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Strange Experience In The Parking Lot


I've been thinking about posting this story for awhile now but I am worried about not being able to explain it well enough. I used to be very frightened about this but now that I am older I'm curious if anyone else has had an experience like mine.

This took place around 16 years ago, before I moved to Norway. I lived in Southern California where I was born and raised and where the incident took place. I am not exactly sure if I was 16 or 17 years old at the time but it was somewhere around there. I am close with my mom and my grandma and we lived together at this time. In the afternoons it was common that we would run our errands together and maybe pick up dinner before going back home. One afternoon I went along with my grandma on a trip to the pharmacy. The pharmacy was in a strip mall shopping center that we visited often because our bank, grocery store and favorite Chinese food place were also located there. Anyway, this afternoon I sat in the passenger's seat of my grandma's car while she went inside the pharmacy.

It was still daylight and the parking lot had a normal amount of cars and people walking into the stores. The parking spots nearest to the side of the car I was sitting on were not taken. So there were probably 2 or 3 empty spaces next to me. While I was sitting in the car I noticed movement in the corner of my eye so I turned my head and saw something standing in an empty spot a few spots over from our car. What I saw shocked me. It was a very tall figure, maybe 8 feet tall. It resembled a human male except the face had no distinguishing features other than looking extremely melted.

This is the part that I find difficult to explain. The face wasn't melted as in dripping-looking. It looked more like a peach color melted wax or plastic face. I don't remember seeing eyes, just places where eyes should be. It also had a very high and unnatural hair line. The hair it had resembled an extremely frizzy brillo pad wig that was melted/burned onto the head. I think the color was rust. I do not remember what it was wearing.

It was standing there and waving excitedly at me. Its arms were just waving eagerly at me, like it was a friend who excited to see me. The moment I looked at it, I was so shocked and scared that I immediately looked away. I had a horrible feeling from seeing it but mostly I was stunned. I remember saying "WTF, WTF, WTF" in my head. When I turned my head away from it, it was immediately at my window. It didn't walk or run, it was just suddenly there in an instant. I was looking straight ahead while it was there at my window. It seemed to be bent over at the waist and its face was really close to the glass, it was still having its hand in an annoying and crazed greeting. I didn't know what to do, the fear felt like a punch to the gut. I was a dumb teenager so I pretended to be changing the radio channel, ignoring it. After a moment I didn't see it in the corner of my eye at the window. I turned my head to look, nothing there. I locked the car door and looked in the rearview mirror, nothing there. I looked all around the parking lot from inside the car. Nothing. If it were a person I should have been able to see it walking away from the car or walking into a store. This thing had just vanished.

I was so freaked out that I became emotional and started crying. My grandma came back to the car from the pharmacy and I told her what happened. She could see that I was obviously upset. She listened to what happened as we drove home. When we arrived home I went straight to my mom and told her what happened too. I was still in tears and she comforted me. They both believed me but I could barely believe it myself. I've had a hard time telling this story for a long time because I would become teary trying to tell it. It was scary and it was such an uncomfortable feeing to see someone that I know could not be human. I don't know what that thing was. But I know that if I were to see something similar between then and now, I would have went to the doctor to discuss possible schizophrenia because I am sure of what I saw and it just doesn't make sense.

We continued to run our errands at that shopping center but I never sat alone in the car again. I also remember declining to join my mom on a late night trip to the pharmacy just some years ago because it would be dark and I don't want to see anything like it again.

A few things that I remember that I want to add. I have been around this shopping center my whole life and I have not heard of anyone having any unusual incidents there. It is not a creepy place, it's literally just a buzzing little strip mall. It was not a person in a costume. The figure was way too tall and it was way too fast when it teleported or whatever to my window. When it was at the window it seemed to be smiling; I wouldn't look directly at it when it was at the window but I saw its expression in the corner of my eye. I am not afraid of clowns but it did seem clownish in behavior (ex: the way it was waving at me furiously and smiling). I had not seen IT or heard of Slenderman or saw any movie like it around this time. I was not interested in horror films and I wasn't yet reading horror/ghost stories on the internet. The figure was not see through, misty or anything ghostly. Just extremely real and horrifying to look at, yet not of this world. I don't have any psychological conditions, I wasn't experimenting in spells or Ouija boards and I was not using drugs/alcohol, so I can rule those out. Has anyone else seen or heard of something like this or have any ideas about what happened?

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unforgiven1 (2 stories) (19 posts)
3 years ago (2022-01-29)

Wow that's interesting! My experience didn't have a gnome feeling to it. This thing appeared or "teleported" instead of walking like the thing your friend described. So weird, I haven't found a similar experience on here yet...
LinkinKoRn420 (2 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-27)
That's really weird. I wish I was an expert on this kind of stuff so I could find some explanation.

My story goes back 14-15 years. My best friend and I grew up a block away from each other. We had the exact same house number exactly a block away. In between our houses, across the street from my friend, there was a small circle of houses. We heard from rumors that the lady who lived in the house directly across from his was a "witch." I'm not sure what type of witchcraft she practiced or anything, but that was the rumor. Her house was directly across from his with the front facing his house and her backyard facing my backyard. I even saw in her backyard what looked like ritual stuff, like I remember a big wooden cross being there and some other stuff.

As for the story, I wasn't there personally. I guess my friend was looking our towards her house one evening and saw her standing with like a small humanoid thing. But he said he was almost positive it wasn't human. He said it moved in a really "fluid" way that seemed inhuman. And also it only stepped side-to-side rather than walk like a normal person. IIRC he said it reminded him of a gnome. That's pretty much all I remember, but he was pretty confounded after seeing it. He said he had never seen anything like it in his life. I wish I had been there to see it myself.

He also saw a few other weird things on that street, but I don't think he ever saw that thing again.

Anyway, your story reminded me of that. I wish I had some explanation. I've heard of people astral projecting and meeting with non-human entities, like spirits and stuff. But I don't know if any of that stuff can appear in the physical to people. Anyway, weird stuff!
unforgiven1 (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-27)
What kind of experience did your friend have? I'm interested in hearing about it in more detail.
This thing didn't feel mythical or troll - like. Just inhuman and made me feel really uncomfortable. I'm super stumped on what it was.
Rajine (14 stories) (921 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-26)
That sounds absolutely creepy, for some reason I imagine a huge melting ice cream type of monster 🤔 but it doesn't seem menacing, but still creepy nonetheless.
DSSM1975 (1 stories) (2 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-23)
Wow how very creepy. I do understand about your hesitation on explaining such horrific experience! I myself am the type of person that truly believed in SEEING IS BELIEVING but after my experience I believe anything is possible when it comes to after life.
LinkinKoRn420 (2 posts)
4 years ago (2021-02-21)
Very strange and scary experience indeed. Someone else brought up the possibility of it being a troll. Did it remind you of any mythical creature like that? The reason I ask is because my best friend growing up had a somewhat similar experience where he thought he saw a gnome or something inhuman in our old neighborhood. But we also lived by a woman who practiced some sort of witchcraft or occultism so we think she might have been doing a ritual or something. I think somehow there are ways that astral beings can break through into the physical realm, so maybe something scary broke through?
unforgiven1 (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-14)
Tweed: Thanks for reading and commenting. Trolls are a really big thing in Norway. Especially in my village. We have a big "life-size" one on display in front of the local store so people can see it while they drive by on the main road.
I definitely didn't get a troll vibe from the thing that I saw though. 🤔
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-14)

That's the guy's experience. The discussion about the troll appearance is in the comments. Unfortunately the links to the paranormal index with those illustrations are now defunct. I'd suggest researching Norwegian folklore but you were in California at the time lol.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-14)
Hi Unforgiven,

Thanks for sharing, I'm very interested in these kinds of experiences. Having a strong emotional reaction like that is understandable and pretty common in these kinds of encounters. My theory is that we're overwhelmed by information and scared to the core at being confronted by something otherworldly.

Some years ago a former military man reported an abnormally tall figure with a bizarre facial structure. He saw this while on a training exercise. He had the same strong reaction you did. A few of us did some digging and the man identified what he saw from an online index of entities. The entity he identified was listed as a troll. According to legend some kinds of troll can be extremely tall, not like the billy goat gruff type we think of. The entity he described acted like a troll, it was guarding a forest, and did not approach him. It did however appear to be psyching him out.

So I don't know what you experienced, it matches a troll's appearance, but definitely not the behaviour, aloof, on guard.

Omg these comments. Daz, you do go on!

I also thought of street performer, but your reaction to this thing was too familiar to other encounters. Hey, at least they were friendly. Plus they've kept their distance since, so that's a good thing.

I'll see if I can rustle up that encounter with the weirdo by the trees. I'll link it here if I find it.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
T_L_V_11, Yes, that would be my first mouthful of advise to anyone opened minded enough to want to reconsider their belief systems. Throw away everything you know and start again, especially Darwinian's accidental fluke of nature of which is dying an agonising slow death of a thousand poisoned tips of contradictions... Only a handful of stubborn materialist are hanging onto the concept probably more concerned about their pension fund than re writing the history books. String theory is basically closer and not a bad start.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Hi Unforgiven, hmmm, this part of your response to my question on dreams is super interesting...

("but I have dreamt of future events and people who were yet to be born whom later were born exactly as I dreamt them")

I wrote this part in my first response U/F about this being you saw on that day.

Previous Quote: ("It may also be the case that this individual is preparing itself for it's next life here on earth")

Wow,can you dot the pieces together? You have a gift of seeing people in your dreams of whom are born at a later date? Btw, that's some gift you have. Lol

It's making me lean back to what I stated earlier, this being you saw, although not able to take human form is probably preparing itself for a life here in the earth matrix and it is probably someone who knows you?

The reason I asked these questions on dreams was to try and gauge your soul level of experience.

According to my research and own theory there are three levels of souls in the Earth Matrix.

New, intermediate and old... Most of the people here in the Earth Matrix are new and intermediate souls with a few old ones to give the consciousness of mother Earth a fair balance.

I would say you are an intermediate soul due to your gift. I do theorise the more psychic a person is the more likely hood there higher self finds it harder to contain itself with in the Veil... I did see where you wrote you are a passive person that makes sense to me as well.

To give you a comparison on soul levels, I was told by a Rekei Master I have lived 51 previous lives however I would consider myself an intermediate soul here in the Earth Matrix on the scale of spiritual evolution... Although I would tick all of the questions I put to you of which probably means some off those other lives have been in other dimensions with different types physics.

Of course I may be totally wrong you may have to take it all in with a grain of salt? However, I feel reasonably confident in sharing my thoughts on your account.

The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Unforgiven1, thank you for the additional information about your dreams, of premonitions and of events occurring synonymously as the dream. This dovetails with what I said about the Titanic, people dreaming about the sinking prior to and during the event. Births and deaths carry a lot of emotion and you seem to be sensitive to this level of emotional output. Kind of like an antenna if you will, a focal point. From what you said about your dreams, they all involved relatives and friends, people you knew. This also fits in perfectly with what you observed during your encounter in the parking lot, this being seemed to know you and was excited about it! If it all ties in together it should validate your encounter even more to yourself! It could be someone from your 'past' or 'future', or from the spirit realm, like a relative. As I said before, if they were vibrating at a much higher rate, you wouldn't have been able to see them clearly or distinguish any individual features like their face. It would be like trying to make out the individual blades of a ceiling fan while it's spinning. I have read that people who hear angels, hear them as a high pitched ringing if it's only perceived as auditory, due to the vibration difference between their realm and ours. Again it makes a lot more sense, and I hope it helps! I look forward to hearing more of your stories.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Aussiedaz, 'tis true, I'm reminded of a quote that I learned when I was much younger but its like a mantra to me now, "Everything You Know Is Wrong". I rather enjoy these conversations with you because they stretch my level of understanding of truth. They do create more questions, but they broaden the mystery, which makes me think and explore more. I love the possibilities. To add to what was said regarding these time slips and other universes is the fact that emotion may play some factor in it as well. The magnetic resonance imaging on 9/11, the fiction book Futility written in 1898, detailing a large passenger liner called the Titan, which struck an iceberg and sunk with a massive loss of lives aboard, 14 years before the Titanic. In fact the Titanic had many dreaming of events surrounding her sinking prior to and during the actual event. The same is said of 9/11. I understand Dean Koontz wrote a book detailing a pandemic years ago similar to this one, but I haven't actually researched that one. The books were fiction yet the striking parallel to reality, of events yet to come is remarkable. That would suggest events which involve strong emotions can span what we think of as space and time. Emotions are energy and perhaps enough of it can cause a 'rip' in what we refer to as the space time continuum. Who knows what could come through?
Unforgiven1, I apologize if it seems like I'm hijacking your thread, these theories/conversations are actually possible explanations for what you witnessed. What I mentioned regarding the high level of emotion could be how this 'being' visited you. You stated how excited it seemed to be in interacting with you and in waving, that high a level of emotion may have been what gave it temporary access to our reality as it were. Your strong opposing emotion of fear may have actually cancelled the effect and closed the opening, hence it's sudden disappearance. No way of knowing for sure but fascinating nonetheless, I'm hoping all of this will aid you in better understanding your encounter.
Aussiedaz, always a pleasure, I do look forward to more of these exchanges!
unforgiven1 (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Aussiedaz & the lost voyage: The things you bring up are interesting! It definitely seemed like something very out of place was happening, whether it was a time slip or something like that I don't know. But I should really look into this. Aussiedaz asked me some questions about dreams. I haven't dreamt of being a giant or being a small person (I'm already pretty small in real life, haha) but I have dreamt of future events and people who were yet to be born whom later were born exactly as I dreamt them. I've also dreamt of things happening while they were happening in real time, but not to me. For example, I once was dreaming I was a driver experiencing being in an accident. I was the driver seat and the car was just rolling and rolling. When I awoke I found out that my friend was in a car accident earlier that morning. My friend passed away from his injuries. So I have experienced dreams like that, but to think about the clashing of multi universes... That opens up A LOT more for me to think about!
unforgiven1 (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)
Macknorton: Thank you for reading and taking your time to comment. I understand that you want to find a logical solution. I've wanted one myself for years. It wasn't a man on stilts or a performer. It didn't make any steps toward the car, it appeared there instantly. I've tried so many times to break it down in my head but I have to just look at the experience exactly as it happened. As for your question about if I've had other bizarre unexplainable experiences - I have posted a story previous to this one about seeing a shadow man. I have also been able to dream of loved ones before they were born (my little sister, my daughter, etc) and people who have passed away have contacted me in dreams as well. But I am passive about it. As in, I have never tried to tap into that or explore it further. I can just say that is has happened most of my life sporadically. Again, thank you for taking time to think about what happened to me that day.

Hawaiifemme: I KNOW, it was so freaky! To answer your question - it happened in La Verne, CA.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-12)

I think the more you and I converse, the more questions we come up with however yes, again you have added some food for thought, the other phenomenon of which I'm convinced relates more the the clashing of universe's as opposed to a bad memory is the Mandela effect? (I'm 100 percent convinced the phenomenon is the real deal)

Tom cruise wore sun glasses and a pink shirt in that famous movie risky business?.

Dolly wore braces in that James Bond movie Moonraker?.

The Ford logo?.

The Matrix, what if I told you?.

Laurel and Hardy: Another fine mess?


There seems to be some sort of over lapping glitch that actually has a cause and effect reaction to our history where it literally changes the details.

In 1977, Phillip K Dick called for a meeting with the press where he made this claim "we are living in an computer simulation"... In his statement, he said the only clues we have are when there are small glitches in the system...I'm pretty sure he was referring to the Mandela effect?...he was laughed at by everyone however today... There are some serious smart physicist basically claiming the same as Phillip K Dick, even Elon Musk believes we are in one.

Donald Hoffman who wrote a cause against reality, basically claims we are tuned in for survival not truth, Consciousness is fundamental and our reality is basically a virtual reality. This guy is basically the next Albert Einstein, check him out he is brilliant.

The interesting aspect of the Mandela effect, is the fact that not everyone remembers it differently. For example, I only remember 4 in the car with JFK, however some folk remember this evidence of two universe converging as one where the mass of consciousness wins out at the end of the day? It only ever seems to be 1 or the other?

On a side note:It makes sense to me why the mass of the population is tune in for survival not truth, I don't believe we are meant to know the whole truth because it may defeat the purpose of being here, I can't help myself, however the more I learn, is the less I know or something like that.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-11)
Hi Unforgiven

Thanks for deciding to post this experience. It certainly must have been unsettling for you.

My logical mind first thinks: is there a rational explanation for what you saw? Here's my two theories; the first one is you had some kind of hallucination. However this theory is improbable if you were / are not susceptible to hallucinations and have not had any since this experience.

My second theory would be that it was possibly a flesh and blood human being; a street performer type of person, wearing a mask on stilts "performing" in the Mall area, who decided to "perform" for your "pleasure". You mentioned this figure seemed to get to your vehicle quickly, however if it's matter of 2 or 3 car parks away that could be achieved, on stilts, in one or two strides which would take a couple of seconds if they were adept on them.

The fact that this figure then seemed to disappear completely adds some additional weirdness to the already bizarre experience, but there MAY be a possibility it did lope away to "delight" another unassuming person and you maybe just missed seeing where it went?

Full blown spirit apparitions with such detail, and for the length of time, out in broad daylight, and in such a public place are extremely unusual, as far as I'm aware. If this figure was, indeed, of spiritual nature, and it was manifesting in this busy carpark for you to observe it, I wonder if anyone else saw it as well. If not, why not? It's the kind of thing people would remember seeing in a Mall carpark (as you have).

Have you had any other bizarre unexplainable experiences in your life other than this one? Do you feel you have any psychic abilities? I ask because generally folk who have these kind of vivid spirit / ghost / otherworldly being encounters tend to have a whole raft of other abilities and experiences as well.

Thanks again for sharing, it's certainly a head scratcher, this one. I hope I've added another viewpoint that may help with you understanding your experience.


The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-11)
At aussiedaz, good point, that's an interesting observation regarding the reports of doppelgangers. It's also a theory that is behind the sightings of the so called shadow beings, their apparent lack of ability to manifest as anything other than a shadow. Many believe they are from another time or dimension. Your comment about the multiverse and time slips got me to thinking of the various times of year when it's said the veil between worlds is thinnest. Most believe this refers to the veil between the spiritual and physical, but what if it could refer to planets, other universes, other 'times' as well? If everything is in a vibratory state and what some theorists state is real, that many universes or times are overlaid, one on top of another, the only difference being the vibration in any particular 'reality', then it opens up some interesting possibilities and perhaps explanations as well! The being from the OP's experience could have been a result of such an event!
HawaiiFemme (2 stories) (13 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-11)
Also, what town was that in? I lived in Southern California for a long time.
HawaiiFemme (2 stories) (13 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-11)
"When I turned my head away from it, it was immediately at my window." 😨
That part is so freaky that I had to put my phone down and deal while a couple of tears came out. You were very brave.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-10)
unforgiven1 - Out of curiosity, if I can ask you these questions (: have you ever dreamed any of the following?

1. That you can fly?
2. You were able to breath under water?
3. You were a giant?
4. You were a small person in a land of Giants?
5. Lucid dreamed of talking to people you never met before?
6. Dreamed of future events?

TLV_11- a couple of good added points there we only need to look on this planet to observe the weirdness of living creatures, we shouldn't think the human shape and level of intelligence is at the top of the tree in a universe billions of years old with billions of potential planets and countless multiverse's. I believe String Theory is close to the mark in some aspects?... On a side note, Doppelgangers may be the clashing of multi universes in a time slip, there are a number of stories here where folk have reported seeing or someone else seeing their double. This account here may also fall under the category of clashing multi verses where the other being was intelligent enough to understand what was happening and tried it's best to come across as friendly.

The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (259 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-10)
Hi unforgiven1, great story, thanks for sharing! I can certainly understand your response at sighting this 'being' whatever it might be. As aussiedaz stated, it obviously seemed to recognize you and was excited to interact with you. There are many theories of us being in a sort of multi universe, as aussiedaz also said, many planets coexisting with a variety of life forms in this vast expanse called space and time. That being said beings from a different world or dimension as it were can have a different vibration to them lighter or heavier than our own planet, The so called laws of physics that define how matter behaves on this planet may not necessarily apply to a visitor who's home and vibration may be different. It's akin to how men walk on the moon since the moons gravity effect is very different on their physical structure, if you think of it this way, then this 'visitor' may have a higher vibration enabling not only the faster waving but the ability to move so quickly from a spot, several parking spaces over to right at your window in no time. The vibration difference may also explain the appearance of the 'melted' face, it's physical appearance also affected from the fast vibration. Think of it, if someone set you to vibrating up and down, very fast, would your face be clear, your facial features would appear to melt together. You had said you didn't look at this being long before you turned away. It knew you could see it, and wanted to interact. My feeling is that either it knew it was freaking you out or that you were indifferent to it's presence so it left you alone as quickly as it had arrived. You had mentioned you were terrified more or less, but that seemed in your story to be due mostly to its appearance, size and the fact your mind informed you that it shouldn't be there. Thinking back on it, did this being give off any kind of bad vibe at all, or was your fear mostly produced by your reaction to it? If you can re-examine the encounter from this perspective, it may take take on a different meaning for you. Hopefully this helps, it's another explanation and I'm willing to clarify anything I can. Thanks for sharing!
unforgiven1 (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-10)
Lightmight: Thank you, and yes it was so frightening! It wasn't a prank or hoax though because no one can just appear and disappear like that.
I can see why it reminds you of that clown craze a few years ago but this took place around 16 years ago.
I know I'm the one who mentioned the word clown in my account but it was just to explain how it was waving obnoxiously. It wasn't a clown, just reminded me of one with the insane waving.
Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

Melda: Yes, it actually felt like that. Like I was being pranked by this thing. The way it was waving at me crazily and then appearing at my window the instant that I tried to ignore it. And just dissappearing into thin air. Seemed so trickster. I can't wrap my mind around it after all these years.

Aussiedaz: I really like your explanation. It takes away the fear aspect. Because whatever it was - it was horrible to look at. Melted plastic looking and no eyes... And the eagerness it had at getting me to look at it was really unnerving. But you're right, it certainly acted like it knew me. Who knows from where and when though...
Caz (342 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-10)
Hi Unforgiven,
While I was reading your story, I had the distinct feeling that this being recognised you and was delighted to see you, so now having read the comments, I have to agree with Daz on this one.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if you met this being again at some point in the future, only this time, you'll recognise him and be delighted to see him! Thank you for sharing such an interesting story with us!
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-09)
Hi unforgiven1,

I'm going to agree with Melda; freaky indeed! I am not a fan of clowns. That being said, after reading your story, I can't help but think about the 'clown sightings' and 'clown craze' that happened years ago.

Do you think that it's possible that someone was pranking you? Hollywood is a major player in So. Cal., a place known to capitalize on "reality" drama - maybe you were part of a tv hoax?
Whatever the case may be, it sounds frightening either way, and I'm sorry that you had to experience that!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-09)

There are a few clues in your story of which offers me some ideas as in forwarding an explanation that may explain your account.

Most people are familiar with reincarnation and comfortable with the notion that when after we die, (depending on your belief system without preaching to anyone here) we spend a few years kicking back with our homies and loved ones and then after a while, we muster up the courage to put on our big girl or boy pants, dump our previous identity and ego, put on our comsic transducer then roll dice with the earth matrix and SHAZAM!... Here we are as spiritual beings inside a material vessel with almost total amnesia, (usually up to 5 years old) running around like headless chooks, with our fight or flight reactors and social religious or non religious beliefs systems stranded in a sense to do it all again (oh boy I hope I'm wrong, one life is enough pffft)

Here's the deal or theory, the earth matrix is only one of many countless planets, universes our higher self choose's from to spend a lifetime in on it's road to greater enlightenment or something like that. On a side note: The earth matrix is one of the toughest planets a soul can spend a life time in if not the most punishing... Or rewarding depending how you look at it... In a 1942 wartime expression, it's like being sent to the Russian Front.

According to Micheal newtons work when drawing down on my own conclusions on that elusive greater truth... We all belong to a soul group of anywhere between 5 to 25 other souls.

I would say first up, this 8 foot figure knows you on from the other side past life or different universe, you are both probably quite good friends and are maybe even in the same soul group? Or maybe you don't know each other and this friendly being from another timeline and place is getting it's rocks off through the fact you could see it? If it looked like Brad Pitt, you'd probably would have accepted it a lot better than you did rather than seeing an 8 foot clown waving a hand vigorously at you.

I can understand how this account would unnerve you and you're are probably wondering why I'm going into depth with an explanation? But ask yourself this question: imagine your own excitement, if you had a chance to wave at someone you knew 100 years from now, no matter how scary or indifferent you may look if you had a chance?...apparently, there are many planets to choose from where the apex of creatures are around 8 foot tall or even taller all shape and sizes, different physics etc"the good news is for those who believe in reincarnation, on some of these other planets, you do retain your previous life memory of which makes me think, this individual found an opportunity to track you down in this life to burden you with that excitement?

It may also be the case that this individual is preparing itself for it's next life here on earth and is casing the joint out in pre excitement, you were just unlucky enough to tune into that check out?

Anyway food for thought, I can elaborate some more if you have any questions, it's a lot to take in and accept I can understand that, however I get the impression at some point ahead most likely when you return to our spiritual home you'll know who or what it was.

Regards Daz
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-09)
unforgiven1 - What a freaky experience! It almost sounds like Candid Camera with a difference - no one rushing forward to point out the hidden camera and no giggling bystanders.

For all you know somebody else might have encountered this weird character and simply hotfooted it out of there.

What was it? I have absolutely no idea but I hope one of the readers can come up with something logical (or even not so logical).

Regards, Melda

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