When I was little about 5yrs old I remember me and my sister used to have the master bedroom well one night we are talking and there is a man sitting at the edge of our bed telling me to come with him it scared me, No one ever believed us until 25yrs later when my niece was 4yrs old while playing with my son in my mom's house had the same experience.
I can't tell you who he is or what he wants but this man is only visible to little ones no one over the age of 8 has ever seen him. He is very scary he doesn't touch you just tells you to come with him but to where is the question. There are many other things that have happened in my mother's house whilst I lived there until I was about 18yrs old and if at all possible I will never move back in.
As I got older I remember hearing my father call me from the living room and I would get up to see what he wanted yet he wouldn't be there I would find him and ask him what he wanted and he would tell me he did not call me but I knew what I had heard, my father calling me.
When my grandmother passed away a few years ago we started hearing the doorbell ring she used to love the sound of it but the doorbell hasn't worked in 15 some odd years strange did she come back to make it sound again
Thanks for sharing!
God Bless!