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Comments for The Shack: Page 1

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elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-26)
This encounter made me feel a whole spectrum of emotions. I think it's amazing you are such a positive and insightful person despite all of your hardships. It takes a truly strong person to still stand up with pride and a smile.

I agree with what you said in the comments, about your own energy being the negative force that you encountered.

As someone who was also homeless as a teenager, I find a lot in this that I can relate to on a deep level. Thank you for sharing this. It could not have been an easy thing to write.
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-26)
Hello Val, all I can say is that I have been through your situation and suffered more mentally than physically. The way you have turned around your life is an inspiring lesson for all children who have been abused by their own parents. As Fergie said, retelling this story must have been painful for you. Thank you for sharing this one.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Wow! Never really saw it that way! Yes, had you stayed, things would be so different. Leave it on val to find something positive in the worst of situations too:)
Hehe and yes I do get what you mean lol!
Take care val:) always keep smiling:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Mandy and Seraphina (love the name!), thank you for your very kind words.

Champion, I am sorry that you know how it is from first hand experience. I have had that same thought. Or wondering if perhaps he suffered some mental illness. But, keep concentrating on the good of this life. Shun the negative and embrace the positive, and I promise you, that even when the darkest days fall, you will still be standing when the smoke settles.
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Val, I'm usually just lurking here quietly, trying to learn from others' experiences--but your story isn't the kind that can go unremarked. Your friends here on YGS have said everything I was thinking, and with great eloquence. I'm sure one of your gifts is to inspire those around you through your courage, strength and optimism. May you always find blessings and protection!
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Excellent writing! I can't help but wonder if maybe this entity left your dad and followed you there? I know about abusive fathers as I had one. I too have been avoiding negativity and it has improved my life greatly the last few years. Thank you for the story.

Strength and Courage,
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
As much as this story yanks my heartstrings, it was so beautifully written I didn't want it to end; and your response is so insightful. What WOULD have happened had you stayed?! Maybe it was meant to be that you didn't. You are amazing, seriously.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
I was terrified. Pretty sure I left a puddle on that dirt floor, if you know what I mean. 😉
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Dearest Fergie and Wish-Not,
Agreed it was one angry spirit I encountered. Why it was so mean, I guess we'll never know. Sometimes, given my age at the time, I wonder if I had triggered some poltergeist activity. A scarier thought (for me at any rate) is the idea that perhaps this was a manifestation of my father's anger towards me. Is that even possible?
Or as Wish-Not suggested maybe it was just territorial. I was after all trespassing.
On the other hand, in my eternal quest to find the 'happy' in any given situation, if that spirit had been a nice one (or let's say even no paranormal activity had happened) how different would my life's path have been? Again, we'll never really know, but I probably would have just attempted to live there for awhile. I probably would not have graduated high school. I may have just festered in my own self-pity and anger until one day, I WAS the bad spirit in the shack. And with all that ugliness, I would have been one mean, mean ghost!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Dear Luna,
You were kind enough to read and deserve an answer. The thing is, I'm not real comfortable with revisiting that time frame of my life. Without details, I'm not sure my answer will be very satisfying, but, no, I never did return home, not to live at any rate. I just sort of floated under the radar for awhile. Amazing just how invisible truth can be, and 'normal' things can appear to people. I even managed to finish high school, graduating early shortly after my 17th birthday, with no one, apparently, being any wiser that I was homeless. But, back in those days, people were slow to become involved in 'family matters'. Heck even teachers weren't required to report suspected abuse like they are now.
Khili180 (3 stories) (78 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Oh my god val... I read the entire narrative and it literally brought me to tears... And then I just sat and wondered for I don't know how long over what to comment. I really am out of words here. I can't believe your father has treated you so badly and yet, in his worst days, you were the one who looked after him. I know he is sorry now and has tried appearing to you many times to tell you the same; but at that point in your life, to forgive, forget and then give back so much love- I can't imagine what a big heart you must have. Respect! Genuinely!
About the bad spirit, that's terrible and very scary! Firstly to trouble you on a day you were so low and then to hit and throw things at you- that's one mean spirit! Or as you say- must have been one mean person in his lifetime! I really would've been terrified, specially when I had to play tug-of-war with the invisible... It's a surprise you had such a bad experience with spirits too. Because like we have discussed before, and you wrote in the story too- you have only spoken about the good ones. And it really did seem like there were just the sweet ones!
Once again I'm really sorry for what you had to go through. You are, truly, one of the nicest persons I've come across:)
Take care! Thanks for sharing your account. It must have been extremely painful to go through it all over again... Thank you:)
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
valkricry- Oh my,...what a moving story. We just never know what kind of mile one has walked. My heart breaks for the way you were treated as a child. As Fergie said for that mean a$$ spirit to treat you when you were down.

One has to wonder if the spirit was trying to protect the only thing it had though. It may have reacted out of fear. Just a thought.

Hope there is a continuation to this. This is going to my favorites.

Thank you for sharing such a personal moment in your life.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
Oh Val! I can almost feel your hurt. You must have had so much bitterness to overcome after this, but I know you did in the end. This narrative makes me admire you more, for the person you have become.
I get the feeling that the retelling of these experiences were not written in hast and perhaps a lot of heartbreak was re-experienced.
That was an extremely mean spirit that you encountered, to kick you when you were down.
You are a brave soul, Val! ❤
Lunahenry (2 stories) (50 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-25)
I felt like I was reading a book but missed out on the last chapter. What happened afterward. Did you go back home? I'm sorry you were so mistreated, not only by your father (and family) but by something unknown. How do you deal with this today? I think you are very brave.

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