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Evp - Request


The following video is yet another captured EVP for your review. We will once again play the "What is it saying game"... The first thing that I am requesting is to let me know what you think it says. I put this on twice. The first one is unfiltered, straight off of the recorder. The second version that you will hear is using the minimum amount of noise filtering that I can, from the "Audacity" software. I apologize, this is a more "whispery" EVP than what I normally put on YGS. However, I think that it is fairly easy to discern what is being said.

My second request, is once you have figured out what it is says, let's start a discussion pertaining to the message in the EVP. I have a hard time trying to do my part from their request. I would love some feedback as to what others think on this topic.

This one was captured by my 10 year old daughter in a small cemetery on 03-10-2008. I believe the time was around 6 PM. Again, thanks for listening and let me know you interpretation and thoughts!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EVPResearcher, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
moravian - Don't believe everything you hear and read. She is 13 now. We have all done this for many years and NEVER had a problem!
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
14 years ago (2010-09-27)
Please tell me you aren't having your 10 year ghost hunting in a cemetery. Nobody should me ghost hunting in a cemetery - let alone a child.
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-29)
faerielike - That is very close to what I heard! I thought it said: "look out - have them help me"
faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-29)
Beats me but I think I heard "look about, have them help me..."
Hard to say though since it is so whispery.
XxXTasha12XxX (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-18)
I heard "Get out! Get away from me!" I think the get out is wrong, but its what I heard, EVPResearcher could you tell me if "get away from me" is right?
mlc13 (7 stories) (33 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-13)
i think it's saying 'Get away from me' repeatedly, maybe it doesn't like company. Just a suggestion.
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-13)
rhodes68 - Funny you should mention the "Light" thing. If you remember a while back I posted some EVP's from my home. If you recall, "I hate you" and "Becky, hates you". I initially heard a "Help Me". So, I talked to the souls (I think it was Becky) to search for the light, go to the light. A few days after that is when I "Became" hated. I guess my advice was not what she wanted to hear...
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-13)
Also, I would like to ad that I'm no longer certain if 'following the light' is what helps one transcend. I'm not sure everyone CAN see this light. Maybe some of the souls that remain trapped are not meant to go anywhere-they are not the 'chosen' ones. I've been having too many questions lately which have made me doubt much of what I've been taught and believed so far.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-13)
That was my guess exactly-like PJing said, they stay in the only place they can feel some sort of connection to until they understand what's happened to them and what they're supposed to do from there onwards. You know, I have often asked that question myself Bob and the vibes I get from that single thought are just terrifying. What would you or I do if we suddenly found ourselves lost in a strange place, without anyone we know or any direction to follow back home? We'd stay put waiting for someone familiar to come. Maybe that's why some people are followed back home by an unexpected guest. I also think that the main reason the souls do not leave that place immediately and start wandering about IS the very fact that they can see where their bodies lie and are unwilling to let go in fear of getting trapped in this intermediate universe. I also think that either because they finally come to realise their mortality or because they're finally left without a choice, they are forced to leave their physical body there and get attached to whoever can provide them with some sort of connection, belonging. Just imagine the dispair, pain and fear of these people!
MDK94 (19 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
im hearing either "Help Me" " Or " Away From Me!" great work on the EVP, hoe to see more!
JPing (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
EVP, perhaps they stay in cemeteries because that is where their body is. It would make sense for them to wish to remain close to the one connection they had to the world.

Many people who have an 'outer-body experience' describe a wish to return to their body. Perhaps it is the same with these ghosts who remain near their bodies. They wish to return.
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
rhodes68 - You are correct. I get a lot of "Help Me's" in cemeteries. Why is that? Why are they in cemeteries in the first place? I keep seeking those answers but haven't found an answer (yet). What are your (and anyones) thoughts on that. Why stay in a cemetery? Why not haunt tthe White House instead? I understand why they ask me for help. I am a living person that show interest in communicating with them. What can I do to help? Any thoughts?
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
Bellissima - I have never heard of the Infinity or whatever. So I can't say. As far as paranormal state. I am undecided. They did bring in Chip Coffey. He is freakishly accurate. The rest, I don't know. There is another type of auditory equipment that has a lot of names. It is called: Franks Box / Mini Box / Ghost Box / and Spiricom to name a few. It basically scans and plays radio frequencies while you talk to the ghosts. You can hear them answer you. It is kind of freaky but also subjective in my book. If you want to see more, youtube MadHobbit (Jamie) from England. He uses the Ghost Box and video tapes it. He gets some crazy conversations. Anyhow, that is all I know.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-12)
EVPResearcher thanks again for another great submission. I heard the "help me" part quite clearly and that was rather disturbing! I assume the 'other side' is not always a safe haven...
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
Hi EVPResearcher. On a totally unrelated note, but since you're into the auditory aspects I thought of you right off the bat,I'm just wondering... I just finished watching Paranormal State, which is too dramatic and I'm undecided (read doubtful) on most of it.It's too easy to show an 'authentic' investigation put together out of a bunch of little sound bytes and pieces of film. Interesting sometimes, entertaining usually.Anyway, blah, blah, blah. What I saw tonight was either totally ridiculous or an absolutely incredible breakthrough.I'm leaning toward ridiculous because it seems something of this magnitude would be totally publicized with big announcements all over the place. At the very least, Montel or Oprah or some other gossip sensationalist would have a show about it. Have you heard of some sound device, called 'infinity' or 'infinious' similar to that anyway, that is like a sort of little digital translator. They said it takes EVP's, EMF's and emotional energy readings (or something) and then somehow mixes them and comes up with sounds to represent the mix AND they form words. He was saying 'who's here' and it was answering in a digitized voice 'demon'... 'demon'... 'sorry'... 'priest'.Well, in fairness, it was digitized because it was the machine actually vocalizing. Is this just the most fake thing you've ever heard of? But then I wonder how they can put something that seems so outlandish on a national show like that. He said it's new and used by other investigators with success and you know there has to be other investigators who watch this show. You wouldn't think he'd risk his reputation on something like this if he didn't think it worked, it could make him and his group laughing stocks.I'm just baffled. What do you think?Anybody, thoughts on this?
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
wanderer - I heard Hey look out...hav'em help me.
I use cheap equipment. Cheap equipment doesn't filter out the EVP's like expensive ones do. Email me and I will tell you more.
EVPResearcher [at] gmail.com
wanderer (6 stories) (71 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
I heard "Hey look out (something) help me" I couldn't make out the part where others hear "someone". I'm afraid that without knowing more about where this was recorded/who is talking I don't know how you can help. On a different note, what equipment do you use when you record the evps? I want to try it where I work and know nothing about it, except for what I have read/heard in your stories.
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
HI, I didn't understeated almost anything besides the very last part. I think it said "HELP ME".
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
JamesRobiscoe & Bellissima - You both have good ideas. I listened to this with earphones to get what I heard. The first few times that I listened to it I heard Look Out, heavan help me. But when I amp it up a bunch, you hear hav'em with an M. Sorry, you do lose some quality on youtube. Email me if you like and I will email you whe. Wav file. You can take another listen.

The feeling that I got was the "Ghost" was telling another spirit to ge out of the way and directing someone for us to go help her/him. Just my thoughts. I don't have all of the answers.

Check out another cool site if interested: spectercom.com
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
Hi EVP.Okay, now that you've said that, I don't know what help you could offer. Without knowing any of the circumstances, how could you know what they are talking about or what they mean. James has a really interesting thought, maybe this wasn't the whole intended message. It must take a good deal of energy to get a complete thought across, depending on the message.Well, I can come up with a scenario for a statement like this to be made, could it be saying 'look out, heaven help me'?Something that came to mind - some EVP's are residual, right? Maybe this wasn't a request but a final statement, made at the time of death. Or even a statement left imprinted on the spirit, one made at an extreme emotional time in the life. I guess I'm stretching things but there has to be a whole slew of possibilities and explanations.
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
I hear "Look!...Hey!...Around...---- I tried to hear "Someone's got me" but couldn't. The last four syllables don't cohere for me yet into a recognizable word or words. Could it be a name on a tombstone? Is he trying to direct (your daughter) to that place?
Also: Do you think this is the entire intended message? Could the start and/or finish of it be faded due to lack of the spirit's energy? Is it necessarily English?
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)

With Headphones on it says:

"Look Out!...Hav'em help me".
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
EVPResearcher, hi again.I'm glad you're still sharing your awesome work with us, thanks. I always love hearing your EVP's but, man, are you trying to make me crazy? I heard, I think, at the end 'someone help me' but I have a hard time distinguishing the sounds. (not just your EVP's, just the way my hearing is set up in general!) I think there must be something more or different since you want to discuss how to fulfill the request. Tell me what you think it is, it's the waiting for you to say what you hear that makes me crazy. Maybe after I know what they are saying, I can come up with some ideas for you to help.
Thebeliverofdemons (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
I heard "stop it now... Someones got me" But that's my opinion. I love your evps. Contiue putting more up
gary11872 (1 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
I heard a "someone's got me" at the end there.

By the way, all your evp work is amazing, I'm faving you.
Thebeliverofdemons (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
Omg that's very scary. I bet your scared 2 death. I fell that you should never vist that place again
trau (4 stories) (29 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
Hi there cupcake10132

I heard the same thing...EVPResearcher?

What did you make out?
cupcake10132 (4 stories) (193 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-11)
At the end I heard, "Ouch. Someone got me..." Only thing I could make out... You?

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