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Nursing Home Encounters


I started working in an assisted living facility in June of 2004. I worked the 2nd shift, 2-10pm. There were two units in the 40 bed facility. Unit one was for patients who needed assistance with their everyday needs. Unit two was the unit that I worked all the time, the Alzheimer's/Dementia unit.

Most nights, I would be assigned to the until alone. At the time, there were only ten rooms filled out of the twenty rooms total. A year had passed and more patients moved into the facility. Staffing grew, and on most days, there were two staff members assigned to both units. During a three month period, we were short staffed, and I was working the unit alone. This never bothered me.

The building at the time was only a few years old, but many deaths had occurred since the opening of the facility. Working alone, you would always catch a glimpse of something moving out of the corner of your eye. Lights would be on in rooms that were unoccupied. The call light system, which sounded an alarm in the nurses station when a patient needed help, would go off in rooms that were unoccupied. These were normal occurrences, that didn't bother me.

On one particular night, I was assigned to the unit alone. This was nothing new to me, and I just accepted it, and went about my duties. In one room in general, the lights came on several times over the night. I would always go in, and shut them off. After multiple times of this, I just ignored them.

After a couple of hours past without me shutting the lights off, the call lights went off in the room. I went in, and shut them all off. After that, they all went off again, this time, I was getting a little bit scared. I walked over to the other unit, and told them about what was happening. Two other staff members and myself walked down to the room, and shut everything off. My co-worker announced to whomever was doing this, to stop immediately. My co-workers went about their duties on the other unit.

An hour before my shift was up, I was standing in the nurses station drawing up insulin for a 9pm dose for a patient. The call light went off, and assuming it was someone who needed help, I finished drawing up the insulin, and turned around to see which room had pulled the cord. To my surprise, it was room number 126, the same room that had been pulling it all night long. I called over to the other unit, and the same two staff members came over, and together, we walked down to the room to turn the lights off for what we hoped to be the last time that night.

When we entered the room, it felt at least 20 degrees colder. We walked into the living area, shut the call light off, followed by the bedroom, and the bathroom. When we turned around, we noticed that all of the cupboard doors in the kitchen were being swung open. This caused my co-workers to scream, and we all ran from the room. The administrator of the building was called, and she in return, called the owner of the building, and he said that it was all a part of our imagination.

A couple nights had passed, and still, lights went on and off spontaneously in the room. One night in particular, a patient was walking up and down the hallway, acting very agitated. I noticed her walking to the end of the hallway, and peering into the window of the room that had all of the oddities happening. When asked why she was staring into the room, she turned to me, and in a cold voice, stated she wanted to join in on the party. This woman had Alzheimer's Disease, so she could not have known what was happening whatsoever.

That same night, during shift change, we had a total of six staff members doing rounds, checking on every patient to make sure they were okay. While in the hallway of 126, we started feeling a strange vibration coming from the floor. The building was fairly new, and the flooring underneath the carpeting, was cement. We found it odd to feel such a vibration. As we continued to get closer to room 126, we noticed the vibration was turning more into a shaking type of feeling. The pictures on the walls were rattling, and the signs next to the door containing patient's names, were also rattling. It felt as if there was a minor earthquake, which is impossible in Michigan. As soon as the door to 129 was opened, which is the room number of the woman who stated she wanted to join in on the party, the rambling stopped.

This event was enough to make the six of us want to quit. Our administrator took it upon herself to call a local church who came in and blessed the room. A bible was placed in the room, and even though this all took place, strange occurrences have also been happening. Televisions will turn on, radios will turn on, and the bible will now even close on its own.

There is no explanation to why these things are happening, but we do know that the spirits in the building are very much alive.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Justin Battle, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Nikita (3 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-18)
Wow, that was a very interesting story. My grandfather has Alzheimer's and he is constantly talking to people and seeing things, he can always explain these people in great detail... I wonder if they aren't more "in-tune" with the spiritual world then we are... It's amazing though, that the spirits would react to the one patient like that. I had to smile though, as it may have scared you, it's also good to know that spirits know how to party 😁
DixieChick101 (4 stories) (53 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-14)
I have always felt like Nursing Homes as well hospitals would have a lot of entities in them. Because so much misery and suffering goes in them. I have worked with a lot of Mentally Handicapped people. I have always wondered if some of these people were not, I don't really want to possessed but maybe oppressed by evil - spirits? I don't mean everyone who is mentally handicapped is oppressed by an evil entity but some. I have to wonder about. I say this because of the experiences I have had.

There is a scripture in the Good Book that says 'I have given you sound mind and body...'

I realize some folks don't believe as I do but its something to think about.
JustinBattle (1 posts)
16 years ago (2008-03-23)
Hey everyone! Thanks for the comments... I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to check back with everyone.


2 weeks ago, I was walking down the same hallway with the room 126. I was alone in the hallway, checking the trash in the rooms before I went home, I turned around and "bumped" into someone, yet, nobody was there. I just smiled and said "Excuse Me..."
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-28)
Iiiggzacly! (Hooked on phonics has NOTHING on me!) A peyote all the way around and to ALL in attendance, my friend.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-28)
Whitebuffalo, I think we're pulling a no-no by doing this but this will be the last time - in reply to your comment - HaHaHaa! My brain is also bent, I'm hoping to have it straightened soon. Until then, smoke in the mist, right! 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
I truly did not mean to ADD to the confusion, Bellissima, but there are so many aspects of the paranormal that still are very hard for me to grasp. A LOT of aspects. I may have the gist of it, (as in I am more understanding of the descriptions and the different types) but then, I AM only human. My brain can only hold so much information without going all static-y.
I guess we COULD fall back on the old adage and say they ARE unexplained occurrences, but I have this thirst for knowledge that does not seem to be getting quenched. Too many aspect elude me, and I have this problem with letting things I do not know about go on with out me at least TRYING to figure it out.
I think it is my JOB (profession) that has me wondering about those in my care being stuck in the same frame of mind as what they were in life should they come back as either a ghost or a spirit. That would be so sad. I would LIKE to think that our brains become repaired also. (I would like MY brain to be repaired before I go, like maybe today would be nice for that one!)
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
Howdy whitebuffalo! Thanks for adding to the confusion! Well, I suppose we could always fall on the old... It is the unexplained, after all! It really is something to think about but we'll never know until we get there. Personally I hope to return as a goofy joker and stick around to bug everybody! That's my nature!
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
You know, Bellissima,
you brought up a few of my own questions. I DO believe that ghosts can "carry on as they were in life" with the same emotions and feelings and have often wondered why it would be that a clinically insane person (for example's sake) would sometimes come back as a GHOST with none of those characteristics. And then on the other hand, why would a totally loving elderly uncle come back and appear to act as if there is something backfiring in his mind?
What puzzles me the most is figuring out if it has something to do with what happens to them in the "in between time". What I mean is, in between the time they actually leave this life, and when it is that they present themselves to us in the Afterlife.
Just because they became "brain dead" in their Life form, would they remain so in their ghostly form? Good question.
I, too, would be interested in your thoughts, Shelby, as your comment was the only one to appear to have had that in mind.
Thank you.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-27)
Excuse me Justin. Mustang, hello! I was re-reading the comments. I had wondered if these conditions might carry over in the person beyond life. It's kind of a tricky one, once I got thinking about it, then I read in your comment where you wondered the same thing. I agree that it is a terrible thought but what about some of these spirits that are so mean, destructive and, well, just seem evil. Do you think they could have had some issues like this while living? I've always believed that a spirit will have the nature of the person they once were - I know that's a pretty simple idea but it makes a lot of sense to me - I also realize that isn't always be the case. Sometimes the behaviour of spirits is so irrational. Maybe that's an explanation for some of the more terrifying experiences people have had when the spirit is an unknown entity. Now, on the other side of that, a lot of people have said when they've encountered relatives they appeared as they were when they were young and vibrant or accounts where the person had been physically impaired in life (say in a wheelchair) or died in a tragic accident (fire for example) and then were seen fit and strong. I am wondering what your take on this is, what do you think? I value your opinion and I'm curious as to what your ideas are. I'd love your input! Thanks!
Sandy (3 stories) (48 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
Justin, you know how to keep us reading. I read this story because a good friend of mine works at a nursing home. I just visited her work Saturday the 23. I met a wonderful woman there just by listening to my friend talk to her I could tell how well spirited she was in. Only weighing at 60 lbs. I thought I was going to break down seeing that woman. I could hear hollering from another room, and I asked my friend if she was ok? She said she always does that, She sees the people in her pictures moving and she thinks everyone is after her etc... The one thing that freaked me out in your story was the call lights coming on. That is one thing I remember at the nursing home I went too, because everytime I saw one come on I would say to the nurse " the lights on are they ok?" I just felt bad for them that's all, I was not trying to be annoying to the nurse or anything. Most of the time they are just wanting to do something they have already done like brushing their teeth etc... I have ALOT of respect for those who try to help others when they can't help themselfs. My hats off to you my friend. The girl that works there loves all her patients, and she is very caring. The night she took me over to the nursing home one of her patients had slipped his hip out of place, and she helped the stressed out nurse off the clock, that is just what kind of person she is. Thank you so much for your story, I hope you continue to help even though it may be creepy at times. One more thing as I remember when you went into the room and it was cold I think they just felt frustrated that no one could see them to help. Good luck and God Bless! ❤ Sandy
shandi (9 stories) (86 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
Thank you for sharing your story I always love to read storys about nursing homes as I have had an experience while working in one as well. Do you have any more experiences in that place to share?
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
OMGoodness, Justin Battle,
(by the way, if this is your life name, I would say it to be "telling") The second to last paragraph grabbed my attention as it is similar to an experience I had when I was younger (similar, not the same. Ghost or Earthquake? I think I kind of have mine narrowed down to poltergeist activity though).
I also work with Alzheimer's and Dementia clients and I tell you, it is not an easy occupation, is it? Some of my day involves assisted living and others I am out in the community. The woman who wanted to join the party actually gave me chills, as I was wondering, what would have happened if she had been extended an invitation?
Thank you.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-25)
Wow.That was a very interesting story. It was also very scary. I feel very sorry for those who have died in that nursing home. So many souls might not even know that they have passed away. I thank you for sharring your story with us. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-24)
Michigan huh!. I worked in a nursing home where strange things like this happen here in Michigan too. I will write my story about my experience here shortly. Things do happen in group homes, care homes, nursing homes and hospitals. With so much sickness and death no wonder the spirits of people who have passed still walk the hallways.
rose (9 stories) (92 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Justin Battle =Hi, Hope this can be an answer, but still look into it and find answers. Elderly people's state of mind can be compared as pure as the state of mind of children. They do have the ability to see and sence things. They do not have our busy active state of mind, we are to busy and occupied with our daily performances, but they are more relaxed and more open as young children.
ozonalions (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hello Justin,

Wow! My mom works in a care center and little ghost children haunt the place.
This is the first time I don't know what to say. But older people can sense spirits.


Lauren ❤ ❤
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hello Justin. Thank you for this amazing story, I enjoyed it very much. It reminded me of the stories that my kid sister use to tell when she worked in a nursing home. She was one of the braver ones that worked there and she was the one the rest would run to when something happened-lucky her. She would talk to them as if they were still alive and try to explain things to them, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't but things would usually died down(no pun intended) after awhile. Take Care.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hi Justin. It sounds like a really freaky place. Like Bellissima had questioned in her post, I wonder too if people that have an illness of the brain continue to have that after death? Personally, I don't think that they do. I think that they go back to being healthy now that they are not in the ailing body and they are in spirit form. However, I wonder if it is not a spirit but a ghost of the person with Alzheimer's or Dementia, whether or not they realize they've passed on and no longer are on this plain of existence. If they were a ghost lingering around, would they still act as though they had one of the diseases? Hmmmm... It is something to think about. That would really be sad if when you passed you remained how you were when you were alive. Unless it wasn't a bad situation than I guess it would not matter. Anyways, it sounds like a interesting but creepy situation you and the other staff were in.
Thanks for sharing your experience.


❤ 😊
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
How maddening to have someone be so ignorant (and, indeed, arrogant) to, upon receiving the same story from mulitple sources, claim it was just "your imaginations..." I swear, some people are just poorly wired...

Yeah, a bunch of people complain about the same thing and everyone BUT the owner is crazy. How amazingly self-centered and egotistical.

Good luck dealing with someone so close-minded and full of themselves...
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Wow, what a powerful story!

I am ceratin as a medical profession, you know that there are times people pass on that they are not really 'ready' and do not accept either because they do not want to or they do not know how. I would guess that there had been several people in your area that had this occur.

I realize you stated you worked in the Alzeheiners/Dementia wing. Some individuals there, though may have recognized this as a safe have. None of us really know what goes on deep within the recesses of the brain,,,, could be.

Thank you for sharing!
God Bless!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
Hi Justin. I really enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing it. I don't know if you still work there but I'll write this as if you are. There would be so many spirits wandering a place like that as you've definitely seen. I think you guys did the right thing in trying to handle this situation. I guess the only thing I can add is just keep it up. You say that after the blessing strange things were still happening, did you mean in that particular room, 126, or throughout the whole floor? You've already pretty much done this but when you go into the room, tell the spirit gently that it's time to go, pass on. Loved ones are waiting to help the spirit give comfort. Speak gently, the spirit may be very confused. You said it was the ward for Alzheimer's and Dementia, I don't know if this would carry over with the person when they die or not but they could feel very scared and lost, maybe angry at the situation too. Did you do any checking on the last few patients that have lived in that room? That might help you understand things a little better, you could get a little more specific when asking the spirit to move on. I'm hoping for the sake of the people working there and the poor lost soul who's still in that room that you can help this spirit cross. Now, if you're no longer working there - What eventually happened? Did you keep up with things after you left the floor, ask the people working there what was taking place? Let us know what the current situation is, I'd love to know!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-22)
This was one of the most frightening encounters I've read so far Justin. I guess in such places where people have suffered from poor health, there's quite often something left behind. I find this particular case very sad though since whoever's left behind may be lost and not simply unwilling to cross over and lingers around the only familiar place;one which may still cause them pain.

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