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I Think Lizzie Borden Spoke To Me?


This YouTube 'challenge' came up to contact Lizzie Borden from anywhere in the world using a spirit box. Now I don't own a spirit box but I do have the Voxx spirit app from Amy's Crypt so I set myself up and turned on the app. A whole lot of static and not much else.

Anyway, the instructions were to ask her questions and something that always bothered me was that after her acquittal she rebranded herself as Lizbeth instead of Lizzie and all the people who try to talk with her call her Lizzie. I decided my first question would be "do you prefer Lizzie or Lizbeth".

As soon as I asked the question the app distinctly said "Lizbeth" in an asexual type voice. It was so clear!

Anyway, short story short, I freaked out said thank you and goodbye then shut the app down. I know those apps are suspect at best but it was ridiculously clear...

Anyone have an opinion?

Ok to make up word count I will mention that I have a couple of encounters that I hope to post in the future once I work up the nerve to share personal experiences. I have never been sure I believe in ghosts, for anyone who knows ghoul boys I kind of consider myself a Shaniac but I wished I could wholeheartedly believe. I had an experience during the moments of my mother's passing that gives me pause for thought that I will try to share with you at another time. I just had to tell someone about this even if it never gets published.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Madfelice, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-28)
P.S How many times during a haunted home investigation do you hear a medium say GO INTO THE LIGHT!... And then hear them say in a personal reading, one on one... YOUR FATHER IS WITH YOU?

Make sense?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-28)
Hi Crimson Topaz

I can't remember the exact details of what I researched from memory, but I believe it has something to do with reconnecting to our higher self after death. Not only do we have the ability to remember our past lives, but we can also appear younger or older or as we choose. (The mind doesn't belong to the body, the body belongs to the mind).

For those who are trapped here, I do, surmise look the same as when they died, due to their inability to reconnect with their higher being or have that higher awakening of what is really going on.

Only a theory, I'm not preaching this as such.

Regards Daz
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-28)
AussieDaz, My sister has said something similar about our dad. He apparently looks an age that is known but she senses he's youthful energy if that's what it can be described as.
I'll text my sister and ask her to comment further because I can't explain it as well as she can.
Also Val *my previous comment* I said - That's why this site. *It should read* - That's why I like this site.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-27)
From my own experiences and research, apparently, we do come back from the other side and the biggest clue (as reported by several mediums and as experienced by myself) is when departed loved ones or others, often look younger than they were when they died.

My father looked as young as 21 years old when I saw his apparition, with my mother... Looked as young as 40. Both of them crossed over in their 60's.

Both of these accounts happened well before reading or researching elsewhere.

Regards Daz
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-27)
valkricry, It's good to know. There's so much to know and no matter how much I read online, it's never enough. That's why this site. So much more on YGS to read
Pelatiah (4 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-27)
I feel certain our love ones can visit us.
I have a photo of my beloved grandpa with us at Easter a few years ago.
We have photo evience of my mother at my daughter's wedding. Pretty much affirming that when daughter's veil blew way up just before saying vows, defied the three combs that were holding the veil on her head & blew off her head into the pews... That was Mom saying to me, "She wore the veil you wanted her to wear, now she can take it off..." because she somehow kNEW we'd had a slight dispute over her not wearingone! (Mom spoiled her that way).
Numerous other times I know my late husband either visits or is just with me.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
2 years ago (2023-02-26)
I might be in the minority here, but I don't believe that all contact from the departed means "they can't go to the afterlife". Of course, I don't really know, but I rather think loved ones can visit us whenever/where ever they choose, even after entering into the beyond.
CantunSEEit74 (5 stories) (84 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-26)
Hello Madfelice,
It is amazing they have this stuff online. I believe I had an encounter from not closing out with a protection prayer at the end of a session with my Sweep Radio. Sunday morning, February 12, I was using my scanner and opened with a protection prayer... I was asking questions about a local missing young person. I have a picture posted on a wall of that young person, and I say every day, I will find you. This is the only reason I have been using the radio scanner.

After asking questions about this person's whereabouts, I didn't close out with a protection prayer and just turned it off. That same night, I went to bed to watch TV before falling asleep. I propped myself up with my pillow, had my channel changer in hand and heard a clear and loud exhale/sigh in my right ear, like it was right next to me. This was a first. I told my wife about the loud sigh in my ear when she came in to go to bed. She then asked me, are you remembering to close out properly? I thought about it, and realized I hadn't done so that morning.

The next morning, I opened and closed out with the protection prayer, and haven't used it since, and no other sighs so far. Do you feel you might need to use a protection prayer also when using the internet? Just a thought...
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-25)
The_Lost_Voyage_11, Interesting about our departed coming to us in dreams if they can't go to the afterlife. I have had dreams in recent days, and I don't usually dream of my dad or mum, but have. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I'll do some googling on that now that you have mentioned it.
Softie_thunder_thighs (14 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-25)
That's scary! ðŸ˜Ļ
Who would want to talk to such a bad person?!?
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (253 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-25)
Hello Madfelice, interesting encounter!

I will say that ghosts usually stay behind on earth in a location or area or are even attached to an object that meant something to them in life, that is true. However, they stay by choice (although some don't seem to know it or acknowledge it) This means they're not bound by space and time (ghosts don't age either)

For context, a person may choose to stay home all the time or perhaps other circumstances keep them housebound. However they can still communicate via phone or video messaging like zoom etc, so they can communicate with anyone anywhere in the world at anytime. It's reasonable to assume ghosts can as well, they were once human, they just use different modalities such as mediums.

That being said, the app may have worked, assuming the subject is still on this plane of existence, or perhaps they have passed on from this dimension, in which case they could still use it, but I believe those that have passed into the light as it were, choose to use more direct modes of communication. For instance a person who has returned to the other side and not remained earthbound, usually appear in dreams, or send signs, or show up 'in person' as a younger version of themselves. They are pretty clear on who they once were and who they're visiting. Ghosts typically move objects or appear just as they were when they were alive, sometimes even with wounds (depending on how they died) They are confused as well much of the time, not aware of how much time has passed or why there are 'strangers' in their home.

Perhaps the app worked, perhaps not. It could have easily been another spirit that knew the appropriate answer or even created one just to make contact, it's hard to say but entirely possible! I too look forward to hearing your other encounters when you feel ready to share them.
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-25)
[at] crimsontopaz ðŸ˜Ū‍ðŸ’Ļ
I would try to make it easier for you to understand... But that will go against the community guidelines.
Have the day you deserve 😉
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-25)
PoliexterLy, Miandra/SWS is my sister. I was speaking about all the comments that weren't answered. I commented, it wasn't answered and I commented again but the comments didn't appear in the order I sent them. Sorry to hijack your thread Madfelice. (PoliexterLy you need to find something else to do with time)
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-25)
[at] crimsontopaz
It's not the order of the comments I'm talking about, it's the contents. It just made it sound like you and sws are the same person ðŸĪŠ
Sorry everyone, I know it has nothing to do with the story... Just an observation I've made
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-25)
I have no idea why the comments printed in that order. First 2 were typed from my PC and last one from my phone.

This comment from PoliexterLy is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-24)
Hi Madfelice.

"are tethered to earthbound places trivialises the people who work as psychics or whatever who contact the relatives of the dead"

You have a point. I supposed it's more specific to say that spirits tend to remain attached to places, people and/or things that were important to them during their life and at the moment of their passing.

In the case of a person asking for the help of a psychic, wouldn't the spirit, - if not attached, at least -, have a connection to said person? In other words, giving the spirit a reason to go to whatever location their loved one is calling for them. But I have no idea if spirits give random "interviews" whenever and wherever someone summons them. (Sorry, I can't find a better way to say it in my broken English)

My biggest doubts about these apps and challenges would be, how to be sure that one is contacting the intended spirit and not something else pretending to be them?
Are these reported contacts real or just the mind of the 'player' fulfilling their expectations?

Cases like Bloody Mary, Charlie and the pencil and Slender Man have been proven a way of collective paranoia, nevertheless there's always someone who believes they are real.

I'm glad you didn't take this app like a game.

Thanks for your feedback.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-24)
I'd be interested to know what the experience is that you had too when your mother passed.
My previous comments weren't meant to come across as rude or arrogant so please don't take it that way. It's just that Mia/SWS and I lost our mother and we are interested.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-24)
I believe that the app could be dangerous and caution needs to be taken. I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future.
Thanks for sharing.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-24)

You've asked for opinions and have some great comments from pelatiah, Rajine, Lady glow and myself however you have only replied to lady glow. Is there any point in members commenting further?
Madfelice (1 stories) (1 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-24)
Thank you everyone for your comments.

Lady glow, nice to talk to you, I have seen you around a lot in my lurking. I think saying spirits, if they are real, are tethered to earthbound places trivialises the people who work as psychics or whatever who contact the relatives of the dead. I've never tried this with anyone so I don't know if it's all hokey or what, but if spirits are bound to a certain place how can they speak to them? I think if it is possible to speak with the dead it has to be possible to speak to anyone anywhere.

I am very wary of the app and before I used it I set boundaries etc if that even work or if the app even works or if there is even anything there to contact even. I also made sure to be thorough in my closing and saying goodbye to try to expel anything that may or may not be there, but who knows, right?

I will try to post about my mum in the future. Even though it was almost 17 years ago it still feels very raw, and would probably require padding to get up to the word limit...
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
2 years ago (2023-02-24)
Hello Madfelice,
I've never used those apps, but, as Rajine says, you don't know what will come through or worse still l, if it can go back again.

You say in your post, 'I had an experience during the moments of my mother's passing.' I'm curious about the experience you had. My condolences go out to you and your family. May she RIP.

Best wishes,
Pelatiah (4 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-23)
Hi & welcome!
Hope you will post about your mother's passing. I'm interested to compare it to my own experience.

I think you were right to be concerned about the ap. Caution is the better choice with this stuff,imo.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-23)
Hi Madfelice

I'm not quite sure whether those types of apps work or maybe they are just novelties to pass time ðŸĪ” but either way, I personally wouldn't try to contact anyone from the spiritual realm because no one knows what can come through.

I am looking forward to reading about your other experiences.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-23)
Hi Madfelice and welcome to YGS.

In my opinion, earthbound spirits tend to remain attached to places that were important during their life and/or at the moment of their passing, hence, I find it odd that anyone could "contact Lizzie Borden from anywhere in the world".
By this I don't mean to deny what you experienced, but wonder if these apps and gadgets are able to summon other spirits that might not be honest with their answers.

This is the first time I know about this challenge but, as any other challenge posted on social media, I would recommend to take it with a pinch of salt and with the due precautions.

Thanks for sharing.

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