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Playing Wolf Wolf


When I was young I lived in Michigan where our home was out in the country. The area was corn fields and trees. We had a big family and we got together all the time. One of our favorite games was called wolf wolf. It was played at night. One person would be the wolf. They would go out into the dark and hide. The rest would wait for that person to call wolf wolf and they would head out to find the wolf. Once the wolf was found we would holler wolf and race to the goal. Anyone caught would then be a wolf and it would keep going that way until there was one person left.

One night my friends were over from around the block and we decided to play wolf wolf. There were 6 of us playing. I was the start wolf so I went out to hide. It was around 2 AM. My friends came to find me but when they did they did not run so I was wondering what was up. They asked me who the kid was over by the tree. I thought they were playing a game on me and trying to scare me, but they kept asking so I asked where and they proceeded to lead me to the spot.

Right in front of my grandmother's house there was a cedar tree that was bare of branches 6 to 7 feet off the ground. Sitting at the base of the tree was another kid about our age. He had his back against the tree and his arms around his legs like he was sitting in a fetal position. He had his head down. I said to him "hey who are you and what are you doing". He did not answer or look towards us. My friends would not get near him. So I said it again with no answer again. I walked towards him and got to about 5 feet from him. He then looked up at me with big red eyes. I started walking backwards away from him and turned. My friends already bolted back for my house. I then ran after making sure I was not followed. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life.

My friends were crying when I caught up to them and still had to walk 2 miles home. I begged my father to take them but he would not because he had to get up for work the next day. So I decided that I would walk them home. Keep in mind that this is in Michigan and most of the way was wooded area. When we got them home I then said good night and had to walk back home by myself at 3 AM. The whole way home all I could hear was something walking right behind me. The fear that washed over me was crazy bad. I had all I could do not to bolt and run in terror, but I didn't. I did not want it to think I was afraid. I made it home just fine but since then I have always been aware of the things in the night. Even now that I am older it is still very hard for me to go out into the night alone.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jactin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-27)
Nelson - I think your parents are cool for not allowing you out after eight at night. It shows love, caring and protection of their child. Of course I don't know how old you are.

Jaclin by stating the above to Nelson I do not mean to insinuate that your parents don't care about you. You say that nothing happens in your neighbourhood but something did happen didn't it?

What did your parents say about your rather frightening experience, or didn't you tell them?

Regards, Melda
Nelson_but_not_Mandela (12 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-27)
Your parents are cool not like mine that don't let me stay out after 8:00pm.
Jactin (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-15)
Hi Lucia,
Thanks for the comment. The game is a night time game. We never started playing before 10 PM. That night we played until 1 am. That is when we seen the figure. There is no way my friends were going to stay the night. They just wanted to go home. For me I liked their parents but I did not want to stay there either so I walked back home. This way I could sleep in the next day with out any interruptions.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-06)
I like your story and your description. It seems believable enough as I also used to make up games like this. The part that seems weird is that it was 3am when you got home? How late were playing? What time did you start walking the friends home? Why didn't they stay the night instead if it was that late? Why didn't you stay at their house overnight. I myself have to get up early for work but if my kids, even teenagers needed a ride at 3am I would tell them to just stay overnight. So, that part is strange... But I like your story otherwise.
Jactin (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-01)
Hi Lealeigh,
It was a very scary thing, but one of the few that I have had. I am a magnet for this stuff. I didn't really want to walk them home either, but if I didn't they would have gotten into a lot of trouble too. So I walked them home.
Jactin (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-01)
Hi Matrix899,
It was extremely scary. I could not talk it over with them because they really wanted nothing to do with me after that. I may have gotten a couple words but that was all.
Jactin (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-01)
Hi Lady-Glow,
Yes a block was 4 miles around so I had to walk them home 2 miles and back by myself 2 miles. I remember wanting to run the whole way, but I didn't.
Jactin (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-01)
Hi Alina5, Where I lived in Mich we were 2.5 hours away from everything. The only thing bad near us was the skunks.
Jactin (1 stories) (6 posts)
5 years ago (2020-06-01)
Silverthane61 That is very interesting. I wonder where they have been seen. I have never heard of anything like that before.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-31)
I have the same concerns that have been already mentioned in the previous posts above. That being said, I have to mention a little side info concerning Black Eyed Children (or BEC's). There are some cases that have been reported that are very similar to yours that involve these beings - the only difference being that in a small number of cases the eyes of these small children were either all white or all red. The rest of your story reads like it could have been taken straight out of one of those encounters.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-31)
Hello Jactin,

Don't you think a bunch of kids playing alone in the dead silent night at 2 A.M. Is dangerous no matter in what neighborhood you live in.

It was surprising that your parents allowed you to stay up that late. Let alone staying up, but even permitted you to play outside without any supervision for the kids.

How could your dad not accompany a bunch of kids home when they're literally terrified to the point of crying? And asked you (a kid) to walk them home?

I apologise but that's a logic I can never comprehend.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-30)

"One night my friends were over from around the block"

"I caught up to them and still had to walk 2 miles home"

Those blocks sure were HUGE! Are you sure this didn't happen in Texas?
matrix899 (1 stories) (67 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-30)
Hello Jactin,

This was a really frightening experience, thanks for sharing.

Did you ever discuss this event with your friends? Why did they not go close to the boy? What did they feel?

I cannot remember ever reading a story that is similar to this.
Thanks again

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-05-30)
Hello Jactin and welcome to YGS,

I have to say that is really scary! It was good of you to be brave and walk your friends home, knowing you would have to walk home alone. I know what you meant be being afraid of being afraid.

Thank you for submitting your story.

- Maria

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