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Real Ghost Stories

A Haunted Afternoon


This happened about three years ago at my parent's rented home; an older one story with a basement that sits on the edge of a small town.

There's not much to the main floor- two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, the kitchen, and a utility room in the back.

The basement consists of an entertainment room (tv, recliners, and shelves of books), an extra bedroom, another bathroom, and a place for the washer and dryer.

I've been in that house alone many days and nights and even though there were times when I felt watched or like someone or something was hiding just around the corner, most of the time things were absolutely normal.

One afternoon I was there waiting for a package that I needed to sign for. It was just me and the old family dog that was almost completely blind and close to deaf.

I decided to nap on the couch near the front door so I wouldn't miss the UPS guy knocking.

Just before falling asleep, I heard a loud BAM...BABAM...BABAM coming from the basement. It sounded like someone had put a brick in the dryer and turned it on.

I quickly sat up and noticed that the dog was hearing it as well. He got off the floor, went through the kitchen and stood looking down the stairs.

By the time I got there the noise had stopped so I looked down into the darkness below.

Suddenly I heard a voice from down there. It sounded like a person trying to impersonate a robot.

"Hello" was all it said.

Mom and dad don't have many weapons in the house so I grabbed a broomstick, clicked the light on and descended the stairs.

The dryer was empty and off. I checked the entire basement but nothing was amiss.

As I went back up the stairs I suddenly heard classical music playing from somewhere in the living room.

When I got to the main floor it stopped.

The only thing that would play music in the entire house would be the TV, but it had been off the whole time.

I spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch holding the dog. Eventually the UPS guy came and things went back to normal.

While I've never heard the dryer sound again, I have heard the music a few times, always when I'm downstairs.

No one else has had these experiences.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Troja68, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
1 year ago (2023-08-17)
Hello Troja, Please send in another one of your stories. I thoroughly enjoy reading them. Honest!
I hope you got the chance to read my story about the house on Erie Road. I would welcome any comments you might have.
Have a great one! 😜 😁
MiaG (29 posts)
1 year ago (2023-07-27)
Hello Troja68,

Yeah, I'm definitely enjoying catching up with some reading myself. I've been pretty much in the background for months and decided to resurface.

I've found a few interesting stories here on YGS which will keep me busy for a while.

I'll keep an eye out for your new submissions.

Best wishes,
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (257 posts)
1 year ago (2023-07-26)
Hello Troja68/Troyarn, I for one look forward to the sequel to "The Burns Ranch", I find that place really fascinating, so anything further you would be willing to share would add to the mystery!

I wanted to mention too, that your story of the Burns Ranch was partially what inspired me to share my stories of the family home "The House on North Street", which I wrote in 2 parts, a couple years back. Your stories reminded me a lot of this house I grew up near and spent some time in.

Another member had recently commented on and asked me about this house I wrote about. If you feel inclined, I'd like it if you'd check my stories out and let me know what you think. With your past experience in such encounters, I'd enjoy hearing your input on those bizarre occurrences in my old family home!
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
1 year ago (2023-07-26)
MiaG- Hello Miandra. I'm glad your sister thought enough of my stories to mention them to you.
I have a few more I'm working on now and have a lot of my own reading to catch up on.
I hope you enjoy what I have and that you enjoy the rest of your week.
MiaG (29 posts)
1 year ago (2023-07-24)
Hello Troja68,

My sister CrimsonTopaz was telling me about your posts. She suggested I read 1 or 2.

Well here I am, enjoying reading your posts. 😊

I'll start reading another one of your posts on your other profile.

Best wishes,
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-16)
zzsgranny- sorry for the delay with this, but thanks very much for the link!
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-14)
The_Lost_Voyage_- I'm happy that you've enjoyed the stories.
I was away from the site for so long that I decided to start over fresh.
I'm unsure how good this idea was, but I will be checking and commenting on both profiles.
There are a few other things I've experienced in that house that I've decided to post soon.
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-14)
Linjahaha- Thanks for the comments. I'll definitely take a look at your story.
I've lost touch with the family in The Burn's Ranch and although they still live there, I don't know of any new happenings.
I house sat for them many times and may post some of the stranger events later.
Also, the son and I corroborated on our experiences so I may post some of the very weird things that he witnessed.
Linjahaha (24 stories) (161 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-14)
Wow, Troja! The story about the Burn's Home just blows my mind. Truly.
I lived in a very haunted house almost 50 years ago now. I published it here. It's title is 'The House on Erie Street', or did I write Road? Either way it took place in Willoughby, Ohio.
I can truly identify with what you endured. Have you learned anything since then about the history of the place? As old as it was there surely was some history there.
Anyway it was a fantastic story, & I'm planning on reading some of your other posts! Have a great one! 😜 😁
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (257 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-13)
Hello Troja68/Troyarn! Good story and great to have you back! Once you revealed your secret identity I recognized you!

I have to say that I really enjoyed your earlier submissions (and this one), one of my favorites was "The Burns' Ranch". That is still one of my favorites, a true ghost story in every sense of the word. I was always curious if you ever found out any more about this ranch and what went on there that you could share, like a sequel of sorts. I realize there were other people involved and perhaps stuff that may not be able to be shared, but I've always wanted to know more, if possible?

Anyways I didn't want to hijack your thread here, but by the time I found that story and this site, a few years back, it looked like you hadn't been active for some time, so I didn't bother posting there and I wasn't sure if with you being back, if you would check your other profile and stories like you would this one now. I wasn't around the first time you were active on this site and I had always wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed that story and many others like "Keepers of the Lodge" and how well told they were. Now that you're back, I look forward to hearing any more you're willing to share.

Good to have you back!
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-12)
ZzGranny, thanks posting that link to Troja68's other profil/Troyarn.
I managed to find it and read 2 of his posts which were so interesting.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
2 years ago (2023-07-12)
I got ya Troyarn:

Here's the link to your other profile
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-12)
CrimsonTopaz- let me know if you can find username troyarn and what you think of the stories if you decide to read them.
I left this site years ago and for when I came back, I decided to make a new profile (I hope that's acceptable).
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-12)
CrimsonTopaz- I'm still unsuccessful with my boomerang tossing but still keep at it (I'll let you know if I catch one).
Nothing else to report on my parent's home. I haven't even heard the music for some time.
If you're interested in reading stories I've posted on here years ago, they were written under the username troyarn.
These stories are completely true and more intense than this latest one.
Thanks for writing and enjoy the rest of your week!
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-11)
Val, Thanks. My memory is getting worse. I couldn't remember if I clicked publish or not. Lol.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
2 years ago (2023-07-10)
I didn't delete it, CrimsonTopaz. Perhaps you didn't click publish?
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-10)
Troja68, I thought I put a small reply up last night...Val? Was it deleted because it didn't relate to the post? I was tired and may not have clicked publish.
I thought I replied and said yeah boomerangs take a real talent and I gave up after two attempts.
Do you have any updates to this Troja68? I'd be interested to read more.
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-09)
CrimsonTopaz-Thanks for commenting! Not to be stereotypical, but I've got a few boomerangs I've been trying to get to come back to me. It's only happened once, but the sun was in my eyes and it smacked me in the head (I still count that as a win).
Although the last house my parents lived in had a basement creepier than anything I've seen in a horror film, this one is nice.
Like I said, a complete bedroom and an entertainment room with the works.
Sadly the dog passed away last year but even though he was basically blind, before passing he would go to the kitchen and look into the utility room.
The thing is, he wasn't scared or alarmed, but had the look he got whenever someone he really liked came home.
I like to think he saw loved ones on the other side waiting for him.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-08)
I always think of the Wizard of Oz when Kansas is mentioned. (Great movie)
We don't have basements or lofts in Australia and from what I've seen on TV, in America - it's quite common. You won't catch me in either place as I fear both. Not sure why, but maybe the association of bad things lurking or happening in them. I must watch too much crime investigation shows.
Your dog has picked up on the presence too. Apparently animals usually sense things like that. I look forward to reading any updates. Thank you for sharing your experience. I enjoyed reading it.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-07)
Troja68, that is interesting you were waiting for a guitar!
It's probably best to do a cleansing when you can, to be on the safe side, since it scared you.
Look forward to reading your other encounters.
Troja68 (1 stories) (12 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-07)
Thanks very much for reading!

Rajine- I never thought about a passing spirit. And I am more susceptible than my family to the paranormal (none of them have even one story to share).
I have many more (and scarier) stories, but this is the latest.
Lady-glow- well, the ghost made sure I got what I was waiting for. And I didn't even need to sign for it! The driver just banged on the door and hurried back to his van in a huff, leaving my package on the porch.
Tweed- maybe it was a past resident. I've asked around and all anyone knows is that the school principal lived there in the 1960's.
I have a friend well versed in cleansing and will do that when she's available.
Funny you should mention musical tastes since it was a guitar I was waiting for!

Again, thanks for your input!
Rajine (14 stories) (913 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-06)
Hi Troja68

Maybe what you've experienced were passing spirits, I think maybe you are more susceptible to the paranormal then your family, since you say that no one else experienced it.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-05)
Hi Troja68,

This would have scared me witless. Glad you had the dog for company. It's funny how these things can happen and then everything goes back to normal. Never know, maybe your visitor really didn't want you to miss the delivery. That voice though eek, massive nope! 😲

Thanks for sharing.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
2 years ago (2023-07-05)
Welcome to YGS.

Hi Troja68.

The noise episode must have been unnerving!
Perhaps a previous resident of the house was/is curious about you. Although it doesn't seem to be a negative presence, it wouldn't hurt to get the house blessed according to your parents personal beliefs, or cleansed with the intention of sending this presence to the light.

Thanks for sharing.

P.S. At least they have a good musical taste... It would be awful if they liked rap!

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