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Strange Things Go Bump in the Night 2


This is an extension of my story Strange Things Go Bump in the Night

Last night I was lying in bed and I started seeing blurred images in my mind. Three different "spirits" came forth. First it was just a close up of a face. Then I started seeing full images. It was a light-skinned black woman in her late 20's or early 30's. She didn't speak to me much in words. It was mostly just images. I was seeing her death. She was in this container filled with blood-stained water with some sort of clear Plexiglas top. I kept seeing her face up against the Plexiglas. I don't think she drowned though. I believe she was shot in the head before being put into this container. For what purpose, I do not know. Her boyfriend or husband is the one that killed her. She's always sad now and I think it's because the boyfriend/husband wasn't found guilty of her murder.

The second image I started seeing was a little white boy between the age of 4 and 6 wearing blue jeans and cowboy boots. He mumbled a lot. Not really saying full sentences; things like, "My toys" and "Not alone". He was actually already talking while I was seeing images of the black woman. He sounded like he was talking to himself most of the time. I didn't really understand the rest of what he was saying. I asked him if he saw a light. He responded "No light" "I can't find it". I told him to just keep looking. Then he started saying, "God sees" "He chose you" "Soldiers are coming" "I want angel wings". He kept mumbling more things I couldn't really understand. I think he was talking to himself again though.

The last image I began to see was an old woman. She had to be in her late 80's or so. She, like the boy and the black woman, was already "walking around" while I was talking to the boy like she was waiting on me to finish with him. I believe she is the woman that said to me "Trent, we can hear everything you're saying" the other night. I think it was her because she said it right after "dirty" thoughts came into my mind, and it just sounds like something an older woman would do. She didn't really say much. I believe she was looking for her husband. She wants to find him before she can move on. She didn't say much else to me-nothing of importance that I can remember.

I would have really thought this was all my imagination, but it all went away just as quick as it came. After the old woman left, there weren't any other images or voices that came to me. I didn't have any thoughts of them after they left. It was just peaceful thinking before I went to sleep.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rebelboy1987, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-26)
I couldn't say either way. I haven't had sufficient evidence of anything that has occured, to confirm these are real people. I don't know what this is, but it's definitely still continuing. I have another story that will be posted when the site catches back up.
littlechick (10 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-07)
Rebelboy, Have you ever contacted or tried to contact a deceased loved one? That amazes me that you have the sixth sense like that movie. Maybe this is a gift from GOD. Do you think it is? Please write me back.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
I understand what you were saying. I was just concerned they would "open my eyes" a little more than I'm ready for. I just want to squint at it for the moment. Thank you for your continued support. I just submitted my latest story. It should be up within a few days. Sorry for the crued sketch along with it. I just didn't want people to get confused of how this guy was "placed". You'll understand what I'm talking about when you read it. Thanks again!

JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
I'm happy to hear you're going off to college, Trent. I suggested the possible people/societies only in the event you wanted to confer on a more informed level, not to urge you a commitment or into the field. Thought "like-minded" individuals in the flesh could give you more info than just what we type here. Rhodes provides you with good guidance, though, and seems quite experienced in these matters. As long as you're becoming more at ease with your experiences, I shan't worry. God be with you always. J
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
Chris- I think you misunderstood. I haven't had any weird dreams or anything. I was completely awake when all of this happened. Thank you for your comment and interest though!

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
Rhodes- You pretty much said everything I wanted to say. I need more time and experience before I make such accusations that I have any real special abilities. I lied awake for a while last night, and didn't have any visions. I take that as a good thing though.
Everytime I lay down I wonder "What's going to happen tonight". And I know that can influence my thinking, but I know that it didn't last night as I layed there awake for around 45 minutes with nothing. Little images popped in my head, but they were normal.
That made me happy though, because I believe I can decipher between spiritual experiences and plain imagination. I still can't say 100% that I had fully spiritual experiences, but I am pretty confident I didn't just make it all up.
I don't take any offense to what you said, because I know myself I am not sure I have even the slightest gift. That will take a little more time and experience before I can say such things. Thank you all though for your continued support. I don't have anyone else I can turn to around here. I have quit telling my parents what is going on. They got pretty upset last time. Thanks again and God bless

Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
Can anyone meet me at the chat room so I can have a conversation. Please? I would really appericiat it. Would like to make some friends.

Also the story was very cool and believe able
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
James- thank you for your interest, but I'm not sure I am ready for something like that just yet. I'd like to see how this thing goes for a few months on my own before I make such decisions. I will be going off to college in a month, and I will be overloaded with school and work. It could all stop as soon as I move. I don't know. I will continue to keep you all posted, but I'm just not ready to jump into all of that. Thank you none the less!

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
ATTN MODS: whoever edited my story changed something in the last paragraph that shouldn't have been changed.

She, like the boy and the black woman, was already "walking around" while I was talking to the boy like she was waiting on me to finish with him.

It was supposed to say: She, almost like the boy did to the black woman, was already "walking around" while I was talking to the boy, like she was waiting on me to finish with him.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
Hi Trent. I realy enjoyed reading your story. I wish I could help you out but understanding dreams is my weaker side. But I think you got some very good advice from other people hear. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-14)
To JamesRobiscoe: There are a number of paranormal investigation teams he could contact since talking to their psychic members might give him the answers he needs.

-Alabama Paranormal Society
-Alabama Ghost research Society
-The Alabama Paranormal Research Team
And a few others.

Just to clarify something:I wouldn't be too quick to conclude that someone is psychic (no offence intended here Trent). Sometimes having these visions may be a one-time deal let alone that the images one may see, might not correspond to a factual event. He might be sensitive since he can perceive spirits but it's a long way before that sensitivity becomes psychic abilities. More, having these abilities-that's just my opinion-isn't always a blessing. They don't always enhance your life;they may at times interfere with it up to the point where the individual might become completely alienated by the significant others around him. For that, I would suggest that if Trent believes he possesses that insight, he should allow himself the time to think and carefully evaluate the situation before he makes decisions that may alter his whole life.

I hope you both understand that I say what I say because I care and not because I want to be critical.

Tammy ❤
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-13)
Trent - I misunderstood what you had written earlier about the "not every night". My goof. I apologize for the confusion.

Rhodes and Frawin--I believe we agree that Trent is sensible and grounded. His analytical approach and attempts to debunk are not spurious. I think we'd all like to see him understand and manage his experiences, for his own benefit and the benefit of those who seek his help. Remember his first story of the figure on the stairs, when he ran to the kitchen and phoned his father? It wasn't a voice or clearly definable visage then, and it was a different house as well. Remember the luminous shape he caught on video bolting upward through the sky and his running commentary? I believe he has sensitive abilities and has no one to help train those abilities. Do either of you--or anyone out here--know of a paranormal person or group in the Southern Alabama area he might contact for an outside conference?

Trent, I don't know if this is one possible step too much for you, so it's only something that springs to mind you might consider for the future, if you choose. Special gifts should never interfere with life but enhance it.
Any thoughts?
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-13)
I think your answer to my question was more than satisfactory Trent. Thanks for taking the time to do that.

I don't think lying on one side than another would have made a difference. As for your little "habit" to talk to yourself when you were a child, trust me, we all did 😊.

Yes, I agree that trying now to apply a different interpretation to the voices back then will be pointless since to much time has passed to remember the events with accuracy, let alone that, as you said, you might be a little biased now.

I'm looking forward to hearing more of your experiences in the future.

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-13)
Rhodes- I don't believe I have experienced such things before. But as a kid my imagination was so wild, I would talk to myself at night and things like that. I would hear replies sometimes, but I would have thought it to be my imagination. I don't change my opinion about it now just because of these experiences. So to answer your question. No I can't honestly tell you I've experienced anything like this before.

My body felt almost like it did those first few experiences I had a couple weeks ago. Except it was just less intense. I have this tingling feeling all over. My body feels like its almost vibrating from the inside, but in like a pulsing wave from my head to my toes and back up again. That's the best way I can describe it. I try not to move much during the communication for fear that it will all go away. This might not be important, but the last two times it has happened I was laying on my right side. Hopefully I have been of some help to you. Hope to hear back from you soon! Thanks rhodes

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-13)
Frawin- I see you feel the exact same way I do about the imagination thing. I've tried to "control" what happens. I can't change what I see or hear. It all just comes to me. I don't know how else to explain it. I will try harder next time to control these experiences and see the outcome. I have a feeling I won't be able to. I HOPE I won't be able to. If I can then I will probably need to admit myself into therapy. This stuff is too crazy. The little boy is the one thing that got me the most. The fact that he just said whatever was on his mind was so childlike, and I wouldn't have thought of that if I was just imagining it. I know that doesn't make sense, but it does to me. I just don't think like that. ESPECIALLY when my mind is "rambling" like it would be in that case. Thank you for your comment and your help.

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-13)
James- I didn't expect them to happen everyday. If they did, then I would definitely believe it was all my imagination. The fact that it happens randomly is more proof to me that this thing could actually be real. If I could actually just stop "thinking" about it during the experience, then I wouldn't believe it was anything but my imagination, but once it has started, it doesn't seem to stop until they want it to. I hope to be able to gain more experience and knowledge of these happenings. Maybe one day I will run across these peoples stories in real life and actually have proof. Mostly for myself. I would definitely share it with all of you, but it would matter most to me, because I don't care if ya'll choose to believe me or not. I know what I see and hear, and that's all that really matters. I'm very grateful for you James. Your experience and wisdom always brings me strength and hope. I really do hope you continue to follow along. Everything you say is a blessing to me. Thanks once again!

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-13)
Hello Trent. I see you've already had some very good comments covering most of what I wanted to say.

I do have a question though. Before that one special night had you ever had anything similar happen to you or had you ever heard of similar voices before even if you couldn't make out what you were saying?

Can I ask something else that is of even greater importance to me? What or how did your body feel while you were having those visions? Can you describe that in more detail?

FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
Hello Trent. About the only thing I can add that James hasn't covered is about the imagination. The way that I tell if something is my imagination is if I can control what is being said. If I can make them say what I want them to say, then I know that what I am seeing and hearing "in my mind" is a product of my imagination. If on the other hand I HAVE NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER, then I feel that I am having a paranormal experience- be it spirit visitation or receiving psychic insights.
I believe great things lies ahead for you my friend-take care.

JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
You're clearly just a normal healthy guy, and even though I'm older, I'm clearly as healthy, ha-ha!
Not many things actually DO happen every day or every night, do they? You don't eat the same food or see the same friends every day/night, so it's reasonable not to expect your visitors on the other side to visit every day/night. You think clearly and analyze clearly, and the more you do, the more knowledge and operating tools you'll gain, as in any skill. It could be you're being recognized for your steadiness to be a "reception tower" like those of radio/TV, or a satellite, though not in the sky, in a higher plane than most of us most of the time. I'm no stranger myself to psychic phenomena, though I seem to have a different role than you do in this area. I'm not an official or recongized or appointed anyone, but there's no doubt in my mind you are both gifted and grounded, and as long as you feel I have some useful perspectives for you, I'm interested in following along. Peace to you and all.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
ohh...and I don't feel guilty about my sexual thoughts, haha. I have them almost every night before I go to sleep. I mean, I'm a young guy. It's on my mind quite a bit. Something "interrupted" those thoughts with that message. It creeped me out, but was almost kind of funny at the same time.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
Thank you once again James. Your words always give me encouragement. If I am actually talking to spirits then they can read my mind. It is the only way I can communicate with them, "telepathically". This is why I'm not sure it was't all just an incredible imaginary sequence. The only reason I don't believe it is, because it doesn't happen every night. I don't feel any different on the nights it does happen. And the nights it doesn't, I almost wish something would happen. I enjoyed talking to these spirits. I hope I am able to get my other experience up soon. Thank you once again and God bless!

JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
You seem to be developing the connective nerves and the other side seems to know it.
Good to hear from you again, though I wonder if you're so glad to have more encounters. If the boy returns, ask him to imagine a lamp or light bulb turning on. Hopefully, he'll see light and perhaps God or the angels will take it from there.
The first woman sounds like she was knifed in a Baptism tank, and the reproving older woman may or may not have been a figment. I say this because you call (what I surmise are) sexual thoughts "dirty..." and might've felt guilty. Shoot. God made sex. It's normal. Whether they can or even bother to spend their time monitoring our thoughts is a whole lot of speculative discussion's worth.
We're interested in your further encounters and how you and they interact. You know how to protect yourself before, after, and during, so we have reason not to worry at this point.
God does bless you.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
I can't even say myself if I made it all up or not. It just doesn't follow my pattern of thinking, if that makes sense at all. I even had another experience that happened the other night that I will submit when the page opens back up. I wrote about this very same thing. Not knowing if I made it all up, but it seems very unlikely. My imagination isn't like it was when I was a kid, and this is very vivid thoughts and images. I hope to begin to understand it more, and I will keep you all posted. Thanks for your comment and God bless!

Tonith (1136 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-12)
You may be getting glimpses of the next dimension after loss of the physical body. I don't like to think of children trapped betwneen worlds so I think you did the right thing about asking if it can see the Light. Spirits always seem so confused. Can they read our minds? That I don't know. Considering we have mentalists that can read minds (Esp/ telepathy) stands to reason they might be very able to do the same on the other side because they now live in the world of thought versus matter. Could you have conjured up all this? Absolutely. Did you? That I can't say for sure. You may have tapped into something on the other side.

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