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Ouija Conjured Ghost Lady In My Apartment 2


After I graduated from college and left the ghost lady back in my apartment I moved in with my grandmother in Mount Vernon, New York. My grandmother lived in an old colonial house that was well over 100 years old. To make matters worse it was also a rooming house where she rented individual rooms.

People had died in that house; I remember when I was a little girl a man named Mr. Anderson died of old age. I also remember when she rented a room to a young couple that had a newborn that died of crib death. I know that more people died in that house but once I went away to college I didn't keep up with the goings on.

Once I graduated I needed a place to stay so I moved into a tiny little room on the first floor right off of my grandmother's basement. We actually used to call it "the little room" because it only had enough room for a bed, a dresser and a bedside table.

One day my girlfriend and I were bored so I had the bright idea to play with the Ouija board. We sat on my bed and the planchette moved and we asked it questions like "Can you show yourself to us?" and the board answered "Yes, tonight, I will be wearing burgundy!" We both laughed and went out to the club that evening but we didn't see anyone wearing burgundy.

After a while I started to play with the Ouija by myself almost every night, it was like I was addicted to it or something. I didn't know any of the rules, I never ended the sessions properly and I used to feel a strange heat in my body and the planchette would always move to the moon, it would go into figure 8 patterns, it would go into all four corners of the board and it would even count down! I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

One night after playing with the Ouija there was a cold spot right next to my bed. I could actually put my hands in it and my face too because it was summer time and the little room was very hot, I used to welcome the cold spot!

Soon afterward strange things started to happen. My bed would shake at night. It would shake so severely that it would wake me up and I thought that there was a mini earthquake! I would jump up and run into my grandmother's room and say, "did you feel that! Did you feel the earthquake?" She would say "No, I didn't feel anything!" I was very naive at the time and just figured that she was old or something.

Sometimes my grandmother would have to come into the little room to go into the basement; it's where her washer and dryer were. She would always make a racket of coming into the room, opening the basement door, going down the stairs etc. She didn't care if I was sleeping or not and one afternoon when I was sleeping late I clearly saw my grandmother come into the room and go into the basement! She was down there for a really long time and she had left the door open, so finally I called her name and got no answer. I walked into the kitchen and my grandmother was sitting there! I said, "Weren't you just in the basement?" She said no! I said "Yes you were, I SAW you go down there!" She said "No baby, I haven't been down there all day!"

After that the basement door would always open by itself, I would hear thumping down there and I would get up and shut the door. My grandmother was never down there. The bed would continue to shake and wake me up, the cold spots would continue to come and sometimes I would feel cats sleeping on my feet (my grandmother had a lot of cats through the years) but there would be no cats in my bedroom!

I eventually moved out of the house and moved into my sister's old apartment up the street but whatever I had conjured up was still following me. In my sisters apartment I would see a dark figure at the end of the hallway, sometimes I didn't even like to go down there but that's where my bedroom was. My boyfriend (same one from college) would come and stay with me and he saw the darkness at the end of the hallway as well. He didn't like to talk about it and tried to ignore it. I think that scared me more than anything, because I stayed in that apartment until I got married to my boyfriend and ended up having a baby boy. Sometimes my son would laugh and talk into the wee hours of the morning like he was playing with someone in the room across the hall.

I eventually started going to church and got baptized (can you believe I was never baptized?) and my son got baptized too. My husband and I eventually bought a house and I made sure that it was a new construction and I had the house blessed before we moved in.

I have 2 sons now and I always tell them to never play with a Ouija board even for FUN and that if anyone pulls one out (they're teenagers now) to just call me and I will come and get them. I'm lucky that worse things didn't happen to me, but I can tell you that Ouija boards are VERY REAL and they work some kind of way to open doorways and you can let things into your life that you shouldn't if you don't know what you are doing.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, isis80, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

hardcoregeneral (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-23)
GreatMilenko/ Playing on the ouija board is great fun. Dont try and put people off experimenting with them with your lies. It is more likely you will contact a friendly spirit than a bad one.
moravian (1 stories) (171 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
It's pretty much a given that people were born and died in houses 100+years old. The doctor came to your house back then... You got better at home or you croaked at home.
GreatMilenko (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
Not only can you let something into the house where you use a ouija board but it can also be an entity that will haunt you personally where ever you go not just the place itself... I highly recommend against their use.
GreatMilenko (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
NEVER! I REPEAT NEVER! USE A OUIJA BOARD TO CONTACT SPIRITS! You are only going to attract aggressive and dangerous entities. Not only will it attract them, they are never guaranteed to leave once you invite them or they overstay their welcome. The only proper and safer way to contact entities is through a properly performed seyonce.
23_Chantelle_23 (84 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-08)
wow I'm new to the site and literally cannot stop reading these amazing stories, just today I started reading about the ouijas and it kind of makes me want to try using one but a lot of people seem adament they're bad news so guess not 😕
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-23)
I meant when I first post a comment about this story. Lol sorry about that! It's early in the morning where I am!
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-23)
well, kiwi time and date is relevant. That's how my comment was about when I first post this story. If she told me she was young when she played with it then I will understand, but I thought this story was a recent expeirience. People now a days have the internet, books and etc. For research, but like Arc-en-Ciel it doesn't really matter people will continue to play that that darn board.
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-23)
Devious angel, I didn't say no such thing. Stop putting words in my mouth. You misunderstood what I was saying on my past comment, but there's people out there that play the board, becuase they want to practice it. Some people wants to experience spirits the easy way and the ouija board could do that.
PlaydoughMaster (8 stories) (38 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-20)
I agree with what she said fully. If you don't know how to use the board you shouldn't. I hear it all the time. Using the board is VERY dangerous and is not just some toy they make it out to be. BUT there are things that you can do that will help minimize, MINIMIZE no get rid of, the chance of talking to a demonic spirit. I'm an expert when it comes to ouija safety an recommend anyone who thinks they need help with the board to email me at ouijacondom [at]
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-20)
number 13 thank you very much -- I have tried to live and learn from my experiences and not repeat the same mistakes again.
number13 (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-20)
Hello again, you may know me because I once commented one of your stories. You are very wise to get baptized and not allowing you're sons to play an Ouija Board. Since you're problems are long since solved, I believe I only commented this story to congratulate you. Good bye and have a nice life.
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-19)
nyarlathotepsama - you may be right, I know that some things are brought on through certain actions etc. But whether what happened to me came through the actions of the board, or were already there and manifested themselves through me, it wasn't a good time in my life.

Now that I am older I do believe in good and evil, God and the devil, spirits and demons. I believe in them and I know that they are not to be toyed with.

I do my best to stay in the light -- that is my best defense -- but I appreciate your comment.
Jennyboom (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-19)
My thoughts exactly nyralathotpsama! If ouija boards were actually a portal for demons to enter our world, why haven't they taken over the world yet? 😉
boomaner (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-19)
This is boomaner's friend Turbo and I wanted to say that a Ouija board is a portal to hell. Deamons can go threw it as they please when you are using it. If you burn it it still won't help. 😨
nyarlathotepsama (1 stories) (43 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-19)
It is possible that the Ouija board had little to do with your events. I posted before that many toy companies make Ouija, you can in fact search amazon for them if you don't believe me. There is a chance that the entity was already there and it took advantage of emotions you were experiencing from using the Ouija board.

I'm not insulting you or your intelligence, just giving my view of the Ouija board in general. Most of the "facts" about them are taken from fiction such as the movies, books and television programs that some people might use as warnings. It has been sold as a children's toy for nearly 100 years now and is still a best seller world-wide, if it were so dangerous there would be a lot more real-life horror stories.

I'm not making light of your events however, just stating that there is a good chance that they aren't Ouija created, only that playing with the Ouija board caused emotions that your entities could have feed on. Negative emotions are well documented to increase violence in already hostile spirits.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
Never Play oqija board cause that where demon come in and after used it most cloesed it. Also when you saw your grandmother that a dopple ganger.
KiwiSpirit (1 stories) (43 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
isis80, Thanks for writing up part 2 so quickly! I was keen to read it. It sounds like ouija does open a portal and it seems to intensify over time and from further use. Why is it that basements are always a ghosts favourite hang out!? As if a basement isn't creepy enough as it is! I've heard it can be a bad omen to see the apparition of someone you know who is still alive, it implies trickery/deception... But this is just something I've read.
Glad to hear that nothing has followed you since (that affects you anyway) and I hope it stays that way for you.

Thanks for sharing

Oh and Bldfalcon... Chill out man, not everyone puts the date or time line into the story unless its relevant.

AmberMoonPriestess (15 stories) (158 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
as long as there are ouija boards there will be people who use/play with them. I personaly have used one many times with no problems. But I was taught how to properly use one right from the begining.

I have had some bad experiences with a board or two.

Personally I think its all about knowledge, the ouija board itself is neither good nor bad, its how its used, just like a kitchen knife, it can be used to cut food for cooking which is good, but it can also be used to kill which is bad, its all in who is using it.
ally711 (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
I will never play one never ever. Its very wierd because now they sell pink oujas for little girls will want to play now. 😨
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
Anytime! Like I've said before, it's a sure sign you're not crazy when you think you are! It's usually the ones who think they are sane that are the crazy ones!
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
exactly! Were are like >>>>>>><<<<<<< because I could have sworn I heard some weird scratching noises in my sons room last night and that's not like me, I am definitely going to take a break and just be easy on this paranormal stuff for a while. Thank you so much because now I don't feel as crazy!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
Well, if you start to get TOO freaked out about it, give yourself a rest from paranormal things and bringing up memories about them until you can get your bearings again. I speak from experience when I say sometimes you can dwell on it too much and let it get to you, and that causes even MORE freaky paranormal stuff to happen. 😉 So take care of yourself!
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
Thank you Devious Angel. I appreciate your post. Since I have been reading these stories, a lot of things are coming back to me from that time. I've been a little jumpy lately. I think that my mind is playing tricks on me!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
isis, consider the source with bldfalcon, lol. This is the guy who said that a girl deserved to die because she played with a Ouija board.

You were a kid and you made your mistakes. Fortunately it didn't follow you and you learned from it. 😊 I wish health and happiness to you and your family.
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
bldfalcon, I just wanted to share my story... No need to get upset. I was young, curious and foolish. Thank you for reading my story and everything that I wrote is TRUE!

[at] arc-en-ciel - thank you for reading my story. I agree, ouijas are not games OR toys and should not be PLAYED with!
Arc-en-Ciel (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
Not sure better knowledge would have changed anything. Today people will still use ouija board no matter what is said on the internet. And we can't really blame them... They know it's dangerous but they still want to play with it. If they want to learn the truth the hard way we can't do anything.
Anyway great story. It definitely convinced me to never make fun of ouija board. Thank you for sharing, I'm sure reasonable people will take your experience seriously and won't mess with a ouija.
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
books still existed too! Internet it's just another from of media. Baptize don't mean nothing, you can still be saved even of your not. This is proof of being curious! Curious people get in trouble with things they have no knowledge about. You didn't put the year or told your own age in that time, so partly it's just a misunderstanding, but from of media was still available back then.
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
there was still churches and cults back then though and your missing the point. First off, you didn't tell the year that this event took place, so how the hell people suppose to know!
isis80 (3 stories) (51 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
First off, this was a long time ago, like 1986 and 1987, the only movie out then was the exorcist and Carrie, people weren't as well informed back then. There was no internet! I was very young and bold. I didn't know then the things that I know now if that's any consolation.
bldfalcon (12 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-18)
So, I'm not baptized! Demons and ghosts will still haunt Christians. I chose not too though, becuase I don't want to give up my sins just yet. But back to the story! One question, why did you play with the quija board in the first place. After all the movies outherem and books about it, people still play with it. It's a portal to a sinister place, but not hell!

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