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A Haunted House In Phillipsburg New Jersey


This was a little more recent, I was 19 when I met my friends Josh and Grace, and they lived in a large and very old house on main street in Phillipsburg New Jersey. I had just graduated High school, and I was kind of gravitating to older more mature people than me. Josh and Grace are 5 years older than me, so I was hanging out with them a lot after meeting them. It was the winter of 2006 when I started becoming a permanent fixture at their house. I was dating a girl at the time, her name was Rachel, and honestly I don't know what I was doing with her, I am a way kinder person than her. Grace and Josh helped me to realize that, they also helped me to develop a self esteem, something I didn't have when I was in school. Josh and Grace lived with their children, and their two roommates Scott and Pam. I didn't know this then, but Scott was somewhat of a paranormal investigator, or at least he used to be, Scott and Pam were in their late 40's back then.

It wasn't long before I broke up with Rachel, she was furious because she knew it had something to do with my new friends. I had been hanging out for a few weeks now and nobody had told me about the hauntings that went on their yet. Later I found out that they never told anybody about it until something had happened to them, it wasn't something that they advertised to the world. So one Friday Night after work I went over to their place to spend the weekend. It had just snowed a bit, and there was less than half an inch on the ground. I was walking through the Courtyard (which was pretty much their back yard) to get to the back door. The ground in the Courtyard was all pavement and you could access it through a gate from the alley behind the house. There was a building on your right, and a high wall that stretched from the building on the right to the back yard of the building on the left; it then made a 90 degree turn and the wall ended at Josh and Grace's place. I was walking through the courtyard at night, it was dully lit, the light from the street lights barely made it out there, and the back lights weren't on. I noticed through my peripherals some movement off to my right; I turned my head to get a good look at it. I stopped suddenly, stunned at what I saw, it took a moment to register.

Off to my right on top of the shadow from the wall to my left there was a shadow of a dog. I wasn't sure what to do; my mind was filling up with all sorts of memories from the old barn. I shook my head as if clearing my mind, the shadow was still there, and the tail was wagging, if the shadow was real the dog should have been parallel to me on top of the wall. So I looked up at the wall and just as I had suspected nothing. I looked back down to see the shadow just in case the dog had run off in that nanosecond it took me to turn my head. The shadow was still there. Nope, still there, I thought to myself, at least I had enough experience at this point to not be scared so I just stared at the shadow for a few moments, turning my head to the top of the wall every now and again. Then the shadow just sort of sank into the rest of the shadows.

I wasn't shaken I had faced off against a dog shadow before and panicking just got my brother hurt. So I just went into the house, excited to scare all my new friends with what I just saw. I told them the story; they just kind of shrugged it off. I figured they were thinking one of two things; A: Brandon is crazy, or B: Yeah, nothing we haven't seen before. It was B, they told me that the dog shadow was nothing new, and then they told me of all the other ghosts in the house. Now I was the one wondering if they were sane or not, but as time went on I met all of these ghosts, other than the basement ghost, but I didn't need to meet him, I still have a good story on him.

A Few weeks went by, Christmas had passed, and I decided it was time to move out of my parents place. Josh and Grace eagerly invited me to stay with them, and so I did. I moved into a room on the second floor, it was small and kind of creepy but I had some excellent times in that room. One of those times was with a friend of mine, Laura; it wasn't anything sexual, don't get me wrong. We were just chilling in there one night, playing up some video games on the old' Xbox. After Xbox, we just lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling, we began talking and I started telling her about my experience in the court yard, then we heard a dull continuous ringing noise. At First I thought it was my ear, but we had both heard it, so we began searching for the source of the ring. We found a small ball of light, no larger than a golf ball, it was on the far end of the room. We stared at it as its colors changed fluidly, and it began to enlarge, and slowly advance toward our position. We were almost entranced, and my palms were sweating, I could feel the blood drain from my face. The room started to drop in temperature drastically, I felt all the hairs on the back of my neck raise, and my body was now covered in goose bumps. Suddenly the Ghost light stopped only a foot or two from our faces; it was roughly the size of a baseball now. Poof! It was gone, no more ringing, no more cold, and no more goose bumps. We both just collapsed back onto the bed and began staring at the ceiling again. It seemed like an eternity before either of us said anything, but we did eventually decide to go down and tell the others. Scott had seen this orb before, and so had Grace and Pam, their stories were all very similar to mine. That's when I decided to tell them of my experiences at the barn, which of course they were fascinated with.

A few more weeks had gone by and I started dating Rachel again, Scott and Pam decided to move out and Rachel and I were taking their room, which was much bigger than mine. We arranged the furniture the same way that they had, we really liked their set up. But for some reason every night Rachel would fall out of the bed. It was quite annoying she would yelp, or cry or curse at herself. She told me she never fell out of bed before living here, every time we discussed it. So we decided to switch sides, Rachel stopped falling off the bed, but then every night for several days, I started falling off of the bed. I was getting quite annoyed and I called up Scott to find out what he thought. That's when Scott told me about "the Claw", or well retold me about the "The Claw." apparently this had happened to both Scott and Pam for some time, and one night Scott noticed the shadow of a clawed hand making its way across his blanket, and when it reached the center of the bed, Scott was torn from the bed. Naturally I asked him what to do and he said to just move the bed, so I did, and neither Rachel nor I ever fell out of the bed again.

I had been living there for almost 2 months and I had been to the basement but had never encountered the fabled basement ghost. My drum set was in the basement so as you could imagine I was down there a lot disturbing the peace. But still I had never seen the ghost, and was never made known about its presence. The basement was odd, it was half complete and there was a chair in one room just sitting by itself. And in the other room there were 6 very odd symbols arranged around the room. They were all in very old red paint, one on each wall and one on the ceiling and one on the floor. I believe I have pictures of these symbols somewhere, Grace was a pagan, but she had never seen symbols like these before, I so Hope that I have the pictures, maybe someone can tell me what they mean. The rest of the basement was an old corroded basement. Well one of our friends, Brandon (the guy who had introduced me to Josh and Grace) had seen the ghost in the basement several times. It was also widely believed in the house, that the ghost in the basement was also the same ghost as "The Claw." Well Brandon decided he didn't like this ghost in the basement, and he went down there one day with a book he had bought online, on how to perform and exorcism. The rest of us stayed upstairs, we didn't want to be involved, but we were all eager to see the results. He was down there for some time, performing rituals and saying phrases and what not. Brandon Came running up the stairs he looked as if he had seen a ghost, he was panting and trying to talk, but he wasn't making any sense. Just then we all heard a very loud "BANG" downstairs, and all the power in the house went out. Turns out the Main breaker located in the basement had exploded. Brandon heard a voice whisper, "Get out," directly into his ear, that's why he ran upstairs in a panic. Regardless to say, Brandon was not allowed in the basement again, not that he wanted to go down there again anyway.

I hope you all liked this story; I hope to hear back from you. Grace has promised to publish at least one story on here, she is pretty busy right now though, and I do not believe she has a computer right now. I will let you all know when she does publish a story though.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BrandonCR, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-09)
The house was on the 300 block on south main street, don't remember the exact address, b ut the house was brick, and had a green door.
faith162 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-02-27)
i m thinking purchasing a property, a farm house on 18 acres, that is in that town, somehow, although I never did that in the past, I was browsing the web wondering why would that property being sold, it s beautiful, laking life somehow although well maintained apparently, great feelings from the pictures but sometimes weird ones. I can not explain. I never did that in the past, but ended up entering haunted farm houses in Phillisburgh. Why? I don't know. And came across your post. I even just emailed the real estate broker and said litteraly "is the house very isolated? Well I can always get dogs to protect me". The farm house went through renovations in 2006... That s what the post said. Is it the same property? I don't know.
Two things in the pictures caught my attention: one was a fireplace with tiles around it, the tiles have nothing to do with the rest of the house. Second picture was another place with a chair and what should have been a fireplace: it was now closed with stones, but you can see that there was at one point an opening, why I focused on that, I don't know. All the pictures of the house were empty rooms except for that one: one chair, one table.
All pictures of the property are clear, except the ones around the house: there seem to be a fog around the house.
Getting back to your story: and I don't know from where its coming from, I m cartesien, I don't explain this. But: something bad happened, the woman died, the husband was accused, the dog didn't bark, the dog knew who killed her. The husband is still here, waiting for the truth to be brought to light. You ve been kicked out of the place his wife was taking, he can't stand having anyone in that spot. He had great hopes for that place, they were horses there. It was supposed to be a home of joy, it was taken away from him. He can't rest until the truth is made. There is joy and suffering coming out of that place.
timidtim (4 stories) (20 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-13)
Not sure if you will read this Brandon but I grew up in Phillipsburg, NJ in an old Victorian style house. I believe it was off of Morris St. Not 100% sure if it was the correct address, sorry but we moved away back in the late 80's to PA. That house was so haunted it was unreal...Wow,the thing about the "claw" gave me chills because something like that happened to me at night with the shadow people as well...
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
We don't believe he was trapped, we believe he was angry with us for sleeping in that spot, There was an old chair located directly below that spot in the basement.
bandet888 (86 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-26)
I'm glad nothing too bad has happened to you other than the falling out of bed and the explosion in the basement. Strange the basement ghost was the bad ghost but the only one that left you alone in the basement. Though if it's the same ghost as the claw he didn't leave you alone in bead. It's also strange that the claw should only pick one spot to throw people off. It can't be traped in that one spot if he can go to the basement.
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Thanks Aaron I do my best, sadly though I am nearing the end of my personal experiences, and seeing as I just recently had a son I don't believe I will be ghost hunting for a little while, although I would love too.
Robertar: Thanks for the input but in my opinion Detail is always needed, I want to put the reader directly in my shoes. I appreciate the honesty, and to be honest myself, I have a hard time focusing when I read long detailed stories, but I'm always glad when I force myself to read them.
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Oh lol thanks Penny, Yeah believe me The Claw heard his fair share of Curse words, I didn't like him much.
And Cosmogal: The Poltergeist in the house didn't seem to target people it was kind of like a wrong place wrong time, or in my case right place right time kind of thing, everything was random, other than the claw he struck every night, no fail, between 11:00PM and 4:00AM.
Aaron_G_B (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
also must admit you do indeed have a nice writing style the detail makes it a lot easier to get the picture
Aaron_G_B (37 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
wow I would love to explore that house it sounds awesome straight out of a horror movie or something just ripe with activity I would also love to see those symbols if you can possibly find them and kudos to the bass and drum playing I also play bass its groovy times
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Lol, I meant six times on this page itself. It's good that you weren't scared, and were excited. I dunno; there would have been words between me and the ghost. I probably would have, like I said, yelled at him. Though I know that that is a bad idea...

Penny ❤
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
LOL! Thanks Brandon. I understand, when I got divorced I felt the same way towards my ex. He was not a very nice person, and in one of my stories he got a little abused by a ghost who did not like him very much. But I digress, my ex is now deceased and I should not speak ill of the dead. Thanks again and take care 😊
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Penny: Yeah sorry, most of the time when I'm commenting on someone else's story it's because I have something in common with there story, or have read something about what they saw or experienced, so I have a lot of my stories posted all over the website already lol. Don't feel sorry for us I loved the experience, I welcome these kind of things.
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Dan_Paranormal: Yeah man I play drums and bass, and I also sing/scream
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Cosmogal: Rachel had experienced small poltergeists while she was there, like footsteps, and scratchings, and doors opening on their own, but other than that I don't believe she did, I would ask her but I don't like her very much.
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Not going to lie, I'v eread this story about six times now, and I get chills every time. I haven't been sure what to write. Same with the old farm house stories you have.

You write amazingly, and I love reading your stories. I would have started yelling at the entity if he pulled me out of bed more than once. And it would NOT have been nice. There would be lots of profanity, and I may attempt to fist-fight the ghost; trust me - I'm getting annoyed enough with the one in my basement, who isn't letting me get any sleep. The jerk.

I feel bad for you, and those that lived with you, that you had to go through this.

Penny ❤
BrandonCR (5 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Thumpersgirl: I Found a few pictures of the basement, but none of the symbols, I asked Grace if she had any pictures and she said she will look for some. I got back together with Rachel because I had no self esteem at thew time, and I had the silly notion that I would never find another girl who would be with me., We believed the Claw and basement ghost were the same because the room where the claw would do his little trick was directly above the room with the lone chair, in fact the spot where our bed was, was also directly above the chair. I moved out shortly after the breaker exploding, but Josh and Grace lived there until early 2009. They moved down the street to a newer place, the old house was kind of falling to pieces. Oh and Yes I did wait up to see the claw, but I would always fall asleep before he decided to cause mischief.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
BrandonCR, your stories are always great. I love your style.
I'm with Thumpersgirl. I'd love to see the pictures of the odd symbols. After reading The DaVinci Code, I've been fascinated by symbols lol. ❤
Dan_Paranormal (1 stories) (74 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-11)
Wow that was very interesting thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like you guys had a lot of activity in that house, I wonder what happened there before you all moved in. Love to hear more in the future.

Thanks a lot take care. (Also Hi 5 on the drumming, I'm a drummer too.)
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-10)
BrandonCR: Love your storys mate, I believe the details you include in them makes for a great read. This house obviously has a lot of history, I would love to hear your housemates experiences whilst living there. Keep us posted.

Thanks for sharing

robertar (223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-10)
it may just be me but I am easily turned away if there is too much unneeded detail.

Hopefully I'll come back when I've more time I don't need.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-10)
Hi Brandon, Another very intriguing story thank you for sharing it. 😁 That Claw that rips people off the bed is terrifying but yet makes me curious enough to want to see for myself. LOL! Sounds like the basement ghost is there to stay and didn't appreciate the eviction notice. 😲 Has Rachel ever experienced anything other than being thrown out of bed? If you are both still living there, please keep us posted if anything else happens. Take Care 😊
Thumpersgirl (33 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-10)
I hope you can locate your pictures, I bet that'll be an interesting post to see. I'd love to read the comments on them! Did you ever watch for the Claw? That would seriously freak me out, to watch a shadow make its way across my blanket & know I'll end up in the floor when it finishes its journey. If its cool to ask this, why did you get back with Rachel? If you don't want to answer that, just ignore it. Why was it believed that the Claw & the basement ghost were the same entity? Have you been back there since? Thank you for sharing!

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