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The Warning - A Brush With Fate


I was thinking of sharing this story with you folks for a long time... But could not because of my business with exams for the past few days...Anyway, this is my mother's experience. I am not sure how many people would count this as "paranormal" or "supernatural", but I thought that it was definitely an interesting account to tell of.

My mother had lost her dad, my grandfather, when she was still in College. After my grandpa's death, my mom along with Grandma and her 3 other siblings were thrown into deep waters. The financial grills apart, there were streams of enemies around who were looking for an opportunity to grab the property my Grandfather had left in the wake of his untimely death. My grandpa had a brother, whom we will call Vijay. Vijay was one of the main tormentors of Grandma and her children, there were numerous property cases going on in the court with this guy at the time. As per Indian Property laws, if my grandma and her family happened to pass away suddenly, then all property would come into his hands. I mentioned this part because it would later play an important role in this story.

Shift to the night of the incident. It was the night of the Diwali, the Hindu festival of Lights. It's the time when people burn firecrackers to celebrate the Victory of light over Darkness, here in India. It was late into the night, and a few flashes of a flying "rocket" or "tubris" (fire- cracker names) could be seen smashing across the otherwise dark sheet of the night sky.

My grandmother and her 3 children were fast asleep... On the bed which was adjacent to the wall, just below a open window. They were all comfortably tucked away within a mosquito net, as is the habit with most families in India where mosquitoes are a real nuisance. So there they were, the four of them, sleeping peacefully on the bed with a Nylon Net tented over them.

In the room next to theirs, in the drawing room, my mother was sitting all alone, poring over her books, the semesters were approaching and were due months after the Diwali vacation ended. So she sat there, in the dark with a lantern. She did not switch on the lights for the light might disturb the four sleeping in the next room.

While studying, as she said, she suddenly felt very drowsy. It was natural as my mother had a habit of studying late into the nights, and as I have mentioned before, it was sometime of the midnight when this incident took place... She felt sleepy and soon passed out... Suddenly she had a dream where she saw something that greatly disturbed her (as my mom said, she does not usually remember dreams, she did this one because of what happened after)

She saw a square shaped room made of glass, which was on fire. She remembers faintly that she saw some people inside struggling to get out, but in the end, all became silent, just the vision of the burning room persisted. She woke up, disturbed by the dream... After a while she assured herself that it was only a dream and nothing to pay much much attention to. A few minutes had passed when she felt the same drowsiness overcome her. This time, she saw a figure in front of the room apparition... She heard a faint voice in her dream saying..."ja, o ghore ja... Ato alor modhye ondhokare bosa thik noy" (why do you sit here, all alone, my child? Go and sit in the next room full of light")

After a few seconds, she recognized the voice as of being my Grandfather's! She shivers while saying that it was the exact, distinct, slightly scruffy voice of him, and it was telling her to go and sit in the other room (where the others were sleeping!)

My mother was a bit startled and unnerved but she soon shook it off... And guess what? She dreamt the same thing a THIRD time... This time, she recognized her dad in her dreams... She said that he smiled at her and, weird, beckoned to the other room! She could see fireworks playing around him, in her dream... Then after sometime, the apparition slowly melted away... And my mother too jerked out of her sleep!

She had a distinct feeling of uneasiness nudging at her stomach... She felt as though all was not right, as if something bad was about to happen! Not being sure of what to do, she, on an impulse got up and went to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, my Grandma and aunts were sleeping peacefully... There was no sign of any discord anywhere. Relieved she got herself together a bit, my mom turned to leave... Suddenly she heard a swishing sound past her room, as if something like a rocket had just flown in through the window...startled, my mom turned around... And to her amazement saw that a Chucho bazi (a kind of firecracker that leaps and dances around when you set it on fire) just missed the window grills by inches. My mom did not think of it much, because as I have mentioned it was a Diwali night and it was normal for firecrackers to be flying around. She was going to leave, when she saw ANOTHER chuchobazi leap past the window, out of the corner of her eye. She was a bit puzzled... How come so many crackers of the same type were flying in this direction only? She waited for a moment... And to her bewilderment, saw TWO more fireworks fly past the window... One just missed slipping in through the window grills, by inches.

My mom was amazed, and got the feeling that something was not right. She walked to the window, and looked up... In the direction the Chuchobazis seemed to be coming from. In front of her, there stood the big house of Vijay, my mom's uncle and their nemesis of the time. She looked up at the roof of the house and... She saw Vijay standing there, with candles and a packet of these Chochos on the roof floor. My mom squinted up to get a better view of what he was doing... She watched as Vijay picked up another chuchobazi, and set fire to it, and then he threw it off, DIRECTLY in the direction of the window above the bed!

My mom ducked to escape it, and then, it occurred to her what he, Vijay was doing! He was trying to get my grandma and her children KILLED! He was firing the crackers INTENTIONALLY in the direction of the window... Beneath of which was the bed on which they slept! He was trying, as my mom understood, to get a Chuchobazi through the wide grills of the window... Following which it would land DIRECTLY on the mosquito net which was just a few inches away from the grills... As I mentioned before, the bed was adjacent to the wall and the window stood just above the bed... Making the Mosquito net which was tented over the bed, just a few inches away from the window grills.

The net being made of inflammable substance like nylon, would catch fire at the smallest spark... And would set the whole bed on fire thereby. Vijay the vermin was planning to catch unaware everybody and burn them to death in their sleep! He knew that all members of my mom's family were fast asleep in that hour of the night... Of course he was totally ignorant of the fact that my mom was awake even then.

A petrified mom immediately struck up an alarm... Shouting for her mother and siblings to get out of the bed, NOW! Startled, they all woke up, and, following my mother, crowded near the window to look at what the trouble was about. As they looked up at the roof of the House, they saw Vijay, being startled at the sudden alarm, drop the packets and scurry and disappear down the stairs.

Afterwards, when all was calmed down a bit, my mother broke to everyone details of what had happened. From what could be gathered, Vijay was trying to off our family and make it look like an accident, and he had done this to get his hands on our grandfathers property. Had my mother not arrived at the scene on time, he could definitely have been successful and the four would have died a ghastly death... And no clue about the conspiracy would be available to anyone after.

While narrating the account to them, my mom remembered the dream - the one with the visions of a room on fire- and shivered. Could it- and the voice of her father urging her to visit the other room, have been a divine warning about the forthcoming calamity? Or was it just the sixth sense within her that had come to sense the evil, and made itself known to my mother in that late near-fateful hour of the night? Or maybe it was indeed my grandfather who had called on to protect his family that night?

That is and will remain a mystery- but I, after hearing this story from my mother, am immensely forever grateful to the Divine, the Supernatural or premonition- whatever it was- for protecting my mom and her family from a horrific fate.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, narcissa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-21)
Dear Ari,
My goodness! You went back a year just to reply to lil ol' me? I am highly flattered. Lol, I had to go back and read our comments again to get the gist of it all.

I stick by my guns - I am very proud of the way you have progressed and grown. Your thanks are not necessary, but appreciated.

My best wishes for you. ❤
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-16)
Dear Fergie,
I apologise for the late reply. I had to search for this story as I couldn't remember the title 😳
And as I read through the comments, your generous shower of 'undue' praises has turned me crimson, just as when I first read them 😳

Thank you for not treating me like a kid when I was a greenhorn 😐
It is because of many friends like you here, that I have grown in confidence, and have learnt to agree or disagree respectfully.
The basis of this community has taught me a lot about tolerance and acceptance.

Respects and Regards
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-16)
Dear narcissa,
Sorry for the late reply.
You might not have noticed that I live in India 😊
You might have also foregone the fact that I speak the same language as you do😉
Therefore, I beseech your kind self, do not bother yourself to educate me about the weather! 😐
I hope that was not rude...
Thank you for your reply though

narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-10)
Skeptic Ari:
I will answer your confusion. It doesn't get that cold in India until Mid-November, and therefore we sleep with windows open like we do the rest of the year. Please don't call this story fictitious or fake, its grossly rude.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-26)
Dear Ari,
I was so flustered by your words of praise for me. I was so busy blushing, that I forgot to thank you. (Not that I feel that I deserve them, but thank you any way.)

What a bummer, to be surrounded by non-believers! Poor you... You are left out in the cold! (Or not?) Lol. 😕

Don't give up hope, keep digging!

Love ❤
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-26)
Dear Fergie, should I put it!
I have a whole family of non-believers.not sceptics, but non-believers.
Most of them have had no experience.
The ones who have some tales to tell, they took the pains to investigate and research and come up with a rational explanation.
The distant relatives have many stories, but none believable.
I am in a limbo. 😕

My final answer:
Will try,can't say for sure 😐

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-26)
Dear Ari,
It is always a pleasure to encourage young articulate writers such as yourself. 😊
I hope to see another narrative of yours posted in the near future... How about it? Try 'digging' one out from one of you family members again. You write in a delightful way.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-26)
Dear Fergie,
Sorry for the late reply and thank you so much for your kind words. It means so much to me when such veterans of YGS, whom I have learnt to deeply respect, appreciate and encourage.

Love ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Dear sweet Ari, I have watched with interest, as you have grown in confidence, and "blossomed". You are still so polite, even when you put your stamp of disapproval on a 'story'.

It was always a pleasure to reply to you; I don't ever think I simply humoured you. 🤔
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
After a futile wait all this time for a decent reply from the O/P narcissa, I can safely say that this story is fictitious or fake.

I thank Rookdygin and Fergie for humouring me with their replies, at a time when I was relatively new to this site.

I have already given my reasons why I call this story untruthful and thus hope we all rest our cases for the same. 😉
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Dear Fergie,
Thank you for the reply. Isn't it wise that most of the houses in India are entirely made of concrete then! 😊
Although this story was well constructed, it fell short to my scrutiny as I live in the same region in India. And believe me when I say that November mid-night is bitterly cold to sleep under an open window.
This story though seems abandoned by its author... So let's discontinue posting here, although it was on my insistence.

Thanks for your anecdote and I really feel sorry for your great-aunt's family.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Dear Ari,
I can't help you with weather conditions, in your part of the world. BUT, I know the dangers of fire-works!
Many years ago, my great-aunt, was living in a house with a thatched roof. One "Guy Fawkes" night, while the family was out, a sky-rocket landed on the roof; when the family returned, their whole house had been burned to the ground... They lost everything... All their worldly possessions!
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Dear rookdygin,
Thanks for coming at my invitation.
You see the folly in the story, right? I was not at all bothered by the vote down, but it was weird that no one even tried to address my queries!


Thanks to all who set my Karma right 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)

There are also 'unseen' Trolls who like to do nothing more than 'mess' with the Karma votes... It happens most often when someone is making way to much sense and therefore the down vote is an attempt to 'discredit' people. Or they will go way, way back in someones 'comment history and vote them down in an attempt to make them angry that their 'Karma Points' seem to be dropping for 'no reason'. They are petty individuals with nothing better to do.


Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
There is someone to vote me down although there is no one to answer my questions?
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-22)
Dear narcissa,
A very well narrated story. But I was befuddled by one thing.
The festival of light/Diwali, is held long after the Dussehra/Navratri festivals, on either a late October or on a November night. Now we know that winter already sets in with a sting in those months in these parts of the country.
No one in her sane mind would sleep under an open window, that too at night, that too with children that are young enough to have to sleep beside their mother, during Diwali, in fear of catching a cold or Pneumonia even.
Moreover,Diwali is such a festival where firecrackers are bursting everywhere in India. There are no regulations on the flying crackers even, that soar high into the sky or might enter someone's room through an open window if not aligned in a proper way while lighting. So we tend to keep our windows closed as a precaution.
Your Grandmother was sleeping beside her three children, under an open window, that too 'late into the night',a cold Diwali night?

Please help me with my confusion...

Unscaryever012 (9 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-14)
Hello everyone...
Well, God is there for everyone and the one who do or even try to takeover on someone or on something definitely pay for it and your family's KARMA for not doing anything wrong and that evil's (vijay) BAD KARMA to get the property in a wrong way worked afterall and he died...
And its not a coincidence that your nice and brave mother dreamt of something going wrong in another room but its a fact that your grangpa was there for the justice with your family and did right with you people... And more thing as per my thinking the dreadful diseases might have been given to the evil vijay by your granpa...
God bless your family and thanks
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-10)

Qwell I didn't think about it really; I was far too horrified and shaky after hearing this account from my mom, to think about forgiveness and all... At any rate, as you said, a creature like him does not deserve forgiveness on any account.

And as I said earlier, he died a slow death from chronic dehydration and cholera; his wife and children had severed all ties with him so he had no one to look after him in his last days. As all of you say here, it served him right. 😠
no_XIII (34 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-09)
If only An Eye for an Eye is allowed by Religion I would've set Vijay on fire (Sorry if I'm being rude). So Narcissa, can you ever forgive him, he tried to kill your family after all, so I don't really see any reason for you to forgive him (This is only my opinion though, I'm sorry if I've offended you). It would take an enormous amount of mercy to forgive him if you ask me. He's dead rght? Serves him right for trying to kill your family. Karma wins again, after all, everything has a price and he paid for it. I hope you have a great life and a bright future ahead of you.

Nathan aka No_XIII
Brianna_Patrica (22 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-07)
Your grandfather loves your mother very much. He obviously warned your mother about her uncle, because he is pure evil.
-Brianna ❤
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-06)
twinkle: yep we are bengalis... Nice to meet you.

And as I stated, he did die an extremely painful and deserted death.
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-06)
jerryhend: we couldn't get him arrested as there was no proof of that incident... There was nothing that my grandma could provide by way of proof to the police... I hear he had done numerous other things to get my grandma into trouble again and again... But thabkfully nothing of the same kind... My grandma's family changed houses after they sold off that property...

And yes, I hear from mom that Vijay had died a very painful death... He had some issues with his wife and children, disowned them all from his property, and died a lonesome death. You can't escape karma! 😆
narcissa (4 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-06)
hi folks, sorry I was late in replying... But yes, you are right! I shudder to think about what would have happened if my mom hadnt acted (gon into the room) on time...zeeks!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-06-04)
narcissa: Great story!...Your grandfather came to the rescue... And like cosmo said, karma can, at times, be a b*tch!...Your uncle will get payed back eventually! 😆 ❤
jerryhend1 (3 stories) (136 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-04)
Indeed was you uncle arrested? I would think so... But laws are different in each country...
spiritual_twinkie (28 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-04)
Hey narcissa,
Is your mom bangali, is she from kolakata?
I can speak bengali bcauz I am from Bangladesh. I liked your story. Hope that idiot vijay is dead. And surely after death Allah wiil set him on fire. 😠 🤔
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
Wow this is an amazing story. Definitely going right into my favorites. I completely believe that it was your grandfather warning her of the terrible tragedy that was about to occur. Isabella8 is correct, your grandfather is indeed a hero. I hope that Psychopathic Monster (please excuse the outburst) who tried to kill an innocent family for their land paid in full 3 x's over for what he tried to do. Thank you very much for sharing this story with us.
Take care 😊 ❤
chopis (78 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
Well, thanks for the story, now, I would very much like to hear what happened with your uncle? Was he arrested?, I assume your family is ok (thank God), but definitely would like to hear the rest:)


isabella8 (4 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
your grandpa is a real hero... Believe me...
But I am amazed... How can a brother be so abnormally evil... I mean... Normally brothers have a height of respect for their elder brother...
But... Your grandpas brother... He is a real moron... Trying to kill your grandma and her siblings... Thanks to your grand pa...😁
bigC (4 stories) (80 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
cool story. Well the fathers ghost not so much the attempted murder. Vijay has some serious problems trying to off the whole family just for land. And its not like he just threw one or two then thought I shouldn't do this. No he just threw more and more that's cold.

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