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The Faint Sound Of Bells?


I had forgotten to mention one thing that had somewhat made me relax the day I had saw Jamie or a shadow person; bells.

After a prayer to God to make it go away a little later I heard the sound of bells. Maybe it was my imagination but I had heard the ring of bells. I was really confused and scared but after those bells, nothing happened. The tappings had stopped and I'm absolutely positive it wasn't wind chimes outside since we only have wooden chimes and the sound was metal. Could it have been a sign from God or just me going insane? What do you people think? I'd love to see someone else's opinion other then my parents.

I wasn't scared afterwards, I felt watched but not threatened. I never felt threatened that night, just really confused and unsure if I was really sane anymore. I really hope whatever those bells were was a sign of good. God loves us all and, will protect us when asked right? I believe in Christ and am a Christian so God is there for me right because just last night I had another nightmare and awoke to see shadows walking around until I had prayed for them to go away so I could sleep that I had fallen asleep and didn't awake until morning with no nightmares at all. Was that's God and his Angels?

I was wide awake when I heard the bells and I wasn't alone except if my dad being asleep counts.

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DylanHidalgo (1 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-05)
Hello... So recently I was also played with weird unexplained happenings and sounds and ghosts. But I also heard the faint sound of bells, and went outside to investigate, and saw a black shadow figure fly across the sky. The next day, I saw the same or maybe the same shadow figure speed past me in my yard.
KatieChan (3 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-19)
I think it's a good sign that God is watching over you. I think you did the right thing. 😊
jzinck (4 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-18)
i do believe in god too and don't really want to turn this into anything you should worry about but I just got finished reading this book and in it the woman kept hearing bells in the distance which lead to a sign of death? After hearing these bells do you recall losing any one arond you?
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-30)
Hi, zzsGranny thanks for reading and commenting 😁 I too think I might have an Angel protecting me, thank God too. My ghosts have never hurt me but Jamie scares me sometimes or startles me. Hehe still working on that darn fear, it becomes a second nature after a while haha.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
Hi Katherine!...I think you do have a guardian!...Good story... Yea I agree that animals can sense when an entity is not so good, and will raise a ruckus 😆...

Pendragon, the saying is from a movie called "It's a Wonderful Life", starring Jimmy Stewart... It airs EVERY Christmas... 😆 ❤
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
Yea he's just pissed, who isn't. I'm not positive that he's evil except I'm not positive that he's good. He's probly in between and he's definitly trying to get my attention, there was a time I heard when I was alone and had my nose in a book all of a sudden I hear three knocks and after each one it sounds like beads are hitting the wall. I'm sitting there with my lap covered of chihuahuas haha, I have four gangster chihuahuas and their all staring at that wall then I feel cold and know something is kind of touching my arm. My dogs were looking at it and shrugged it off and I'm like... Am I not loved in this family and Kisa's asleep after fifteen minutes or so... Its gotta be ok or wouldn't my dogs be growling?
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
Oh dear me. D: Yeah, maybe leave your phone recording, and dependant on that evidence, get the house blessed?
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
yea honestly that might help, I don't have any type of gizmo stuff to record stuff but I could try my phone it can record stuff. Thanks haha and he wasn't sleeping he taps a lot. And what was kind of scary I started rambling on about that he's dead and if he's evil he can't be hear and I read from the bible Psalm 23. Thats what scared me when He said he was mad. Oh well I'll leave him alone.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
Lol, I think the two taps simply meant more that he was annoyed with the questions. Maybe he was sleeping, and you were bugging him, huh!? Haha, who knows. However, I think if Kisa wasn't scared, you shou;dn't be, either. Animals generally know when an entity is bad, and when one is not. My beagle just kind of sniffs around where Fred is when he's home, and then goes about her business. I know, my beagle's a lame guard dog too. Pfft.

Maybe Jamie wants contact, but not like that? I'd try an evp, not even questions repeatedly ones, just like, "Hello, my name is Katherine, and I know you're there. I'm going to leave this here for you to talk into, and I would appreciate it if you could tell me how you would like me to help you." After you say that, just leave it running, and see what happens. That's about all I can offer you. 😐

Penny ❤
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
Well... Jamie scared the living daylights outta me when he first started making himself known. I have to remember to be positive and not let him scare me. He had simply passed the tv one night at about 1AM heading towards the dark hallway. Call me a coward all you want but my heart had stopped and went into overdrive when I saw him. Thats all he did haha and it pretty much killed me. My dog Kisa watched it pass and when it passed I was lying there on the bed like uhhhhhhh wtf was that? Kisa had yawned and went back to sleep kicking me in the process and I'm like 😠 SOME WATCHDOG YOU ARE! I didn't sleep much that night and I tried doing the tap game like one tap for yes two for no and he didn't respond much except at the end when I said ok am I boring you off or are you mad and he went with number two and I went into panic mode and blubbered apologizes and that I'd leave him alone. And with that ran to my parents room and felt in shock.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
Aww, what a sweet dog. As for the little boy ghost, he just sounds curious - I wouldn't pay him much mind. At least he's not like Fred. 😕 Dang Fred. I hope Jamie's not as scary when you get home.

Penny ❤
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
My story is late and I had done stuff online about invisible bells and angels, stuff like that. Oh well, I haven't seen Jamie in a while and instead have seen and heard a little boy walk down the hall of my Grandmas house. He peeks at me and his form I think is sorta black or maybe a dark gray 😕 and I hear a voice say hi and hear someone whisper stuff... Oh well Kinda worried about the thought of going home. I plan on getting my house blessed. Awwwww my gma's dog is brushing against my leg, bless her heart My little Daisy girl hehe she can always tell when I'm worried. 😊
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-29)
Huh, it could have been a guardian, I'm not sure. White figures are usually good spirits, so it is plausible. And I don't recall where I heard that saying, but I did hear it from somewhere. I'll try to figure it out, and let you know, lol.

Penny ❤
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-27)
hmmmmm I didn't know that... 😐 But why would I hear an angel get their wings at a time like that. Was my Guardian Angel probly assigned to me that day? Cause later that night, my glasses were off and it was dark, I saw a white figure at the doorway. I had told my mom about it later when she came home and she told me I was really pale. No one has died recently except for my Granny who died four years ago but that's pretty much it. 😐
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-27)
Doesn't the saying go that, when you hear a bell chime that is seemingly non-existant, and angel gets their wings? Maybe that's what was going on. 😉

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