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Red Eyed People In My Room With Threats To Kill


Let me start by saying, thank you all for reading this! It means a lot and sorry in advance if this is really long. Brevity is not my strong suit and these details are I promise you, very relevant to setting this story up. I have two families and they live across the country from each other.

Ever since I can remember my dad, being the piece of soggy lettuce that he is, always made me feel uneasy when I was with him. No, he never hit me or assaulted me in any way, he's not that soggy lol. But I always felt like we were never alone in the many homes that we lived in.

This time, in particular, I was around 7 or 8 and I was visiting my dad for the week in Oklahoma (I live in South Dakota so I didn't visit often). My dad and new stepmom had just moved into a new home and it was only us three and my dog. I had a small room with my bed against the wall facing my closet door THIS IS IMPORTANT. I had a small dresser with a TV that had an automatic shut off because I could never fall asleep without it on.

Another strange fact about being with my dad is that I was deathly afraid of the dark just like any young kid is, but when I would stay with him, I always felt compelled to sleep with no lights on. However, I would always, and I mean ALWAYS make sure that I had my closet light on with the door shut before I went to sleep. And this is the same in any house that I lived in with him. Every morning I would wake up with my door shut and light on so I know my dad never came into my room and turned it off. So this was not a one-time thing.

One night I fell asleep like watching some Netflix like usual with my same closet situation. I woke up at around 3 am and at this time I didn't know what this meant but to my surprise, it was not good. So I woke up to my closet door open and the light turned off. I instantly felt sick to my stomach. With complete body chills. I know that this was not sleep paralysis because I was able to sit up and I could move my arms, legs, and eyes.

I looked to the side to where my dresser ended and I saw these freaking scary people with grey skin and red eyes. There were 4 men, 2 little girls, and two little boys. On the far left, there were two little girls that looked scarily like me from the past when I went to a catholic school and wore green checkered jumper dresses and they had long brown hair. In the middle closest to the girls were two identical men in business suits and black hair. The men to the right of them had all grey on. Baggy sweatpants and baggy hoodies and grey tennis shoes. Then to the right of them on the end, there were two little boys with identical clothes to the men in grey sweats. I about crapped my pants.

The two men in suits started whispering to me and the voices I eventually heard were threats to kill me and all of my family if I didn't get them to leave in a certain amount of time. "You don't have long. We will kill you. You better hurry. HURRY. We will kill you." They kept repeating until finally one of the little girls screamed and ran toward me and they disappeared right as I opened my mouth to scream. To my surprise, it was my own scream the whole time. However, I know that I was not sleeping as I could move and jump right out of bed to run to my parent's room.

My dad and stepmom were annoyed that I woke them up but became scared when they saw I ironically looked like I had seen a ghost. But oh, not just one, 8. They still being the trash bags filled with wet socks that they are, didn't really do much about it after that night.

My mom doesn't really believe in this type of stuff but when I told her she looked terrified and simply prayed over me a few times. Well, that was my story with the paranormal. Sorry for the length and thanks for reading!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Madalyn_4610, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

coastandcarve (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-21)
Hi Madalyn! I've browsed this site for years (2014 is the earliest I can remember but I swear I was on here as a kid too... Can't remember. 27 now) but never made an account. I finally made one so I could comment on your post and say thank you for sharing. Fascinating story, and I hope one day you can find out more info on some of these more hostile, specific entities.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
I failed to mention that I understand this took place some time ago, but I am curious if something ever became of the threats.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-08)
I am without words. Please tell us if any of the threats come true or at least if you have any follow-up to this. Ditto to what Mrs. Ramsay said - you have a way with descriptive words. Being a math teacher I do not have Mrs. Ramsay's technical appreciation for the written word, but it was very good in setting up your story. I hope all goes well.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)

I agree that your experience is very scary. I think that if these spirits or creatures had the ability to kill you, they would have done that instead of trying to scare you. When you screamed, they disappeared - which says to me that they knew that all they could do is scare you and were no match for you or your parents. I may be totally off of my rocker.

I was wondering why you refer to your father and stepmother in this way if they were not abusive to you:

"They still being the trash bags filled with wet socks that they are"

I didn't get along with my stepmother. I felt like I was always trying to avoid walking on eggshells. I felt like I could never do anything right; but she was and continues to be a good woman. Not even when I was my most angry with her have I ever wanted to call her, or my father, names. It makes me think there is a further strata of negativity involved somewhere.

You mentioned in the comments that you have had a similar incident since writing this story. I think your experiences have more to do with you and less to do with your father.

- Maria
Madalyn_4610 (1 stories) (3 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)
My father has never stayed in one place for more than 2 years at a time. Therefore these spirits have followed either him and or I around from place to place. I have not had experiences in all of these homes, just some but when I do, they are constant. Again, good or bad, I agree, very strange. I have also seen them in my paternal grandmother's house. These spirits have only ever been of light and love and my paternal grandfather is a pastor. However always quite demonic with my father. The hauntings have never been consistent with only one space, whether that be and my granny's or the many homes of my fathers. I will see people in all different places out of the corner of my eye, look, and they will be gone but leave me again with either a sick feeling or a chill one. Thank you for your comments and concerns! It feels great to talk about these things with fellow believers.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-07)

Thank you for the reply. If majority of the incidents are taking place in your father's house then the area is definitely prone to these hauntings. However, this sudden shift of entities being harmless to deathly malevolent is odd indeed.

In which part of the house do you experience this haunting frequently?

Have the incidents subsided once you move away from your father's house? Or do they follow you?

I believe if these incidents somehow became bothersome you always have an option to perform a cleansing ritual.

Wishing you the best!

Madalyn_4610 (1 stories) (3 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-06)

Hello. I did, in fact, have other paranormal experiences before this, again at my father's house. However, the things that I saw would never talk to me, some would bring a bad feeling and I would be sick to my stomach, and others would simply feel like "Oh hey ghost hows it going?" This being said there were no other events like this that I think could have caused this. I did check the background of all of the houses that these paranormal experiences have happened in. So I am curious, is it me? Well, thank you for your response!
Madalyn_4610 (1 stories) (3 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-06)
Thank you MrsRamsay,
Yes this was many years ago and I have not felt this way with my dad in a very long time, however we have always had a terrible relationship thank you for the concern. I also have always been able to see ghosts and this is only one of many, yet the most terrifying of experiences. However, I have actually after posting this story had the exact same experience happen in the exact same way at my mother's house, which is where I am during quarantine. I, over the last few weeks more than ever have seen and heard things around my house. Taking my dog for walks, I have felt like people are following me, and this is the same when I know I am alone in my basement where I am staying. I have also become rather jumpy out of nowhere. To answer another question, no my dog did not bark as he was in his crate in a completely different part of the house. However currently when I feel something watching me, my dog may start barking at nothing and mind you he is deaf so he did not just hear a car going by. Or he will start barking at "nothing" and I will instantly feel uncomfortable. I have talked to my parents about this many years ago and my dad has always had paranormal things happen to him. I also no longer sleep with a light. Thank you so much for your concern and compliments on my writing. I do love it. Thanks again!
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-05-06)
Hello Madalyn_4610,

Certainly a terrifying experience. But it's even more suprising as to why this incident happened out of nowhere. These empty threats sounded malevolent.

Well, have you opted to check the background of your father's house?

This fairly seems like a residual haunting, assuming you haven't experienced anything prior or post to this incident.

Do you believe any unusual event happened leading to this?

Hopefully, you will reply to queries throwing more light on this matter.

MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-05-06)
You have described your parents as "soggy lettuce" and "trash bags filled with wet socks." As a language arts teacher, I find your descriptiveness very creative but also disturbing on a couple levels. It sounds as if you are really insecure at your father's home, which would be understandable for a kid who's away from Mom and in a strange, new place. You were a little girl, right, so this was many years ago?

Have you ever had a similar experience since then, or did things go back to normal after that? Have you ever had a similar dream? Have you ever brought it up with either your dad or your step mom? It would be interesting to find out if they've had other strange happenings. Sorry to ask so many questions, but as a mom myself I would want to know if my kids were seeing similar things. I'm certain your mom was pretty disturbed by your account, but you have to put yourself in their shoes and remember, lots of kids have big imaginations. We do worry about you all, even after you're grown up! I'm just so sorry you were so afraid. Hope you are ok now, and don't need the light. Oh, one more thing! Did your dog bark or do anything when this crowd appeared to you? Thanks for your story... And keep on writing, you have a way with words!

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