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Strange Things Go Bump in the Night 3


I want to say, I haven't been scared or under any stress at the time of these occurrences. It happens right after I turn off the lights and television, so I know it's not me going in and out of sleep or anything like that. I am wide awake being very aware of my surroundings.

These images and such do not follow my normal patterns of imagination. I can't really explain it any better than that. You'd have to know me and my mind to understand that. I promise to you I wouldn't even post these things if I thought it could more than likely just be my imagination. The proof may come in its own time. But for now, all I have to go on is what I see and hear.

I believe this "gift" that I may or may not have may be finally developing. It might all be a very WILD imagination, but there is no way I could just make up some of this stuff. The way the images start out so simple, and then unfolds is very strange to me. It's normally just random things flashing, but this is so different. It's like they know I would be scared if it all came at once.

I started seeing this image of these hands turning some kind of crank. One hand is still while the other is turning in a clockwise rotation. I was just thinking it could be some type of churn or something. I had no clue. Then the image began to widen and became clearer. It was an old type of hand drill. I didn't realize there was any importance to this image at the time.

Strange Things Go Bump in the Night 3

Then the "spirit" started to come forth. I then understood what the drill was being used for. This man was suspended on some type of thin wall like a plywood board. His arms were stretched out like as on a cross. The arms went behind the board at the elbows and were tied off through other holes in the board. These two other men began using this hand drill and puncturing through the board through this man's hands. It was as if they were crucifying him in a very horrifying way. Once they had the holes drilled through the plywood and through his hands, they ran cord/wire through and tied it off.

I began to ask this man, "Why did they do this to you?" He replied "Because I am a homosexual".

Back in those times, and even some places today, being gay wasn't exactly accepted or tolerated by many. These men were probably regarded as heroes by fellow co-workers, those afraid of being "sexually harassed" by this gay man. But that is just speculation. I want to say this happened in the 1950's. I don't know why, it's more of a feeling than just a guess, and that is somewhat confirmed by the hand drill they were using. These men were torturing this man for being gay. Nothing more, nothing less. He told me the two men were co-workers. They were good friends before, and one day he decided to tell them about this secret he'd been keeping from them, thinking they wouldn't feel any different about him. He was very wrong.

I asked him how they killed him. He told me that they just beat him to death while he was suspended on that board, calling him all kinds of derogatory names and cursing him to hell. Hitting him in the face with tools, bare hands, and pretty much anything they could pick up. I didn't see any other images of this experience other than the beginning where his hands where being drilled through.

I think this was more for my protection. He didn't want me to see the worst of it. The rest was told to me by him. I felt bad at this point, and not just because of what happened to him, but because I was almost completely ignoring him thinking about writing this story today. And I wasn't doing much to help him.

I kept apologizing over and over saying that I was sorry this happened to him. He didn't want my apologies though. He wanted these men to pay for what they did. He told me they were still alive today. They are old men now, with families and grandchildren. I told him that they would pay in their own time. If not on this earth, then when they stand before their maker. I don't think that comforted him much. He said he wants to cause them as much misery as they did him, but I told him that would not make things any better. He began to fade after that, and I heard nothing more.

I hope I did SOMETHING to help this person. I felt so bad about ignoring him, being so selfish, and thinking only about how great this is going to be for a story. I'm pretty sure he was upset about that. I even apologized to him about it. He didn't seem to mind, but I realize I will have to work on that. I was lucky he didn't just leave after that.

But now I'm rambling. I'll let this discussion continue in the comments. Thank you for reading and your opinions are welcome.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rebelboy1987, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
I did try to look up all different spellings of the names, but as I mentioned in that comment. The spirit claiming to be Paul O'Ryan said that wasn't his real name, and then told me his name was Billy Shaw. Thanks for the comment though
riotgrrrl_Oxford (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-11)
Hi, I was reading the comments on this story and I notice that you metion a Paul O'ryan. Have you tried alternative spelling? I have an Uncle named Paul Ryan, although the name is derived from Orion, which is pronounced O'Ryan.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-25)
he hasn't contacted me since then. I think I upset him. I'd help him if I could, but I think he wanted them to be punished by other means, rather than by the judicial system. I don't think he believes they will pay for their crimes that way
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
You can still help the man who died because of his sexual orientation.

Find out more about the killing from him. Who did it, and where his body is. There is no statute of limitations for murder.
lilblackpom (13 stories) (218 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-27)
Hi rebelboy. Well, I read this story and will be putting in my favourites. You must have psychic abilities to be able to communicate like this with that poor man. It has to be true in order for you to see this. Um, did you find out any other information? Rhodes has a good suggestion. I will read your other stories. Thanks for sharing this and take care of yourself, Jude 😉
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-29)
HEy you haven't been on for a long time and haven't even talked to me for a while OLD Man 😁 You need to email me some time later or if you are still angry at me then you don't have to. Well TOODLES

Katona1700s ❤
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-20)
James- Thank you once again for an uplifting comment. I always feel blessed having this place to come talk to people like yourself that can actually help me with my problems. I understand what you are saying. I'm just not sure what to do about my situation. I don't know many people around here I could go and get help from. I will look though. Thank you once again and God bless!

JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-19)
Needless to say, I join the others in the shattering horror of this most recent encounter. I've felt all along you had more sensitive and mediumistic abilities, which is why I earlier suggested contacting a reputable person or recognized group in your area. I realize this is a bit much for you still, but you seem to be growing by leaps and bounds, and those who have stories to tell beyond the veil, as it were, seem to know this. Anger is natural in those who suffered appalingly and unjustly, as this fellow did, but you were so right in gainsaying the revenge aspect, leaving that part in God's much more capable Hands. It was suggested you keep a log book, and it is a common practice and valuable for recording both words and your drawings.
I know you get best advice from Rhodes and others, but I cannot help but add my perspective from time to time. In any case, we are all here for you, and contact us anytime you need. God is with you always.
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
wow. THat is quit a story. So you didn't tell me you had psychic abilities. That is a good story, I hope you opened his eyes that what he wanted wasn't right. Hope you have a bit more experiences. ❤ 😳 ❤
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
Trent my man, what's up. Didnt read your story yet but will after this. I promise not to be mean, only joking around alright. Hope you email me, I will email you later so watch out. I am going to read this then Toodles.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
Rhodes- I'm not sure about any mediums in my area. I haven't been able to get much information. I am still kind of learning what to say to them and all that. I've tried looking up information I have gotten, but haven't come up with anything, but the last spirit that gave me information I believed to be evil. I got really hot, and all these bad vibes came over my body. I still looked up the info he gave me, but nothing really came up as stated before.
If I find a medium in my area, I'll be sure to go talk to them. I don't want them to try and charge me for asking for help though. I definately want to try and control when and how these spirits contact me. I don't like them just showin up whenever. Thank you for your suggestions and God bless!

Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
You are crazy for not coming to chat room. Lazy RebelBoy. I hope you are happy. Guesing you are. Lazy. I emailed you so check your emails.bye
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
That was a very scary incident you had rebelboy. The things they did to that man is more then a crime. The spirit is looking for revenge. But as you said There maker will be there final judge. Thanks for sharring. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
Trent hi and thanks for posting again.

If I were you, I'd write down any information I received-any little detail I can remember and then use the Net to check out the info.

I don't know what has caused this outburst of encounters but whatever the reason, I'd advise you to get in contact with someone who deals with these things (a psychic medium in your area) and ask for guidance.

If the information you receive proves to be the real thing, you may need to attempt some communication with the police but I'd rather have the medium do this instead as many of them work close with the Force. Have her/him check the information you receive.

You may need to control this thing a bit before it consumes you. You need to be able to take control over it and over your life and learn to use this ability to help when your help is needed.

Please talk to someone soon. Promise...?
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
Frawin- Thank you for your kind comment. I'm not sure if I want to develop this ability or not. Last night I had a creepy experience. This "spirit" came to me. But it wasn't like the others. Something didn't feel too right. I started feeling hot, and I asked him what his name was. At first he said his name was Paul O'ryan. I asked him if that was his real name to make a noise. Nothing happened. Then he said that wasn't his real name. He said his REAL name is Billy Shaw. I asked him to make a noise if this was true. Then my mini-fridge clicked. I told him that wasn't good enough, that could have just been my fridge doing a normal little noise. Then it sounded like something banged the inside of it, so I was like okkkkk, that was good enough.
I'm not sure he was telling me the truth, but he was tellin me how he was a biker, and he was stabbed in a bar fight. This stuff sounded so made up. I just kind of blew it off. I even tried to look up this guy today, and came up with nothing. A guy in ireland named Billy Shaw was killed by his drinking buddy, but I don't think this was the same person. I didn't feel like he was telling me the truth though. It sounded like he was messing with me. I didn't like this spirit and I asked him to leave promptly, and he did. But he knocked the flag off my wall before he left, haha.
I would definately like to be able to control these experiences if at all possible. I hope I am able to one day IF I truly develop this gift. Thanks again for you comment and God bless

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
carrycat- Thank you for your comment. I like the fact that I could possibly help these people pass. But the images can be pretty terrifying. I will definately keep you all updated. Thanks again and God bless!

FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
Hello Trent.That's a very interesting experience you had. I don't think it's your imagination, nor do I think you're crazy. It sounds to me like you're developing into a medium. This is only my opinion, although I'm not an expert on the subject. What you have to decide is if you are going to develop your abilities. I am not advocating for you to become a medium but it may be the answer you're looking for. WITH THE RIGHT TEACHER, you would not only learn how to sharpen your skills, you would also learn how to control your "sessions".You know, make them call for an "appointment" before they come into your head.
Take care and I'm pulling for you.

marcink125 (2 stories) (27 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
Wow! I feel so bad for that poor soul. I don't blame you for the way you reacted. You may be a medium but that doesn't mean your therapist. I pray to god for that soul find peace and for justice to be served to those two men who killed him, whatever justice that may be.
carrycat (3 stories) (45 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
WOW!...I don't know if I exactly envy you, I mean if you are gifted you have the opportunity to help many lost souls-but that means seeing some really scary images. Well maybe you should help that poor man-try and talk to him-ask him what's his name... I don't know, maybe you should wait to see if he comes to you again-in your story it seemed as if he answered your question-so there was some kind of intellegent interaction not just an apparition.

God can guide you, ask for help.

Keep me updated please.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
As they say, it can be a blessing and a curse. It was pretty horrifying. It's definately never the same though. Like with the little boy. I very much enjoyed talking to him. But seeing what happened to that man was nothing pleasant. Thank you for your comment and God bless!

bette31 (9 stories) (127 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
This story gave me the chills, the fact that the man died the way he did and then for you to "see" these people doing some of these things to him. I used to say that I wished I could see or sense things, but since reading your stories, I am glad that I can't. I hope you continue to learn about the gift that you have.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
One more thing, my title still hasn't been changed. It was supposed to be a 3 instead of a 4. Sorry about the mistake.

And I also made a crude sketch of the man on the board, and the hand drill. It should be up sometime shortly. Thank you all

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Kim- The only repeated visitor I believe is the elder woman. I also think the young boy was the one that turned the plates above the television, and made the noises in the garage. But I am not sure of this. I know he was here when that incident happened, because he knew I was "chosen" for something. I hope they all revisit. I want to help them as much as I can, and learn more about them. Thank you for your comment and God bless

KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
What a horrible and violent crime and what an awful way for people to treat one another. I know that was what was done then, that certainly doesn't make it any better or right.

Do you ever have repeat visits or visions?

God Bless!
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
The only two nonviolent deaths I have encountered so far were the little boy and the elder woman. But yes, the others are very terrifying. I hate even thinking people could do such things.
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
libertybelle- the way he was talking, it seemed as if no one really cared what happened to him, and there was lack of evidence to prove who did it. I want to believe this happened at one of the job sites after hours, but I can't say for sure. The surroundings looked like it was a building under construction, which would explain the tools and the plywood board. None of them ever give me a name. I don't know why. I will try and ask more specifics next time, like names and places. They don't speak to me much. It's normally a few words. Mostly just images. I have names pop in my head, but I don't know if this is just my own imagination thinking up names. This is all still very confusing to me. I am trying to keep it simple as possible. I hope these spirits all revisit, and I believe they will in their own time.

Thank you for your comment and God bless
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Good heavens, it sounds as if you're picking up on all sorts of violent crimes!
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Oh, how gruesome! At first I was thinking that this might have happened in the Middle Ages or something, but the 1950's--that's living memory for some of us!

I wish I could give you some advice. It's too bad you don't know his name or where he lived--that would be a start toward determining how his so-called "friends" got away with something so heinous, and even find out if there was any sort of missing persons report made.

It just seems so horrible that this poor soul apparently had no one in his life who would have noticed he'd gone missing--or did he? It seems that his supervisor might have been a little curious when he just stopped showing up for work, doesn't it? Unless, of course, he was one of the victimizers...
Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
I'm sorry I messed up, I didn't mean to mention the fellow co-workers part before explaining the fact that the two men were co-workes of the gay man. Please excuse the confusion.

And an added note: Last night I had a very short experience. I started seeing this pink umbrella, and then I saw through the eyes of this person, walking down the sidewalk at night in this big city. The streets were slick with rain, and I could see the tall buildings lining the sky. There weren't any distinct buildings that I recognized. These images were "forced" into my head. I actually attempted to control them, trying to think of other things while I was seeing these images, but they continued to be "forced" into my head. Then I saw her. It was a woman with really curly brown hair that went down to her shoulder blades. She was quite an attractive woman. She was pulled into an alleyway where she was raped and killed. I know this sounds very cliche, but I truly attempted to move my thoughts elsewhere, but I still continued to see them. I know now, this is something more than just imagination. I could honestly be crazy, but I'm not making this stuff up. Believe me or not, I am either gifted or completely insane.

Thank you all for reading and God bless

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