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Real Ghost Stories

The Ufo Encounters


I know this is not a ghost story - but it is a very weird story and I think you will like it.

The year was 1976 I was 11 years old at the time. My sister and I were out for summer vacation and we got to stay up late and watch TV with our Mom (My Dad worked nights). My mother and I were night owls (I still am) but my sister could not hang and went on to bed.

The house that we lived in at that time was a modest home and located in a very good neighborhood. Our TV sat below the (small) windows that went across the whole back wall. Anyway, Mom and I were watching T.V. - when we noticed a bunch of lights that were flickering on what we thought was a plane. My mom said what in the world is a plane doing in the neighborhood. This so called plane was landing right behind the house across the street - but there was no noise. My mom turned out the lights and TV and we stood there watching this thing land - when it finally disappeared completely behind our neighbors house - we commented on how weird that was and decided to go on to bed.

The next morning there was a knock on our door and my friend who lived in that house across the street asked if I could come over that she wanted to show me something. I got dressed and went over to her house. Lucy (not her real name) said that something weird had happen and she wanted to show me her backyard. We went back there and it looked like a fire had happen - every tree, plant, doghouse and our clubhouse was flattened and burned. The weird part about it was that it was in a perfect circle - everything outside the circle was not burned - it was all untouched and perfect. I told Lucy what my mom and I had seen the night before. We all came to the conclusion that it was an U.F.O.

Another time: I was 14 and my sister and I shared a room and bed and we were laying there talking - all of the sudden Bonnie (my sister) said "Did you see that?" I got out of bed and looked out the window and there hovering just above the trees was a silver disk shaped thing. Bonnie and I looked at it for a long time discussing if it was a U.F.O. When it took off - It was like a flash - it was there one minute and then it was gone just like that. My sister and I are sure that it was indeed a U.F.O.

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Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-21)
I totally believe this is true. I have some experiences myself.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-10)
OOPS! - meant to put that my last comment was to HALO - sorry Halo 😉
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-10)
I totally understand - there are some things that you are not real sure about telling - because you don't want to come off as loco. But I have had some experiences that would leave a chill in your spine.
You mentioned the time lapse - and that is common when experiencing U.F.O.'s - Let me ask you - other than that time - has there ever been any other time that you have lost and have no ideal where the "time" went to? - The reason I ask is because - I have been driving through the same section of town for years - and more times than one I have gain time in travel - (this is going to be hard to explain - but here I go) - the only way I know to explain this is... When you travel you have to start at point A go through point B - and so on and so on until you reach your point of destination - Right? - Ok so what if you start out at point A - and find yourself at point C and can NOT remember going through the other point (s)
with no time lost - meaning that a trip that would take you 15 minutes became a trip that only took you 5 minutes (really hopes this makes sense - because this has happen to me several times - and its not a good feeling - even though I have gain time - I feel I have lost something too).
Halo123 (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-06)
I can't believe I'm telling this to anyone but her we go. When my brother and I where 8 and 9 we where walking down the old country road we lived on in Virginia when all of a sudden we both looked up and saw this bright light that we both remember later that night seeing. Then as quick as a flash we where both running back home Very fast and didn't know what happened to us. We talked about it a lot growing up but what could 2 kids do about something taking them? But the odd thing is it was 6 when we left walking and it was only five house's away and it was 8 when we got home
akb47 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-10)
Your friend "Lucy" and her family may not, or may have been abducted after the landing.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
I am pretty sure that they will submit it.

I have been reading up more on alien abductions, illuminati and The Annunaki.

There are so many theories out there about this whole UFO drama. They are a very interesting read.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Well guys - I have submitted part2 on the UFO stories - (these stories were told to me by some of my family members that were involved) - I submitted this story one day after "black oak drive ghost 2" - but they have not yet printed the story. I don't know if they'll print it because the events did not happen to me or what. I'm hoping that the story will show up here before too long. 😢
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
There are numerous accounts of alien abductions. That is pretty scary. Well at least the people aren't hurt.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
Just finished watching "The Fourth Kind" - its about alien abduction - how many of you have seen this? - tell me do you think this a true event. Since I have seen craft and seen where the craft landed - I guess you can say I have experience the second kind - and where I get that from is that the doctor on the movie explained that the 1st kind is when you see a UFO - 2nd -is when you see crop circles and or any other evidence - 3rd - is when you make contact and the 4th is when you have been abducted. Please give me your opinion of this. Thanks Guys
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
Witness is a good read, no matter where you are with the subject of UFO abduction. It is a real life mystery that involved some high ranking officials. I hope you are able to get it...enjoy!
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
actually, Signs was filmed in my home town. Gibson and gang could often be seen while filming. As for right now, thank goodness, that film sits in the fiction part... One of M night Shy's best movies, in my opinion.
I went to see Fire in the Sky while it was in the theatres. I was already familiar with the story... And I'll tell you what... If it was all made up, it took almost an entire town to do it, and they did a bang up job, since it is still a mystery 30+ Yrs later. I could go on all day with this subject, very interesting.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
I will check out "Witness" can not wait to read.
If you have never seen the movie "Fire In The Sky" it is a must see. The movie was made in the late 70's or early 80's - based on the true story of Alien Abduction -
And even though it may be hollywood fiction I wonder how true "Signs" with Mel Gibson is? If you never seen this movie -another must see - this movie scared me - because I just wondered how true it really could be.
ClaudiaLove (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-26)
I totally believe in UFO's.
There are so many things we (the people who live on earth) just can't explain and it's ignorant to think that we're the only planet in this huge universe and galaxies that has life form.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-26)
check out a book written by Bud Hopkins called "Witness" about the brooklyn bridge abductions... Witnessed by many. It is a great read, with unbelievable material that leaves the reader wondering..."Just what is going on?" The fact that this particular craft was last seen splashing into the river, fits a lot of theories that these entities are able to hide in large bodies of water...coming/going from the sea/rivers.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
Thanks for the info Pjod.

I have a theory that these extraterrestrials may want to be involved with the upkeep of this planet since mankind is busy these days trying to kill each other and deplete our natural resources. They seemed extremely concerned about us.

I have been watching dozens of documentaries on The History and National Geographic Channels. They are very intetresting.

The Governments are really trying to hide these evidences but there have been too much leaks already 😊
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-25)
many, many people believed something big was coming back in the 50's...with all the sighting following WWII. I believe the human race caught the attention of other world visitors, back in the 40's, with the testing of the A Bomb. Those controlled explosions, must have raised flags in other worlds... Who most likely monitor for such things. The massive amts of reports in those times, especially around military bases... Including Nuke sights. As a matter of fact, just last week a couple of retired Generals came forward with more than one story about a UFO shutting down a Nuke sight, while hovering right outside. If this subject intests you, check out any work by J Allen Hyneck... I believe that is close to his name spelling. He was put in charge of project Blue Book by the US govt. Only to come away, and say "Yes"...some of these reports are real, physical visitations by unknown intellient craft"...much to the govt's disappointment.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
Hi appelrose, what you've shared with us is very interesting. If you're interested you must also read Ezekiel 10, that was his second vision about UFO's I don't know how the English Bible prescribes it but the Afrikaans Bible prescribes the sight of turning wheels the colour of (chrisoliet) - that is the colour of white gold, it is written in the bible published in 1953. In the later ideation bibles it prescribes the wheels as (blinkende metaal) it means shiny metal. For me the meaning stays the same it all comes down to shiny objects like wheels in the sky that is turning with eyes around them, it can be the lights around them.
And also I would just like to add. It seems like there are always 2 ways of something like, good and bad, left and right, demons and angels, truth and lies, God and Satan, What I try to say that no matter what in this universe it's always effected by the other in a good or bad way.
For Pjod I would like to say, some people like to walk around preaching the word of God but they don't even know what's in it. I bet those with the stickers on their cars don't even know about Ezekiel and his visions. I believe UFO's is the outside life's transport like our planes they have their UFO's. Appelrose I was also blesses to see in 2001, me and a friend was driving. It was about 6 o'clock in the morning. It is real I believe you. I only see it once in my life.
Sorry for this long comment. I hope I didn't waste your time. Have I lovely day. Trix
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Just read Ezekiel-1:1-10
I do believe that there are other forms of life elsewhere - and I believe that they are just as curious about us as we are them.
Let me ask a question - how many of you have been driving - and start from point "A" and arrive at point "C" - but DON"T remember going through point "B" - I have done this several times - And I'm not daydreaming or anything - I'm a careful driver - I always pay attention to my surroundings and the ROAD - but for the life of me - the few times this has happen - had me freaked out.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Why on earth would extraterrestrials worship Satan? Do you have any evidence of them doing satanic worship 😕

I have NEVER come across that in UFO research.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I am familiar with the story of Ezekiel and the Wheel. I'm a fan of that show Alien Astronauts... Or something like that. Very good show, by the way. That show mentions a lot about Ufo's and stories of the old and new Testaments.
SuperHBK (6 stories) (63 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
applerose... Thanks for your story, UFO's also scares me a lot. But I think the closest I will come to a flying saucer is when my wife throws one at me lol... I totally believe you. Watching all those programs on t.v about UFO sightings makes one very alert that we are not alone in this world
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Hi appelrose, thanks for sharing this interesting story, I just want to say to Pjot that I am a Christian and my family is also sharing the Christian religion. We do believe in life outside our galaxy. In the Christian bible it is written in Ezekiel 1 and 10 about UFO's and other life forms, he didn't prescribe what he saw as demonic at all. I just wanted to share this with you it is very interesting if you read what he has seen. Trix
ZiShu (281 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I believe there are such things as extraterrestrials. An Angel of God helped me confirmed that there are certain species living out there. Some worship God, some worship Satan, but most are actually atheists that rely too much on their technology. They are what we consider evil, so watch out for them. There are some that are good at heart.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
applerose: Great account! I am actually opposite to what most people have mentioned, that being they are more afraid of UFO's. Having a door open up and slam 3 times in your face left me crapping my pants, but if I saw a UFO I don't know how I would react would probably more curious then scared. As cosmo mentioned we can't seriously be the only life form in this universe it just doesn't make sense.

Good story thanks for sharing it I'm looking forward to your next submission! 😊

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
Aliens freak me out. They have such a bad energy about them. They are the only things that I am actually afraid of. ***shivers***
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
well guys -the page is close until Monday - so ya'll have to wait until then before UFO 2 comes out 😢
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
Too funny! About the Duct "Duck" Tape - I too say Duck not Duct 😆
About the sect that think aliens are demons - are those the same folks that play with snakes? I am a Christian and I believe there are things on this earth and in the universe that can not be explained. (have we ever figured out the "Crop Cicles"?)
BJJ - I would have done the same thing that you did - I would have kept starring up at the sky and try to figure out what it is I'm looking at. I would go in if Mike asked me to - but you know I would be at the window - or standing at the door looking up - lol
Thank all of you that have commented on this story - but let me get to cracking at the keyboard and get another story out - Look for "UFO 2"
ambercrystal (23 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
after I read this story (and BadJuuJuu's story) I remebered that when I was little around 5 or 6 years old I was walking home with my mum from a shop and was looking at the stars when I saw a glittering thing flying up high but when I asked my mum what it was she just said that it was an aeroplane but the flashing colours weren't just red, blue and white (?) but also yellow or green. I'm sure it wasn't an aeroplane:D:D but I'm not too sure if it was an UFO either

By the way I live nearby an airport so I get to see many aeroplanes but none of them has loghts like that
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
I believe that it is silly for that sect to think that they are demons. Why? Is it because they are outer wordly?
Or is it because of the advance technology which they cannot conprehend that drew them to that conclusion? 😕
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
Pjod, is that what that sticker means? I guess that's better than doing like that one cult in San Diego, Ca did several years back. I'm one of the folks that get creeped out by the thought of aliens snooping around and being all secretive. It just has too many unanswered questions. Creepy, slimy, yucky. Sorry, I do go on sometimes. It is a good story with more questions than answers (of course). 😉

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