they belong, like the items in the following article:




(I had to cut the link in 3 parts to be accepted by the system)

Whatever it is, I think burying the stones is not going to solve the problem.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-30)
+1 upvote for Lady Glow.

There is something messed up about those stones.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-30)

I wonder if a psychic would be able to read the stones, even if they are buried and, perhaps, advice of a better way of disposal.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-30)
Makes me wonder about the history of these stones even more.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-30)
Wow. I'm glad Eddison has a spare house in case one of them gets ruined by the stones!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-30)
Knowing how sneaky they are, you should have locked the stones into a metal box before burying them and, as an extra precaution, covered the spot under a slab of concrete.

I hope no ants, dog, or any other animal digs them out of the grave.

Did the gems scream when buried?

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