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Near To Death


This story happened in Goa, India. We were really happy to find a big house like that when suddenly things started happening. We are a really big family and my mom's family usually visits us. That night, all my cousins and relatives were home and after dinner we all were sitting in the living room talking, laughing and listening to my mom's childhood stories when all of a sudden my mom stopped talking. As she was lying down on the floor nobody first noticed anything. Then my dad realized that my mom had not just stopped talking but she wasn't even moving. My dad asked her what's wrong but she was just laying still and an impression on her face as if she was trying very hard to get something off her. She finally with a lot of effort said "YA ALLAH" (name of lord) when she stood up and sat on the couch. We asked her what happened and she told us that someone was trying to strangle her and she couldn't even breath or form words to say something. All of us were very frightened but we couldn't do anything as it was midnight.

The next morning after all our relatives left my dad went to work as usual. Though me and my mom were afraid we told him it was okay as it was morning and if something paranormal would happen we would call him immediately. In the afternoon I went in my room to sleep for some time when suddenly I had chills. I was going out of my room when something just tried to push me and I fell on my bed. I could see someone holding me down. I shouted when my mom came running and as she opened the door the activity stopped. I told her what had happened and about the person I just saw. She called my dad and we immediately left the house for some days.

After some days we came back thinking nothing would happen now. At night as my sister was doing some work on the computer when it got unplugged. There was no way the plug could just come out like that. My sister had come from Bangalore and she knew nothing about the ghost. She came to know the house was haunted and she was not a person who could get scared. She started shouting at no one saying, "I'm not afraid of you! You can do whatever you want!" She plugged the plug back into the socket and started the computer when again it got unplugged. She got so frustrated she started cursing the ghost. We came running and she told us what was going on. My dad said we could not stand living here anymore and every day it was getting harmful for us. We left the house and as I stepped out of it I felt like I was free, like I could breathe again. The encounter with that unknown person trying to kill me would always haunt me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, arsah786, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-19)
Way to go Sis... You heckled the "beep" out of whatever it was there... 3 cheers

adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-02-22)
Well done (Your sister)! I can understand your thought process especially since you mentioned that this happened in Goa. I lived in Goa for 8 years and I have seen/ experienced my share of unexplained activity.
Although overall, Goa is my favorite destination when I want to take off!
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-14)
Well I would only say you and your family decided the right thing of leaving the house without any delay... And I just wish if only I were as brave as your sister!... 😊
arsah786 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
yeah some couple suicided in the house I came to know...creeps! No wonder it was like tht! 😨
Wyvern_ruthless (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-25)
Oh man, a creepy 1. Do you know the history of the house or have you asked someone about it?
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-23)
this is terrifying... I would never have had so much courage... Kudos to your sister 😐
arsah786 (1 stories) (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-31)
it happened in madgaon. And walaikumaslam. I know that was freaky and creepy. My sister is brave and I'm a little wimp!
-_Syeetaque_- (5 stories) (109 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-25)
By the way you described the story, I can see that you are a moslem... I am too...
Refering to your sister's response to the 'being', it is the right thing to do...
Being brave is one of the ways to scare them...
Their are the most afraid when a person is not afraid of them... Fear ALLAH... That's it... However, the best thing to do is, ask them to leave in the name of ALLAH... However, best wishes...
fernsclint (1 stories) (8 posts)
15 years ago (2009-08-25)
hey that's a creepy story man... By the way... I m from goa... Which place in goa that happened?
narutofan (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-11)
well I must agree you had a hard time there in goa well I guess it is some force or somthing angry with you guys because you rearranged the things there in the house 😨 be careful and try not to shift the things from the usual place
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-08)
That must have been terrifying seeing your mom unable to move, followed by the attack on you. Your sister, well she was certainly brave. I hope things are calmer in your new home.

Thanks for sharing your story.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
16 years ago (2009-08-08)
Good thing you guys left the house and did not wait for anything worse to happen to any of you.
God bless.

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