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Even Washing Your Hair Can Be Creepy


One morning before school, I wanted to make my hair curly. My hair is naturally straight so I had to wash it in the laundry room sink first. My mom always washes her hair in there, but nothing bad ever happens to her.

I got my hair wet with the water on warm. When my hair was wet, I grabbed the shampoo and put shampoo in my hair. Then, I rinsed it out good. The water was still on warm, also. I put the conditioner in my hair. I heard a noise, but I figured it was my brother in the bathroom. The laundry room is across from the bathroom so I was not really freaked out.

I put my hair under the water again to find out that the water was on hot up to full speed. I was 100% sure it was on warm because I never got burnt before. Then I saw a little white cloudy fog behind and I hurried and dried my hair and got out!

I asked my dad if he, Cole, or mom had came into the laundry room. Cole was taking a shower in our bathroom as he was before I went into the laundry room, my dad was getting ready for work, and mom was still sleeping.

I sure did not run back in there to grab the shampoo or conditioner either! I just let my mom handle that.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghostlover13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Scarletibis (2 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-24)
When the water is on warm, it WILL gradually get hotter.
When you put your head back under, this had occurred.
The white fog was steam from the heat.
The noise was your brother.
You were just a little bit paranoid. 😆
spica (2 stories) (55 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
Bless you and Have a nice day... Interesting story, I say... So, just keep praying and go to church on SUNDAYS... ❤ 😁 😆
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-09)
Haha. Who knows. Maybe she was bored and wanted to play a joke on me... I am not sure.

Yes, I have at least five in my house... Not sure if I have more or not. 😕

Thanks for reading my story! ❤
Vampirekagome1 (16 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-31)
maybe shes mad cause she can't wash her hair but sounds creepy tee hee 😊 but I'm not sure but it sounds like you have lots of ghosts in your home
Tabby_Cat (15 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-31)
Aha! So it's the girl who did it. Girls are really jealous of people! Maybe she didn't want you to get prettied up. Lol 😁
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
There is four people in the chatroom! 😊 More people come in please!

I know it has been happening all my life, too. I know that it gets annoying, but that is how some people have to live their life. It sucks. 😢
bruwx (2 stories) (78 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
oh ghostlover13 I got used to it because its ben hapening for my whole 18 years of existance, but it still buggs me especially when I'm in the shower, becos it happens when I have least on my mind
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
I often feel a presence, too bruwx. I know how you feel being watched all the time, but just ignore it and you will get used to it. 😊
bruwx (2 stories) (78 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-18)
well, I feel presence every now and then, and it buggs me, but not as much as when I feel I'm beeing watched when I'm taking a shower, and it hapens often ey...
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
Haha. Okay thanks.
Lol Mozerella is eating! 😆
Is he eating cheese?
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
that's ok. I will try emailing you later just to keep you updated. And I will tell you what francois and Mozerella are doing since they are our new friends, toodles.
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
The house is still pretty much "haunted..."
I have one waiting to be published and I have to wait until Monday until I can right again.

Thanks for reading. ❤ ❤
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
So how is the haunted house now. Write more for us I am sure everyone will appreciate it. Bye Bf
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
That is what I thought when it first happened. I was wrong. For 1, when we have other running water and stuff, it turns cold not hot. 2, The dials were literally turned. The cold was completely off (it was in the middle) and the hot was completely on (it was in the middle)

I am not sure if they are related or not. I have tried searching deaths on google but I couldn't find anything. I am going to ask my dad where else we could get information. I know that my grandpa died in the house because my dad was there when he was about my age.

If anyone has ANY way of getting information, then please let me know. 😁 ❤ ❤
Francois (220 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
Dear ghostluver13,

Are the little girl and little boy in your house related? Aside from that, have you done research on the history of your house?
I am just curious.

I thank you once again for posting the story. God bless, deus vobiscum and take care.


ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-17)
Hi ghostlover13. I think that Kimosouth is on the right track. Some things can be explained. But if you say that there is no way the water could turn hot then I believe you might have a "visiter".Who knows. Good thing you didn't burn your self. Thanks for sharring your story with us. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
KimSouthO & Rebelboy1987,
The dials were turned. Like it is like someone turned the dials on it. That is what I though at first, too, but our water turns cold, not hot.

Rebelboy1987 (9 stories) (186 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Like kim said, the water temps can be changed when someone else is using water at the same time like washing machines, dish washers, sinks, other showers, etc. The cloud could have just been steam from the hot water. Just suggestions though. I'm not sure exactly what you saw. Only you know that. Thank you for sharing though

KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Is it at all possible as your brother was showering that the water temperature flucuated? Many homes do that, if more than one room in the house is using the water at the same time, only so much can be split and the out put temoperatures of the water can fluctuate.

God Bless!
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Ha. It wasn't so funny at the time! 😜

Okay. I will sure be on tomarrow.
Katona1700s (8 stories) (168 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Funny story, By the way I will try to come on tommaro so I will write again to tell you when to meet me at chat room. Keep the storys comming
ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
I do have four ghost. I have my granny, grandpa, a little girl, and a little boy in my house. I do believe it was the ghost girl, though. I do not think that I have demons in my house, though. I only feel cold spots. Demons have hot spots. I hope I don't have a demon in my house 😨

Thank you for your concern, though. 😁
Francois (220 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
Greetings and salutations,

Hello ghostlover13, I believe another entity occupies your house, something more sinister. It might sound like a little girl, but demons have ways of changing their appearance. I believe the demon is called "Legion". A shapeshifter I belive, possibly one of the higher levels of the hierarchy of hell. I advise you just pray and carry with you a Benedictine medal (available at your local Catholic Churh or Christian store).

I you choose not to solve it that way, I advise that you light a stick of sage (herb) (Available at your local occult store). This will cleanse the house of the entity. If not, then I guess you do have a human spirit inhabbiting your house. And if that is true, maybe she does have a bit of a problem when it comes with interpersonal relationships.

I would love to hear more stories of your experiences with the paranormal. I encourage you to post more stories if they do occur, if you don't mind. I bid you good luck with the situation, God bless, deus vobiscum and take care.


ghostlover13 (19 stories) (191 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
I believe it was the little girl. I don't think that she likes me. 😊
kaitlan (1 stories) (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-07-16)
you've told me this story before.
Its really weird.
But I highly doubt it was your grandma or grandpa. I would def. Let my mom get the stuff also. 😆

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