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Incident Of The Ring


I am new to this website, but I've been an avid reader for many years now. I've been meaning to post this strange and unusual story for a long time, but life, children and work always took priority. However now due to the unfortunate state of affairs in the world, I have some free time to write this.

Let me begin by saying, I've always been a big believer in the paranormal. I grew up in Bangladesh, but my family is not from there, just settled there, and my grandmother and my father would always entertain me with paranormal stories of many family members. It was always fascinating. However I never really thought much about it, and never had a paranormal experience, until I was around 33/34 years old.

I left Bangladesh when I was in my 20's and have lived with my husband and children abroad for many years now. We travelled quite a lot, and this particular incident happened when we were residing in Doha, Qatar.

We moved to Doha in 2012, and we lived in a villa (an independent house) but surrounded by many other independent houses enclosed by a wall, rather like a compound. It's normal for many people to live in villa compounds in the Middle East and we were no exception. From the start, the house had an unsettled feeling. Not a sad one per say just something uncomfortable about it. Many small and inexplicable incidents happened there, but one or two were quite strange and unnerving, and I'll tell you about one such one here:

So, women love jewelry costume/real, and I'm no exception and I would always go to the mall and look at jewelry. On one such trip, I happen to purchase a costume jewelry. It was beautiful, a blue stone surrounded by eight white stones (exactly like princess Diana's engagement ring). I remember being so excited about it, and even told my husband about it. He thought I was crazy lol. I would wear it all the time, it was such a favorite of mine. I wore it so much that after many many months I guess I got tired of it, so I distinctly remember that I opened my cupboard and kept it back in my jewelry box. Anyway, life went on I was busy with raising kids, household chores, (we didn't have a maid yet) so I forgot about it.

Six months go by, before I wished to wear that ring again, I went to my jewelry box and opened it, but couldn't find the ring there. I was confused, I thought I had kept the ring there, I remember not wearing it. I was pretty miffed that it had gone missing. I asked my husband and my kids, then 7 and 5 if they had taken it, and they denied. Besides they couldn't have climbed up on the top shelf of the cupboard and just get one thing out. There was no one else in the house. I searched and searched but the ring had disappeared like it had never even existed.

Thinking it was my bad luck I didn't give it much credence, as it was fake anyway so I kind of put it aside, thinking it was perhaps my unmindfulness. Anyway it was quite a few months after that, that this strange thing happened. My eldest child who was 7 at the time has a incurable sweet tooth. He would always love to eat toasted bread with butter and jelly as a snack and would frequently ask me to make it for him.

My granny is a wonderful cook, and all our stuff is homemade, including the jams. My son would adore her guava jams and would always love to eat it with toast. My granny lives in Bangladesh and she would regularly send these jams in plastic jars for my children. I would always keep them in the fridge and use them sparingly.

So, as I was saying my son wanted me to fix him a snack of jam with toast. I remember going down to the kitchen, toasting the bread, opening the fridge and taking out my granny's jar of guava jelly. As I unscrewed the lid, something sparkled at the bottom, I looked down and couldn't make out what it was, because of the jams thick dark jelly like consistency. I held it up against the light and could make out the outline of a ring at the bottom of the jar. I still didn't make the connection. I thought to myself that my granny being old, she must have mistakenly dropped her ring inside one of the jars. I put my fingers inside the jar, dug deep to the bottom and imagine my utter astonishment when I pulled out from the bottom of the jelly jar, my ring, that had been lost a good nine months before, something I had searched the entire house for. Something I had fought with everyone for and accused my kids of playing with my stuff.

To this day, I swear I do not know know how it got to the bottom of the canister of jam that came from Bangladesh and that was in the fridge. Even if the children had taken it as a joke, I'm sure they wouldn't have snuck it in the jelly can. I believe that's cunning, and children are not ever cunning, they are playful but never cunning. It was the work of the Jinn's perhaps playing a prank on me. Needless to say I threw away that ring, thinking if they liked it so much they could pick it up from the rubbish bin and keep it.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Amena, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-11)
Wow I was pleased until the last three seconds about throwing it away, then I was like 'err, did I just read right?'
Glad it was returned to you but I can't shake the feeling there's way more to this than we'll ever know. I wouldn't be so suspicious, weird stuff happens sometimes, makes things interesting.

Welcome toYGS!
Amena (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
Silverthane61- thank you for reading my story. I threw the ring away because I was spooked by that point. It scared me- even though I guess it wasn't being malevolent. Yes some Jinn a few percentage of them are religious and good. They can be of any religion just like us, and they can even be atheist or an disbelieving Jinn. They have families like us they live and die just like us and can have offspring. Only difference is they can live for a very long time more than humans and also travel at will.
Amena (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
Hi SDS, thanks for your comment. You know everything is open to interpretation it's how you see it. Glad you enjoyed the story.
Amena (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
Hi Maria, thank you for reading my story - glad you enjoyed it. I felt bad about throwing the ring away too but was spooked by the whole thing so I guess I just did.
Amena (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
Lady-glow thank you for reading my story and thanks for your comments.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
Apportation is a mark of spirits with intelligence and access to enough energy to do something like this. I feel bad about you throwing away the ring, but it may just have been the right message to send to the Jinn. Is it true that some Jinn are good? If so, I hope yours is of the good sort (even if it is a little mischievous). I loved this story!
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
Hi Amena, quite a strange encounter you had. But I will tell you. Sometimes articles go missing and you find it somewhere else and generally it is associated with a paranormal presence. But from your narrative, nothing seems to point it to be malicious.

Welcome to YGS and would like to read your other experiences as well but I don't think it could be Jinn. My opinion.

Regards and respects to you.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)
Hello Amena and welcome to YGS,

What a surprise! I love this story. I don't know if what happened would make me throw the ring away, though. This was done to your ring as a means of getting attention; and, if the prankster still exists around you, they will do it with other things.

Again, I love this story. It was nicely written.

- Maria
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)
Whoever or whatever may have put the ring in the jar, that was a sweet finding.

Thanks for sharing.
Amena (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)
Hi Alina, thank you for your comment. I think It was the atmosphere, about the place. Kumar my general fix it person who was really like family, once commented that the villa sat on a crossroad - we were situated where basically 3 roads met inside the compound. He said anything within a crossroad is never good, but who knows! That was certainly his theory.
The belief in Jinn is prevalent in the Arab and Islamic world. They are beings created by Almighty from smokeless fire and are therefore can travel in a blink of an eye. We cannot see them but they can see us. I will post a few more soon. Thanks again
Amena (3 stories) (9 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)
Thanks RcRuskin, yes I agree children can be mischievous but I can vouch that my ones are really angels- even now they don't give me trouble like that.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)
Hi, Amena. An interesting experience, something playful and hopefully not malicious at all. But I want to point out that some children I know can be quite cunning, in their own ways. 😁
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-06)
Hello Amena,

A strange experience indeed! I have always been fascinated by the term "Jinn" regarding how widespread is this belief in the Middle East.

You've mentioned that you felt something uncomfortable while moving in the house.

Can I ask you what exactly made you feel uncomfortable?

Are you able to sense any paranormal entity or Jinn inside?

"Many small inexplicable incidents happened there, one or two were quite unnerving"

I would love to learn about them someday.

Thanks for sharing.


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